Google Summer of Code 2008 Allow Google Android applications to easily consume business services ===================================================================== This readme details the steps necessary to run retrotranslator on a workspace hosting SCA modules and modified Android modules. 1. Download the modified code from: svn checkout 2. Download and install the SCA modules from: svn checkout --revision 643746 cd modules mvn clean install -Dtest=no mvn -Peclipse eclipse:eclipse -Dtest=no 3. Run maven on interface-java-jaxws module: cd mobile-android/interface-java-jaxws/ mvn 4. Create a new Eclipse workspace and set the M2_REPO variable as shown below: mvn -Declipse.workspace=workspace eclipse:add-maven-repo 5. Import the projects from step 1, making sure to uncheck the option to copy projects into the workspace. 6. Set the Android plugin's preferences to point to the folder /tools/adb inside the SDK folder 7. Check if the Android library was created on your eclipse user libraries. If it wasn't, create a library called "Android" and add the android-sdk/android.jar file to it. 8. Import the projects from step 2, making sure to uncheck the option to copy projects into the workspace. 9. Add the android.jar to android-jdk-classes 10. Fix build path entries for JAR's displaying errors on calculator-android: activation-1.1.jar axiom-api-1.2.5.jar cgilib-nodep-2.1_3.jar geronimo-commonj_1.1_spec-1.0.jar stax-1.2.0.jar stax-api-1.0-2.jar 11. Do the same for JAR's on tuscany-host-embedded stax-1.2.0.jar android.jar 12. Add android.jar to the following modules: tuscany-core tuscany-binding-ejb tuscany-binding-http tuscany-binding-jsonrpc tuscany-binding-rmi tuscany-binding-rss-rome tuscany-binding-ws-axis2 tuscany-contribution-groovy tuscany-host-webapp tuscany-implementation-das tuscany-implementation-data-xml tuscany-implementation-node-runtime tuscany-implementation-osgi tuscany-implementation-resource tuscany-implementation-spring tuscany-implementation-widget tuscany-workspace-admin 13. Build workspace 14. Disable the "Java Builder" from all projects 15. Run retrotranslator on mobile-android and modules from the code downloaded in steps 1 and 2, as shown below: java -jar ../Retrotranslator-1.2.6-bin/retrotranslator-transformer-1.2.6.jar -srcdir ../srcdir -target 1.5 -reflection safe -stripannot -embed . -classpath ../Retrotranslator-1.2.6-bin/retrotranslator-android-1.2.6.jar -verbose 16. Add retrotranslator-android-1.2.6.jar as an external JAR to calculator-android 17. Rebuild workspace 18. Run calculator-android. The result will be a ClassNotFoundException for java.rmi.Remote or java.beans.Introspector