path: root/sca-java-2.x/tags/2.0-M4-RC2/samples/webapps/helloworld-stripes/src/main/resources
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Diffstat (limited to '')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 88 deletions
diff --git a/sca-java-2.x/tags/2.0-M4-RC2/samples/webapps/helloworld-stripes/src/main/resources/ b/sca-java-2.x/tags/2.0-M4-RC2/samples/webapps/helloworld-stripes/src/main/resources/
deleted file mode 100644
index a23399569a..0000000000
--- a/sca-java-2.x/tags/2.0-M4-RC2/samples/webapps/helloworld-stripes/src/main/resources/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-# Resource strings used by the <stripes:errors> tag when there are no nested tags
-stripes.errors.header=<div style="color:#b72222; font-weight: bold">Please fix the following errors:</div><ol>
-stripes.errors.beforeError=<li style="color: #b72222;">
-# Resource strings used by the <stripes:errors> tag when displaying errors for a
-# specific field (e.g. <stripes:errors field="password"/>). If not supplied the
-# values above will be used instead.
-stripes.fieldErrors.beforeError=<span style="color: #b72222;">
-stripes.fieldErrors.afterError=</span><br />
-# Resource strings used by the stripes:messages tag
-stripes.messages.header=<ul class="messages">
-# Validation error messages produced by Stripes' built-in converter classes. These
-# are default error messages and can be overridden on per-field and per-form levels.
-# Using the 'invalidNumber' error for a field 'age' of a form posting to
-# '/user/Profile.action', the keys looked for (in order) would be:
-# 1: /user/Profile.action.age.invalidNumber
-# 2: /user/Profile.action.age.errorMessage
-# 3: age.errorMessage
-# 4: /user/Profile.action.invalidNumber
-# 5: converter.number.invalidNumber
-converter.number.invalidNumber=The value ({1}) entered in field {0} must be a valid number
-converter.byte.outOfRange=The value ({1}) entered in field {0} was out of the range {2} to {3}
-converter.short.outOfRange=The value ({1}) entered in field {0} was out of the range {2} to {3}
-converter.integer.outOfRange=The value ({1}) entered in field {0} was out of the range {2} to {3}
-converter.float.outOfRange=The value ({1}) entered in field {0} was out of the range {2} to {3}
-converter.enum.notAnEnumeratedValue=The value "{1}" is not a valid value for field {0} value ({1}) entered in field {0} must be a valid date value ({1}) entered is not a valid email address
-converter.creditCard.invalidCreditCard=The value ({1}) entered is not a valid credit card number
-# Validation error messages produced by Stripes' annotation based validations. These
-# are default error messages and can be overridden on per-field and per-form levels.
-# Using the 'valueNotPresent' required field error for a field 'username' of a form
-# posting to '/user/Register.action', the keys looked for (in order) would be:
-# 1: /user/Register.action.username.valueNotPresent
-# 2: /user/Register.action.username.errorMessage
-# 3: username.errorMessage
-# 4: /user/Register.action.valueNotPresent
-# 5: validation.required.valueNotPresent
-validation.required.valueNotPresent={0} is a required field
-validation.minlength.valueTooShort={0} must be at least {2} characters long
-validation.maxlength.valueTooLong={0} must be no more than {2} characters long
-validation.minvalue.valueBelowMinimum=The minimum allowed value for {0} is {2}
-validation.maxvalue.valueAboveMaximum=The maximum allowed value for {0} is {2}
-validation.mask.valueDoesNotMatch=<em>{1}</em> is not a valid {0}
-validation.expression.valueFailedExpression=The value supplied ({1}) for field {0} is invalid
-validation.file.postBodyTooBig=Total upload size of {3} KB exceeds the maximum size of {2} KB
diff --git a/sca-java-2.x/tags/2.0-M4-RC2/samples/webapps/helloworld-stripes/src/main/resources/ b/sca-java-2.x/tags/2.0-M4-RC2/samples/webapps/helloworld-stripes/src/main/resources/
deleted file mode 100644
index 77fa204a15..0000000000
--- a/sca-java-2.x/tags/2.0-M4-RC2/samples/webapps/helloworld-stripes/src/main/resources/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-# Set up a logger to the console
-log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=[%d{HH:mm:ss}] %-5p %c %x - %m%n
-# Use this to only see log messages beyond a certain threshold in the console
-# Set up a logger to a log file
-log4j.appender.logfile.layout.ConversionPattern=[%d{HH:mm:ss}] %-5p %c %x - %m%n
-# Use this to only see log messages beyond a certain threshold in the log file
-# Logger settings
-log4j.rootLogger=INFO, stdout, logfile
-# Valid levels are TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL
-# Change to TRACE or DEBUG to see more log messages