path: root/java/sdo/impl/model
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Diffstat (limited to 'java/sdo/impl/model')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 9235 deletions
diff --git a/java/sdo/impl/model/SDO.ecore b/java/sdo/impl/model/SDO.ecore
deleted file mode 100644
index 0dff575474..0000000000
--- a/java/sdo/impl/model/SDO.ecore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,982 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- -->
-<ecore:EPackage xmi:version="2.0"
- xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi=""
- xmlns:ecore="" name="sdo"
- nsURI="" nsPrefix="sdo">
- <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="ChangeSummary" instanceClassName="commonj.sdo.ChangeSummary"
- eSuperTypes="../../org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change/model/Change.ecore#//ChangeDescription">
- <eOperations name="beginLogging"/>
- <eOperations name="endLogging"/>
- <eOperations name="isCreated" eType="ecore:EDataType">
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- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="isDeleted" eType="ecore:EDataType">
- <eParameters name="dataObject" eType="#//DataObject"/>
- </eOperations>
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- <eParameters name="dataObject" eType="#//DataObject"/>
- </eOperations>
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- <eParameters name="dataObject" eType="#//DataObject"/>
- </eOperations>
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- <eParameters name="property" eType="#//Property"/>
- </eOperations>
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- <eParameters name="dataObject" eType="#//DataObject"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getOldContainmentProperty" eType="#//Property">
- <eParameters name="dataObject" eType="#//DataObject"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getOldSequence" eType="#//Sequence">
- <eParameters name="dataObject" eType="#//DataObject"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="undoChanges"/>
- <eOperations name="isLogging" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- <eOperations name="getDataGraph" eType="#//DataGraph"/>
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- eType="#//DataGraph" transient="true" resolveProxies="false" eOpposite="#//DataGraph/eChangeSummary"/>
- </eClassifiers>
- <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="ChangeSummarySetting" instanceClassName="commonj.sdo.ChangeSummary$Setting"
- eSuperTypes="../../org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change/model/Change.ecore#//FeatureChange">
- <eOperations name="isSet" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- <eOperations name="getValue" eType="ecore:EDataType ../../org.eclipse.emf.ecore/model/Ecore.ecore#//EJavaObject"/>
- <eOperations name="getProperty" eType="#//Property"/>
- </eClassifiers>
- <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="DataGraph" instanceClassName="commonj.sdo.DataGraph"
- eSuperTypes="../../org.eclipse.emf.ecore/model/Ecore.ecore#//EObject">
- <eOperations name="createRootObject" eType="#//DataObject">
- <eParameters name="namespaceURI" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- <eParameters name="typeName" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="createRootObject" eType="#//DataObject">
- <eParameters name="type" eType="#//Type"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getType" eType="#//Type">
- <eParameters name="namespaceURI" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- <eParameters name="typeName" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getRootObject" eType="#//DataObject"/>
- <eOperations name="getChangeSummary" eType="#//ChangeSummary"/>
- <eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EAttribute" name="resourceSet" eType="ecore:EDataType ../../org.eclipse.emf.ecore/model/Ecore.ecore#//EResourceSet"
- transient="true"/>
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- changeable="false" volatile="true" transient="true" derived="true"/>
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- eType="#//ChangeSummary" resolveProxies="false" eOpposite="#//ChangeSummary/eDataGraph"/>
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- eType="ecore:EClass ../../org.eclipse.emf.ecore/model/Ecore.ecore#//EObject"
- resolveProxies="false"/>
- </eClassifiers>
- <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="DataObject" instanceClassName="commonj.sdo.DataObject"
- abstract="true">
- <eOperations name="get" eType="ecore:EDataType ../../org.eclipse.emf.ecore/model/Ecore.ecore#//EJavaObject">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.get(this, path);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="path" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="set">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="&lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.set(this, path, value);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="path" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- <eParameters name="value" eType="ecore:EDataType ../../org.eclipse.emf.ecore/model/Ecore.ecore#//EJavaObject"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="isSet" eType="ecore:EDataType">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.isSet(this, path);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="path" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="unset">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="&lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.unset(this, path);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="path" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="get" eType="ecore:EDataType ../../org.eclipse.emf.ecore/model/Ecore.ecore#//EJavaObject">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.get(this, propertyIndex);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="propertyIndex" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="set">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="&lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.set(this, propertyIndex, value);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="propertyIndex" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- <eParameters name="value" eType="ecore:EDataType ../../org.eclipse.emf.ecore/model/Ecore.ecore#//EJavaObject"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="isSet" eType="ecore:EDataType">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.isSet(this, propertyIndex);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="propertyIndex" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="unset">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="&lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.unset(this, propertyIndex);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="propertyIndex" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="get" eType="ecore:EDataType ../../org.eclipse.emf.ecore/model/Ecore.ecore#//EJavaObject">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.get(this, property);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="property" eType="#//Property"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="set">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="&lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.set(this, property, value);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="property" eType="#//Property"/>
- <eParameters name="value" eType="ecore:EDataType ../../org.eclipse.emf.ecore/model/Ecore.ecore#//EJavaObject"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="isSet" eType="ecore:EDataType">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.isSet(this, property);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="property" eType="#//Property"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="unset">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="&lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.unset(this, property);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="property" eType="#//Property"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getContainer" eType="#//DataObject">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getContainer(this);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getContainmentProperty" eType="#//Property">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getContainmentProperty(this);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getDataGraph" eType="#//DataGraph">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getDataGraph(this);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getType" eType="#//Type">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getType(this);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getBigDecimal" eType="ecore:EDataType ../../org.eclipse.emf.ecore/model/Ecore.ecore#//EBigDecimal">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getBigDecimal(this, path);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="path" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getBigInteger" eType="ecore:EDataType ../../org.eclipse.emf.ecore/model/Ecore.ecore#//EBigInteger">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getBigInteger(this, path);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="path" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getBoolean" eType="ecore:EDataType">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getBoolean(this, path);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="path" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getByte" eType="ecore:EDataType">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getByte(this, path);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="path" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getBytes" eType="ecore:EDataType ../../org.eclipse.emf.ecore/model/Ecore.ecore#//EByteArray">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getBytes(this, path);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="path" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getChar" eType="ecore:EDataType">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getChar(this, path);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="path" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getDataObject" eType="#//DataObject">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getDataObject(this, path);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="path" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getDate" eType="ecore:EDataType ../../org.eclipse.emf.ecore/model/Ecore.ecore#//EDate">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getDate(this, path);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="path" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getDouble" eType="ecore:EDataType">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getDouble(this, path);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="path" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getFloat" eType="ecore:EDataType">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getFloat(this, path);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="path" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getInt" eType="ecore:EDataType">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getInt(this, path);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="path" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getList" eType="#//EJavaList">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getList(this, path);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="path" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getLong" eType="ecore:EDataType">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getLong(this, path);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="path" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getSequence" eType="#//Sequence">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getSequence(this, path);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="path" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getShort" eType="ecore:EDataType">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getShort(this, path);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="path" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getString" eType="ecore:EDataType">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getString(this, path);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="path" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="setBigDecimal">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="&lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setBigDecimal(this, path, value);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="path" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- <eParameters name="value" eType="ecore:EDataType ../../org.eclipse.emf.ecore/model/Ecore.ecore#//EBigDecimal"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="setBigInteger">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="&lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setBigInteger(this, path, value);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="path" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- <eParameters name="value" eType="ecore:EDataType ../../org.eclipse.emf.ecore/model/Ecore.ecore#//EBigInteger"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="setBoolean">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="&lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setBoolean(this, path, value);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="path" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- <eParameters name="value" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="setByte">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="&lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setByte(this, path, value);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="path" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- <eParameters name="value" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="setBytes">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="&lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setBytes(this, path, value);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="path" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- <eParameters name="value" eType="ecore:EDataType ../../org.eclipse.emf.ecore/model/Ecore.ecore#//EByteArray"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="setChar">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="&lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setChar(this, path, value);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="path" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- <eParameters name="value" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="setDataObject">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="&lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setDataObject(this, path, value);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="path" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- <eParameters name="value" eType="#//DataObject"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="setDate">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="&lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setDate(this, path, value);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="path" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- <eParameters name="value" eType="ecore:EDataType ../../org.eclipse.emf.ecore/model/Ecore.ecore#//EDate"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="setDouble">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="&lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setDouble(this, path, value);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="path" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- <eParameters name="value" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="setFloat">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="&lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setFloat(this, path, value);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="path" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- <eParameters name="value" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="setInt">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="&lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setInt(this, path, value);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="path" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- <eParameters name="value" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="setList">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="&lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setList(this, path, value);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="path" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- <eParameters name="value" eType="#//EJavaList"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="setLong">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="&lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setLong(this, path, value);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="path" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- <eParameters name="value" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="setShort">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="&lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setShort(this, path, value);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="path" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- <eParameters name="value" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="setString">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="&lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setString(this, path, value);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="path" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- <eParameters name="value" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getBigDecimal" eType="ecore:EDataType ../../org.eclipse.emf.ecore/model/Ecore.ecore#//EBigDecimal">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getBigDecimal(this, propertyIndex);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="propertyIndex" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getBigInteger" eType="ecore:EDataType ../../org.eclipse.emf.ecore/model/Ecore.ecore#//EBigInteger">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getBigInteger(this, propertyIndex);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="propertyIndex" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getBoolean" eType="ecore:EDataType">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getBoolean(this, propertyIndex);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="propertyIndex" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getByte" eType="ecore:EDataType">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getByte(this, propertyIndex);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="propertyIndex" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getBytes" eType="ecore:EDataType ../../org.eclipse.emf.ecore/model/Ecore.ecore#//EByteArray">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getBytes(this, propertyIndex);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="propertyIndex" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getChar" eType="ecore:EDataType">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getChar(this, propertyIndex);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="propertyIndex" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getDataObject" eType="#//DataObject">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getDataObject(this, propertyIndex);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="propertyIndex" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getDate" eType="ecore:EDataType ../../org.eclipse.emf.ecore/model/Ecore.ecore#//EDate">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getDate(this, propertyIndex);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="propertyIndex" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getDouble" eType="ecore:EDataType">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getDouble(this, propertyIndex);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="propertyIndex" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getFloat" eType="ecore:EDataType">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getFloat(this, propertyIndex);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="propertyIndex" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getInt" eType="ecore:EDataType">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getInt(this, propertyIndex);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="propertyIndex" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getList" eType="#//EJavaList">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getList(this, propertyIndex);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="propertyIndex" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getLong" eType="ecore:EDataType">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getLong(this, propertyIndex);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="propertyIndex" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getSequence" eType="#//Sequence">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getSequence(this, propertyIndex);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="propertyIndex" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getShort" eType="ecore:EDataType">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getShort(this, propertyIndex);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="propertyIndex" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getString" eType="ecore:EDataType">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getString(this, propertyIndex);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="propertyIndex" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="setBigDecimal">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="&lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setBigDecimal(this, propertyIndex, value);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="propertyIndex" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- <eParameters name="value" eType="ecore:EDataType ../../org.eclipse.emf.ecore/model/Ecore.ecore#//EBigDecimal"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="setBigInteger">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="&lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setBigInteger(this, propertyIndex, value);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="propertyIndex" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- <eParameters name="value" eType="ecore:EDataType ../../org.eclipse.emf.ecore/model/Ecore.ecore#//EBigInteger"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="setBoolean">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="&lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setBoolean(this, propertyIndex, value);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="propertyIndex" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- <eParameters name="value" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="setByte">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="&lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setByte(this, propertyIndex, value);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="propertyIndex" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- <eParameters name="value" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="setBytes">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="&lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setBytes(this, propertyIndex, value);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="propertyIndex" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- <eParameters name="value" eType="ecore:EDataType ../../org.eclipse.emf.ecore/model/Ecore.ecore#//EByteArray"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="setChar">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="&lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setChar(this, propertyIndex, value);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="propertyIndex" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- <eParameters name="value" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="setDataObject">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="&lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setDataObject(this, propertyIndex, value);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="propertyIndex" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- <eParameters name="value" eType="#//DataObject"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="setDate">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="&lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setDate(this, propertyIndex, value);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="propertyIndex" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- <eParameters name="value" eType="ecore:EDataType ../../org.eclipse.emf.ecore/model/Ecore.ecore#//EDate"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="setDouble">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="&lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setDouble(this, propertyIndex, value);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="propertyIndex" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- <eParameters name="value" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="setFloat">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="&lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setFloat(this, propertyIndex, value);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="propertyIndex" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- <eParameters name="value" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="setInt">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="&lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setInt(this, propertyIndex, value);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="propertyIndex" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- <eParameters name="value" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="setList">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="&lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setList(this, propertyIndex, value);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="propertyIndex" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- <eParameters name="value" eType="#//EJavaList"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="setLong">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="&lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setLong(this, propertyIndex, value);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="propertyIndex" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- <eParameters name="value" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="setShort">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="&lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setShort(this, propertyIndex, value);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="propertyIndex" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- <eParameters name="value" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="setString">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="&lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setString(this, propertyIndex, value);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="propertyIndex" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- <eParameters name="value" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getBigDecimal" eType="ecore:EDataType ../../org.eclipse.emf.ecore/model/Ecore.ecore#//EBigDecimal">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getBigDecimal(this, property);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="property" eType="#//Property"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getBigInteger" eType="ecore:EDataType ../../org.eclipse.emf.ecore/model/Ecore.ecore#//EBigInteger">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getBigInteger(this, property);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="property" eType="#//Property"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getBoolean" eType="ecore:EDataType">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getBoolean(this, property);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="property" eType="#//Property"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getByte" eType="ecore:EDataType">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getByte(this, property);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="property" eType="#//Property"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getBytes" eType="ecore:EDataType ../../org.eclipse.emf.ecore/model/Ecore.ecore#//EByteArray">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getBytes(this, property);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="property" eType="#//Property"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getChar" eType="ecore:EDataType">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getChar(this, property);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="property" eType="#//Property"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getDataObject" eType="#//DataObject">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getDataObject(this, property);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="property" eType="#//Property"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getDate" eType="ecore:EDataType ../../org.eclipse.emf.ecore/model/Ecore.ecore#//EDate">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getDate(this, property);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="property" eType="#//Property"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getDouble" eType="ecore:EDataType">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getDouble(this, property);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="property" eType="#//Property"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getFloat" eType="ecore:EDataType">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getFloat(this, property);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="property" eType="#//Property"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getInt" eType="ecore:EDataType">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getInt(this, property);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="property" eType="#//Property"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getList" eType="#//EJavaList">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getList(this, property);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="property" eType="#//Property"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getLong" eType="ecore:EDataType">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getLong(this, property);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="property" eType="#//Property"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getSequence" eType="#//Sequence">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getSequence(this, property);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="property" eType="#//Property"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getShort" eType="ecore:EDataType">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getShort(this, property);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="property" eType="#//Property"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getString" eType="ecore:EDataType">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getString(this, property);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="property" eType="#//Property"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="setBigDecimal">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="&lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setBigDecimal(this, property, value);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="property" eType="#//Property"/>
- <eParameters name="value" eType="ecore:EDataType ../../org.eclipse.emf.ecore/model/Ecore.ecore#//EBigDecimal"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="setBigInteger">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="&lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setBigInteger(this, property, value);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="property" eType="#//Property"/>
- <eParameters name="value" eType="ecore:EDataType ../../org.eclipse.emf.ecore/model/Ecore.ecore#//EBigInteger"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="setBoolean">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="&lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setBoolean(this, property, value);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="property" eType="#//Property"/>
- <eParameters name="value" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="setByte">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="&lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setByte(this, property, value);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="property" eType="#//Property"/>
- <eParameters name="value" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="setBytes">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="&lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setBytes(this, property, value);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="property" eType="#//Property"/>
- <eParameters name="value" eType="ecore:EDataType ../../org.eclipse.emf.ecore/model/Ecore.ecore#//EByteArray"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="setChar">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="&lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setChar(this, property, value);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="property" eType="#//Property"/>
- <eParameters name="value" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="setDataObject">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="&lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setDataObject(this, property, value);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="property" eType="#//Property"/>
- <eParameters name="value" eType="#//DataObject"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="setDate">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="&lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setDate(this, property, value);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="property" eType="#//Property"/>
- <eParameters name="value" eType="ecore:EDataType ../../org.eclipse.emf.ecore/model/Ecore.ecore#//EDate"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="setDouble">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="&lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setDouble(this, property, value);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="property" eType="#//Property"/>
- <eParameters name="value" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="setFloat">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="&lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setFloat(this, property, value);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="property" eType="#//Property"/>
- <eParameters name="value" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="setInt">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="&lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setInt(this, property, value);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="property" eType="#//Property"/>
- <eParameters name="value" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="setList">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="&lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setList(this, property, value);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="property" eType="#//Property"/>
- <eParameters name="value" eType="#//EJavaList"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="setLong">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="&lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setLong(this, property, value);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="property" eType="#//Property"/>
- <eParameters name="value" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="setShort">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="&lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setShort(this, property, value);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="property" eType="#//Property"/>
- <eParameters name="value" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="setString">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="&lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setString(this, property, value);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="property" eType="#//Property"/>
- <eParameters name="value" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="createDataObject" eType="#//DataObject">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.createDataObject(this, propertyName);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="propertyName" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="createDataObject" eType="#//DataObject">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.createDataObject(this, propertyIndex);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="propertyIndex" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="createDataObject" eType="#//DataObject">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.createDataObject(this, property);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="property" eType="#//Property"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="createDataObject" eType="#//DataObject">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.createDataObject(this, propertyName, namespaceURI, typeName);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="propertyName" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- <eParameters name="namespaceURI" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- <eParameters name="typeName" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="createDataObject" eType="#//DataObject">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.createDataObject(this, propertyIndex, namespaceURI, typeName);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="propertyIndex" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- <eParameters name="namespaceURI" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- <eParameters name="typeName" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="createDataObject" eType="#//DataObject">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.createDataObject(this, property, type);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="property" eType="#//Property"/>
