New conversation
Manage accounts
End this conversation
Contact details
Secure conversation
Add new account
Edit name
Add to address book
Delete from roster
Block contact
Unblock contact
Block domain
Unblock domain
Manage accounts
Group chat details
Contact details
Share with conversation
Start conversation
Choose contact
Choose contacts
Block list
just now
1 min ago
%d mins ago
%d unread conversations
Decrypting message. Please wait…
OpenPGP encrypted message
Nickname is already in use
Would you like to remove %s from your roster? The conversation associated with this contact will not be removed.
Would you like to block %s from sending you messages?
Would you like to unblock %s and allow them to send you messages?
Block all contacts from %s?
Unblock all contacts from %s?
Contact blocked
Would you like to remove %s as a bookmark? The conversation associated with this bookmark will not be removed.
Register new account on server
Change password on server
Share with…
Start Conversation
Invite Contact
Pix-Art Messenger has crashed
By sending in stack traces you are helping the ongoing development of Pix-Art Messenger\nWarning: This will use your XMPP account to send the stack trace to the developer.
Send now
Never ask again
Unable to connect to account
Unable to connect to multiple accounts
Touch here to manage your accounts
Attach file
The contact is not in your roster. Would you like to add it?
Add contact
delivery failed
Preparing image for transmission
Clear history
Clear Conversation History
Are you sure you want to delete all messages within this conversation?\n\nWarning: This will not delete copies of those messages that are stored on other devices or servers.
End this conversation afterwards
Choose device
Send unencrypted message
Send message to %s
Send OTR encrypted message
Send OMEMO encrypted message
Send v\\OMEMO encrypted message
Send OpenPGP encrypted message
Your nickname has been changed
Send unencrypted
Decryption failed. Maybe you don’t have the proper private key.
Pix-Art Messenger utilizes a third party app called OpenKeychain to encrypt and decrypt messages and to manage your public keys.\n\nOpenKeychain is licensed under GPLv3 and available on F-Droid and Google Play.\n\n(Please restart Pix-Art Messenger afterwards.)
No OpenPGP Key found
Pix-Art Messenger is unable to encrypt your messages because your contact is not announcing his or hers public key.\n\nPlease ask your contact to setup OpenPGP.
No OpenPGP Keys found
Accept files in WiFi connections
When connected to wifi automatically accept files smaller than…
Accept files in mobile connections
When connected with mobile data automatically accept files smaller than…
Accept files in mobile roaming connections
When connected with mobile data in roaming automatically accept files smaller than…
Vibrate when a new message arrives
LED Notification
Blink notification light when a new message arrives
Play sound when a new message arrives
Send crash reports
By sending stack traces you are helping the ongoing development of Pix-Art Messenger
Confirm Messages
Let your contacts know when you have received and read their messages
OpenKeychain reported an error
An error has occurred
Your account
Send presence updates
Receive presence updates
Ask for presence updates
Choose picture
Preemptively grant subscription request
The file you selected is not an image
Error while converting the image file
File not found
General I/O error. Maybe you ran out of storage space?
The app you used to select this image did not provide us with enough permissions to read the file.\n\nUse a different file manager to choose an image
Temporarily disabled
Server not found
No connectivity
Registration failed
Username already in use
Registration completed
Server does not support registration
TLS negotiation failed
Policy violation
Incompatible server
Stream error
Edit account
Delete account
Publish avatar
Publish OpenPGP public key
Remove OpenPGP public key
Are you sure you want to remove your OpenPGP public key from your presence announcement?\nYour contacts will no longer be able to send you OpenPGP encrypted messages.
OpenPGP public key has been published.
Are you sure?
If you delete your account, your entire local conversation history will be lost.\n\nIf you delete your account from server, your entire account will be deleted from server too, you will not be able to login anymore until you register a new account.
Record voice
This is not a valid Jabber-ID
Out of memory. Image is too large
Do you want to add %s to your address book?
