path: root/branches/sca-java-1.x/modules/binding-ws-axis2-jms/src/main/java/org/apache/tuscany/sca/binding/ws/axis2/jms/
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Diffstat (limited to 'branches/sca-java-1.x/modules/binding-ws-axis2-jms/src/main/java/org/apache/tuscany/sca/binding/ws/axis2/jms/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 273 deletions
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-* Copyright 2004,2005 The Apache Software Foundation.
-* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-* You may obtain a copy of the License at
-* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-* limitations under the License.
-import org.apache.axis2.client.Options;
-public class JMSConstants {
- /**
- * The prefix indicating an Axis JMS URL
- */
- public static final String JMS_PREFIX = "jms:/";
- //------------------------------------ defaults / constants ------------------------------------
- /**
- * The local (Axis2) JMS connection factory name of the default connection
- * factory to be used, if a service does not explicitly state the connection
- * factory it should be using by a Parameter named JMSConstants.CONFAC_PARAM
- */
- public static final String DEFAULT_CONFAC_NAME = "default";
- /**
- * The default JMS time out waiting for a reply - also see {@link JMS_WAIT_REPLY}
- */
- /**
- * Value indicating a Queue used for {@link DEST_PARAM_TYPE}, {@link REPLY_PARAM_TYPE}
- */
- public static final String DESTINATION_TYPE_QUEUE = "queue";
- /**
- * Value indicating a Topic used for {@link DEST_PARAM_TYPE}, {@link REPLY_PARAM_TYPE}
- */
- public static final String DESTINATION_TYPE_TOPIC = "topic";
- /**
- * Value indicating a JMS 1.1 Generic Destination used by {@link DEST_PARAM_TYPE}, {@link REPLY_PARAM_TYPE}
- */
- public static final String DESTINATION_TYPE_GENERIC = "generic";
- /** Do not cache any JMS resources between tasks (when sending) or JMS CF's (when sending) */
- public static final int CACHE_NONE = 0;
- /** Cache only the JMS connection between tasks (when receiving), or JMS CF's (when sending)*/
- public static final int CACHE_CONNECTION = 1;
- /** Cache only the JMS connection and Session between tasks (receiving), or JMS CF's (sending) */
- public static final int CACHE_SESSION = 2;
- /** Cache the JMS connection, Session and Consumer between tasks when receiving*/
- public static final int CACHE_CONSUMER = 3;
- /** Cache the JMS connection, Session and Producer within a JMSConnectionFactory when sending */
- public static final int CACHE_PRODUCER = 4;
- /** automatic choice of an appropriate caching level (depending on the transaction strategy) */
- public static final int CACHE_AUTO = 5;
- /** A JMS 1.1 Generic Destination type or ConnectionFactory */
- public static final int GENERIC = 0;
- /** A Queue Destination type or ConnectionFactory */
- public static final int QUEUE = 1;
- /** A Topic Destination type or ConnectionFactory */
- public static final int TOPIC = 2;
- /**
- * The EPR parameter name indicating the name of the message level property that indicated the content type.
- */
- public static final String CONTENT_TYPE_PROPERTY_PARAM = "transport.jms.ContentTypeProperty";
- //---------------------------------- services.xml parameters -----------------------------------
- /**
- * The Service level Parameter name indicating the JMS destination for requests of a service
- */
- public static final String PARAM_DESTINATION = "transport.jms.Destination";
- /**
- * The Service level Parameter name indicating the destination type for requests.
- */
- public static final String PARAM_DEST_TYPE = "transport.jms.DestinationType";
- /**
- * The Service level Parameter name indicating the [default] response destination of a service
- */
- public static final String PARAM_REPLY_DESTINATION = "transport.jms.ReplyDestination";
- /**
- * The Service level Parameter name indicating the response destination type
- */
- public static final String PARAM_REPLY_DEST_TYPE = "transport.jms.ReplyDestinationType";
- /**
- * The Parameter name of an Axis2 service, indicating the JMS connection
- * factory which should be used to listen for messages for it. This is
- * the local (Axis2) name of the connection factory and not the JNDI name
- */
- public static final String PARAM_JMS_CONFAC = "transport.jms.ConnectionFactory";
- /**
- * Connection factory type if using JMS 1.0, either DESTINATION_TYPE_QUEUE or DESTINATION_TYPE_TOPIC
- */
- public static final String PARAM_CONFAC_TYPE = "transport.jms.ConnectionFactoryType";
- /**
- * The Parameter name indicating the JMS connection factory JNDI name
- */
- public static final String PARAM_CONFAC_JNDI_NAME = "transport.jms.ConnectionFactoryJNDIName";
- /**
- * The Parameter indicating the expected content type for messages received by the service.
- */
- public static final String CONTENT_TYPE_PARAM = "transport.jms.ContentType";
- /**
- * The Parameter indicating a final EPR as a String, to be published on the WSDL of a service
- * Could occur more than once, and could provide additional connection properties or a subset
- * of the properties auto computed. Also could replace IP addresses with hostnames, and expose
- * public credentials clients. If a user specified this parameter, the auto generated EPR will
- * not be exposed - unless an instance of this parameter is added with the string "legacy"
- * This parameter could be used to expose EPR's conforming to the proposed SOAP/JMS spec
- * until such time full support is implemented for it.
- */
- public static final String PARAM_PUBLISH_EPR = "transport.jms.PublishEPR";
- /** The parameter indicating the JMS API specification to be used - if this is "1.1" the JMS
- * 1.1 API would be used, else the JMS 1.0.2B
- */
- public static final String PARAM_JMS_SPEC_VER = "transport.jms.JMSSpecVersion";
- /**
- * The Parameter indicating whether the JMS Session should be transacted for the service
- * Specified as a "true" or "false"
- */
- public static final String PARAM_SESSION_TRANSACTED = "transport.jms.SessionTransacted";
- /**
- * The Parameter indicating the Session acknowledgement for the service. Must be one of the
- * following Strings, or the appropriate Integer used by the JMS API
- */
- public static final String PARAM_SESSION_ACK = "transport.jms.SessionAcknowledgement";
- /** A message selector to be used when messages are sought for this service */
- public static final String PARAM_MSG_SELECTOR = "transport.jms.MessageSelector";
- /** Is the Subscription durable ? - "true" or "false" See {@link PARAM_DURABLE_SUB_NAME} */
- public static final String PARAM_SUB_DURABLE = "transport.jms.SubscriptionDurable";
- /** The name for the durable subscription See {@link PARAM_SUB_DURABLE}*/
- public static final String PARAM_DURABLE_SUB_NAME = "transport.jms.DurableSubscriberName";
- /**
- * JMS Resource cachable level to be used for the service One of the following:
- * {@link CACHE_CONSUMER}, or {@link CACHE_AUTO} - to let the transport decide
- */
- public static final String PARAM_CACHE_LEVEL = "transport.jms.CacheLevel";
- /** Should a pub-sub connection receive messages published by itself? */
- public static final String PARAM_PUBSUB_NO_LOCAL = "transport.jms.PubSubNoLocal";
- /**
- * The number of milliseconds to wait for a message on a consumer.receive() call
- * negative number - wait forever
- * 0 - do not wait at all
- * positive number - indicates the number of milliseconds to wait
- */
- public static final String PARAM_RCV_TIMEOUT = "transport.jms.ReceiveTimeout";
- /**
- *The number of concurrent consumers to be created to poll for messages for this service
- * For Topics, this should be ONE, to prevent receipt of multiple copies of the same message
- */
- public static final String PARAM_CONCURRENT_CONSUMERS = "transport.jms.ConcurrentConsumers";
- /**
- * The maximum number of concurrent consumers for the service - See {@link PARAM_CONCURRENT_CONSUMERS}
- */
- public static final String PARAM_MAX_CONSUMERS = "transport.jms.MaxConcurrentConsumers";
- /**
- * The number of idle (i.e. message-less) polling attempts before a worker task commits suicide,
- * to scale down resources, as load decreases
- */
- public static final String PARAM_IDLE_TASK_LIMIT = "transport.jms.IdleTaskLimit";
- /**
- * The maximum number of messages a polling worker task should process, before suicide - to
- * prevent many longer running threads - default is unlimited (i.e. a worker task will live forever)
- */
- public static final String PARAM_MAX_MSGS_PER_TASK = "transport.jms.MaxMessagesPerTask";
- /**
- * Number of milliseconds before the first reconnection attempt is tried, on detection of an
- * error. Subsequent retries follow a geometric series, where the
- * duration = previous duration * factor
- * This is further limited by the {@link PARAM_RECON_MAX_DURATION} to be meaningful
- */
- public static final String PARAM_RECON_INIT_DURATION = "transport.jms.InitialReconnectDuration";
- public static final String PARAM_RECON_FACTOR = "transport.jms.ReconnectProgressFactor";
- public static final String PARAM_RECON_MAX_DURATION = "transport.jms.MaxReconnectDuration";
- /** The username to use when obtaining a JMS Connection */
- public static final String PARAM_JMS_USERNAME = "transport.jms.UserName";
- /** The password to use when obtaining a JMS Connection */
- public static final String PARAM_JMS_PASSWORD = "transport.jms.Password";
- //-------------- message context / transport header properties and client options --------------
- /**
- * A MessageContext property or client Option indicating the JMS message type
- */
- public static final String JMS_MESSAGE_TYPE = "JMS_MESSAGE_TYPE";
- /**
- * The message type indicating a BytesMessage. See {@link JMS_MESSAGE_TYPE}
- */
- public static final String JMS_BYTE_MESSAGE = "JMS_BYTE_MESSAGE";
- /**
- * The message type indicating a TextMessage. See {@link JMS_MESSAGE_TYPE}
- */
- public static final String JMS_TEXT_MESSAGE = "JMS_TEXT_MESSAGE";
- /**
- * A MessageContext property or client Option indicating the time to wait for a response JMS message
- */
- public static final String JMS_WAIT_REPLY = "JMS_WAIT_REPLY";
- /**
- * A MessageContext property or client Option indicating the JMS correlation id
- */
- public static final String JMS_COORELATION_ID = "JMS_COORELATION_ID";
- /**
- * A MessageContext property or client Option indicating the JMS message id
- */
- public static final String JMS_MESSAGE_ID = "JMS_MESSAGE_ID";
- /**
- * A MessageContext property or client Option indicating the JMS delivery mode as an Integer or String
- * Value 1 - javax.jms.DeliveryMode.NON_PERSISTENT
- * Value 2 - javax.jms.DeliveryMode.PERSISTENT
- */
- public static final String JMS_DELIVERY_MODE = "JMS_DELIVERY_MODE";
- /**
- * A MessageContext property or client Option indicating the JMS destination to use on a Send
- */
- public static final String JMS_DESTINATION = "JMS_DESTINATION";
- /**
- * A MessageContext property or client Option indicating the JMS message expiration - a Long value
- * specified as a String
- */
- public static final String JMS_EXPIRATION = "JMS_EXPIRATION";
- /**
- * A MessageContext property indicating if the message is a redelivery (Boolean as a String)
- */
- public static final String JMS_REDELIVERED = "JMS_REDELIVERED";
- /**
- * A MessageContext property or client Option indicating the JMS replyTo Destination
- */
- public static final String JMS_REPLY_TO = "JMS_REPLY_TO";
- /**
- * A MessageContext property or client Option indicating the JMS replyTo Destination type
- */
- public static final String JMS_REPLY_TO_TYPE = "JMS_REPLY_TO_TYPE";
- /**
- * A MessageContext property or client Option indicating the JMS timestamp (Long specified as String)
- */
- public static final String JMS_TIMESTAMP = "JMS_TIMESTAMP";
- /**
- * A MessageContext property indicating the JMS type String returned by {@link javax.jms.Message.getJMSType()}
- */
- public static final String JMS_TYPE = "JMS_TYPE";
- /**
- * A MessageContext property or client Option indicating the JMS priority
- */
- public static final String JMS_PRIORITY = "JMS_PRIORITY";
- /**
- * A MessageContext property or client Option indicating the JMS time to live for message sent
- */
- public static final String JMS_TIME_TO_LIVE = "JMS_TIME_TO_LIVE";
- /** The prefix that denotes JMSX properties */
- public static final String JMSX_PREFIX = "JMSX";
- /** The JMSXGroupID property */
- public static final String JMSX_GROUP_ID = "JMSXGroupID";
- /** The JMSXGroupSeq property */
- public static final String JMSX_GROUP_SEQ = "JMSXGroupSeq";