path: root/cpp/sdo/README_ANT_INSTALL
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-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-Using ant to build TuscanySDO Native
-This guide shows how to build TuscanySDO Native with apache ant.
-Traditionally TuscanySDO was compiled with automake, but we decided
-it would be easier to maintain and more flexible if we switched to
-ant. Above all, using ant will standardize the build system across
-all platforms, obviating the need to support both automake and
-microsoft VC projects. The ant build process is still in its beta
-and will be formalized for Release M4. Currently the only item
-remaining is to write an ant build file for the samples.
-Required Software to build TuscanySDO Native with ant
- Most Linux, Mac, and Windows systems come with Java
- Java 1.4.2 or later
- Ant comes installed with almost all Linux distributions
- version 1.6 or later
- Download:
- version 1.0b3 or later
- Download:
-antcontrib cpptasks.jar
- version 1.0b4 or later
- Download:
- Information:
-Installation Instructions
-Make sure JAVA_HOME is set before starting.
-Install ant according to
-Set the ANT_HOME variable to the directory where you install ant.
-export ANT_HOME="/home/your/ant"
-Add $ANT_HOME/bin to your path.
-export PATH="${PATH}:${ANT_HOME}/bin"
-The optional ant tasks included in antcontrib and cpptasks are needed to
-compile Tuscany Native with ant. Additional ant tasks (antcontrib and cpptasks)
-should be installed in $ANT_HOME/lib
-So place the antcontrib and cpptasks jars there.
-If you dont have write access to $ANT_HOME/lib, do the following:
-- create ${user.home}/.ant/lib
-- place the jars here
-Typically its a good idea to avoid adding optional ant tasks to your classpath,
-this can be problematic.
-Since the antcontrib compiler adaptor for microsoft msvc 8 has several bugs, we've
-written our own. Even though this compiler is for Windows, it is referenced in the
-ant build scripts and thus needs to be added to the classpath even for Linux/Mac.
-Add the TuscanyMSVC8DevStudioCCompiler jar to your classpath.
-export CLASSPATH="${CLASSPATH}:/TuscanySourceDir/antscripts/TuscanyMSVC8DevStudioCCompiler.jar"
-Make sure JAVA_HOME is set before starting.
-Install ant according to
-Set the ANT_HOME variable to the directory where you install ant.
-set ANT_HOME=c:\ant
-Add %ANT_HOME%\bin to your path.
-set PATH=%PATH%;%ANT_HOME%\bin
-The optional ant tasks included in antcontrib and cpptasks are needed to
-compile Tuscany Native with ant. Additional ant tasks (antcontrib and cpptasks)
-should be installed in %ANT_HOME%\lib
-So place the antcontrib and cpptasks jars there.
-If you dont have write access to %ANT_HOME%\lib, do the following:
-- create %user.home%\.ant\lib
-- place the jars here
-Typically its a good idea to avoid adding optional ant tasks to your classpath,
-this can be problematic.
-Since the antcontrib compiler adaptor for microsoft msvc 8 has several bugs, we've
-written our own, namely TuscanyMSVC8DevStudioCCompiler. The Tuscany MSVC8 adaptor
-just makes sure that the correct parameters are passed to the compiler.
-Add the TuscanyMSVC8DevStudioCCompiler jar to your classpath.
-set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%:c:\TuscanySourceDir\antscripts\TuscanyMSVC8DevStudioCCompiler.jar
-From the TuscanySDO Native root source directory, the entire application can be
-compiled, linked, and installed by simply executing ant with no targets. This will
-execute the default "all" target.
-# ant
-The ant build system will scan your environment variables and ant configuration file
-and try to autoconfigure everything needed to build. The environment variables can be
-overridden by the ant configuration file: antscripts/ The only
-configuration that is mandatory to build TuscanySDO Native is the location of libxml2.
-To configure the location of libxml2, do one of the following:
- export LIBXML2_LIB=/libxml2/lib/dir
- export LIBXML2_INCLUDE=/libxml2/include/dir
- -- OR --
- edit antscripts/
- platform.libxml2.lib.dir=/libxml2/lib/dir
- platform.libxml2.include.dir=/libxml2/include/dir
-The configuration always overrides environment variables.
-See the CONFIGURATION section below for more information.
-To compile in debug mode, add the following define to the ant command line or
-edit the file as seen in the CONFIGURATION section below.
-# ant -Ddebug=true
-The TuscanySDO Native ant build process is hierarchical. Currently there are
-build scripts in the following locations, which can all be invoked from the
-root TuscanySDO directory:
- TUSCANY_SDO_SRC_ROOT/runtime/core/build.xml
- TUSCANY_SDO_SRC_ROOT/runtime/core/test/build.xml
- TUSCANY_SDO_SRC_ROOT/runtime/core/sdo_axiom_test/build.xml
-For a listing of public targets for any build.xml file, execute the following:
-(display shown for the root src directory)
-# ant -p
-Buildfile: build.xml
-Main targets:
- all build and install all TuscanySdoNative source code and documentation
- build Build all TuscanySdoNative source code and documentation
- clean Clean all TuscanySdoNative compiled source code
- install Install TuscanySdoNative libraries and headers
- test Run SDO tests, not implemented yet
- distribution Create a source and bin distribution structure
- pack.distribution Pack the bin and source distribution into .zip and .tar.gz files. Also generates the .asc and .md5 files
-Default target: all
-Public targets are those that have descriptions and are usually the only ones needed for
-compiling, installing and cleaning. For more avanced use, the private targets can be seen
-by looking at the actual build.xml file.
