Mike Edwards Documentation for SCA Java Tools

The following tools are available to support users of the SCA Java Runtime:

XSD2Java Tool

The XSD2Java tool is designed to create a set of SDO Java classes which represent the data structure defined by an XSD file.

Java programmers who need to deal with service data that is defined in terms of XML XSD data definitions will typically find it simpler to have that data rendered as SDO classes and use SDO programming interfaces to deal with the data. The XSD2Java tool will produce the set of SDO Java classes which are equivalent to the data definitions held in the XSD file(s).

XSD2Java is available both as a Command run from the command line and also as a Java class.


xsd2java -f [XSD file]

java org.apache.tuscany.tools.XSD2Java -f [XSD file]

WSDL2Java Tool

The WSDL2Java tool is designed to create a Java interface file, plus an associated set of SDO Java classes, from a WSDL file.

Java programmers will typically find it much easier to use service interfaces which are defined as Java interfaces rather than using interfaces which are defined using WSDL. The idea of the WSDL2Java tool is to create a Java interface definition which is the equivalent of the WSDL definition for a service.


wsdl2java -f [WSDL file]

java org.apache.tuscany.tools.WSDL2Java -f [WSDL file]