- <eParameters name="type" eType="#//Type"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="delete">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="&lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.delete(this);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getSequence" eType="#//Sequence">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getSequence(this);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getInstanceProperties" eType="#//EJavaList">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getInstanceProperties(this);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getProperty" eType="#//Property">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getProperty(this, propertyName);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- <eParameters name="propertyName" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getRootObject" eType="#//DataObject">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getRootObject(this);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getChangeSummary" eType="#//ChangeSummary">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="return &lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getChangeSummary(this);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="detach">
- <eAnnotations source="">
- <details key="body" value="&lt;%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.detach(this);"/>
- </eAnnotations>
- </eOperations>
- </eClassifiers>
- <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Property" instanceClassName="commonj.sdo.Property"
- abstract="true" interface="true">
- <eOperations name="getName" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- <eOperations name="getType" eType="#//Type"/>
- <eOperations name="isMany" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- <eOperations name="isContainment" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- <eOperations name="isReadOnly" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- <eOperations name="getContainingType" eType="#//Type"/>
- <eOperations name="getAliasNames" eType="#//EJavaList"/>
- <eOperations name="getOpposite" eType="#//Property"/>
- <eOperations name="getDefault" eType="ecore:EDataType ../../org.eclipse.emf.ecore/model/Ecore.ecore#//EJavaObject"/>
- </eClassifiers>
- <eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Sequence" instanceClassName="commonj.sdo.Sequence"
- abstract="true" interface="true">
- <eOperations name="size" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- <eOperations name="getProperty" eType="#//Property">
- <eParameters name="index" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="getValue" eType="ecore:EDataType ../../org.eclipse.emf.ecore/model/Ecore.ecore#//EJavaObject">
- <eParameters name="index" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="setValue" eType="ecore:EDataType ../../org.eclipse.emf.ecore/model/Ecore.ecore#//EJavaObject">
- <eParameters name="index" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- <eParameters name="value" eType="ecore:EDataType ../../org.eclipse.emf.ecore/model/Ecore.ecore#//EJavaObject"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="add" eType="ecore:EDataType">
- <eParameters name="propertyName" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
- <eParameters name="value" eType="ecore:EDataType ../../org.eclipse.emf.ecore/model/Ecore.ecore#//EJavaObject"/>
- </eOperations>
- <eOperations name="add" eType="ecore:EDataType">
- <eParameters name="propertIndex" eType="ecore:EDataType"/>
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- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
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- </genOperations>
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- </genOperations>
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- </genOperations>
- <genOperations ecoreOperation="SDO.ecore#//DataObject/createDataObject.5">
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- <genParameters ecoreParameter="SDO.ecore#//DataObject/createDataObject.5/type"/>
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- <genClasses ecoreClass="SDO.ecore#//Sequence">
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- </genOperations>
- <genOperations ecoreOperation="SDO.ecore#//Sequence/getValue">
- <genParameters ecoreParameter="SDO.ecore#//Sequence/getValue/index"/>
- </genOperations>
- <genOperations ecoreOperation="SDO.ecore#//Sequence/setValue">
- <genParameters ecoreParameter="SDO.ecore#//Sequence/setValue/index"/>
- <genParameters ecoreParameter="SDO.ecore#//Sequence/setValue/value"/>
- </genOperations>
- <genOperations ecoreOperation="SDO.ecore#//Sequence/add">
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- <genParameters ecoreParameter="SDO.ecore#//Sequence/add/value"/>
- </genOperations>
- <genOperations ecoreOperation="SDO.ecore#//Sequence/add.1">
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- </genOperations>
- <genOperations ecoreOperation="SDO.ecore#//Sequence/add.2">
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- <genParameters ecoreParameter="SDO.ecore#//Sequence/add.3/value"/>
- </genOperations>
- <genOperations ecoreOperation="SDO.ecore#//Sequence/add.4">
- <genParameters ecoreParameter="SDO.ecore#//Sequence/add.4/index"/>
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- </genOperations>
- <genOperations ecoreOperation="SDO.ecore#//Sequence/add.5">
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- <genParameters ecoreParameter="SDO.ecore#//Sequence/add.5/value"/>
- </genOperations>
- <genOperations ecoreOperation="SDO.ecore#//Sequence/add.6">
- <genParameters ecoreParameter="SDO.ecore#//Sequence/add.6/text"/>
- </genOperations>
- <genOperations ecoreOperation="SDO.ecore#//Sequence/add.7">
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- </genOperations>
- </genClasses>
- <genClasses ecoreClass="SDO.ecore#//Type">
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- <genOperations ecoreOperation="SDO.ecore#//Type/getInstanceClass"/>
- <genOperations ecoreOperation="SDO.ecore#//Type/isInstance">
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- </genOperations>
- <genOperations ecoreOperation="SDO.ecore#//Type/isDataType"/>
- <genOperations ecoreOperation="SDO.ecore#//Type/isSequenced"/>
- <genOperations ecoreOperation="SDO.ecore#//Type/isOpen"/>
- <genOperations ecoreOperation="SDO.ecore#//Type/isAbstract"/>
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- <genOperations ecoreOperation="SDO.ecore#//Type/getDeclaredProperties"/>
- <genOperations ecoreOperation="SDO.ecore#//Type/getProperty">
- <genParameters ecoreParameter="SDO.ecore#//Type/getProperty/propertyName"/>
- </genOperations>
- </genClasses>
- <genClasses ecoreClass="SDO.ecore#//AnyTypeDataObject"/>
- <genClasses ecoreClass="SDO.ecore#//SimpleAnyTypeDataObject"/>
- <genClasses ecoreClass="SDO.ecore#//Class"/>
- <genClasses ecoreClass="SDO.ecore#//DataType"/>
- <genClasses ecoreClass="SDO.ecore#//Attribute"/>
- <genClasses ecoreClass="SDO.ecore#//Reference"/>
- <genClasses ecoreClass="SDO.ecore#//Enum"/>
- <genClasses ecoreClass="SDO.ecore#//DynamicDataObject"/>
- <genClasses ecoreClass="SDO.ecore#//StoreDataObject"/>
- <genClasses ecoreClass="SDO.ecore#//DynamicStoreDataObject"/>
- <genClasses ecoreClass="SDO.ecore#//ExtensibleDataObject"/>
- </genPackages>
diff --git a/java/sdo/impl/model/SDO.mdl b/java/sdo/impl/model/SDO.mdl
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- type "DataObject")
- (object Parameter "property"
- type "Property"))
- result "ChangeSummarySetting"
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- opExportControl "Public"
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- parameters (list Parameters
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- type "DataObject"))
- result "DataObject"
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- opExportControl "Public"
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- type "DataObject"))
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- uid 0)
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- uid 0))
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- uid 0)
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- result "Property"
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- uid 0))
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- quid "3FAB8C05003A"
- stereotype "javaclass"
- exportControl "Public")))
- (object Class "DataGraph"
- quid "3FAB7BFE03C0"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "43612C7B0243"
- supplier "Logical View::ecore::EObject"
- quidu "3C4F1C860123"))
- operations (list Operations
- (object Operation "createRootObject"
- quid "3FAB86D40102"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "namespaceURI"
- type "String")
- (object Parameter "typeName"
- type "String"))
- result "DataObject"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "createRootObject"
- quid "3FAB87520135"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "type"
- type "Type"))
- result "DataObject"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getType"
- quid "3FAB87E20024"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "namespaceURI"
- type "String")
- (object Parameter "typeName"
- type "String"))
- result "Type"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getRootObject"
- quid "435D2C900120"
- result "DataObject"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getChangeSummary"
- quid "435D2C9B039D"
- result "ChangeSummary"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0))
- class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
- (object ClassAttribute "commonj.sdo.DataGraph"
- quid "3FAB7C1A0171"
- stereotype "javaclass"
- exportControl "Public")
- (object ClassAttribute "resourceSet"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Ecore"
- name "isTransient"
- value TRUE))
- quid "436129AF0208"
- type "EResourceSet"
- exportControl "Public")
- (object ClassAttribute "rootResource"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Ecore"
- name "isTransient"
- value TRUE)
- (object Attribute
- tool "Ecore"
- name "isVolatile"
- value TRUE)
- (object Attribute
- tool "Ecore"
- name "isChangeable"
- value FALSE))
- quid "436129BF0016"
- type "EResource"
- exportControl "Public"
- derived TRUE)))
- (object Class "DataObject"
- quid "3FAB6F7501C4"
- operations (list Operations
- (object Operation "get"
- quid "3FAB8EF201A0"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "path"
- type "String"))
- result "EJavaObject"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.get(this, path);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "set"
- quid "3FAB8FE502FE"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "path"
- type "String")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "EJavaObject"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "<%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.set(this, path, value);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "isSet"
- quid "3FAB901001BF"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "path"
- type "String"))
- result "boolean"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.isSet(this, path);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "unset"
- quid "3FAB901803B6"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "path"
- type "String"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "<%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.unset(this, path);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "get"
- quid "01EDEDEDEDED"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "propertyIndex"
- type "int"))
- result "EJavaObject"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.get(this, propertyIndex);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "set"
- quid "02EDEDEDEDED"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "propertyIndex"
- type "int")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "EJavaObject"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "<%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.set(this, propertyIndex, value);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "isSet"
- quid "03EDEDEDEDED"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "propertyIndex"
- type "int"))
- result "boolean"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.isSet(this, propertyIndex);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "unset"
- quid "04EDEDEDEDED"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "propertyIndex"
- type "int"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "<%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.unset(this, propertyIndex);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "get"
- quid "01ADEDEDEDED"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "property"
- type "Property"))
- result "EJavaObject"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.get(this, property);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "set"
- quid "02ADEDEDEDED"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "property"
- type "Property")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "EJavaObject"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "<%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.set(this, property, value);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "isSet"
- quid "03ADEDEDEDED"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "property"
- type "Property"))
- result "boolean"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.isSet(this, property);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "unset"
- quid "04ADEDEDEDED"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "property"
- type "Property"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "<%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.unset(this, property);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getContainer"
- result "DataObject"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getContainer(this);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getContainmentProperty"
- result "Property"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getContainmentProperty(this);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getDataGraph"
- result "DataGraph"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getDataGraph(this);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getType"
- result "Type"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getType(this);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getBigDecimal"
- quid "EDEDEDED0000"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "path"
- type "String"))
- result "EBigDecimal"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getBigDecimal(this, path);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getBigInteger"
- quid "EDEDEDED0001"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "path"
- type "String"))
- result "EBigInteger"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getBigInteger(this, path);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getBoolean"
- quid "EDEDEDED0002"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "path"
- type "String"))
- result "boolean"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getBoolean(this, path);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getByte"
- quid "EDEDEDED0003"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "path"
- type "String"))
- result "byte"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getByte(this, path);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getBytes"
- quid "EDEDEDED0004"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "path"
- type "String"))
- result "EByteArray"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getBytes(this, path);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getChar"
- quid "EDEDEDED0005"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "path"
- type "String"))
- result "char"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getChar(this, path);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getDataObject"
- quid "EDEDEDED0006"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "path"
- type "String"))
- result "DataObject"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getDataObject(this, path);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getDate"
- quid "EDEDEDED0007"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "path"
- type "String"))
- result "EDate"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getDate(this, path);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getDouble"
- quid "EDEDEDED0008"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "path"
- type "String"))
- result "double"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getDouble(this, path);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getFloat"
- quid "EDEDEDED0009"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "path"
- type "String"))
- result "float"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getFloat(this, path);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getInt"
- quid "EDEDEDED000A"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "path"
- type "String"))
- result "int"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getInt(this, path);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getList"
- quid "EDEDEDED000B"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "path"
- type "String"))
- result "EJavaList"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getList(this, path);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getLong"
- quid "EDEDEDED000C"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "path"
- type "String"))
- result "long"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getLong(this, path);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getSequence"
- quid "EDEDEDED000D"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "path"
- type "String"))
- result "Sequence"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getSequence(this, path);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getShort"
- quid "EDEDEDED000E"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "path"
- type "String"))
- result "short"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getShort(this, path);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getString"
- quid "EDEDEDED000F"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "path"
- type "String"))
- result "String"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getString(this, path);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "setBigDecimal"
- quid "EDEDEDED1000"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "path"
- type "String")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "EBigDecimal"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "<%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setBigDecimal(this, path, value);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "setBigInteger"
- quid "EDEDEDED1001"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "path"
- type "String")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "EBigInteger"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "<%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setBigInteger(this, path, value);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "setBoolean"
- quid "EDEDEDED1002"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "path"
- type "String")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "boolean"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "<%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setBoolean(this, path, value);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "setByte"
- quid "EDEDEDED1003"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "path"
