path: root/branches/site-20070701-mvnbased/site-author/cpp_getting_started_m1.xml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 384 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/branches/site-20070701-mvnbased/site-author/cpp_getting_started_m1.xml b/branches/site-20070701-mvnbased/site-author/cpp_getting_started_m1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c8b7aab97a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/branches/site-20070701-mvnbased/site-author/cpp_getting_started_m1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ <properties>
+ <title>Getting Started with SCA C++ Milestone Release 1</title>
+ <bannertitle>Getting Started with SCA C++ Milestone Release 1</bannertitle>
+ <tab>sca</tab>
+ </properties>
+ <body>
+ <section name="Getting Started with SCA C++ Milestone 1 Release">
+ <P>The first step would be to download the SCA C++ Milestone
+Release 1 from our <A HREF=""
+target='_blank'>downloads page</A>.</P>
+ <DIV CLASS="section">
+ <H3>Contents</H3>
+ <OL>
+ <LI><A HREF="#requirements">System Requirements</A></LI>
+ <LI><A HREF="#install">Installing Tuscany SCA..</A>
+ <UL>
+ <LI><A HREF="#linuxbin">..from the binary release on Linux</A></LI>
+ <LI><A HREF="#linuxsrc">..from the source release on Linux</A></LI>
+ <LI><A HREF="#winbin">..from the binary release on Windows</A></LI>
+ <LI><A HREF="#winsrc">..from the source release on Windows</A></LI>
+ </UL></LI>
+ <LI><A HREF="#samples">Samples</A>
+ <UL>
+ <LI><A HREF="#linuxbld">Building the samples on Linux</A></LI>
+ <LI><A HREF="#linuxrun">Running the samples on Linux:</A></LI>
+ <UL>
+ <LI><A HREF="#linuxcalcbasic">Calculator with basic client</A></LI>
+ <LI><A HREF="#linuxcalcws">Calculator with Web Service client</A></LI>
+ </UL>
+ <LI><A HREF="#winbld">Building the samples on Windows</A></LI>
+ <LI><A HREF="#winrun">Running the samples on Windows:</A></LI>
+ <UL>
+ <LI><A HREF="#wincalcbasic">Calculator with basic client</A></LI>
+ <LI><A HREF="#wincalcws">Calculator with Web Service client</A></LI>
+ </UL>
+ </UL>
+ </LI>
+ <LI><A HREF="#userguide">User Guide Documents</A></LI>
+ <LI><A HREF="#help">Getting Help</A></LI>
+ </OL>
+ </DIV>
+ <DIV CLASS="section">
+ <A NAME="requirements"><H3>System Requirements</H3></A>
+ <P>In order to run Tuscany SCA there are some
+ minimum requirements:</P>
+ <TABLE CLASS="bodyTable">
+ <TR CLASS="a">
+ <TD><B>Software</B></TD>
+ <TD><B>Download Link</B></TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR CLASS="b">
+ <TD>Operating systems:
+ <UL>
+ <LI>Windows XP SP2</LI>
+ <LI>Linux</LI>
+ </UL>
+ </TD>
+ <TD>
+ </TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR CLASS="a">
+ <TD>Axis2C Release 0.92</TD>
+ <TD>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TARGET="_blank"></A><BR/>
+ Please download and follow the installation instructions. Ensure you can run the Axis2C samples
+ </TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR CLASS="b">
+ <TD>Tuscany SDO for C++ Milestone Release 1</TD>
+ <TD>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TARGET="_blank"></A><BR/>
+ Please download and follow the installation instructions
+ </TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR CLASS="a">
+ <TD>Java SDK 1.4 or later</TD>
+ <TD>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TARGET="_blank"></A><BR/>
+ This is required for building and running the SCAGEN code generation tool, which is used
+ when developing Tuscany SCA C++ components
+ </TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR CLASS="b">
+ <TD>Apache Ant 1.6 or later</TD>
+ <TD>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TARGET="_blank"></A><BR/>
