Tuscany Core

Package org.apache.tuscany.core.injection

Interface Summary
EventInvoker<T> Performs an wire on an instance
Injector<T> Implementations inject a pre-configured value on an instance

Class Summary
ContextObjectFactory An implementation of ObjectFactory that resolves the current parent context
FieldInjector<T> Injects a value created by an ObjectFactory on a given field
InterCompositeReferenceFactory<T> Returns a direct reference to a target service exposed in another composite, i.e.
JNDIObjectFactory<T> An implementation of ObjectFactory that creates instances by looking them up in a JNDI context.
MethodEventInvoker<T> Performs an wire on a method of a given instance
MethodInjector<T> Injects a value created by an ObjectFactory using a given method
NonProxiedTargetFactory<T> Returns a direct reference to a target within the same composite, i.e.
NullEventInvoker<T> A no-op invoker
PojoObjectFactory<T> Creates new instances of a Java class, calling a given set of injectors to configure the instance
SingletonObjectFactory<T> Implementation of ObjectFactory that returns a single instance, typically an immutable type.

Exception Summary
FactoryInitException Denotes an exception initializing an object factory
InjectionRuntimeException Root unchecked exception for the injection package
ObjectCallbackException Denotes an error when invoking on an object
ObjectCreationException Denotes an error creating a new object instance

Tuscany Core