- type "String")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "byte"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "<%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setByte(this, path, value);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "setBytes"
- quid "EDEDEDED1004"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "path"
- type "String")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "EByteArray"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "<%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setBytes(this, path, value);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "setChar"
- quid "EDEDEDED1005"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "path"
- type "String")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "char"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "<%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setChar(this, path, value);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "setDataObject"
- quid "EDEDEDED1006"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "path"
- type "String")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "DataObject"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "<%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setDataObject(this, path, value);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "setDate"
- quid "EDEDEDED1007"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "path"
- type "String")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "EDate"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "<%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setDate(this, path, value);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "setDouble"
- quid "EDEDEDED1008"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "path"
- type "String")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "double"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "<%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setDouble(this, path, value);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "setFloat"
- quid "EDEDEDED1009"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "path"
- type "String")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "float"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "<%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setFloat(this, path, value);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "setInt"
- quid "EDEDEDED100A"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "path"
- type "String")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "int"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "<%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setInt(this, path, value);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "setList"
- quid "EDEDEDED100B"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "path"
- type "String")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "EJavaList"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "<%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setList(this, path, value);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "setLong"
- quid "EDEDEDED100C"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "path"
- type "String")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "long"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "<%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setLong(this, path, value);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "setShort"
- quid "EDEDEDED100E"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "path"
- type "String")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "short"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "<%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setShort(this, path, value);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "setString"
- quid "EDEDEDED100F"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "path"
- type "String")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "String"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "<%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setString(this, path, value);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getBigDecimal"
- quid "EDEDEDED2000"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "propertyIndex"
- type "int"))
- result "EBigDecimal"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getBigDecimal(this, propertyIndex);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getBigInteger"
- quid "EDEDEDED2001"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "propertyIndex"
- type "int"))
- result "EBigInteger"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getBigInteger(this, propertyIndex);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getBoolean"
- quid "EDEDEDED2002"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "propertyIndex"
- type "int"))
- result "boolean"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getBoolean(this, propertyIndex);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getByte"
- quid "EDEDEDED2003"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "propertyIndex"
- type "int"))
- result "byte"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getByte(this, propertyIndex);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getBytes"
- quid "EDEDEDED2004"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "propertyIndex"
- type "int"))
- result "EByteArray"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getBytes(this, propertyIndex);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getChar"
- quid "EDEDEDED2005"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "propertyIndex"
- type "int"))
- result "char"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getChar(this, propertyIndex);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getDataObject"
- quid "EDEDEDED2006"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "propertyIndex"
- type "int"))
- result "DataObject"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getDataObject(this, propertyIndex);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getDate"
- quid "EDEDEDED2007"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "propertyIndex"
- type "int"))
- result "EDate"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getDate(this, propertyIndex);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getDouble"
- quid "EDEDEDED2008"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "propertyIndex"
- type "int"))
- result "double"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getDouble(this, propertyIndex);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getFloat"
- quid "EDEDEDED2009"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "propertyIndex"
- type "int"))
- result "float"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getFloat(this, propertyIndex);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getInt"
- quid "EDEDEDED200A"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "propertyIndex"
- type "int"))
- result "int"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getInt(this, propertyIndex);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getList"
- quid "EDEDEDED200B"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "propertyIndex"
- type "int"))
- result "EJavaList"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getList(this, propertyIndex);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getLong"
- quid "EDEDEDED200C"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "propertyIndex"
- type "int"))
- result "long"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getLong(this, propertyIndex);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getSequence"
- quid "EDEDEDED200D"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "propertyIndex"
- type "int"))
- result "Sequence"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getSequence(this, propertyIndex);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getShort"
- quid "EDEDEDED200E"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "propertyIndex"
- type "int"))
- result "short"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getShort(this, propertyIndex);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getString"
- quid "EDEDEDED200F"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "propertyIndex"
- type "int"))
- result "String"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getString(this, propertyIndex);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "setBigDecimal"
- quid "EDEDEDED3000"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "propertyIndex"
- type "int")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "EBigDecimal"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "<%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setBigDecimal(this, propertyIndex, value);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "setBigInteger"
- quid "EDEDEDED3001"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "propertyIndex"
- type "int")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "EBigInteger"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "<%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setBigInteger(this, propertyIndex, value);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "setBoolean"
- quid "EDEDEDED3002"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "propertyIndex"
- type "int")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "boolean"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "<%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setBoolean(this, propertyIndex, value);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "setByte"
- quid "EDEDEDED3003"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "propertyIndex"
- type "int")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "byte"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "<%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setByte(this, propertyIndex, value);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "setBytes"
- quid "EDEDEDED3004"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "propertyIndex"
- type "int")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "EByteArray"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "<%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setBytes(this, propertyIndex, value);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "setChar"
- quid "EDEDEDED3005"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "propertyIndex"
- type "int")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "char"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "<%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setChar(this, propertyIndex, value);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "setDataObject"
- quid "EDEDEDED3006"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "propertyIndex"
- type "int")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "DataObject"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "<%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setDataObject(this, propertyIndex, value);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "setDate"
- quid "EDEDEDED3007"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "propertyIndex"
- type "int")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "EDate"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "<%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setDate(this, propertyIndex, value);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "setDouble"
- quid "EDEDEDED3008"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "propertyIndex"
- type "int")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "double"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "<%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setDouble(this, propertyIndex, value);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "setFloat"
- quid "EDEDEDED3009"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "propertyIndex"
- type "int")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "float"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "<%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setFloat(this, propertyIndex, value);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "setInt"
- quid "EDEDEDED300A"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "propertyIndex"
- type "int")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "int"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "<%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setInt(this, propertyIndex, value);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "setList"
- quid "EDEDEDED300B"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "propertyIndex"
- type "int")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "EJavaList"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "<%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setList(this, propertyIndex, value);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "setLong"
- quid "EDEDEDED300C"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "propertyIndex"
- type "int")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "long"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "<%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setLong(this, propertyIndex, value);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "setShort"
- quid "EDEDEDED300E"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "propertyIndex"
- type "int")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "short"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "<%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setShort(this, propertyIndex, value);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "setString"
- quid "EDEDEDED300F"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "propertyIndex"
- type "int")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "String"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "<%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setString(this, propertyIndex, value);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getBigDecimal"
- quid "EDEDEEEE2000"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "property"
- type "Property"))
- result "EBigDecimal"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getBigDecimal(this, property);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getBigInteger"
- quid "EDEDEEEE2001"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "property"
- type "Property"))
- result "EBigInteger"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getBigInteger(this, property);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getBoolean"
- quid "EDEDEEEE2002"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "property"
- type "Property"))
- result "boolean"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getBoolean(this, property);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getByte"
- quid "EDEDEEEE2003"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "property"
- type "Property"))
- result "byte"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getByte(this, property);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getBytes"
- quid "EDEDEEEE2004"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "property"
- type "Property"))
- result "EByteArray"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getBytes(this, property);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getChar"
- quid "EDEDEEEE2005"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "property"
- type "Property"))
- result "char"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getChar(this, property);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getDataObject"
- quid "EDEDEEEE2006"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "property"
- type "Property"))
- result "DataObject"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getDataObject(this, property);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getDate"
- quid "EDEDEEEE2007"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "property"
- type "Property"))
- result "EDate"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getDate(this, property);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getDouble"
- quid "EDEDEEEE2008"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "property"
- type "Property"))
- result "double"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getDouble(this, property);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getFloat"
- quid "EDEDEEEE2009"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "property"
- type "Property"))
- result "float"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getFloat(this, property);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getInt"
- quid "EDEDEEEE200A"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "property"
- type "Property"))
- result "int"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getInt(this, property);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getList"
- quid "EDEDEEEE200B"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "property"
- type "Property"))
- result "EJavaList"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getList(this, property);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getLong"
- quid "EDEDEEEE200C"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "property"
- type "Property"))
- result "long"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getLong(this, property);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getSequence"
- quid "EDEDEEEE200D"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "property"
- type "Property"))
- result "Sequence"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getSequence(this, property);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getShort"
- quid "EDEDEEEE200E"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "property"
- type "Property"))
- result "short"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getShort(this, property);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getString"
- quid "EDEDEEEE200F"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "property"
- type "Property"))
- result "String"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getString(this, property);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "setBigDecimal"
- quid "EDEDEEEE3000"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "property"
- type "Property")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "EBigDecimal"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "<%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setBigDecimal(this, property, value);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "setBigInteger"
- quid "EDEDEEEE3001"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "property"
- type "Property")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "EBigInteger"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "<%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setBigInteger(this, property, value);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "setBoolean"
- quid "EDEDEEEE3002"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "property"
- type "Property")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "boolean"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "<%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setBoolean(this, property, value);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "setByte"
- quid "EDEDEEEE3003"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "property"
