path: root/sca-cpp/branches/cpp-contrib/contrib/doc/Axis2CWSExtension.html
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+ <TITLE>Tuscany SCA Native - Axis2/C Web Services Extension</TITLE>
+<DIV ID="bodyColumn">
+ <DIV ID="contentBox">
+ <DIV CLASS="section">
+ <H1>Tuscany SCA Native - Axis2/C Web Services Extension</H1>
+ <P>This document describes the installation, deployment and use of the Axis2/C Web Service
+ support in the Apache Tuscany SCA Native runtime.
+ </P>
+ <P>The WS service code is based on <A HREF="">Apache
+ Axis2/C version 0.96</A> and allows SCA components to be invoked via Web
+ Service calls.
+ </P>
+ <P>WS service currently supports Document/literal Wrapped style Web Services
+ only. There are also restrictions about the parameter and return types of the
+ operations in SCA components that can be exposed as Web Services, see below
+ for more details.
+ </P>
+ <P>See the <A HREF="">SCA
+ Web Service binding specification</A> for more details about SCA Web
+ Service support.
+ </P>
+ <P>Also, see the <A HREF="../samples/GettingStarted.html">samples</A> for various
+ demonstrations of the use of the service support.
+ </P>
+ </DIV>
+ <DIV CLASS="section">
+ <H2>Contents</H2>
+ <OL>
+ <LI><A HREF="#requirements">System Requirements</A></LI>
+ <LI><A HREF="#install">Installing the Tuscany SCA Axis2/C Web Services Extension..</A>
+ <UL>
+ <LI><A HREF="#linuxbin">..from the binary release on Linux and Mac OS X</A></LI>
+ <LI><A HREF="#linuxsrc">..from the source release on Linux and Mac OS X</A></LI>
+ <LI><A HREF="#winbin">..from the binary release on Windows</A></LI>
+ <LI><A HREF="#winsrc">..from the source release on Windows</A></LI>
+ </UL></LI>
+ <LI><A HREF="#deploy">Deploying the Tuscany Web Service support to Axis2/C..</A>
+ <UL>
+ <LI><A HREF="#autodeploy">..automatically via scripts</A></LI>
+ <LI><A HREF="#mandeploy">..manually</A></LI>
+ </UL></LI>
+ <LI><A HREF="#deployhttpd">Deploying Axis2/C to the Apache HTTPD server</A></LI>
+ <LI><A HREF="#use">Defining an SCA Composite with a WS service</A></LI>
+ <LI><A HREF="#maptable">XML Schema Type to C++ Type Mapping</A></LI>
+ <LI><A HREF="#creatingwsdl">Notes on creating WSDL</A></LI>
+ </OL>
+ </DIV>
+ <DIV CLASS="section">
+ <A NAME="requirements"><H2>System Requirements</H2></A>
+ <P>In order to install and use the Tuscany SCA Axis2/C Web Services Extension there are some
+ extra requirements in addition to the <A HREF="../GettingStarted.html#requirements">Tuscany
+ SCA requirements</A>:</P>
+ <TABLE CLASS="bodyTable">
+ <TR CLASS="a">
+ <TD><B>Software</B></TD>
+ <TD><B>Download Link</B></TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR CLASS="b">
+ <TD>Axis2/C version 0.96</TD>
+ <TD>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TARGET="_blank"></A><BR/>
+ Please download and follow the installation instructions. Ensure you can run
+ the Axis2/C samples.