+ This is required for building the SCAGEN code generation tool, which is used
+ when developing Tuscany SCA C++ components
+ </TD>
+ </TR>
+ </TBODY>
+ </TABLE>
+ </DIV>
+ <DIV CLASS="section">
+ <A NAME="install"><H3>Installing Tuscany SCA for C++</H3></A>
+ <A NAME="linuxbin"><H3>Getting Tuscany SCA for C++ working with the binary release on Linux</H3></A>
+ <OL>
+ <LI>Extract the binary tar package to a folder</LI>
+ <LI>Set the TUSCANY_SCACPP environment variable to point to the directory that was just extracted</LI>
+ <LI>Add the *install_dir*/lib directory to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable</LI>
+ </OL>
+ <A NAME="linuxsrc"><H3>Getting Tuscany SCA for C++ working with the source release on Linux</H3></A>
+ <OL>
+ <LI>Extract the source tar package to a folder &lt;tuscany_sca&gt;</LI>
+ <LI>The following environment variables are required:
+ <UL>
+ <LI>TUSCANY_SDOCPP=&lt;path to installed Tuscany SDO&gt;</LI>
+ <LI>AXIS2C_HOME=&lt;path to axis2c version 0.92&gt;</LI>
+ </UL></LI>
+ <LI>Build the source with the following command sequence:
+ <UL>
+ <LI>./configure</LI>
+ <LI>make</LI>
+ <LI>make install</LI>
+ </UL>
+ NOTE: If you don't provide a --prefix configure option, it will by default install into
+ /usr/local/tuscany/sca</LI>
+ </OL>
+ <A NAME="winbin"><H3>Getting Tuscany SCA for C++ working with the binary release on Windows</H3></A>
+ <OL>
+ <LI>Unzip the supplied zip file to a folder</LI>
+ <LI>Set the TUSCANY_SCACPP environment variable to point to the directory that was just unzipped</LI>
+ <LI>Add the *install_dir*\bin directory to the PATH environment variable</LI>
+ </OL>
+ <A NAME="winsrc"><H3>Getting Tuscany SCA for C++ working with the source release on Windows</H3></A>
+ <OL>
+ <LI>Unzip the supplied source zip file</LI>
+ <LI>The following environment variables are required:
+ <UL>
+ <LI>TUSCANY_SDOCPP=&lt;path to installed Tuscany SDO&gt;</LI>
+ <LI>AXIS2C_HOME=&lt;path to axis2c version 0.92&gt;</LI>
+ </UL></LI>
+ <LI>You must have set up the environment for Microsoft Visual C++ tools. The build command
+ will call vcvars32 to set the environment. Ensure the directory containing this is on your path.
+ This will be where you installed the compiler.</LI>
+ <LI>Build the source:
+ <UL>
+ <LI>cd &lt;to where you unzipped the source&gt;</LI>
+ <LI>build</LI>
+ </UL>
+ This will build all the projects and put the required output into the 'deploy' directory<BR/><BR/>
+ Alternatively, open the workspace tuscany_sca.dsw in Visual Studio 6 - you can build projects individually
+ or build the samples to rebuild all the projects</LI>
+ <LI>Set the TUSCANY_SCACPP environment variable to point to the 'deploy' directory that was just created</LI>
+ </OL>
+ </DIV>
+ <DIV CLASS="section">
+ <A NAME="samples"><H3>Samples</H3></A>
+ <P>Tuscany SCA C++ includes a simple technology sample that demonstrates some of the functionality of
+ the Tuscany SCA C++ runtime. This page describes what is needed to install and run the sample.
+ </P>
+ </DIV>
+ <DIV CLASS="section">
+ <A NAME="linuxbld"><H3>Building the samples on Linux</H3></A>
+ <P>If using the binary distribution the samples are built and installed in
+ &lt;tuscany_sca_install_dir&gt;/samples - go directly to <A HREF="#linuxrun">Running the samples on Linux</A>.</P>
+ <OL>
+ <LI>The following environment variables are required:
+ <UL>
+ <LI>TUSCANY_SCACPP=&lt;path to installed Tuscany SCA&gt; </LI>
+ <LI>TUSCANY_SDOCPP=&lt;path to installed Tuscany SDO&gt; </LI>
+ <LI>AXIS2C_HOME=&lt;path to axis2c version 0.92&gt;</LI>
+ </UL></LI>
+ <LI>Build the source with the following command sequence:
+ <UL>
+ <LI>cd &lt;tuscany_sca_install_dir&gt;/samples</LI>
+ <LI>./configure</LI>
+ <LI>make</LI>
+ <LI>make install</LI>
+ </UL>
+ NOTE: If you don't provide a --prefix configure option, it will by default install into
+ /usr/local/tuscany/sca/samples/Calculator</LI>
+ </OL>
+ </DIV>
+ <DIV CLASS="section">
+ <A NAME="linuxrun"><H3>Running the samples on Linux</H3></A>
+ <A NAME="linuxcalcbasic"><H3>Calculator with basic client</H3></A>
+ <OL>
+ <LI>The following environment variables are required:
+ <UL>
+ <LI>TUSCANY_SCACPP=&lt;path to installed Tuscany SCA&gt;</LI>
+ <LI>TUSCANY_SDOCPP=&lt;path to installed Tuscany SDO&gt;</LI>
+ <LI>AXIS2C_HOME=&lt;path to axis2c version 0.92&gt;</LI>
+ </UL>
+ </LI>
+ <LI>Run the sample with the following commands:
+ <UL>
+ <LI>cd &lt;tuscany_sca_install_dir&gt;/samples/Calculator/deploy/bin</LI>
+ <LI>./</LI>
+ </UL>
+ </LI>
+ </OL>
+ <A NAME="linuxcalcws"><H3>Calculator with Web Service client</H3></A>
+ <OL>
+ <LI>Deploy the Calculator as an Axis2C service:
+ <OL>
+ <LI>Create a new service folder in axis2:<BR/>
+ &lt;AXIS2C_HOME&gt;/services/Calculator</LI>
+ <LI>Copy the &lt;TUSCANY_SCACPP&gt;/samples/Calculator/CalculatorComposite/services.xml
+ to &lt;AXIS2C_HOME&gt;/services/Calculator/services.xml</LI>
+ <LI>Edit the &lt;AXIS2C_HOME&gt;/services/Calculator/services.xml file to set the TuscanySystemRoot parameter to<BR/>
+ &lt;parameter name="TuscanySystemRoot" locked="xsd:false"&gt;&lt;tuscany_sca_install_dir&gt;/samples/Calculator/deploy&lt;/parameter&gt;<BR/>
+ replacing &lt;tuscany_sca_install_dir&gt; with the install path of Tuscany SCA</LI>
+ <LI>Copy the &lt;TUSCANY_SCACPP&gt;/lib/ library into &lt;AXIS2C_HOME&gt;/services/Calculator</LI>
+ </OL>
+ </LI>
+ <LI>Start the Axis2C simple http server:
+ <OL>
+ <LI>cd &lt;AXIS2C_HOME&gt;/bin</LI>
+ <LI>The following environment variables are required:
+ <UL>
+ <LI>TUSCANY_SCACPP=&lt;path to installed Tuscany SCA&gt;</LI>
+ <LI>TUSCANY_SDOCPP=&lt;path to installed Tuscany SDO&gt;</LI>
+ <LI>AXIS2C_HOME=&lt;path to axis2c version 0.92&gt;</LI>
+ </UL>
+ </LI>
+ <LI>Add &lt;TUSCANY_SCACPP&gt;/lib, &lt;TUSCANY_SDOCPP&gt;/lib and &lt;AXIS2C_HOME&gt;/lib
+ to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable
+ </LI>
+ <LI>./axis2_http_server</LI>
+ </OL>
+ </LI>
+ <LI>Run the client:
+ <OL>
+ <LI>The following environment variable is required:
+ <UL>
+ <LI>AXIS2C_HOME=&lt;path to axis2c version 0.92&gt;</LI>
+ </UL>
+ </LI>
+ <LI>cd &lt;tuscany_sca_install_dir&gt;/samples/Calculator/deploy/bin</LI>
+ <LI>./</LI>
+ </OL>
+ </LI>
+ </OL>
+ </DIV>
+ <DIV CLASS="section">
+ <A NAME="winbld"><H3>Building the samples on Windows</H3></A>
+ <P>If using the binary distribution the samples are built and installed in
+ &lt;tuscany_sca_install_dir&gt;/samples - go directly to <A HREF="#winrun">Running the samples on Windows</A>.</P>
+ <OL>
+ <LI>The following environment variables are required:
+ <UL>
+ <LI>TUSCANY_SCACPP=&lt;path to installed Tuscany SCA&gt;</LI>
+ <LI>TUSCANY_SDOCPP=&lt;path to installed Tuscany SDO&gt;</LI>
+ <LI>AXIS2C_HOME=&lt;path to axis2c version 0.92&gt;</LI>
+ </UL>
+ </LI>
+ <LI>You must have set up the environment for Microsoft Visual C++ tools.
+ The build command will call vcvars32 to set the environment. Ensure the
+ directory containing this is on your path. This will be where you
+ installed the compiler.
+ </LI>
+ <LI>Build the source, either via the Visual Studio 6 or 7 projects under
+ &lt;tuscany_sca_install_dir&gt;\samples\ides or via the command-line build file
+ found at &lt;tuscany_sca_install_dir&gt;\samples\ides\devstudio6\projects\Calculator\build.cmd
+ which will build and deploy the samples.