- type "Property")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "byte"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "<%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setByte(this, property, value);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "setBytes"
- quid "EDEDEEEE3004"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "property"
- type "Property")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "EByteArray"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "<%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setBytes(this, property, value);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "setChar"
- quid "EDEDEEEE3005"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "property"
- type "Property")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "char"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "<%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setChar(this, property, value);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "setDataObject"
- quid "EDEDEEEE3006"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "property"
- type "Property")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "DataObject"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "<%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setDataObject(this, property, value);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "setDate"
- quid "EDEDEEEE3007"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "property"
- type "Property")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "EDate"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "<%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setDate(this, property, value);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "setDouble"
- quid "EDEDEEEE3008"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "property"
- type "Property")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "double"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "<%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setDouble(this, property, value);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "setFloat"
- quid "EDEDEEEE3009"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "property"
- type "Property")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "float"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "<%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setFloat(this, property, value);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "setInt"
- quid "EDEDEEEE300A"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "property"
- type "Property")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "int"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "<%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setInt(this, property, value);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "setList"
- quid "EDEDEEEE300B"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "property"
- type "Property")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "EJavaList"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "<%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setList(this, property, value);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "setLong"
- quid "EDEDEEEE300C"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "property"
- type "Property")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "long"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "<%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setLong(this, property, value);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "setShort"
- quid "EDEDEEEE300E"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "property"
- type "Property")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "short"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "<%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setShort(this, property, value);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "setString"
- quid "EDEDEEEE300F"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "property"
- type "Property")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "String"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "<%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.setString(this, property, value);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "createDataObject"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "propertyName"
- type "String"))
- result "DataObject"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.createDataObject(this, propertyName);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "createDataObject"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "propertyIndex"
- type "int"))
- result "DataObject"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.createDataObject(this, propertyIndex);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "createDataObject"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "property"
- type "Property"))
- result "DataObject"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.createDataObject(this, property);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "createDataObject"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "propertyName"
- type "String")
- (object Parameter "namespaceURI"
- type "String")
- (object Parameter "typeName"
- type "String"))
- result "DataObject"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.createDataObject(this, propertyName, namespaceURI, typeName);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "createDataObject"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "propertyIndex"
- type "int")
- (object Parameter "namespaceURI"
- type "String")
- (object Parameter "typeName"
- type "String"))
- result "DataObject"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.createDataObject(this, propertyIndex, namespaceURI, typeName);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "createDataObject"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "property"
- type "Property")
- (object Parameter "type"
- type "Type"))
- result "DataObject"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.createDataObject(this, property, type);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "delete"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "<%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.delete(this);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getSequence"
- quid "4354FB2702D3"
- result "Sequence"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getSequence(this);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getInstanceProperties"
- quid "4354FB9F00CC"
- result "EJavaList"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getInstanceProperties(this);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getProperty"
- quid "4354FBB20369"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "propertyName"
- type "String"))
- result "Property"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getProperty(this, propertyName);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getRootObject"
- quid "4354FBDD01B2"
- result "DataObject"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getRootObject(this);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getChangeSummary"
- quid "4354FC0400F0"
- result "ChangeSummary"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "return <%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.getChangeSummary(this);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "detach"
- quid "4354FC150068"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- semantics (object Semantic_Info
- PDL "<%org.apache.sdo.util.SDOUtil%>.detach(this);")
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0))
- class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
- (object ClassAttribute "commonj.sdo.DataObject"
- quid "3FAB6F8B0284"
- stereotype "javaclass"
- exportControl "Public"))
- abstract TRUE)
- (object Class "Property"
- quid "3FAB7CA1031A"
- stereotype "Interface"
- operations (list Operations
- (object Operation "getName"
- quid "4357B5A1009C"
- result "String"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getType"
- quid "4358FF1A0291"
- result "Type"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "isMany"
- quid "4357B64B019A"
- result "boolean"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "isContainment"
- quid "4357B76501FA"
- result "boolean"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "isReadOnly"
- quid "4358FF3501DC"
- result "boolean"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getContainingType"
- quid "4358FF3C03D1"
- result "Type"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getAliasNames"
- quid "4358FF4D02EF"
- result "EJavaList"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getOpposite"
- quid "4358FF59013D"
- result "Property"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getDefault"
- quid "4358FF66029B"
- result "EJavaObject"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0))
- class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
- (object ClassAttribute "commonj.sdo.Property"
- quid "3FAB7CAB00E4"
- stereotype "javaclass"
- exportControl "Public")))
- (object Class "Sequence"
- quid "3FAB7CC302B5"
- stereotype "Interface"
- operations (list Operations
- (object Operation "size"
- quid "3FD1F958017D"
- result "int"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getProperty"
- quid "3FAC32F4028D"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "index"
- type "int"))
- result "Property"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getValue"
- quid "3FAC3318010E"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "index"
- type "int"))
- result "EJavaObject"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "setValue"
- quid "3FAC33270259"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "index"
- type "int")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "EJavaObject"))
- result "EJavaObject"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "add"
- quid "3FAC333D017C"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "propertyName"
- type "String")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "EJavaObject"))
- result "boolean"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "add"
- quid "3FAC3371009F"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "propertIndex"
- type "int")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "EJavaObject"))
- result "boolean"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "add"
- quid "3FAC338C00CE"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "property"
- type "Property")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "EJavaObject"))
- result "boolean"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "add"
- quid "3FAC33AD02C6"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "index"
- type "int")
- (object Parameter "propertyName"
- type "String")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "EJavaObject"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "add"
- quid "3FAC33C40263"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "index"
- type "int")
- (object Parameter "propertyIndex"
- type "int")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "EJavaObject"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "add"
- quid "3FAC33C70375"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "index"
- type "int")
- (object Parameter "property"
- type "Property")
- (object Parameter "value"
- type "EJavaObject"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "add"
- quid "43550F7D01DE"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "text"
- type "String"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "add"
- quid "43550F930352"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "index"
- type "int")
- (object Parameter "text"
- type "String"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0))
- class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
- (object ClassAttribute "commonj.sdo.Sequence"
- quid "3FAB7CEB00D2"
- stereotype "javaclass"
- exportControl "Public")))
- (object Class "Type"
- quid "3FAB7C7C0349"
- stereotype "Interface"
- operations (list Operations
- (object Operation "getName"
- quid "4357B56E012E"
- result "String"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getURI"
- quid "4358FE18013C"
- result "String"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getInstanceClass"
- quid "4357B6380265"
- result "EJavaClass"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "isInstance"
- quid "3FAB82AD0027"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "object"
- type "EJavaObject"))
- result "boolean"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "isDataType"
- quid "4358FE26031D"
- result "boolean"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "isSequenced"
- quid "4358FE33020D"
- result "boolean"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "isOpen"
- quid "4358FE4000F3"
- result "boolean"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "isAbstract"
- quid "4357B7440365"
- result "boolean"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getBaseTypes"
- quid "4358FE4B0316"
- result "EJavaList"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getAliasNames"
- quid "4358FE740351"
- result "EJavaList"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getProperties"
- quid "4358FE8D0248"
- result "EJavaList"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getDeclaredProperties"
- quid "4358FE9C02A4"
- result "EJavaList"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "getProperty"
- quid "3FAB831701D8"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "propertyName"
- type "String"))
- result "Property"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0))
- class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
- (object ClassAttribute "commonj.sdo.Type"
- quid "3FAB7C8B0015"
- stereotype "javaclass"
- exportControl "Public")))
- (object Class "EJavaList"
- quid "3FAB8A010237"
- stereotype "datatype"
- class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
- (object ClassAttribute "java.util.List"
- quid "3FAB8A0F01F1"
- stereotype "javaclass"
- exportControl "Public"))
- abstract TRUE)
- (object Class "EObjectStreamException"
- quid "3FC352DE038F"
- stereotype "datatype"
- class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
- (object ClassAttribute ""
- quid "3FC352F90171"
- stereotype "javaclass"
- exportControl "Public"))
- abstract TRUE)
- (object Class "AnyTypeDataObject"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Ecore"
- name "xmlContentKind"
- value ("ContentKind" 3)))
- quid "4069645E0146"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "406964870375"
- supplier "Logical View::type::AnyType"
- quidu "40695FE40332")
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "436141F003E7"
- stereotype "extend"
- supplier "Logical View::sdo::DataObject"
- quidu "3FAB6F7501C4")))
- (object Class "SimpleAnyTypeDataObject"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Ecore"
- name "xmlContentKind"
- value ("ContentKind" 2)))
- quid "406964710189"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "4069648302E3"
- stereotype "extend"
- supplier "Logical View::sdo::AnyTypeDataObject"
- quidu "4069645E0146")
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "4069648D02E8"
- supplier "Logical View::type::SimpleAnyType"
- quidu "406961210099")))
- (object Class "Class"
- quid "43559BB702E7"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "43559D3A01A3"
- supplier "Logical View::ecore::EClass"
- quidu "3903D5BF000A")
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "435901C600DC"
- supplier "Logical View::sdo::Type"
- quidu "3FAB7C7C0349"))
- class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
- (object ClassAttribute "commonj.sdo.Type"
- quid "435900CF00F5"
- stereotype "javaclass"
- exportControl "Public")))
- (object Class "DataType"
- quid "43559BE502F7"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "43590C6F016D"
- supplier "Logical View::sdo::Type"
- quidu "3FAB7C7C0349")
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "43590C73038F"
- supplier "Logical View::ecore::EDataType"
- quidu "3903D525033E"))
- class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
- (object ClassAttribute "commonj.sdo.Type"
- quid "4358FFE30331"
- stereotype "javaclass"
- exportControl "Public")))
- (object Class "Attribute"
- quid "43559E690004"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "43559ED801E4"
- supplier "Logical View::ecore::EAttribute"
- quidu "39238472039D")
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "43567DFD03B6"
- supplier "Logical View::sdo::Property"
- quidu "3FAB7CA1031A"))
- class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
- (object ClassAttribute "commonj.sdo.Property"
- quid "4359014A0246"
- stereotype "javaclass"
- exportControl "Public")))
- (object Class "Reference"
- quid "43559E86025E"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "43559EE0011D"
- supplier "Logical View::ecore::EReference"
- quidu "39238479039D")
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "43567DF9022A"
- supplier "Logical View::sdo::Property"
- quidu "3FAB7CA1031A"))
- class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
- (object ClassAttribute "commonj.sdo.Property"
- quid "4359018E0226"
- stereotype "javaclass"
- exportControl "Public")))
- (object Class "Enum"
- quid "4357B1010017"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "4357B1410218"
- supplier "Logical View::sdo::Type"
- quidu "3FAB7C7C0349")
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "4357B14701DA"
- supplier "Logical View::ecore::EEnum"
- quidu "39A473E901D4"))
- class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
- (object ClassAttribute "commonj.sdo.Type"
- quid "4359006102CE"
- stereotype "javaclass"
- exportControl "Public")))
- (object Class "DynamicDataObject"
- quid "435E94210124"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "435E9435008D"
- supplier "Logical View::sdo::DataObject"
- quidu "3FAB6F7501C4"))
- class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
- (object ClassAttribute "commonj.sdo.DataObject"
- quid "435E9459021F"
- stereotype "javaclass"
- exportControl "Public")))
- (object Class "StoreDataObject"
- quid "43621EBA03B4"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "43621F0B03A6"
- supplier "Logical View::sdo::DataObject"
- quidu "3FAB6F7501C4"))
- class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
- (object ClassAttribute "commonj.sdo.DataObject"
- quid "43621EDF015E"
- stereotype "javaclass"
- exportControl "Public")))
- (object Class "DynamicStoreDataObject"
- quid "43621F4203CD"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "43621F920242"
- supplier "Logical View::sdo::StoreDataObject"
- quidu "43621EBA03B4"))
- class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
- (object ClassAttribute "commonj.sdo.DataObject"
- quid "43621F5701ED"
- stereotype "javaclass"
- exportControl "Public")))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$0"
- quid "3FAD10CA01D5"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "eDataGraph"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Ecore"
- name "isResolveProxies"
- value FALSE)
- (object Attribute
- tool "Ecore"
- name "isTransient"
- value TRUE))
- quid "3FAD10CC001F"
- label "eDataGraph"
- supplier "Logical View::sdo::DataGraph"
- quidu "3FAB7BFE03C0"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "eChangeSummary"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Ecore"
- name "isResolveProxies"
- value FALSE))
- quid "3FAD10CC0020"
- label "eChangeSummary"
- supplier "Logical View::sdo::ChangeSummary"
- quidu "3FAB7C360208"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- Containment "By Value"
