Tuscany Core

Interface EventContext

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface EventContext

Implementations are responsible for tracking scope keys associated with the current request.

$Rev: 393567 $ $Date: 2006-04-12 14:28:58 -0400 (Wed, 12 Apr 2006) $

Method Summary
 void clearIdentifier(java.lang.Object type)
          Clears the unique key for the given identifier associated with the current request
 void clearIdentifiers()
          Clears all identifiers associated with the current request
 java.lang.Object getIdentifier(java.lang.Object type)
          Returns the unique key for the given identifier associated with the current request
 void setIdentifier(java.lang.Object type, java.lang.Object identifier)
          Sets the unique key for the given identifier associated with the current request

Method Detail


java.lang.Object getIdentifier(java.lang.Object type)
Returns the unique key for the given identifier associated with the current request


void setIdentifier(java.lang.Object type,
                   java.lang.Object identifier)
Sets the unique key for the given identifier associated with the current request


void clearIdentifier(java.lang.Object type)
Clears the unique key for the given identifier associated with the current request


void clearIdentifiers()
Clears all identifiers associated with the current request

Tuscany Core