-To create a src and bin distribution of Tuscany SDO subproject, there must be set some properties on files:
-Property Required Example Description
--------- -------- ------- -----------
-platform.public.key.path Yes "E:/gnupg/trustdb.gpg" The public key ring file path
-platform.secret.key.path Yes "E:/gnupg/secring.gpg" The secret key ring file path
- Yes "148CAFB2" The key id used to sign the distribution files
-platform.tuscanySDO.distribution.dir NO "C:\distribution\" The folder where the distribution files will be generated, default=tuscanySDO.root.dir/distribution
- NO "tuscany_das_native-1.0-incubator-M4-" The beginning of src and bin packed distribution file name, default="tuscany_cpp_das".
- TUSCANY_DASCPP_RELEASE_NAME env var may be used as an alternative
-Also is required the bcpg-jdk<latest_version>-<latest_version>.jar and
-jce-jdk<latest_version>-<latest_version>.jar files defines on classpath.
-Both can be found at
-Use the "distribution" target to generate the src and bin distribution
-file structure under platform.tuscanySDO.distribution.dir folder. Then
-use the "pack.distribution" target to pack the bin and src distribution
-folders as .zip and .tar.gz and generate their .asc and .md5 files. A
-password must be set on the command line when using pack.distribution
-target, this password is used to sign the packed distribution files with
-the secret key defined on platform.secret.key.path
-Make sure an 1.6 JRE version is set in your JAVA_HOME when signing the
-ant distribution
-// do whatever you want on the generated distribution files
-ant pack.distribution -Dpassword="123456"
-The following explains how to configure the TuscanySDO Native ant build system.
-The build system is configured either by environment variables and/or by the
-antscripts/ file. Some options can only be configured via the file. If an option can be configured in both places, the option
-specified in the file overrides the environment variable.
-The TuscanySDO Native ant build system is capable of automatically configuring
-everything except the location of the libxml2 library. All other configuration
-options can be determined. (except of course the location of the optional 3rd-party
-packages: axis2c)
-From anywhere there is a TuscanySDO Native build.xml file, the current system
-configuration can be displayed by executing the display.system ant target as
-# ant display.system
-Buildfile: build.xml
- [echo]
- [echo] TuscanySDO paths
- [echo] tuscanySDO.root.dir= /amd/homes/bjohnson/tuscany_svn_head/sdo
- [echo] tuscanySDO.root.src.dir= /amd/homes/bjohnson/tuscany_svn_head/sdo/runtime
- [echo] tuscanySDO.install.dir= /nfs/homes/bjohnson/tuscany_svn_head/sdo/deploy
- [echo] tuscany_sdo
- [echo] sdo.impl.library.path= /nfs/homes/bjohnson/tuscany_svn_head/sdo/deploy/lib
- [echo] sdo.impl.include.path= /amd/homes/bjohnson/tuscany_svn_head/sdo/runtime/core/src
- [echo] tuscanySDO.library.version= '.0.0.0'
- [echo]
- [echo] TuscanySDO compiler configuration
- [echo] 'g++'
- [echo] debug.compile= 'false'
- [echo] lib.ext= '.so'
- [echo] dll.ext= ''
- [echo] lib.prefix= 'lib'
- [echo] object.ext= '.o'
- [echo] exe.ext= ''
- [echo] script.ext= '.sh'
- [echo] external.definitions.file= ''
- [echo]
- [echo] libxml2 location
- [echo] libxml2.lib.dir= /usr/lib
- [echo] libxml2.include.dir= /usr/include/libxml2
- [echo]
- [echo] axis2c location
- [echo] axis2c.home.dir= /nfs/homes/bjohnson/3rdparty/axis2c-src-0.96/deploy
- [echo]
-Total time: 0 seconds
-Compilation configuration
-The compilation options can all be determined by the ant build system by
-examining the platform. The values can only be overriden by editing the file. Following is a list of the options and their
-default values:
-platform.lib.ext= (Defaults to ".so" for Unix and ".lib" for Windows)
-platform.dll.ext= (Defaults to "" for Unix and ".dll" for Windows. Not used for Unix)
-platform.exe.ext= (Defaults to "" for Unix and ".exe" for Windows)
-platform.object.ext= (Defaults to ".o" for Unix and ".obj" for Windows)
-platform.script.ext= (Defaults to ".sh" for Unix and ".bat" for Windows) (Defaults to "g++" for Unix and "msvc8" for Windows)
-platform.debug.compile= (Defaults to "false" for both Unix and Windows)
-To configure ant to use a compiler other than g++ or msvc, or to add your own
-ant tasks/definitions, specify a path for the platform.external.definitions.file
-and in the configuration file. This
-is especially useful for compiling on other platforms like AIX or Solaris.
-Tuscany SDO installation path
-The Tuscany SDO installation directory can be configured as follows:
- export TUSCANY_SDOCPP=/tuscany/sdo/native/install/dir
- -- OR --
- edit antscripts/
- platform.tuscanySDO.install.dir=/tuscany/sdo/native/install/dir
-The Tuscany SDO installation directory defaults to:
-3rd Party configuration
-If not specified, then the values are left empty and the sdo_axiom library will not be compiled.
- export AXIS2C_HOME=/axis2c/home/dir
- -- OR --
- edit antscripts/
- platform.axis2c.home.dir=/axis2c/home/dir
-If not specified, then the the build will fail.
- export LIBXML2_LIB=/libxml2/library/directory
- export LIBXML2_INCLUDE=/libxml2/include/directory
- -- OR --
- edit antscripts/
- platform.libxml2.lib.dir=/libxml2/library/directory
- platform.libxml2.include.dir=/libxml2/include/directory