+ </TD>
+ </TR>
+ </TBODY>
+ </TABLE>
+ </DIV>
+ <DIV CLASS="section">
+ <A NAME="install"><H2>Installing the Tuscany SCA Axis2/C Extension</H2></A>
+ <A NAME="linuxbin"><H3>Getting the Tuscany SCA Axis2/C Extension working with the binary release on Linux and Mac OS X</H3></A>
+ <OL>
+ <LI>Ensure the AXIS2C_HOME environment variable is set to the Axis2/C installation</LI>
+ <LI>Deploy the Axis2/C Web Services extension by following the <A HREF="#deploy">deployment steps</A></LI>
+ </OL>
+ <A NAME="linuxsrc"><H3>Getting the Tuscany SCA Axis2/C Extension working with the source release on Linux and Mac OS X</H3></A>
+ <OL>
+ <LI>You will need the Tuscany SCA and SDO libraries - follow the instructions
+ <A HREF="../GettingStarted.html">here</A> to build the SCA libraries and default extensions</LI>
+ <LI>The following environment variables are required:
+ <UL>
+ <LI>TUSCANY_SCACPP=&lt;path to built Tuscany SCA&gt;</LI>
+ <LI>TUSCANY_SDOCPP=&lt;path to installed Tuscany SDO&gt;</LI>
+ <LI>AXIS2C_HOME=&lt;path to Axis2/C installation&gt;</LI>
+ </UL></LI>
+ <LI>Build the Axis2/C source only with the following command sequence:
+ <UL>
+ <LI>cd &lt;tuscany_sca_install_dir&gt;</LI>
+ <LI>./configure --prefix=$TUSCANY_SCACPP --enable-wsbinding --enable-cpp=no</LI>
+ <LI>make</LI>
+ <LI>make install</LI>
+ </UL>
+ NOTE: If you don't provide a --prefix configure option, it will by default install into
+ /usr/local/tuscany/sca</LI>
+ </OL>
+ <A NAME="winbin"><H3>Getting the Tuscany SCA Axis2/C Extension working with the binary release on Windows</H3></A>
+ <OL>
+ <LI>Ensure the AXIS2C_HOME environment variable is set to the Axis2/C installation</LI>
+ <LI>Deploy the Axis2/C Web Services extension by following the <A HREF="#deploy">deployment steps</A></LI>
+ </OL>
+ <A NAME="winsrc"><H3>Getting the Tuscany SCA Axis2/C Extension working with the source release on Windows</H3></A>
+ <OL>
+ <LI>Unzip the supplied source zip file</LI>
+ <LI>The following environment variables are required:
+ <UL>
+ <LI>TUSCANY_SCACPP=&lt;path to built Tuscany SCA&gt;</LI>
+ <LI>TUSCANY_SDOCPP=&lt;path to installed Tuscany SDO&gt;</LI>
+ <LI>AXIS2C_HOME=&lt;path to Axis2/C installation&gt;</LI>
+ </UL></LI>
+ <LI>You must have set up the environment for Microsoft Visual C++ tools. The build command
+ will call vcvars32 to set the environment. Ensure the directory containing this is on your path.
+ This will be where you installed the compiler.</LI>
+ <LI>Build the source:
+ <UL>
+ <LI>cd &lt;to where you unzipped the source&gt;</LI>
+ <LI>build</LI>
+ </UL>
+ This will build all the projects and put the required output into the 'deploy' directory<BR/><BR/>
+ Alternatively, open the workspace at &lt;tuscany_sca_install_dir&gt;/projects/tuscany_sca/tuscany_sca.dsw
+ in Visual Studio 6 or at at &lt;tuscany_sca_install_dir&gt;/projectsvc7/tuscany_sca/tuscany_sca.sln
+ in Visual Studio 7.1 - you can build projects individually
+ or build the samples to rebuild all the projects</LI>
+ </OL>
+ </DIV>
+ <DIV CLASS="section">
+ <A NAME="deploy"><H2>Deploying the Tuscany Web Service support to Axis2/C</H2></A>
+ <A NAME="autodeploy"><H3>Deploying via scripts</H3></A>
+ <P>Tuscany provides simple shell scripts to deploy the Web Service support to Axis2/C.
+ However, the script <STRONG>will overwrite your Axis2/C axis.xml file</STRONG>, so if you
+ have altered your axis2.xml from the default provided by the Axis2/C distribution, it is
+ recommended that you follow the <A HREF="#mandeploy">manual deployment</A> steps
+ outlined below.
