Tuscany Core

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Interceptor

Uses of Interceptor in org.apache.tuscany.core.async.invocation

Classes in org.apache.tuscany.core.async.invocation that implement Interceptor
 class AsyncInterceptor
          A wire interceptor that uses a WorkManager to schedule asynchronous execution of invocations in Work instances.

Methods in org.apache.tuscany.core.async.invocation with parameters of type Interceptor
 void AsyncInterceptor.setNext(Interceptor next)

Uses of Interceptor in org.apache.tuscany.core.extension

Classes in org.apache.tuscany.core.extension that implement Interceptor
 class ComponentTargetInvoker
          Responsible for invoking an external service TODO: virtualy identical to ExternalServiceTargetInvoker
 class ExternalServiceTargetInvoker
          Responsible for invoking an external service

Methods in org.apache.tuscany.core.extension with parameters of type Interceptor
 void ComponentTargetInvoker.setNext(Interceptor next)
 void ExternalServiceTargetInvoker.setNext(Interceptor next)

Uses of Interceptor in org.apache.tuscany.core.wire

Subinterfaces of Interceptor in org.apache.tuscany.core.wire
 interface TargetInvoker
          Implementations are responsible for resolving a target and performing the actual invocation on it, for example, a service component implementation instance or an external service client.

Fields in org.apache.tuscany.core.wire declared as Interceptor
protected  Interceptor InvocationConfiguration.interceptorChainHead
protected  Interceptor InvocationConfiguration.interceptorChainTail

Methods in org.apache.tuscany.core.wire that return Interceptor
 Interceptor InvocationConfiguration.getHeadInterceptor()
          Returns the first interceptor in the chain
 Interceptor InvocationConfiguration.getTailInterceptor()
          Returns the last interceptor in the chain
 Interceptor SourceInvocationConfiguration.getTargetInterceptor()
          Returns the head target-side interceptor.

Methods in org.apache.tuscany.core.wire with parameters of type Interceptor
 void InvocationConfiguration.addInterceptor(Interceptor interceptor)
          Adds an interceptor to the chain
 void Interceptor.setNext(Interceptor next)
          Sets the next interceptor.
 void SourceInvocationConfiguration.setTargetInterceptor(Interceptor interceptor)
          Sets the head interceptor of the target-side configuration for the wire.

Uses of Interceptor in org.apache.tuscany.core.wire.impl

Classes in org.apache.tuscany.core.wire.impl that implement Interceptor
 class InvokerInterceptor
          Serves as a tail interceptor on a target wire chain.
 class OneWayInterceptor
          An interceptor that sends the wire Message down its request channel and does not expect a response.
 class RequestResponseInterceptor
          An interceptor that first sends a message down its request channel then extracts the response from the message and sends it down the response channel before returning it up the interceptor stack.

Methods in org.apache.tuscany.core.wire.impl with parameters of type Interceptor
 void InvokerInterceptor.setNext(Interceptor next)
 void OneWayInterceptor.setNext(Interceptor next)
 void RequestResponseInterceptor.setNext(Interceptor next)

Constructors in org.apache.tuscany.core.wire.impl with parameters of type Interceptor
MessageDispatcher(Interceptor head)
          Construct a handler that dispatches messages to an Interceptor stack.

Tuscany Core
