From 5559ef5edbf8d3616f7a4b497b2a459b0ee4082b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: lresende
+This stand-alone sample application demonstrate how to consume the DAS Service exposed trough an SCA service. There are two options for running this sample:
+This sample application is deployed (along with the canned test database) to an instance of Tomcat as part of our automated sample
+testing.This means you can run the java/samples/testing/tomcat build (see java/das/samples/testing/tomcat/readme.htm ) and then access
+the application by pointing your browser to http://localhost:8080/companyweb-service-client/
+Alternatively, you can deploy the sample to your own configured Tomcat installation by following the instructions below.
+These instructions assume that you have either 1) downloaded the Tuscany sample distribution or 2) Downloaded the Tuscany
+source and run our maven build, see the following link to more details steps on how to build DAS Sample applications
+ Set Up:
+ Tuscany RDB DAS Service client
+The application starts with a canned database of Companies and their related Departments.
+Through the web page interface, a user can consume the DAS Service to display the list of available companies.
+The sample runs on Tomcat 5.5 and employs a Derby database accessed via a DataSource.
+Running the sample
+Running from Tomcat configured by the build
+Deploying the DASService.client WAR into a Tomcat you configure yourself
+ NOTE: If you are running this from a sample distribution, the canned database is available in the
+ distribution, inside the databases directory.
+ <!-- Global Datasource for Derby dastest database -->
+ <Resource name="jdbc/dastest"
+ type="javax.sql.DataSource" auth="Container"
+ description="Derby database for DAS Company sample"
+ maxActive="100" maxIdle="30" maxWait="10000"
+ username="" password=""
+ driverClassName="org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver"
+ url="jdbc:derby:{absolute path}Databases/dastest"/>
Requirement:You must include the absolute path to the “Databases” directory in the above url attribute. Fore example:
+url="jdbc:derby:c:\apache-tomcat-5.5.17\Databases/dastest"+ + +
Start tomcat and point your browser to: http://localhost:8080/sample-das-service-client-{version + tag}/. Example:
+http://localhost:8080/sample-das-service-client-1.0-incubator-SNAPSHOT/+ +
This is a simple, single-page, web application to consume DAS exposed as an SCA service.
+The main components of this application are:
+ +The Company.jsp directly invoke the DAS Service to get a list of companies available and then iterate trough the SDO data graphs and manipulate SDO directly to display data
+ +The canned Derby database comes preloaded with Companies and related Departments. The Derby database instance is a simple file folder.
+ +The SCA DAS Service accepts directives (commands) and reads and writes to the derby database instance appropriately using DAS as the service implementation.
+ + + +First, note that the application have dependencies on the DAS Service:
+ + ++
+<!-- DAS Service --> +<dependency> + <groupId>org.apache.tuscany.das.samples</groupId> + <artifactId>sample-das-service</artifactId> + <version>${pom.version}</version> +</dependency> ++
And the SCDL references the service:
+ ++
+<composite xmlns="" name="DASServiceComposite"> + <component name="DASServiceComponent"> + <implementation.composite name="DASServiceComposite" jarLocation="lib/sample-das-service-1.0-incubator-SNAPSHOT.jar"/> + </component> +</composite> ++