+ </P>
+ <P>To automatically deploy Tuscany Web Service support to Axis2/C on Linux and Mac OS X:
+ <OL>
+ <LI>The AXIS2C_HOME environment variable is required:
+ <UL>
+ <LI>set AXIS2C_HOME=&lt;path to axis2c version 0.96&gt;</LI>
+ </UL></LI>
+ <LI>Use the following command sequence to run the deploy script:
+ <UL>
+ <LI>cd &lt;tuscany_sca_install_dir&gt;/extensions/ws/service</LI>
+ <LI>./</LI>
+ </UL>
+ </LI>
+ </OL>
+ </P>
+ <P>To automatically deploy Tuscany Web Service support to Axis2/C on Windows:
+ <OL>
+ <LI>The AXIS2C_HOME environment variable is required:
+ <UL>
+ <LI>export AXIS2C_HOME=&lt;path to axis2c version 0.96&gt;</LI>
+ </UL></LI>
+ <LI>Use the following command sequence to run the deploy script:
+ <UL>
+ <LI>cd &lt;tuscany_sca_install_dir&gt;\extensions\ws\service</LI>
+ <LI>deploy.bat</LI>
+ </UL>
+ </LI>
+ </OL>
+ </P>
+ <A NAME="mandeploy"><H3>Deploying manually</H3></A>
+ <P>To deploy Tuscany Web Service support to Axis2/C manually, use the following steps:
+ </P>
+ <OL>
+ <LI>
+ Linux and Mac OS X:
+ <OL>
+ <LI>cd &lt;axis2c version 0.96&gt;/services</LI>
+ <LI>ln -sf &lt;tuscany_sca_install_dir&gt;/extensions/ws/service/services/tuscany</LI>
+ <LI>cd &lt;axis2c version 0.96&gt;/modules</LI>
+ <LI>ln -sf &lt;tuscany_sca_install_dir&gt;/extensions/ws/service/modules/tuscany</LI>
+ </OL>
+ Windows:
+ <OL>
+ <LI>Create a &lt;axis2c version 0.96&gt;\services\tuscany directory
+ </LI>
+ <LI>Copy all the files in &lt;tuscany_sca_install_dir&gt;\extensions\ws\service\services\tuscany
+ to the directory created above
+ </LI>
+ <LI>Create a &lt;axis2c version 0.96&gt;\modules\tuscany directory
+ </LI>
+ <LI>Copy all the files in &lt;tuscany_sca_install_dir&gt;\extensions\ws\service\modules\tuscany
+ to the directory created above
+ </LI>
+ </OL>
+ </LI>
+ <LI>Edit the &lt;axis2c version 0.96&gt;/axis2.xml file to add a &lt;ref module="tuscany"&gt;
+ element. This will register the above module. E.g.:
+ <PRE>...
+ &lt;!-- ================================================= --&gt;
+ &lt;!-- Global Modules --&gt;
+ &lt;!-- ================================================= --&gt;
+ &lt;!-- Comment this to disable Addressing --&gt;
+ &lt;module ref="addressing"/&gt;
+ &lt;module ref="tuscany"/&gt;
+... </PRE>
+ </LI>
+ </OL>
+ </DIV>
+ <DIV CLASS="section">
+ <A NAME="deployhttpd"><H2>Deploying Axis2/C to the Apache HTTPD server</H2></A>
+ <P>Follow the <A HREF="">Axis2/C documentation</A>
+ to deploy Axis2/C to Apache HTTPD. Also see the <A HREF="../samples/HTTPDBigBank/README.html">HTTPDBigBank</A>
+ sample, which demonstrates running Axis2/C under Apache HTTPD.</P>
+ </DIV>
+ <DIV CLASS="section">
+ <A NAME="use"><H2>Defining an SCA Composite with a WS service</H2></A>
+ <P>In this section we will use the Calculator sample as a worked example.
+ The Calculator code and files can be found at
+ &lt;tuscany_sca_install_dir&gt;samples/CppCalculator.
+ </P>
+ <P>Pre-requisites:
+ <UL>
+ <LI>At least one working component within a composite and solution
+ composite. The component(s) can be implemented in C++, Ruby or Python.
+ If this includes C++ components, the SCAGEN generated Proxy and Wrapper
+ classes and the component class files must have been compiled into a
+ .dll or .so library. The *.composite and *.componentType files must
+ also be available and working.
+ </LI>
+ </UL>
+ </P>
+ <OL>
+ <LI>Optionally, create the WSDL that defines the interface of your SCA component. See the
+ table <A HREF="#maptable">XML Schema Type to C++ Type Mapping</A> and
+ <A HREF="#creatingwsdl">Notes on creating WSDL</A> below
+ for mapping the parameters and return types of the component operations to XML
+ schema types in the WSDL. This file will need to be accessible from the component,
+ so place it in the same directory as the component or in a subdirectory.
+ <BR/>
+ See the &lt;tuscany_sca_install_dir&gt;/samples/CppCalculator/sample.calculator/Calculator.wsdl
+ file as an example.
+ <BR/>
+ If you do not provide a WSDL file describing the service interface then the service will
+ accept any incoming document/literal wrapped XML request that matches an operation on the
+ target service (the wrapper element name and types of the sub-elements must match the operation
+ name and its parameter types). Additionally, if the target component is a Python or Ruby
+ scripting component, it will accept any parameter type so you can pretty much pass whatever
+ data you want, as long at the incoming XML request matches to an operation name with the
+ correct number of parameters on the target service.
