Tuscany - Getting Started

You are probably on this page because you are new to Apache Tuscany and the technologies around which it is built and would like to get started with it.

Here is a sequence of steps that we think will help you get started with Tuscany: -

1 A brief overview about Apache Tuscany project
Apache Tuscany if about providing the next generation SOA infrastructure and programming model that : -
- enables uniform access to services implemented in heterogeneous technologies
- enables uniform processing model for service data exchanged across service networks
- enables uniform access to data residing in heterogeneous data sources (RDB, XML, ...)

Tuscany achieves this by providing implementations for the following technologies : Service Component Architecture (SCA), Service Data Objects (SDO) and Data Access Services (DAS), respectively. Hence there are three different technologies implemented in Apache Tuscany, each having its own motivation. You can start with any one of them that interests you rightaway and move to the others.
2 Understanding technologies underlying Tuscany - SCA / SDO / DAS
Now that you have brief idea of what Apache Tuscany project is about, here is how to go futher: -
- First its important to get an understanding of SCA / SDO / DAS - which ever you might choose to begin with.

The SCA and SDO technologies are being specified by the Open SOA collaboration - http://www.osoa.org. A good start into these technologies would be to take a look at the following documents: -
SCA Specifications (Assembly Model Specs. and Java / C++ Cleint and Implementation Prog. Model Specs)
Next Generation Data Programming" Whitepaper about SDO
SDO Specifications

To get an understanding of DAS take a look at
DAS Java User Guide

There are also other documents related to these technologies that you can find in the 'Docs.' section of the technology specific area of this website. Here are the links to those sections : -
Tuscany SCA Documentation
Tuscany SDO Documentation
Tuscany DAS Documentation
3 Choose a technology (SCA/SDO/DAS) implementation, impl. language (Java / C++) and OS (Linux / Windows)
If you have gained a good understanding of either SCA / SDO / DAS then its about time you got a working feel of these technologies. First choose a platform and language from the various flavours in which these technologies are offered. Presently, SCA and SDO are available for Java & C++ languages and on the Windows and Linux platforms. DAS is available in Java language and on Windows and Linux platforms. To get an understanding of these take a look at the following: -
SCA Java
SDO Java
DAS Java
4 Download Tuscany SCA / SDO / DAS and set it up
Having chosen a technology (SCA/SDO/DAS), a language and a platform, you can download and setup the latest releases of these from the following links: -
Tuscany SCA Downloads
Tuscany SDO Downloads
Tuscany DAS Downloads

Alternatively, you can also download the current source code that is under development from the Apache Tuscany Subversion Repository and build them yourself. For details on downloading the source and building it go to Building Tuscany Source Distribution
5 Try out the Samples
Now that you have set up Tuscany SCA / SDO / DAS, its about time to get your hands dirtry by trying out the samples packaged under each. Each of the samples have a readme.html that explains the purpose of the sample i.e. what it intends to demonstrate, how to set it up and get it running.

If you have been successful in running the samples, a good step forward would be to modify the samples as you like and retry them to get a feel of the Tuscany implementation of the technology (SCA / SDO / DAS).
6Start using Tuscany
If you have reached this far, then is probably time that you built your own ground-up applications around Tuscany's infrastructures. You could also try extending the infrastructures. To guide you in this there are documentations available in the respective technology areas in this website as follows:
Tuscany SCA Documentation
Tuscany SDO Documentation
Tuscany DAS Documentation