path: root/sandbox/rfeng/samples.M2/mortgage/src/main/resources/doc/readme.html
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diff --git a/sandbox/rfeng/samples.M2/mortgage/src/main/resources/doc/readme.html b/sandbox/rfeng/samples.M2/mortgage/src/main/resources/doc/readme.html
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-<title>Mortgage Sample</title>
-<h3>Mortgage Sample</h3>
-<p>The Tuscany Web services client Helloworld sample shows how to
-call a remote Web service by wiring an SCA component to a reference
-which uses a Web service binding.</p>
-<p>Obtain the following prerequisites and install according to their
- <li><a href=""
- target="_blank">JDK 5.0</a></li>
- <li><a href=""
- target="_blank">Maven 2.0.4</a></li>
-<h4>The business scenario</h4>
-The "loan approval" application accepts a mortgage request including the
-customer's details and the requested loan amount. It first checks the
-credit of the customer to make sure the credit score meets the minimum
-requirement. The interest rate is determined based on the principal
-requested, the term for the loan and the customers home state. It then
-uses a mortgage calculator to calculate the ratio by dividing potential
-monthly payment by the customer's income. The ratio and credit score are
-passed to perform the risk assessment which makes the final decision.
-<p><img src="mortgage_scenario.png" />
-<h4>Packaging structure</h4>
-<img src="mortgage_package2.png" />
-<p>To build the sample&nbsp; issue :</p>
-<p>The result after executing is in the <span
- style="font-weight: bold;">target</span> subdirectory the <span
- style="font-weight: bold;">sample-mortgage.jar</span></p>
-<p>Set up the Tuscany standalone runtime environment using the
-following command:</p>
-<code>mvn dependency:unpack <br></code>
-<p>After completion there should be a <span
- style="font-weight: bold;">target\distribution</span> subdirectory
-created that has the Tuscany standalone runtime.</p>
-<p>The Tuscany Web servivces binding requires the Axis2 and SDO
-databinding extensions so copy these to the standalone launcher
-extensions directory:</p>
-<code>copy target\distribution\contrib\axis2-1.0-incubator-M2.jar target\distribution\extensions<br></code>
-<code>copy target\distribution\contrib\databinding-sdo-1.0-incubator-M2.jar target\distribution\extensions<br></code>
-<p>Execute the following command: (<span style="font-style: italic;">cut
-and paste to command line</span>)</p>
-<code>java -jar target/distribution/bin/launcher.jar target/sample-mortgage.jar</code>
-<p>The sample when run should simply display to the standard output:<br>
-<samp> <br>
-Approved: John Smith[111-22-3333] </samp></p>
-We have two versions of the CreditCheck web service implementation in this sample application:
-<li>a web service developed with Apache axis2 1.1 release. It's packaged as an Axis2 aar.
-<li>a SCA component exposed as a web service. It's packaged as a WAR.
-<h4>Deploy the Axis2 CreditCheck web service to Tomcat</h4>
- <li>Download the WAR (Web Archive) ditribution from <a
- href="">Apache
- Axis2 1.1 release download site</a>.
- <li>Copy axis2.war to &lt;tomcat_home&gt;\webapps.
- <li>Start Tomcat so that axis2.war get deployed to
- &lt;tomcat_home&gt;\webapps\axis2.
- <li>Copy creditws-axis2\build\lib\CreditCheckService.aar to
- &lt;tomcat_home&gt;\webapps\axis2\WEB-INF\services.
-<h4>Deploy the CreditComposite to Tomcat</h4>
- <li>Copy credit.war to &lt;tomcat_home&gt;\webapps.
- <li>Start Tomcat so that credit.war get deployed to
- &lt;tomcat_home&gt;\webapps\credit. The CreditCheck web serivice will
- be up and running.