+ </LI>
+ <LI>Add a service definition to the component .composite file. If you have created a WSDL
+ definition, set the interface.wsdl interface attribute to the namespace and port name
+ specified in the WSDL, in the form: "&lt;namespace&gt;#wsdl.interface(&lt;port-name&gt;)".
+ Link a reference from this service definition to your
+ component, give the service a name and set the multiplicity if required.
+ <BR/>
+ E.g. for the Calculator component, based on the Calculator.wsdl file:
+ <PRE>&lt;service name="CalculatorService"&gt;
+ &lt;interface.wsdl interface="http://sample/calculator#wsdl.interface(Calculator)"/&gt;
+ &lt;;
+ &lt;reference&gt;CalculatorComponent/CalculatorService&lt;/reference&gt;
+ If the Calculator.wsdl file were not included, the service definition would simply
+ be as follows:
+ <PRE>&lt;service name="CalculatorService"&gt;
+ &lt;;
+ &lt;reference&gt;CalculatorComponent/CalculatorService&lt;/reference&gt;
+ </LI>
+ <LI>You are now ready to start the Axis2/C HTTP server. Remember you will need to have the
+ TUSCANY_SCACPP, TUSCANY_SDOCPP and AXIS2C_HOME environment variables set,
+ as well as the SCA and SDO bin directories and the Axis2/C lib directory on
+ your PATH on Windows or the SCA, SDO and Axis2/C lib directories on
+ your LD_LIBRARY_PATH on Linux and your DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH on Mac OS X.
+ You will also need to set the TUSCANY_SCACPP_SYSTEM_ROOT
+ and TUSCANY_SCACPP_DEFAULT_COMPONENT environment variables to the
+ path to your SCA component directory structure and the default component respectively.
+ E.g. on Windows run the following commands:
+ <UL>
+ <LI>set TUSCANY_SCACPP=C:/tuscany_sca </LI>
+ <LI>set TUSCANY_SDOCPP=C:/tuscany_sdo </LI>
+ <LI>set AXIS2C_HOME=C:/axis2c-bin-0.96-win32 </LI>
+ <LI>set PATH=%PATH%;C:/tuscany_sca/bin;C:/tuscany_sdo/bin;C:/axis2c-bin-0.96-win32/lib</LI>
+ <LI>set TUSCANY_SCACPP_SYSTEM_ROOT=C:/tuscany_sca/samples/CppCalculator/deploy </LI>
+ <LI>set TUSCANY_SCACPP_DEFAULT_COMPONENT=sample.calculator.CalculatorComponent </LI>
+ <LI>cd %AXIS2C_HOME%/bin/ </LI>
+ <LI>./axis2_http_server.exe </LI>
+ </UL>
+ </LI>
+ <LI>Optionally, enable Tuscany logging by setting the TUSCANY_SCACPP_LOGGING
+ environment variable with the level you wish to log at (0 for minimal
+ logging, up to 9 for more detailed logging) and the TUSCANY_SCACPP_LOG
+ environment variable to define the file to log to (if this is not set,
+ logging will go to the console). E.g. on Windows run the following
+ commands:
+ <UL>
+ <LI>set TUSCANY_SCACPP_LOG=C:/tuscany/mylogfile.txt</LI>
+ </UL>
+ </LI>
+ </OL>
+ <P>Your component should now be exposed as an Axis2/C Web Service, via the WS
+ service you created. See the Axis2/C documentation for writing clients to
+ invoke the Web Service, or you can use any other Web Service client platform
+ (e.g. <A HREF="">Axis2 for Java</A>), or you can
+ invoke your service from another SCA application by using Tuscany's WS
+ reference support.
+ </P>
+ </DIV>
+ <DIV CLASS="section">
+ <A name="maptable"><H2>XML Schema Type to C++ Type Mapping</H2></A>
+ <P>To help define the WSDL that describes the interface of your component, the
+ table below lists how incoming XML data in Web Service messages is mapped to
+ C++ types used in the parameters and return types of your component operations.
+ </P>
+ <P>This lists the only C++ types that can currently be used on the operations of a
+ component exposed as a Web Service. For other types, use an SDO DataObject to
+ wrap the data, and define that wrapping as a complexType in the WSDL. See the
+ <A HREF="">SDO
+ specifications</A> for the C++ types that SDO supports.
