Getting Involved with Apache Tuscany

You can get involved in Apache Tuscany in many different ways. The following are a few suggestions:

  • Contribute new ideas/requirements that are based on real business experiences to the mailing list to improve Tuscany as a solution for SOA.
  • Answer questions posted to the mailing lists.
  • Contribute to the FAQ or to Wiki
  • Contribute to user or developer Documentations.
  • Investigate issues that have been reported and provide patches.
  • Help with development. Check for roadmap on the Wiki.
Tuscany mailing list
  • Subscription: Send a blank email to
  • Posting questions to the list: Send your question to

You should also review How Apache works

Tuscany holds weekly IRC chats. IRC chats are held weekly on Mondays 15:30 GMT for an hour. The IRC server is and the channel is #tuscany Internet Relay Chat (IRC) Help is a good source of information on understanding IRC chats.
The following are some IRC chat clients:


How to get involved

Apache Tuscany source code, documentation and web site are managed under version control using Subversion in Tuscany Subversion Repository. In this repository structure you will find two main directories

  1. CPP directory holds SCA and SDO C++ source code.
  2. Java directory holds SCA, SDO and DAS source code.
We welcome your help with any of the sub projects. You can learn more about how to setup your development environment on Java project page or C++ project page.

Committer Guidelines

There are Apache guide lines for incubator projects that all Tuscany contributers should familiarize themselves with: