BigBank ====== This application comprises three modules that represent the different aspects of a fictitious banking application. To run the sample you need to run each of the modules sample servers. This will bring up a Tuscany runtime, load the application and make the application's services available. You will need both ant and maven installed to run these applications. Bigbank-calculator A calculator application, based on the calculator-script sample that uses a variety of languages to implement a calculator, which the banking application uses for simple value multiplication. To run the service do the following: cd bigbank-calculator ant run Bigbank-stockquote A very simple web services based stock quote application which returns random stock quotes on request. cd bigbank-stockquote ant run Bigbank-account The front end of this demo application this module provides a web app for retrieving account information. It makes calls out to the stockquote and calculator applications to satisfy account requests. See the README in this module for further instructions. cd bigbank-account mvn -f pom-runapp.xml Maven is used in this last step as there are unresolved issues with running this app from the provided ant file. To try the app out point your browser at: http://localhost:8082/WebResourceComponent/AccountJSON.html This should display an interface with a single button that goes and retrieves a single set of account details exercising services across the three running SCA applications.