+ </LI>
+ </OL>
+ </DIV>
+ <DIV CLASS="section">
+ <A NAME="winrun"><H3>Running the samples on Windows</H3></A>
+ <A NAME="wincalcbasic"><H3>Calculator with basic client</H3></A>
+ <OL>
+ <LI>The following environment variables are required:
+ <UL>
+ <LI>TUSCANY_SCACPP=&lt;path to installed Tuscany SCA&gt;</LI>
+ <LI>TUSCANY_SDOCPP=&lt;path to installed Tuscany SDO&gt;</LI>
+ <LI>AXIS2C_HOME=&lt;path to axis2c version 0.92&gt;</LI>
+ </UL>
+ </LI>
+ <LI>Run the sample with the following commands:
+ <UL>
+ <LI>cd &lt;tuscany_sca_install_dir&gt;/samples/Calculator/deploy/bin</LI>
+ <LI>runclient add 5 6<BR/>
+ (can also use sub, div, mul).</LI>
+ </UL>
+ </LI>
+ </OL>
+ <A NAME="wincalcws"><H3>Calculator with Web Service client</H3></A>
+ <OL>
+ <LI>Deploy the Calculator as an Axis2C service:
+ <OL>
+ <LI>Create a new service folder in axis2:<BR/>
+ &lt;AXIS2C_HOME&gt;/services/Calculator</LI>
+ <LI>Copy the &lt;TUSCANY_SCACPP&gt;/samples/Calculator/CalculatorComposite/services.xml
+ to &lt;AXIS2C_HOME&gt;/services/Calculator/services.xml</LI>
+ <LI>Edit the &lt;AXIS2C_HOME&gt;/services/Calculator/services.xml file to set the TuscanySystemRoot parameter to<BR/>
+ &lt;parameter name="TuscanySystemRoot" locked="xsd:false"&gt;&lt;TUSCANY_SCACPP&gt;/samples/Calculator/deploy&lt;/parameter&gt;<BR/>
+ replacing &lt;TUSCANY_SCACPP&gt; with the install path of Tuscany SCA</LI>
+ <LI>Copy the &lt;TUSCANY_SCACPP&gt;/lib/tuscany_sca_ws_service.dll (and .pdb if debugging) file(s)
+ into &lt;AXIS2C_HOME&gt;/services/Calculator</LI>
+ </OL>
+ </LI>
+ <LI>Start the Axis2C simple http server:
+ <OL>
+ <LI>cd &lt;AXIS2C_HOME&gt;/bin</LI>
+ <LI>The following environment variables are required:
+ <UL>
+ <LI>TUSCANY_SCACPP=&lt;path to installed Tuscany SCA&gt;</LI>
+ <LI>TUSCANY_SDOCPP=&lt;path to installed Tuscany SDO&gt;</LI>
+ <LI>AXIS2C_HOME=&lt;path to axis2c version 0.92&gt;</LI>
+ </UL>
+ </LI>
+ <LI>Add &lt;TUSCANY_SCACPP&gt;\bin, &lt;TUSCANY_SDOCPP&gt;\bin and &lt;AXIS2C_HOME&gt;/lib
+ to the PATH environment variable
+ </LI>
+ <LI>axis2_http_server</LI>
+ </OL>
+ </LI>
+ <LI>Run the client:
+ <OL>
+ <LI>The following environment variable is required:
+ <UL>
+ <LI>AXIS2C_HOME=&lt;path to axis2c version 0.92&gt;</LI>
+ </UL>
+ </LI>
+ <LI>cd &lt;tuscany_sca_install_dir&gt;/samples/Calculator/deploy/bin</LI>
+ <LI>runwsclient</LI>
+ </OL>
+ </LI>
+ </OL>
+ </DIV>
+ <DIV CLASS="section">
+ <A NAME="userguide"><H3>User Guide Documents</H3></A>
+ <P>The SCA C++ Milestone release 1 also contains the following two documents to assist in developing with Tuscany SCA C++
+ </P>
+ <TABLE CLASS="bodyTable">
+ <TR CLASS="a">
+ <TD STYLE="vertical-align: top; white-space: nowrap;"><EM>Creating and building a Tuscany SCA C++ component</EM>
+ </TD>
+ <TD>A document that describes how to create, build and run a Tuscany SCA C++ component.
+ </TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR CLASS="a">
+ <TD STYLE="vertical-align: top; white-space: nowrap;"><EM>Enabling Web Service access to your Tuscany SCA C++ component</EM>
+ </TD>
+ <TD>A document that describes how to expose a Tuscany SCA C++ component as a Web Service via an SCA Web Service Entrypoint.
+ </TD>
+ </TR>
+ </TBODY>
+ </TABLE>
+ </DIV>
+ <DIV CLASS="section">
+ <A NAME="help"><H3>Getting Help</H3></A>
+ <P>First place to look is at the Tuscany FAQ at
+ <A HREF=""
+ TARGET="_blank"></A> </P>
+ <P>Any problem with this release can be reported to the Tuscany
+ <A HREF=""
+ TARGET="_blank">mailing lists</A> or create a JIRA issue at
+ <A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"></A>.</P>
+ </DIV>
+ </section>
+ </body>