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+<H3><A name="SCAJava0.99-incubatingReleaseSummary-SCAJava0.99incubating%28ReleasedinAugust2007%29"></A>SCA Java 0.99-incubating (Released in August 2007)</H3>
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+<P>This release of Apache Tuscany SCA builds on the stability and modularity established with the previous releases and includes more complete implementation of SCA specifications, support for distributed SCA domains, SCA policy, OSGi implementation types, and pub/sub support with notification components. Start up time and memory footprint of the runtime has been reduced and there have been numerous bug fixes. This is expected to be the last point release before the 1.0 final release.</P>
+<P>For full detail about the release see the <A href="" class="external-link" rel="nofollow">RELEASE_NOTES</A> and <A href="" class="external-link" rel="nofollow">CHANGES</A> files.</P></TD><TD class="confluenceTd" valign="top" width="30%"><P></P>
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