+ </P>
+ <TABLE CLASS="bodyTable">
+ <TR CLASS="a">
+ <TD><STRONG>XML Schema Type</STRONG></TD>
+ <TD><STRONG>C++ Type</STRONG></TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR CLASS="b">
+ <TD>string</TD>
+ <TD>std::string</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR CLASS="a">
+ <TD>int</TD>
+ <TD>long</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR CLASS="b">
+ <TD>integer</TD>
+ <TD>long</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR CLASS="a">
+ <TD>short</TD>
+ <TD>short</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR CLASS="b">
+ <TD>float</TD>
+ <TD>float</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR CLASS="a">
+ <TD>double</TD>
+ <TD>long double</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR CLASS="b">
+ <TD>boolean</TD>
+ <TD>bool</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR CLASS="a">
+ <TD>hexBinary</TD>
+ <TD>char*</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR CLASS="b">
+ <TD>base64Binary</TD>
+ <TD>char*</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR CLASS="a">
+ <TD>byte</TD>
+ <TD>char</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR CLASS="b">
+ <TD>complexType</TD>
+ <TD>commonj::sdo::DataObjectPtr</TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR CLASS="a">
+ <TD>any</TD>
+ <TD>commonj::sdo::DataObjectPtr with OpenDataObjectType</TD>
+ </TR>
+ </TBODY>
+ </TABLE>
+ </DIV>
+ <DIV CLASS="section">
+ <A name="creatingwsdl"><H2>Notes on creating WSDL</H2></A>
+ <P>Currently only Document/literal Wrapped style Web Services are supported by
+ WS EntryPoint, support for RPC style Web Services is planned for future
+ releases.
+ </P>
+ <P>See <A HREF="">this article</A>
+ for an explanation of Document/literal Wrapped style WSDL and Web Services
+ </P>
+ <P>Document/literal Wrapped services require that the operation name is used as
+ the name of the incoming element that wraps the operation parameters. Additionally,
+ operation parameter and return messages that are defined in the WSDL must be
+ XML Schema elements containing a complexType.
+ </P>
+ <P>For example, a component operation defined in C++ as:
+ <PRE>long myOperation(std::string arg1, short arg2, DataObjectPtr arg3);</PRE>
+ will need to be described in WSDL with messages like:
+ <PRE>&lt;wsdl:message name="myOperationRequestMsg"&gt;
+ &lt;wsdl:part element="tns:myOperation" name="myOperationRequestPart"/&gt;
+&lt;wsdl:message name="myOperationResponseMsg"&gt;
+ &lt;wsdl:part element="tns:myOperationResponse" name="myOperationResponsePart"/&gt;
+ and will need an XML schema to define the types like:
+ <PRE>&lt;xsd:element name="myOperation"&gt;
+ &lt;xsd:complexType&gt;
+ &lt;xsd:sequence&gt;
+ &lt;xsd:element name="arg1" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="1"/&gt;
+ &lt;xsd:element name="arg2" type="xsd:short" minOccurs="1"/&gt;
+ &lt;xsd:element name="arg3" minOccurs="1"&gt;
+ &lt;xsd:complexType&gt;
+ &lt;xsd:sequence&gt;
+ &lt;xsd:element name="dataObjectFloatData" type="xsd:float"/&gt;
+ &lt;xsd:element name="dataObjectStringData" type="xsd:string"/&gt;
+ &lt;xsd:element name="dataObjectIntData" type="xsd:int"/&gt;
+ &lt;/xsd:sequence&gt;
+ &lt;/xsd:complexType&gt;
+ &lt;/xsd:element&gt;
+ &lt;/xsd:sequence&gt;
+ &lt;/xsd:complexType&gt;
+&lt;xsd:element name="myOperationResponse"&gt;
+ &lt;xsd:complexType&gt;
+ &lt;xsd:sequence&gt;
+ &lt;xsd:element name="result" type="xsd:int" minOccurs="1"/&gt;
+ &lt;/xsd:sequence&gt;
+ &lt;/xsd:complexType&gt;
+ </DIV>
+ <DIV CLASS="section">
+ <A NAME="help"><H2>Getting Help</H2></A>
+ <P>First place to look is at the Tuscany FAQ at
+ <A HREF=""
+ TARGET="_blank"></A> </P>
+ <P>Any problem with this release can be reported to the Tuscany
+ <A HREF=""
+ TARGET="_blank">mailing lists</A> or create a JIRA issue at&nbsp;<A HREF=""
+ TARGET="_blank"></A>.</P>
+ </DIV>
+ </DIV>