Server info
XEP-0313: MAM
XEP-0280: Message Carbons
XEP-0352: Client State Indication
XEP-0191: Blocking Command
XEP-0237: Roster Versioning
XEP-0198: Stream Management
XEP-0163: PEP (Avatars / OMEMO)
XEP-0363: HTTP File Upload
XEP-0357: Push
Missing public key announcements
1 minute ago
%d minutes ago
1 hour ago
%d hours ago
1 day ago
%d days ago
Encrypted message. Please install OpenKeychain to decrypt.
Unknown OTR fingerprint
OpenPGP encrypted messages found
Your fingerprint
OTR fingerprint
OTR fingerprint of message
OpenPGP Key ID
OMEMO fingerprint
v\\OMEMO fingerprint
OMEMO fingerprint of message
v\\OMEMO fingerprint of message
Other devices
Trust OMEMO Fingerprints
Fetching keys…
Multi user chats
Enter Contact
Delete Contact
View contact details
Block contact
Unblock contact
The contact already exists
Save as bookmark
Delete bookmark
This bookmark already exists
Joining group chat…
Contact added you to contact list
Add back
Touch avatar to select picture from gallery
The server rejected your publication
Something went wrong while converting your picture
Could not save avatar to disk
(Or long press to bring back default)
Your server does not support the publication of avatars
to %s
Send private message to %s
This account already exists
Current session established
Disable notifications
Group chat requires password
Enter password
Please request presence updates from your contact first.\n\nThis will be used to determine what client(s) your contact is using.
Request now
Delete Fingerprint
Are you sure you would like to delete this fingerprint?
Warning: Sending this without mutual presence updates could cause unexpected problems.\n\nGo to contact details to verify your presence subscriptions.
Security and data protection
Allow message correction
Allow your contacts to retroactively edit their messages
Expert settings
Build and licensing information
Quiet Hours
Start time
End time
Enable quiet hours
Notifications will be silenced during quiet hours
Send button indicates status
Colored names indicates status
Request message receipts
Received messages will be marked with a green tick if supported
Colorize send button to indicate contact status
Colorize contact names to indicate contact status
Synchronize with bookmarks
Join and leave group chats according to auto-join flag in your bookmarks.
OTR fingerprint copied to clipboard!
OMEMO fingerprint copied to clipboard!
You are banned from this group chat
This group chat is members only
You have been kicked from this group chat
The group chat was shut down
using account %s
Checking %s on HTTP host
You are not connected. Try again later
Check %s size
Check %1$s size on %2$s
Message options
Copy original URL
Send again
File URL
URL copied to clipboard
Scan QR code
Show QR code
Show block list
Account details
Verify OTR
Remote Fingerprint
Hint or Question
Shared Secret
In progress
Secrets do not match
Try again
Contact requested SMP verification
No valid OTR session has been found!
Pix-Art Messenger
Create backup
Write backup files to %s
Creating backup files
Restoring backup
Your backup has been restored
Do not forget to enable the account.
Choose file
Receiving %1$s (%2$d%% completed)
Download %s
Delete %s
Open %s
sending (%1$d%% completed)
Preparing file for transmission
%s offered for download
Cancel transmission
file transmission failed
The file has been deleted
No application found to open file
Could not verify fingerprint
Manually verify
Are you sure that you want to verify your contacts OTR fingerprint?
Show dynamic tags
Display read-only tags underneath contacts
No group chat server found
Group chat creation failed!
Account avatar
Copy OTR fingerprint to clipboard
Copy OMEMO fingerprint to clipboard
Regenerate OMEMO key
Clear devices
Are you sure you want to clear all other devices from the OMEMO announcement? The next time your devices connect, they will reannounce themselves, but they might not receive messages sent in the meantime.
Distrust device
Are you sure you want to remove the verification for this device?\nThis device and messages coming from that device will be marked as untrusted.