- is_navigable TRUE)))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$1"
- quid "3FAD26E802F5"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$2"
- quid "3FAD26ED00E9"
- supplier "Logical View::sdo::DataGraph"
- quidu "3FAB7BFE03C0")
- (object Role "eRootObject"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Ecore"
- name "isResolveProxies"
- value FALSE))
- quid "3FAD26ED00F3"
- label "eRootObject"
- supplier "Logical View::ecore::EObject"
- quidu "3C4F1C860123"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$3"
- quid "406962A200CF"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$4"
- quid "406962A30076"
- supplier "Logical View::type::SimpleAnyType"
- quidu "406961210099")
- (object Role "instanceType"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Ecore"
- name "isResolveProxies"
- value FALSE))
- quid "406962A30077"
- label "instanceType"
- supplier "Logical View::ecore::EDataType"
- quidu "3903D525033E"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE))))
- logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list
- (object ClassDiagram "SDO Interfaces"
- quid "3FAB8BAA0329"
- title "SDO Interfaces"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 764
- origin_y 0
- items (list diagram_item_list
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::sdo::Sequence" @1
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- ShowOperationSignature TRUE
- location (2560, 2032)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1
- location (1999, 1673)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 1122
- justify 0
- label "Sequence")
- stereotype (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1
- location (1999, 1623)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor 10
- nlines 1
- max_width 1122
- justify 0
- label "<<Interface>>")
- icon "Interface"
- icon_style "Label"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "3FAB7CC302B5"
- compartment (object Compartment
- Parent_View @1
- location (1999, 1733)
- icon_style "Icon"
- fill_color 16777215
- anchor 2
- nlines 14
- max_width 1128)
- width 1140
- height 842
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::sdo::DataGraph" @2
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- ShowOperationSignature TRUE
- location (768, 304)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @2
- location (65, 48)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 1406
- justify 0
- label "DataGraph")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "3FAB7BFE03C0"
- compartment (object Compartment
- Parent_View @2
- location (65, 108)
- icon_style "Icon"
- fill_color 16777215
- anchor 2
- nlines 9
- max_width 1412)
- width 1424
- height 536
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::sdo::DataObject" @3
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- ShowOperationSignature TRUE
- location (976, 1280)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @3
- location (62, 674)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 1828
- justify 0
- label "DataObject")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "3FAB6F7501C4"
- compartment (object Compartment
- Parent_View @3
- location (62, 734)
- icon_style "Icon"
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor 2
- nlines 23
- max_width 1834
- compartmentItems (list Compartment
- "+ get(property : Property) : EJavaObject"
- "+ set(property : Property, value : EJavaObject)"
- "+ isSet(property : Property) : boolean"
- "+ unset(property : Property)"
- "+ getContainer() : DataObject"
- "+ getContainmentProperty() : Property"
- "+ getDataGraph() : DataGraph"
- "+ getType() : Type"
- "+ createDataObject(propertyName : String) : DataObject"
- "+ createDataObject(propertyIndex : int) : DataObject"
- "+ createDataObject(property : Property) : DataObject"
- "+ createDataObject(propertyName : String, namespaceURI : String, typeName : String) : DataObject"
- "+ createDataObject(propertyIndex : int, namespaceURI : String, typeName : String) : DataObject"
- "+ createDataObject(property : Property, type : Type) : DataObject"
- "+ delete()"
- "+ getSequence() : Sequence"
- "+ getInstanceProperties() : EJavaList"
- "+ getProperty(propertyName : String) : Property"
- "+ getRootObject() : DataObject"
- "+ getChangeSummary() : ChangeSummary"
- "+ detach()"))
- width 1846
- height 1236
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::sdo::ChangeSummary" @4
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- ShowOperationSignature TRUE
- location (2768, 528)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @4
- location (1979, 72)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 1578
- justify 0
- label "ChangeSummary")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "3FAB7C360208"
- compartment (object Compartment
- Parent_View @4
- location (1979, 132)
- icon_style "Icon"
- fill_color 16777215
- anchor 2
- nlines 17
- max_width 1575)
- width 1596
- height 936
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::sdo::Type" @5
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- ShowOperationSignature TRUE
- location (512, 2448)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @5
- location (75, 2064)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 874
- justify 0
- label "Type")
- stereotype (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @5
- location (75, 2014)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor 10
- nlines 1
- max_width 874
- justify 0
- label "<<Interface>>")
- icon "Interface"
- icon_style "Label"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "3FAB7C7C0349"
- compartment (object Compartment
- Parent_View @5
- location (75, 2124)
- icon_style "Icon"
- fill_color 16777215
- anchor 2
- nlines 15
- max_width 881)
- width 892
- height 892
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::sdo::Property" @6
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- ShowOperationSignature TRUE
- location (1424, 2352)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @6
- location (1054, 2068)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 740
- justify 0
- label "Property")
- stereotype (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @6
- location (1054, 2018)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor 10
- nlines 1
- max_width 740
- justify 0
- label "<<Interface>>")
- icon "Interface"
- icon_style "Label"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "3FAB7CA1031A"
- compartment (object Compartment
- Parent_View @6
- location (1054, 2128)
- icon_style "Icon"
- fill_color 16777215
- anchor 2
- nlines 11
- max_width 746)
- width 758
- height 692
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::sdo::ChangeSummarySetting" @7
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- ShowOperationSignature TRUE
- location (2528, 1328)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @7
- location (2003, 1144)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 1050
- justify 0
- label "ChangeSummarySetting")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "3FAB8BF8005A"
- compartment (object Compartment
- Parent_View @7
- location (2003, 1204)
- icon_style "Icon"
- fill_color 16777215
- anchor 2
- nlines 5
- max_width 1056)
- width 1068
- height 392
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)))
- (object ClassDiagram "SDO DataObject Access"
- quid "3FAC2D8D008D"
- title "SDO DataObject Access"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 0
- origin_y 0
- items (list diagram_item_list
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::sdo::DataObject" @8
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- ShowOperationSignature TRUE
- location (528, 1360)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @8
- location (53, 79)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 950
- justify 0
- label "DataObject")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 16316638
- quidu "3FAB6F7501C4"
- compartment (object Compartment
- Parent_View @8
- location (53, 139)
- icon_style "Icon"
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor 2
- nlines 50
- max_width 0
- compartmentItems (list Compartment
- "+ getBigDecimal(path : String) : EBigDecimal"
- "+ getBigInteger(path : String) : EBigInteger"
- "+ getBoolean(path : String) : boolean"
- "+ getByte(path : String) : byte"
- "+ getBytes(path : String) : EByteArray"
- "+ getChar(path : String) : char"
- "+ getDataObject(path : String) : DataObject"
- "+ getDate(path : String) : EDate"
- "+ getDouble(path : String) : double"
- "+ getFloat(path : String) : float"
- "+ getInt(path : String) : int"
- "+ getList(path : String) : EJavaList"
- "+ getLong(path : String) : long"
- "+ getSequence(path : String) : Sequence"
- "+ getShort(path : String) : short"
- "+ getString(path : String) : String"
- "+ getBigDecimal(propertyIndex : int) : EBigDecimal"
- "+ getBigInteger(propertyIndex : int) : EBigInteger"
- "+ getBoolean(propertyIndex : int) : boolean"
- "+ getByte(propertyIndex : int) : byte"
- "+ getBytes(propertyIndex : int) : EByteArray"
- "+ getChar(propertyIndex : int) : char"
- "+ getDataObject(propertyIndex : int) : DataObject"
- "+ getDate(propertyIndex : int) : EDate"
- "+ getDouble(propertyIndex : int) : double"
- "+ getFloat(propertyIndex : int) : float"
- "+ getInt(propertyIndex : int) : int"
- "+ getList(propertyIndex : int) : EJavaList"
- "+ getLong(propertyIndex : int) : long"
- "+ getSequence(propertyIndex : int) : Sequence"
- "+ getShort(propertyIndex : int) : short"
- "+ getString(propertyIndex : int) : String"
- "+ getBigDecimal(property : Property) : EBigDecimal"
- "+ getBigInteger(property : Property) : EBigInteger"
- "+ getBoolean(property : Property) : boolean"
- "+ getByte(property : Property) : byte"
- "+ getBytes(property : Property) : EByteArray"
- "+ getChar(property : Property) : char"
- "+ getDataObject(property : Property) : DataObject"
- "+ getDate(property : Property) : EDate"
- "+ getDouble(property : Property) : double"
- "+ getFloat(property : Property) : float"
- "+ getInt(property : Property) : int"
- "+ getList(property : Property) : EJavaList"
- "+ getLong(property : Property) : long"
- "+ getSequence(property : Property) : Sequence"
- "+ getShort(property : Property) : short"
- "+ getString(property : Property) : String"
- "<<javaclass>> + commonj.sdo.DataObject"))
- width 968
- height 2586
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::sdo::DataObject" @9
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- ShowOperationSignature TRUE
- location (1664, 1280)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @9
- location (1131, 74)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 1066
- justify 0
- label "DataObject")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 16316638
- quidu "3FAB6F7501C4"
- compartment (object Compartment
- Parent_View @9
- location (1131, 134)
- icon_style "Icon"
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor 2
- nlines 47
- max_width 0
- compartmentItems (list Compartment
- "+ setBigDecimal(path : String, value : EBigDecimal)"
- "+ setBigInteger(path : String, value : EBigInteger)"
- "+ setBoolean(path : String, value : boolean)"
- "+ setByte(path : String, value : byte)"
- "+ setBytes(path : String, value : EByteArray)"
- "+ setChar(path : String, value : char)"
- "+ setDataObject(path : String, value : DataObject)"
- "+ setDate(path : String, value : EDate)"
- "+ setDouble(path : String, value : double)"
- "+ setFloat(path : String, value : float)"
- "+ setInt(path : String, value : int)"
- "+ setList(path : String, value : EJavaList)"
- "+ setLong(path : String, value : long)"
- "+ setShort(path : String, value : short)"
- "+ setString(path : String, value : String)"
- "+ setBigDecimal(propertyIndex : int, value : EBigDecimal)"
- "+ setBigInteger(propertyIndex : int, value : EBigInteger)"
- "+ setBoolean(propertyIndex : int, value : boolean)"
- "+ setByte(propertyIndex : int, value : byte)"
- "+ setBytes(propertyIndex : int, value : EByteArray)"
- "+ setChar(propertyIndex : int, value : char)"
- "+ setDataObject(propertyIndex : int, value : DataObject)"
- "+ setDate(propertyIndex : int, value : EDate)"
- "+ setDouble(propertyIndex : int, value : double)"
- "+ setFloat(propertyIndex : int, value : float)"
- "+ setInt(propertyIndex : int, value : int)"
- "+ setList(propertyIndex : int, value : EJavaList)"
- "+ setLong(propertyIndex : int, value : long)"
- "+ setShort(propertyIndex : int, value : short)"
- "+ setString(propertyIndex : int, value : String)"
- "+ setBigDecimal(property : Property, value : EBigDecimal)"
- "+ setBigInteger(property : Property, value : EBigInteger)"
- "+ setBoolean(property : Property, value : boolean)"
- "+ setByte(property : Property, value : byte)"
- "+ setBytes(property : Property, value : EByteArray)"
- "+ setChar(property : Property, value : char)"
- "+ setDataObject(property : Property, value : DataObject)"
- "+ setDate(property : Property, value : EDate)"
- "+ setDouble(property : Property, value : double)"
- "+ setFloat(property : Property, value : float)"
- "+ setInt(property : Property, value : int)"
- "+ setList(property : Property, value : EJavaList)"
- "+ setLong(property : Property, value : long)"
- "+ setShort(property : Property, value : short)"
- "+ setString(property : Property, value : String)"
- "<<javaclass>> + commonj.sdo.DataObject"))
- width 1084
- height 2436
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)))
- (object ClassDiagram "Ecore SDO"
- quid "3FAC379A02D5"
- title "Ecore SDO"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 0
- origin_y 0
- items (list diagram_item_list
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::sdo::DataGraph" @10
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- location (464, 160)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @10
- location (74, 104)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 780
- justify 0
- label "DataGraph")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "3FAB7BFE03C0"
- compartment (object Compartment
- Parent_View @10
- location (74, 164)
- icon_style "Icon"
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor 2
- nlines 1
- max_width 0
- compartmentItems (list Compartment
- "<<javaclass>> + commonj.sdo.DataGraph"))
- width 798
- height 136
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::sdo::ChangeSummary" @11
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- location (528, 400)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @11
- location (78, 344)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 900
- justify 0
- label "ChangeSummary")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "3FAB7C360208"
- compartment (object Compartment
- Parent_View @11
- location (78, 404)
- icon_style "Icon"
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor 2
- nlines 1
- max_width 0
- compartmentItems (list Compartment
- "<<javaclass>> + commonj.sdo.ChangeSummary"))
- width 918
- height 136
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::sdo::Type" @12
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- location (416, 1088)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @12
- location (79, 1054)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 674
- justify 0
- label "Type")
- stereotype (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @12
- location (79, 1004)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor 10
- nlines 1
- max_width 674
- justify 0
- label "<<Interface>>")
- icon "Interface"
- icon_style "Label"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "3FAB7C7C0349"
- compartment (object Compartment
- Parent_View @12
- location (79, 1114)
- icon_style "Icon"
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor 2
- nlines 1
- max_width 0
- compartmentItems (list Compartment
- "<<javaclass>> + commonj.sdo.Type"))
- width 692
- height 192
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::sdo::Property" @13
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- location (448, 1648)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @13
- location (78, 1614)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 740
- justify 0
- label "Property")
- stereotype (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @13
- location (78, 1564)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor 10
- nlines 1
- max_width 740
- justify 0
- label "<<Interface>>")
- icon "Interface"
- icon_style "Label"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "3FAB7CA1031A"
- compartment (object Compartment
- Parent_View @13
- location (78, 1674)
- icon_style "Icon"
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor 2
- nlines 1
- max_width 0
- compartmentItems (list Compartment
- "<<javaclass>> + commonj.sdo.Property"))
- width 758
- height 192
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (608, 640)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @14
- location (83, 584)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 1050
- justify 0
- label "ChangeSummarySetting")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "3FAB8BF8005A"
- compartment (object Compartment
- Parent_View @14
- location (83, 644)
- icon_style "Icon"
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor 2
- nlines 1
- max_width 0
- compartmentItems (list Compartment
- "<<javaclass>> + commonj.sdo.ChangeSummary$Setting"))
- width 1068
- height 136
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressAttribute TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2496, 400)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @15
- location (2311, 350)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 370
- justify 0
- label "ChangeDescription")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "4FAB6F110198"
- width 388
- height 124
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressAttribute TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- location (2592, 160)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @16
- location (2503, 110)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 178
- justify 0
- label "EObject")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "3C4F1C860123"
- width 196
- height 124
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressAttribute TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2528, 640)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @17
- location (2374, 590)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 308
- justify 0
- label "FeatureChange")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "4FC39D6D0177"
- width 326
- height 124
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::sdo::Class" @18
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1648, 1296)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @18
- location (1311, 1241)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 674
- justify 0
- label "Class")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "43559BB702E7"
- width 692
- height 134
- annotation 8)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::sdo::DataType" @19
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1648, 880)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @19
- location (1311, 825)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 674
- justify 0
- label "DataType")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "43559BE502F7"
- width 692
- height 134
- annotation 8)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::ecore::EClass" @20
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressAttribute TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2592, 1296)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @20
