Apache Tuscany SCA Samples


Please read the Apache Source Foundation License:  LICENSE.txt and the ASF incubator notice file: NOTICE.txt .


More information on Apache Tuscany can be found on the Tuscany Website.  For help, review the Tuscany FAQ page, or subscribe and append to the mailing lists.  Issues can be submitted and tracked through Tuscany Jiras.

To get involved please look at the  Community and Development sections on the Tuscany Website.

What's new

 Java SCA 1.0-incubator-M2 release:

* SCA specification compliance. Assembly (V0.96), Java Client and Implementation(V0.95):

* Improved core for flexibility and extensibility

* Improved Extension model and SPI

* Tuscany Standalone runtime launcher

* Tomcat integration to host Tuscany web applications

* Tuscany War Plugin to build web applications

* New and improved bindings:

* Component implementation:

* DataBindings:

* More samples


Obtain the following prerequisites and install according to their documentation.

Running Samples

Each sample has it's own readme.html file that gives specific information for building, setup, and running the sample.  Note that each standalone sample has you unpack a separate Tuscany standalone runtime environment.  An alternative approach can be to create this just once and reuse.

Sample Summary

calculator A simple calculator sample demonstrating wiring together SCA components
calculator-combo with calculatorws and calculatorRMIService A Calculator sample combining Java, JavaScript, Ruby, RMI and Web services
greeterwsclient-oneway and greeterws-oneway A sample Greeter OneWay Web Service.
helloworldJavaScript A helloworld sample using a single SCA JavaScript component
helloworldjsonrpc A sample showing how to expose an SCA component as a JSON-RPC service
helloworldRMIService and helloworldRMIreference The service and reference parts of a helloworld sample using RMI.
helloworldRuby A helloworld sample using a single SCA Ruby component
helloworldws and helloworldwsclient The client and service parts of a helloworld sample using Web services.
helloworldws-async and helloworldwsclient-async The client and service parts of a helloworld sample using asynchronous Web services.
inner.composite A sample showing asynchronous calls within composites.
simplecallback A sample showing simple asynchronous callbacks.
supplychain A sample application demonstrating asynchronous callbacks.
webapp A sample Web application showing how to include a Tuscany runtime in a webapp.
Big Bank Sample application using SCA, SDO's and DAS.

Thank you for your interest in Apache Tuscany,
        -The Apache Tuscany Development Team