There are no usable keys available for this contact.\nFetching new keys from the server has been unsuccessful. Maybe there is something wrong with your contacts server.
Something went wrong
Fetching history from server
No more history on server
Password changed!
Could not change password
Send a message to start an encrypted chat
Ask question
If you and your contact have a secret in common that no one else knows (like an inside joke or simply what you had for lunch the last time you met) you can use that secret to verify each other’s fingerprints.\n\nYou provide a hint or a question for your contact who will respond with a case-sensitive answer.
Your contact would like to verify your fingerprint by challenging you with a shared secret. Your contact provided the following hint or question for that secret.
Your hint should not be empty
Your shared secret can not be empty
Carefully compare the fingerprint shown below with the fingerprint of your contact.\nYou can use any trusted form of communication like an encrypted e-mail or a telephone call to exchange those.
Change password
Current password
New password
Password should not be empty
Perform action with
No affiliation
Advanced mode
Grant member privileges
Revoke member privileges
Grant admin privileges
Revoke admin privileges
Kick from group chat
Could not change affiliation of %s
Ban from group chat
Kick from group chat
You are trying to ban %s for ever from a public channel.
You are trying to ban %s for ever from a group chat
You are trying to kick %s from a public channel.
You are trying to kick %s from a group chat.
Ban now
Kick now
Make Jabber IDs visible to anyone
Make channel moderated
You are not participating
Modified group chat options!
Could not modify group chat options
Until further notice
Enter is send
Use enter key to send message
Show enter key
Change the emoticons key to an enter key
PDF document
Android App
Avatar has been published!
Sending %s
Offering %s
Hide offline
is typing…
Typing notifications
Let your contacts know when you are writing messages to them
Send location
Show location
No application found to display location
Don’t trust system CAs
All certificates must be manually approved
Remove certificates
Delete manually approved certificates
No manually approved certificates
Remove certificates
Delete selection
- %d certificate deleted
- %d certificates deleted
Replace send button with quick action
Quick Action
Most recently used
Search contacts
Search multi user chats
Choose quick action
Send private message
%1$s has left the group chat!
This is not a valid username
Download failed: Server not found
Download failed: File not found
Download failed: Could not connect to host
Download failed: Could not write file
Check for Updates
Update service
Version %1$s is available.\n\nFilesize: %2$s\n\nUpdate to version %1$s now?
No update available
Download started
Tor network unavailable
Bind failure
Server not responsible for domain
Away when screen is off
Marks your resource as away when the screen is turned off
\"Do not disturb\" in silent mode
Pix-Art Messenger is downloading and installing the new version automatically.\n\nPlease wait…
Marks your resource as \"Do not disturb\" when device is in silent mode
Treat vibrate as silent mode
Marks your resource as \"Do not disturb\" when device is on vibrate
Add account with certificate
Unable to parse certificate
Leave empty to authenticate w/ certificate
Archiving preferences
Server-side archiving preferences
Fetching archiving preferences. Please wait…
Unable to fetch archiving preferences
Captcha required
Enter the text from the image above
Certificate chain is not trusted
Jabber-ID does not match certificate
Renew certificate
Error fetching OMEMO key!
Verified OMEMO key with certificate!
Your device does not support the selection of client certificates!
Server- or .onion-Address
This is not a valid port number
This is not a valid hostname
%1$d of %2$d accounts connected
- %d message
- %d messages
Load more messages
Pix-Art Messenger needs access to external storage
Synchronize with contacts
Pix-Art Messenger wants to match your XMPP roster with your contacts to show their full names and avatars.\n\nPix-Art Messenger will only read your contacts and match them locally without uploading them to your server.\n\nYou will now be asked to grant permission to access your contacts.
Notify on all messages
Notify only when mentioned
Notifications disabled
Notifications paused
Picture quality
Resize and compress pictures
Video quality
Resize and compress videos
very low (144p)
low (360p)
middle (720p)
high (1080p)
original (uncompressed)
Always off
Battery optimizations enabled
Your device is doing some heavy battery optimizations on Pix-Art Messenger that might lead to delayed notifications or even message loss.\nIt is recommended to disable those.
Your device is doing some heavy battery optimizations on Pix-Art Messenger that might lead to delayed notifications or even message loss.\n\nYou will now be asked to disable those.
Install from unknown sources disabled
Your device is configured to not allow app installs from unknown sources except from Google PlayStore. This will cause problems with the in app updater.\n\nYou will now be asked to allow app installs from unknown sources.
Cancel update?
(No activated accounts)
This field is required
Correct message
Send corrected message
You already trust this contact. By selecting ’done’ you are just confirming that %s is part of this group chat.
Pix-Art Messenger is unable to encrypt your messages because your contacts are not announcing their public keys.\n\n
You have disabled this account
No application found to share URI
Share URI with…
…is a free and secure XMPP/Jabber client.
We will guide you through the process of creating an account with a random password, which you can use or change to your own password on the next page. \nThan you will be able to communicate with users of this and other providers by giving them your full Jabber-ID.
Your Jabber-ID will be: %s
Create new account
I have an account
Choose your username
Manage availability manually
Set your availability when editing your status message.
Status message
Free for Chat
Not Available
A secure password has been generated
Your device does not support opting out of battery optimization
Share location
Location sharing is disabled in settings
Leave group chat
Do you really want to leave this group chat? You will no longer be notified of new messages until joining the group chat again.
Show password
Registration failed: Try again later
Registration failed: Password too weak
Choose participants
Creating group chat…
If there is a backup available you can import this by pressing the button below.
Import backup
Invite again
has invited you via
Hello,\n\nthe user %s has invited you to Pix-Art Messenger. If you are using Android, give it a try and click the following link to start over…
Broadcast Last User Interaction
Let all your contacts know when use Pix-Art Messenger
Invite to Pix-Art Messenger
Pix-Art Messenger will ask you to allow a few permissions. It is important that you allow all these permissions to use all features of this messenger. If you deny any of these permissions the app will close itself.
You have denied some or all permissions needed for Pix-Art Messenger. Would you like to jump to the settings and allow these permissions? If you denie any of these permissions, the app will close itself.
Unable to connect to OpenKeychain
This device is no longer in use
Please wait…
Enable an export of chat logs as human readable text files
Export human readable chat logs
Payment required
Missing internet permission
Contact asks for presence subscription
No permission to access %s
Remote server not found
This file seems to be corrupt.
Unable to update account
Report this JID as sending unwanted messages.
Report an issue
Delete OMEMO identities
Regenerate your OMEMO keys. All your contacts will have to verify you again. Use this only as a last resort.
Delete selected keys
You need to be connected to publish your avatar.
Copy to clipboard
Message copied to clipboard
Show error message
Error Message
Data saver enabled
Your operating system is restricting Pix-Art Messenger from accessing the Internet when in background. To receive notifications of new messages you should allow Pix-Art Messenger unrestricted access when Data saver is on.\n\nPix-Art Messenger will still make an effort to save data when possible.
Your device does not supporting disabling data saver for Pix-Art Messenger.
Add to contact list
Unable to start recording
Unable to create temporary file
This device has been verified
Copy fingerprint
All OMEMO keys have been verified
QR code does not contain fingerprints for this conversation.
Verified fingerprints
Use the camera to scan a contacts QR code
Please wait for keys to be fetched
Share as QR code
Share as XMPP URI
Share as HTTP link
Blindly trusted OMEMO keys
Blind Trust Before Verification
Automatically trust all new devices from contacts that haven’t been verified before.
Invalid QR code
verify with QR code
I followed this link from a trusted source
You are about to verify the OMEMO keys of %1$s after clicking a link. This is only secure if you followed this link from a trusted source where only %2$s could have published this link.
Verify OMEMO fingerprints
Show inactive
Hide inactive
Compressing video
Not fetching messages due to local retention period.
- %d second
- %d seconds
- %d minute
- %d minutes
- %d hour
- %d hours
- %d day
- %d days
- %d week
- %d weeks
- %d month
- %d months
Switch to maximum brightness while watching videos or images in fullscreen.
Maximum brightness
Block Jabber-ID
Corresponding conversations closed.
Contact blocked.
Notifications from strangers
Notify for messages received from strangers.
Received message from stranger
%s are typing…
%s is typing…
one participant
%d participants
Block stranger
Block entire domain
Rotate images and videos in fullscreen to fit screensize
Rotate media in fullscreen
Connect via Tor
Tunnel all connections through the Tor network.
Connection options
low (720p)
middle (1920p)
high (3840p)
original (uncompressed)
Send message
delivery failed, resending…
Show hostname and port settings when setting up an account
Extended connection settings
Retry decryption
Session failure
Downgraded SASL mechanism
take photo
record video
Server requires registration on website
No application found to open website
Open website
Heads-up Notifications
Show Heads-up Notifications
Validate hostname with DNSSEC
Server certificates that contain the validated hostname are considered verified
Certificate does not contain a Jabber ID
There are no usable keys available for this contact.\nMake sure you have mutual presence subscription.
Mark as read
Some Android devices will close some apps after a period of time and you won’t be able to receive new messages. If you have such problems, try to activate the foreground service. But keep in mind, that you will have a permanent notification with this option checked.
Use foreground service
Pix-Art Messenger update service
Install update?
highlight user
No application found to open link
%s have read up to this point
%s has read up to this point
%1$s and %2$d more have read up to this point
This chat is unencrypted, for security reasons you should activate message encryption by using the lock icon. The preferable encryption is OMEMO.
Warn if chat is unencrypted
If message encryption is available, you should use it. If you don\'t use message encryption, show a warning message inside the chat.
Use integrated emojis
Use the integrated emoji library instead of using your devices ones. Changes will be available after reopening the app.
Invalid nickname
Share via account
Destroy group chat
You are no longer in this group chat
Would you like to destroy the group chat %s? This will remove this group chat permanently.
Group chat successfully destroyed
Group chat could not be destroyed
You are not participating this group chat and have no write access at the moment.\nPlease go to the group chat details by pressing OK and send a private message to a moderator, administrator or owner by long clicking one of the members name at the top/front of the list to ask for write access.
Protected Apps
To keep receiving notifications, even when the screen is turned off, you need to add Pix-Art Messenger to the list of protected apps.
Enable multiple accounts
Do you want to use multiple accounts?
Accept Unknown Certificate?
The server certificate is not signed by a known Certificate Authority.
Accept Mismatching Server Name?
Server could not authenticate as \"%s\". The certificate is only valid for:
Do you want to connect anyway?
Certificate details:
The QR code scanner needs access to the camera
Scroll down after sending a message
Scroll to bottom
Pix-Art Messenger needs access to the camera
Edit Status Message
Edit status message
Automatically delete messages from this device that are older than the configured time frame.
Automatic message deletion
Disable encryption
Pix-Art Messenger is unable to send encrypted messages to %1$s. This may be due to your contact using an outdated server or client that can not handle OMEMO.
Unable to fetch device list
Unable to fetch device bundles
Hint: In some cases this can be fixed by adding each other your contact lists.
Are you sure you want to disable OMEMO encryption for this conversation?\nThis will allow your server administrator to read your messages, but it might be the only way to communicate with people using outdated clients.
Disable now
OMEMO Encryption
OMEMO will always be used for one-on-one and private group chats.
OMEMO will be used by default for new conversations.
OMEMO will have to be turned on explicitly for new conversations.
OMEMO will never be used.
On by default
Off by default
Select the theme brightness
Choose account
Font Size
The relative font size used within the app.
Create Shortcut
Message was not encrypted for this device.
Pix-Art Messenger needs access to the microphone
Search messages
View conversation
web address
Copied JID to clipboard
Copy JID
Copy web address
Choose provider
Choose your jabber provider
Privacy Policy
Terms of Use
HTTP File Sharing for S3
Direct Search
At ‘Start Conversation’ screen open keyboard and place cursor in search field
Paste as quote
Group chat avatar
Host does not support avatars
Only the owner can change the avatar
Contact name
Nickname for this group chat
Providing a name is optional
Group chat name
Everyone has read up to this point
Resource constraint
Delete message
This group chat has been destroyed
No application found to view contact
We recommend the use of as your provider.
Pix-Art Messenger needs access to location services
Show record voice button in chats as quick action
Show record voice button
Replace send button with attachment choice if no message is typed. Otherwise show quick actions, which can be cofigured in the following setting.
Attachment choice
Unable to save recording
Foreground service
This notification category is used to display a permanent notification indicating that Pix-Art Messenger is running.
Status Information
Connectivity Problems
This notification category is used to display a notification in case there is a problem connecting to an account.
Silent messages
This notification category is used to display notifications that should not trigger any sound. For example when being active on another device (Grace Period).
Notification Settings
Importance, Sound, Vibrate
Video compression
Backup & Restore
App update
Group details
View media
Media browser
Stream opening error
File omitted due to security violation.
Delete file
Are you sure you want to delete this file?\n\nWarning: This will not delete copies of this file that are stored on other devices or servers.
Remote server timeout
You are already drafting a message.
Bad key for encryption.
Delete message
Are you sure you want to delete this message?\n\nWarning: This will not delete copies of this message that are stored on other devices or servers.
Feature not implemented
Your device does not support allowing app installs from unknon sources.
Reject request
Copied error message to clipboard
Treat the content as secure and prevent it from appearing in screenshots.
Forbid screenshots
Failed to decrypt OMEMO message.
Install Orbot
Start Orbot
No market app installed.
This channel will make your Jabber ID public
Your name
Enter your name
Please enter your nickname which will be visible to your contacts.
No nickname set.
Automatically join this group chat
Show previews of web links in chat
Show previews of web links directly inside the chat view, a connection to the server specified in the link will be established.
Play GIF files in chat
Play GIF files directly inside the chat view.
Open with…
XEP-0050: Ad-Hoc Commands: user invite
Choose account
Pix-Art Messenger profile picture
Restore backup
Enter your password for the account %s to restore the backup.
Don\'t use the restore feature under any circumstances except in the case of migrating or losing your device.
Unable to restore backup.
Unable to decrypt backup. Is the password correct?
Prefer the user\'s XMPP avatar instead of the one from your address book
Prefer XMPP avatar
View participants
Message was deleted
Channel details
Join public channel
Create private group chat
Create public channel
Channel name
XMPP address
Please provide a name for the channel
Please provide an XMPP address
This is an XMPP address. Please provide a name.
Creating public channel…
This channel already exists
You\'ve joined an existing channel
Unable to set channel configuration
Private group chat configuration
Public channel configuration
Allow anyone to edit the topic
Allow anyone to invite others
Anyone can edit the topic.
Owners can edit the topic.
Admins can edit the topic.
Owners can invite others.
Anyone can invite others.
Jabber IDs are visible to admins.
Jabber IDs are visible to anyone.
This public channel has no participants. Invite your contacts or use the share button to distribute its XMPP address.
This private group chat has no participants.
Grant owner privileges
Revoke owner privileges
Remove from channel
Ban from channel
Manage privileges
Destroy channel
Would you like to destroy the channel %s? This will remove this channel permanently.
Channel successfully destroyed
Channel could not be destroyed
Leave channel
Automatically join this channel
There are no attachments
Backup was successful
The backup files were stored in %s
Backup failed
The backup files could not be stored in %s
Search participants
File too large
Password forgotten
Password forgotten
You have forgotten your account password? We will now try to open the support website of your provider.
Here you can set some important privacy settings to your needs. All the settings can also be modified later.
Show map previews directly inside the chat view, a connection to the Pix-Art-Server will be established.
Show previews of locations in chat
Let the messenger look for new app updates once a day
look for updates
Delete locally
Delete from server
You have to activate and/or go online with the account you want to delete from server.
Discover channels
Search channels
Privacy notice
Using this feature will transmit your IP address and search terms to that service. See their Privacy Policy for more information.]]>
Add existing account
Use own provider
This looks like a domain address
Add anyway
This looks like a channel address
No backup available
Show own accounts in chats and contacts if you have multiple accounts.
Show own accounts
Message encryption
This chat is unencrypted. For security reasons you should enable message encryption, preferable OMEMO. If anything isn\'t working for you, you could disable message encryption by pressing the key lock icon.
Hide warning
You can change the generated password in the next step to your needs.
Unblock participant
Block participant
Share backup files
Pix-Art Messenger backup
Vibrate when a new message arrives in an open chat
Vibrate in open chat
Open backup
The file you selected is not a Pix-Art Messenger backup file
This account has already been setup
Please enter the password for this account
Unable to perform this action
Waiting for transfer
%s has written:
I have written:
You have not set a presence status message
Your status
Replace YouTube links with Invidious
Invidious is a privacy friendly alternative to YouTube
This device
Learn more…
Welcome to\nPix-Art Messenger
Required permissions
At the end of the intro you will be asked to grant storage permissions (mandatory), if you have not already given them. Addition permissions are requested as needed and are optional.
Your account
If you already have an account, you can simply log in with your Jabber-ID and password
Start chatting
If you have given the contact permissions, already existing Jabber contacts are automatically displayed in your address book. Otherwise, just add Jabber-IDs
Now you can start chatting, share locations, files, videos and images or send voice messages.
Chat details
You want to open the chat details? Just tip on the chat name in the menu bar on the top.
Highlight user
If you want to highlight a user in a group chat just touch the users avatar in the chat. Alternatively, especially if the user is not in the chat, switch to the chat details and look for the user in the participants list. A long touch on the users avatar will show up a popup menu where you can highlight the user.
You have opened the chat details. Here you can see the details of the chat, change the new message notification behaviour, add or remove the chat from your contact list and much more.
Show the intro screens again
Show intro again
Intro screens will be shown again
Resetting intro screens failed. Try again…
XMPP, also called jabber, is a decentralized communication network and works like e-mail. You need an address called Jabber-ID, a password and a messenger. More about this later.
What is XMPP / Jabber / Pix-Art Messenger?
Permissions to read your address book are required to read Jabber-IDs (if any) from your contacts. Contacts are never shared, uploaded or copied.
You can create a new profile by selecting a custom server or one from the drop-down menu and entering a nickname.
Join public channel…
Optional permissions
Permissions for your location is needed if you would like to share your location.\nFor sharing voice messages it is required to get access to your microphone.
You have the option to import an existing account.\nIf there are backup files available, they will be shown.
You can also add, create or join multi user chats - so-called MUCs. They where distinguished between private group chats and public group chats - so called channels.
Congratulations!\nHere we go and have fun…
Your privacy\nYour sovereignty
Pix-Art Messenger will neither sell nor analyze your data and you decide which permissions you grant.
No results
file transmission cancelled
The sharing application did not grant permission to access this file.
Local server
Most users should choose ‘’ for better suggestions from the entirety of the public XMPP ecosystem.
Channel discovery method
Grace Period
The length of time notifications are silenced after detecting activity on one of your other devices.
Please ask for write access
Select the theme color palette
Theme color