- location (2502, 1246)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 181
- justify 0
- label "EClass")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "3903D5BF000A"
- width 199
- height 124
- annotation 8)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressAttribute TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2560, 880)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @21
- location (2444, 830)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 232
- justify 0
- label "EDataType")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "3903D525033E"
- width 250
- height 124
- annotation 8)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1664, 1536)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @22
- location (1294, 1481)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 740
- justify 0
- label "Attribute")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "43559E690004"
- width 758
- height 134
- annotation 8)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1664, 1760)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @23
- location (1294, 1705)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 740
- justify 0
- label "Reference")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "43559E86025E"
- width 758
- height 134
- annotation 8)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressAttribute TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2576, 1536)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @24
- location (2470, 1486)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 212
- justify 0
- label "EAttribute")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "39238472039D"
- width 230
- height 124
- annotation 8)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressAttribute TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2576, 1760)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @25
- location (2458, 1710)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 236
- justify 0
- label "EReference")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "39238479039D"
- width 254
- height 124
- annotation 8)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "43559ED801E4"
- client @22
- supplier @24
- line_style 0)
- (object InheritView "" @27
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "43559EE0011D"
- client @23
- supplier @25
- line_style 0)
- (object InheritView "" @28
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "43567DF9022A"
- client @23
- supplier @13
- line_style 0)
- (object InheritView "" @29
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "43567DFD03B6"
- client @22
- supplier @13
- line_style 0)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1648, 1088)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @30
- location (1311, 1033)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 674
- justify 0
- label "Enum")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "4357B1010017"
- width 692
- height 134
- annotation 8)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressAttribute TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2592, 1088)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @31
- location (2502, 1038)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 181
- justify 0
- label "EEnum")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "39A473E901D4"
- width 199
- height 124
- annotation 8)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "4357B1410218"
- client @30
- supplier @12
- line_style 0)
- (object InheritView "" @33
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "4357B14701DA"
- client @30
- supplier @31
- line_style 0)
- (object InheritView "" @34
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "43559D3A01A3"
- client @18
- supplier @20
- line_style 0)
- (object InheritView "" @35
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "435901C600DC"
- client @18
- supplier @12
- line_style 0)
- (object InheritView "" @36
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "43590C6F016D"
- client @19
- supplier @12
- line_style 0)
- (object InheritView "" @37
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "43590C73038F"
- client @19
- supplier @21
- line_style 0)
- (object InheritView "" @38
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "43612C7B0243"
- client @10
- supplier @16
- line_style 0)
- (object InheritView "" @39
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "436134F001A6"
- client @14
- supplier @17
- line_style 0)
- (object InheritView "" @40
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "4361480602D8"
- client @11
- supplier @15
- line_style 0)))
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- quid "3FAD029E0142"
- title "Ecore Data Graph"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 0
- origin_y 0
- items (list diagram_item_list
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressAttribute TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (464, 832)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @41
- location (375, 782)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 178
- justify 0
- label "EObject")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "3C4F1C860123"
- width 196
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- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (768, 256)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @42
- location (378, 150)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 780
- justify 0
- label "DataGraph")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "3FAB7BFE03C0"
- width 798
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- annotation 8)
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- location (469, 572)
- stereotype TRUE
- quidu "3FAD26E802F5"
- roleview_list (list RoleViews
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$2" @44
- Parent_View @43
- location (-1067, -932)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "3FAD26ED00E9"
- client @43
- supplier @42
- line_style 3
- origin_attachment (469, 572)
- terminal_attachment (469, 374))
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- Parent_View @43
- location (-1067, -932)
- label (object SegLabel @46
- Parent_View @45
- location (324, 683)
- anchor 1
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 252
- justify 0
- label "+eRootObject"
- pctDist 0.567708
- height 146
- orientation 1)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "3FAD26ED00F3"
- client @43
- supplier @41
- line_style 3
- origin_attachment (469, 572)
- terminal_attachment (469, 770)
- label (object SegLabel @47
- Parent_View @45
- location (512, 690)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1"
- pctDist 0.598958
- height 43
- orientation 0))))
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressAttribute TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1072, 832)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @48
- location (881, 782)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 382
- justify 0
- label "ChangeSummary")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "3FAB7C360208"
- width 400
- height 125
- annotation 8)
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- location (1078, 572)
- stereotype TRUE
- quidu "3FAD10CA01D5"
- roleview_list (list RoleViews
- (object RoleView "eDataGraph" @50
- Parent_View @49
- location (662, -692)
- label (object SegLabel @51
- Parent_View @50
- location (929, 437)
- anchor 1
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 240
- justify 0
- label "+eDataGraph"
- pctDist 0.686170
- height 150
- orientation 0)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "3FAD10CC001F"
- client @49
- supplier @42
- line_style 3
- origin_attachment (1078, 572)
- terminal_attachment (1078, 374)
- label (object SegLabel @52
- Parent_View @50
- location (1115, 437)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1"
- pctDist 0.686170
- height 37
- orientation 1))
- (object RoleView "eChangeSummary" @53
- Parent_View @49
- location (662, -692)
- label (object SegLabel @54
- Parent_View @53
- location (876, 692)
- anchor 1
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 360
- justify 0
- label "+eChangeSummary"
- pctDist 0.611702
- height 203
- orientation 1)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "3FAD10CC0020"
- client @49
- supplier @48
- line_style 3
- origin_attachment (1078, 572)
- terminal_attachment (1078, 770)
- label (object SegLabel @55
- Parent_View @53
- location (1114, 692)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1"
- pctDist 0.611702
- height 36
- orientation 0))))))
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- quid "3FAB907F00F7"
- title "External Types"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 0
- origin_y 0
- items (list diagram_item_list
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- ShowOperationSignature TRUE
- location (1184, 176)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @56
- location (741, 142)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 886
- justify 0
- label "EObjectStreamException")
- stereotype (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @56
- location (741, 92)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor 10
- nlines 1
- max_width 886
- justify 0
- label "<<datatype>>")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 12303359
- quidu "3FC352DE038F"
- width 904
- height 192
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- ShowOperationSignature TRUE
- location (352, 176)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @57
- location (80, 142)
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- label "EJavaList")
- stereotype (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @57
- location (80, 92)
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- location (1488, 576)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @58
- location (1075, 421)
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- location (1488, 1040)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @59
- location (1272, 910)
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- ShowOperationSignature TRUE
- location (448, 560)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @60
- location (250, 509)
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- ShowOperationSignature TRUE
- location (464, 1024)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @61
- location (201, 973)
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- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (448, 208)
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- Parent_View @62
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- Parent_View @63
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- anchor 10
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- supplier @58
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- terminal_attachment (1066, 561))
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- stereotype (object SegLabel @69
- Parent_View @68
- location (294, 403)
- anchor 10
- anchor_loc 1
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- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @70
- location (661, 312)
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- icon_style "Icon"
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- "<<javaclass>> + commonj.sdo.DataObject"))
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (576, 720)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @71
- location (181, 664)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1680, 720)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @72
- location (1285, 664)
- fill_color 13434879
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- location (1053, 559)
- line_color 3342489
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- supplier @70
- vertices (list Points
- (1053, 559)
- (1053, 436)))
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- stereotype TRUE
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- terminal_attachment (562, 559)
- drawSupplier @73)
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1680, 1056)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @75
- location (1285, 1000)
- fill_color 13434879
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- stereotype TRUE
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- supplier @70
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- terminal_attachment (1681, 559)
- drawSupplier @73)))))
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- is_unit TRUE
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- file_name "$VABASE_PLUGINS_PATH\\org.eclipse.emf.ecore\\model\\"
- quid "39A5ED04004E")
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- is_unit TRUE
- is_loaded FALSE
- file_name "$VABASE_PLUGINS_PATH\\org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change\\model\\"
- quid "4FAA8E8B0306")
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- attributes (list Attribute_Set
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- tool "Ecore"
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- value "xml.type")
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- value "")
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- name "basePackage"
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- tool "Ecore"
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- value FALSE))
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- name "isVolatile"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "Ecore"
- name "isUnique"
- value FALSE))
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- stereotype "0..*"
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- derived TRUE)
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- attributes (list Attribute_Set
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- tool "Ecore"
- name "isUnique"
- value FALSE))
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- type "EFeatureMapEntry"
- exportControl "Public")))
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- value ("ContentKind" 2)))
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- supplier "Logical View::type::AnyType"
- quidu "40695FE40332"))
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- attributes (list Attribute_Set
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- tool "Ecore"
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- value TRUE)
- (object Attribute
- tool "Ecore"
- name "isVolatile"
- value TRUE)
- (object Attribute
- tool "Ecore"
- name "isUnique"
- value FALSE))
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- derived TRUE)
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- value TRUE)
- (object Attribute
- tool "Ecore"
- name "isVolatile"
- value TRUE)
- (object Attribute
- tool "Ecore"
- name "isUnique"
- value FALSE))
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- type "EJavaObject"
- exportControl "Public"
- derived TRUE))))
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- Parent_View @78
- location (768, 188)
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- Parent_View @79
- location (224, 188)
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- location (1440, 272)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @80
- location (1296, 188)
- fill_color 13434879
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- properties (object Properties
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
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- name "Directory"
- value "AUTO GENERATE")
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- tool "DDL"
- name "DataBase"
- value ("DataBaseSet" 800))
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- name "DataBaseSet"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- name "ANSI"
- value 800)
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- value 801)
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- name "SQLServer"
- value 802)
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- value 803)
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- name "Watcom"
- value 804)))
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- value "Id")
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- tool "DDL"
- name "PrimaryKeyColumnType"
- value "NUMBER(5)")
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- name "ViewName"
- value "V_")
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- name "TableName"
- value "T_")
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- tool "DDL"
- name "InheritSuffix"
- value "_V")
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- tool "DDL"
- name "DropClause"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "DDL"
- name "BaseViews"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "DDL"
- name "DDLScriptFilename"
- value "DDL1.SQL")))
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- name "default__Attribute"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- tool "DDL"
- name "ColumnType"
- value "VARCHAR")
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- tool "DDL"
- name "Length"
- value "")
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- tool "DDL"
- name "NullsOK"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "DDL"
- name "PrimaryKey"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "DDL"
- name "Unique"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "DDL"
- name "CompositeUnique"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "DDL"
- name "CheckConstraint"
- value "")))
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- name "HiddenTool"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "IDL"
- name "propertyId"
- value "809135966")
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- name "default__Project"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- name "CreateMissingDirectories"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "IDL"
- name "StopOnError"
- value TRUE)
- (object Attribute
- tool "IDL"
- name "Directory"
- value "AUTO GENERATE")
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- tool "IDL"
- name "GeneratePreserveRegions"
- value TRUE)))
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- name "default__Class"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- name "ImplementationType"
- value "")
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- tool "IDL"
- name "ConstValue"
- value "")
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- tool "IDL"
- name "GenerateDefaultSpecifier"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "IDL"
- name "DefaultSpecifier"
- value "")
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- name "IDLElement"
- value TRUE)
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- name "IDLSpecSet"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- name "Interface"
- value 22)
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- name "Typedef"
- value 54)
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- value 8)
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- value 71)
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- name "Exception"
- value 61)
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- name "Struct"
- value 51)
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- tool "IDL"
- name "Union"
- value 81)))))
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- name "default__Module-Spec"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- tool "IDL"
- name "Generate"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "IDL"
- name "CmIdentification"
- value (value Text " %X% @(#) plugins/org.eclipse.emf.ecore.sdo/model/SDO.mdl, emf.ecore.sdo,"))
