path: root/sca-cpp/branches/cpp-contrib/contrib/samples/CppBigBank/bigbank.phpwsclient/README
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diff --git a/sca-cpp/branches/cpp-contrib/contrib/samples/CppBigBank/bigbank.phpwsclient/README b/sca-cpp/branches/cpp-contrib/contrib/samples/CppBigBank/bigbank.phpwsclient/README
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+++ b/sca-cpp/branches/cpp-contrib/contrib/samples/CppBigBank/bigbank.phpwsclient/README
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+Big Bank PHP Client
+This is a pair of very simple PHP scripts to demonstrate how the Accounts service
+that the C++ Big Bank sample exposes can be used from within the PHP scripting
+ A bootstrap script that shows a form and allows the user to press a button
+ in order to invoke the bigaccount.php script
+ Makes a call to a locally installed BigBank Accounts service. The script
+ shows how to use PHP SDO and SOAP extensions to construct the call
+ and interpret the result.
+As this is a very simple test client once you have reached bigaccount.php you are done.
+So there are no further buttons other than the browser back button.
+This assumes that you have the BigBank sample runnig as a web service in your local
+Axis2C container at http://localhost:9090/axis2/services/AccountService
+To run the php scripts requires some configuration and setup of a php runtime with
+the SDO and SimpleXML extensions enabled. The bits you will need are:
+Apache web server - (I'm currently at 2.0.55)
+PHP 5.1.6 - (I'm currently at 5.1.6)
+PHP SDO - (I'm currently at 1.0.3)
+If you are on windows you can get binary builds from
+For SDO you need two dlls as followd
+I copied these to my php5.1.6/ext dir ( php_soap.dll is already there)
+And added the following to my php.ini file (having already renamed php.ini-recommended to
+php.ini of course)
+I also changed the extension_dir directive to point to my extensions directory:
+When I ask PHP to list what modules are active in my version of PHP I get the
+C:\simon\apps\php5.1.6>php -m
+[PHP Modules]
+[Zend Modules]
+Of particular relevance to these scripts note that soap, sdo and sd_das_xml are active.
+Other Platforms
+If your on on another platform, such as Linux, then you will need to compile the
+SDO extension. The documentation at the SDO extension page (
+is currently a bit missleading and needs updating. What you need to do is do a
+phpize build of the SDO PECL extension. This is discussed in the SDO documentation
+but is also discussed in many other places, for example,
+Here is not the time to go into the details of how to build PHP extensions using
+phpize but if you are familar with the process I use the following configure line
+on windows.
+cscript configure.js --with-extra-includes=c:\simon\projects\tuscany\php\win32build\include;
+ c:\simon\apps\libxml2-2.6.23.win32\include;
+ c:\simon\apps\iconv-1.9.1.win32\include
+ --with-extra-libs=c:\simon\projects\tuscany\php\win32build\lib;
+ c:\simon\apps\libxml2-2.6.23.win32\lib;
+ c:\simon\apps\iconv-1.9.1.win32\lib
+ --enable-sdo=shared
+ --enable-soap
+There are no newlines in my command line by the way. I've just included them
+here so you can see the command.
+You need to configure Apache to run PHP of course. This is well documented but this
+is what I put at the end of httpd.conf
+# PHP5 Support
+LoadModule php5_module "C:/simon/apps/php5.1.6/php5apache2.dll"
+AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
+# configure the path to php.ini
+PHPIniDir "C:/simon/apps/php5.1.6"
+Having set up Apache all that remains is to
+- put the bigbank.phpwsclient directory in your web server's root documents directory
+- start up the Axis2C runtime configured to run BigBank
+- point your browser at http://myserver:port/bigbank.phpwsclient/bigwelcome.php
+You should now be able to press the "GetAccount" button and see the values
+returned from the BigBank SCA application.