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- tool "IDL"
- name "CopyrightNotice"
- value (value Text ""))
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- tool "IDL"
- name "FileName"
- value "AUTO GENERATE")
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- name "GenerateIDLModule"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "IDL"
- name "InclusionProtectionSymbol"
- value "AUTO GENERATE")
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- name "AdditionalIncludes"
- value (value Text ""))
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- tool "IDL"
- name "IncludeBySimpleName"
- value FALSE)))
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- name "default__Module-Body"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- tool "IDL"
- name "CmIdentification"
- value (value Text " %X% @(#) plugins/org.eclipse.emf.ecore.sdo/model/SDO.mdl, emf.ecore.sdo,"))
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- tool "IDL"
- name "CopyrightNotice"
- value (value Text ""))
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- name "FileName"
- value "AUTO GENERATE")
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- name "AdditionalIncludes"
- value (value Text ""))
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- tool "IDL"
- name "IncludeBySimpleName"
- value FALSE)))
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- name "default__Operation"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- name "OperationIsOneWay"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "IDL"
- name "Context"
- value "")
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- tool "IDL"
- name "Raises"
- value "")))
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- tool "IDL"
- name "default__Attribute"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- tool "IDL"
- name "CaseSpecifier"
- value "")
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- tool "IDL"
- name "GenerateDataMember"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "IDL"
- name "DataMemberName"
- value "$relationship")
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- name "IsReadOnly"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "IDL"
- name "IsConst"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "IDL"
- name "ConstValue"
- value "")))
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- name "default__Has"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- tool "IDL"
- name "NameIfUnlabeled"
- value "the_$supplier")
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- tool "IDL"
- name "GenerateDataMember"
- value TRUE)
- (object Attribute
- tool "IDL"
- name "DataMemberName"
- value "$relationship")
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- tool "IDL"
- name "GenerateForwardReference"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "IDL"
- name "IsReadOnly"
- value FALSE)
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- name "BoundedHasRelType"
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- name "HasRelTypeSet"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- name "Array"
- value 24)
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- tool "IDL"
- name "Sequence"
- value 47)))))
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- name "default__Role"
- value (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "IDL"
- name "NameIfUnlabeled"
- value "the_$supplier")
- (object Attribute
- tool "IDL"
- name "GenerateDataMember"
- value TRUE)
- (object Attribute
- tool "IDL"
- name "DataMemberName"
- value "$relationship")
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- tool "IDL"
- name "GenerateForwardReference"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "IDL"
- name "IsReadOnly"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "IDL"
- name "BoundedRoleType"
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- name "AssocTypeSet"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- tool "IDL"
- name "Array"
- value 24)
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- tool "IDL"
- name "Sequence"
- value 47)))))
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- tool "IDL"
- name "default__Uses"
- value (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "IDL"
- name "GenerateForwardReference"
- value FALSE)))
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- tool "IDL"
- name "default__Subsystem"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- tool "IDL"
- name "Directory"
- value "AUTO GENERATE")))
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- tool "IDL"
- name "HiddenTool"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "SCC"
- name "HiddenTool"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "Ecore"
- name "propertyId"
- value "809135969")
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- tool "Ecore"
- name "default__Category"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- name "packageName"
- value "")
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- tool "Ecore"
- name "nsPrefix"
- value "")
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- tool "Ecore"
- name "annotation"
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- name "isTransient"
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- value TRUE)
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- value FALSE)
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- name "Directory"
- value "AUTO GENERATE")
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- value FALSE)
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- value "s_")
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- value "int")
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- name "DefaultOperationReturnType"
- value "void")))
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- value FALSE)
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- value 64)))
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- value FALSE)
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- name "GenerateStaticInitializer"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "Java"
- name "GenerateInstanceInitializer"
- value FALSE)))
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- name "Generate"
- value TRUE)
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- value (value Text ""))
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- name "CopyrightNotice"
- value (value Text ""))
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- value (value Text ""))))
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- value TRUE)
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- name "CmIdentification"
- value (value Text ""))
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- name "CopyrightNotice"
- value (value Text ""))
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- name "AdditionalImports"
- value (value Text ""))))
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- name "Static"
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- name "Final"
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- value FALSE)
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- name "Synchronized"
- value FALSE)))
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- value TRUE)
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- name "Final"
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- name "Transient"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "Java"
- name "Volatile"
- value FALSE)))
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- value (list Attribute_Set
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- name "GenerateDataMember"
- value TRUE)
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- name "ContainerClass"
- value "")
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- name "InitialValue"
- value "")
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- tool "Java"
- name "Final"
- value FALSE)
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- name "Transient"
- value FALSE)
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- name "Volatile"
- value FALSE)))
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- value FALSE)
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- value "")
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- name "WhereClause"
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- name "CheckConstraint"
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- name "CollectionTypeLength"
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- name "CollectionOfREFS"
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- name "BEFORE"
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- value 1701)
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- name "STATEMENT"
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- value 1607)))))
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- name "CompositeUnique"
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- value "")
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- value FALSE)
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- name "GenerateDereferenceOperation"
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- value FALSE)
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- value FALSE)
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- value 14)))
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- value "")
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- value FALSE)
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- name "DefaultSpecifier"
- value "")))
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-|#include "$file"
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- name "IncludeFormat"
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-|// $package
-|#include "$file"
- ))
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- value FALSE)
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- name "IncludePrecompiledHeader"
- value TRUE)
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- name "AdditionalIncludes"
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- value "")
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- value (value Text ""))
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- value "")
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- name "OperationIsOneWay"
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- name "Context"
- value "")
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- name "Raises"
- value "")))
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- value "the_$supplier")
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- name "GenerateDataMember"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "DataMemberName"
- value "$relationship")
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- tool "cg"
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- name "Implementation"
- value 14)
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- tool "cg"
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- value "")
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- name "InitialValue"
- value (value Text ""))
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- name "GenerateGetOperation"
- value TRUE)
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- name "GetName"
- value "get_$relationship")
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- name "SetName"
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- value "")
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- value "")
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- tool "cg"
- name "SelectorType"
- value "")
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- name "GetIsConst"
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- tool "cg"
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- value (list Attribute_Set
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- name "False"
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- name "GetSetByReference"
- value FALSE)
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- name "InlineGet"
- value TRUE)
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- name "SetReturnsValue"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "InlineSet"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "ForwardReferenceOnly"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "GenerateForwardReference"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "IsReadOnly"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "cg"
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- tool "cg"
- name "HasRelTypeSet"
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- name "Array"
- value 24)
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- name "Sequence"
- value 47)))))
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- tool "cg"
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- tool "cg"
- name "NameIfUnlabeled"
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- tool "cg"
- name "InstanceArguments"
- value "")))
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- name "CodeName"
- value "")
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- tool "cg"
- name "ForwardReferenceOnly"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "NameIfUnlabeled"
- value "the_$targetClass")
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- tool "cg"
- name "GenerateDataMember"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "DataMemberName"
- value "$target")
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- tool "cg"
- name "DataMemberVisibility"
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- tool "cg"
- name "DataMemberVisibilitySet"
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- name "Implementation"
- value 14)
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- tool "cg"
- name "AtRelationshipVisibility"
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- tool "cg"
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- value (list Attribute_Set
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- name "Unrestricted"
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- name "Mutable"
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- value 2)))
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- value FALSE)
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- name "DataMemberFieldSize"
- value "")
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- name "InitialValue"
- value (value Text ""))
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- tool "cg"
- name "ContainerClass"
- value "")
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- name "ContainerGet"
- value "$data.get($keys)")
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- tool "cg"
- name "ContainerSet"
- value "$data.set($keys,$value)")
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- tool "cg"
- name "QualifiedContainer"
- value "")
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- tool "cg"
- name "AssocClassContainer"
- value "$supplier *")
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- value (value Text ""))
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- tool "cg"
- name "GetSetKinds"
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- value 203)
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- name "Friend"
- value 204)))
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- value FALSE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "GenerateGetOperation"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "GetName"
- value "get_$target")
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- tool "cg"
- name "GetIsConst"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "GetResultIsConst"
- value ("GetResultIsConstSet" 2))
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- name "GetResultIsConstSet"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- name "False"
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- name "True"
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- name "Same_As_Function"
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- name "InlineGet"
- value TRUE)
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- name "GenerateSetOperation"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "SetName"
- value "set_$target")
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- name "SetReturnsValue"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "InlineSet"
- value TRUE)
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- name "QualifiedGetSetByReference"
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- name "False"
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- name "True"
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- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "QualifiedGetName"
- value "get_$target")
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- name "QualifiedGetIsConst"
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- tool "cg"
- name "QualifiedGetResultIsConst"
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- name "InlineQualifiedGet"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "GenerateQualifiedSetOperation"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "QualifiedSetName"
- value "set_$target")
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- name "QualifiedSetReturnsValue"
- value FALSE)
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- name "InlineQualifiedSet"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "AssocClassDataMemberName"
- value "$target")
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- value 43)
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- name "Implementation"
- value 14)
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- tool "cg"
- name "AtRelationshipVisibility"
- value 210)))
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- name "Mutable"
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- name "Const"
- value 2)))
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- value FALSE)
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- value "get_$target")
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- name "AssocClassGetIsConst"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
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- name "InlineAssocClassGet"
- value TRUE)
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- name "GenerateAssocClassSetOperation"
- value TRUE)
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- name "AssocClassSetName"
- value "set_$target")
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- value FALSE)
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- name "InlineAssocClassSet"
- value TRUE)
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- name "AssocClassForwardReferenceOnly"
- value TRUE)
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- name "GenerateForwardReference"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "IsReadOnly"
- value FALSE)
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- value (list Attribute_Set
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- name "CodeName"
- value "")
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- name "GenerateDataMember"
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- name "DataMemberName"
- value "$attribute")
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- value (list Attribute_Set
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- name "Implementation"
- value 14)
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- value 211)))
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- value ("DataMemberMutabilitySet" 0))
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