package de.pixart.messenger.persistance; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.DatabaseUtils; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper; import android.os.Environment; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.util.Base64; import android.util.Log; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.whispersystems.libsignal.IdentityKey; import org.whispersystems.libsignal.IdentityKeyPair; import org.whispersystems.libsignal.InvalidKeyException; import org.whispersystems.libsignal.SignalProtocolAddress; import org.whispersystems.libsignal.state.PreKeyRecord; import org.whispersystems.libsignal.state.SessionRecord; import org.whispersystems.libsignal.state.SignedPreKeyRecord; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList; import de.pixart.messenger.Config; import de.pixart.messenger.crypto.axolotl.AxolotlService; import de.pixart.messenger.crypto.axolotl.FingerprintStatus; import de.pixart.messenger.crypto.axolotl.SQLiteAxolotlStore; import de.pixart.messenger.entities.Account; import de.pixart.messenger.entities.Contact; import de.pixart.messenger.entities.Conversation; import de.pixart.messenger.entities.Message; import de.pixart.messenger.entities.PresenceTemplate; import de.pixart.messenger.entities.Roster; import de.pixart.messenger.entities.ServiceDiscoveryResult; import; import de.pixart.messenger.utils.CryptoHelper; import de.pixart.messenger.utils.FtsUtils; import de.pixart.messenger.utils.Resolver; import de.pixart.messenger.xmpp.InvalidJid; import de.pixart.messenger.xmpp.mam.MamReference; import rocks.xmpp.addr.Jid; public class DatabaseBackend extends SQLiteOpenHelper { public static final String DATABASE_NAME = "history"; public static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 48; // = Conversations DATABASE_VERSION + 4 private static DatabaseBackend instance = null; private static String CREATE_CONTATCS_STATEMENT = "create table " + Contact.TABLENAME + "(" + Contact.ACCOUNT + " TEXT, " + Contact.SERVERNAME + " TEXT, " + Contact.SYSTEMNAME + " TEXT," + Contact.JID + " TEXT," + Contact.KEYS + " TEXT," + Contact.PHOTOURI + " TEXT," + Contact.OPTIONS + " NUMBER," + Contact.SYSTEMACCOUNT + " NUMBER, " + Contact.AVATAR + " TEXT, " + Contact.LAST_PRESENCE + " TEXT, " + Contact.LAST_TIME + " NUMBER, " + Contact.GROUPS + " TEXT, FOREIGN KEY(" + Contact.ACCOUNT + ") REFERENCES " + Account.TABLENAME + "(" + Account.UUID + ") ON DELETE CASCADE, UNIQUE(" + Contact.ACCOUNT + ", " + Contact.JID + ") ON CONFLICT REPLACE);"; private static String CREATE_DISCOVERY_RESULTS_STATEMENT = "create table " + ServiceDiscoveryResult.TABLENAME + "(" + ServiceDiscoveryResult.HASH + " TEXT, " + ServiceDiscoveryResult.VER + " TEXT, " + ServiceDiscoveryResult.RESULT + " TEXT, " + "UNIQUE(" + ServiceDiscoveryResult.HASH + ", " + ServiceDiscoveryResult.VER + ") ON CONFLICT REPLACE);"; private static String CREATE_PRESENCE_TEMPLATES_STATEMENT = "CREATE TABLE " + PresenceTemplate.TABELNAME + "(" + PresenceTemplate.UUID + " TEXT, " + PresenceTemplate.LAST_USED + " NUMBER," + PresenceTemplate.MESSAGE + " TEXT," + PresenceTemplate.STATUS + " TEXT," + "UNIQUE(" + PresenceTemplate.MESSAGE + "," + PresenceTemplate.STATUS + ") ON CONFLICT REPLACE);"; private static String CREATE_PREKEYS_STATEMENT = "CREATE TABLE " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.PREKEY_TABLENAME + "(" + SQLiteAxolotlStore.ACCOUNT + " TEXT, " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.ID + " INTEGER, " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.KEY + " TEXT, FOREIGN KEY(" + SQLiteAxolotlStore.ACCOUNT + ") REFERENCES " + Account.TABLENAME + "(" + Account.UUID + ") ON DELETE CASCADE, " + "UNIQUE( " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.ACCOUNT + ", " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.ID + ") ON CONFLICT REPLACE" + ");"; private static String CREATE_SIGNED_PREKEYS_STATEMENT = "CREATE TABLE " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.SIGNED_PREKEY_TABLENAME + "(" + SQLiteAxolotlStore.ACCOUNT + " TEXT, " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.ID + " INTEGER, " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.KEY + " TEXT, FOREIGN KEY(" + SQLiteAxolotlStore.ACCOUNT + ") REFERENCES " + Account.TABLENAME + "(" + Account.UUID + ") ON DELETE CASCADE, " + "UNIQUE( " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.ACCOUNT + ", " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.ID + ") ON CONFLICT REPLACE" + ");"; private static String CREATE_SESSIONS_STATEMENT = "CREATE TABLE " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.SESSION_TABLENAME + "(" + SQLiteAxolotlStore.ACCOUNT + " TEXT, " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.NAME + " TEXT, " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.DEVICE_ID + " INTEGER, " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.KEY + " TEXT, FOREIGN KEY(" + SQLiteAxolotlStore.ACCOUNT + ") REFERENCES " + Account.TABLENAME + "(" + Account.UUID + ") ON DELETE CASCADE, " + "UNIQUE( " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.ACCOUNT + ", " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.NAME + ", " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.DEVICE_ID + ") ON CONFLICT REPLACE" + ");"; private static String CREATE_IDENTITIES_STATEMENT = "CREATE TABLE " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.IDENTITIES_TABLENAME + "(" + SQLiteAxolotlStore.ACCOUNT + " TEXT, " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.NAME + " TEXT, " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.OWN + " INTEGER, " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.FINGERPRINT + " TEXT, " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.CERTIFICATE + " BLOB, " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.TRUST + " TEXT, " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.ACTIVE + " NUMBER, " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.LAST_ACTIVATION + " NUMBER," + SQLiteAxolotlStore.KEY + " TEXT, FOREIGN KEY(" + SQLiteAxolotlStore.ACCOUNT + ") REFERENCES " + Account.TABLENAME + "(" + Account.UUID + ") ON DELETE CASCADE, " + "UNIQUE( " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.ACCOUNT + ", " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.NAME + ", " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.FINGERPRINT + ") ON CONFLICT IGNORE" + ");"; private static String RESOLVER_RESULTS_TABLENAME = "resolver_results"; private static String CREATE_RESOLVER_RESULTS_TABLE = "create table " + RESOLVER_RESULTS_TABLENAME + "(" + Resolver.Result.DOMAIN + " TEXT," + Resolver.Result.HOSTNAME + " TEXT," + Resolver.Result.IP + " BLOB," + Resolver.Result.PRIORITY + " NUMBER," + Resolver.Result.DIRECT_TLS + " NUMBER," + Resolver.Result.AUTHENTICATED + " NUMBER," + Resolver.Result.PORT + " NUMBER," + "UNIQUE(" + Resolver.Result.DOMAIN + ") ON CONFLICT REPLACE" + ");"; private static String CREATE_MESSAGE_TIME_INDEX = "create INDEX message_time_index ON " + Message.TABLENAME + "(" + Message.TIME_SENT + ")"; private static String CREATE_MESSAGE_CONVERSATION_INDEX = "create INDEX message_conversation_index ON " + Message.TABLENAME + "(" + Message.CONVERSATION + ")"; private static String CREATE_MESSAGE_DELETED_INDEX = "create index message_deleted_index ON " + Message.TABLENAME + "(" + Message.DELETED + ")"; private static String CREATE_MESSAGE_FILE_DELETED_INDEX = "create index message_file_deleted_index ON " + Message.TABLENAME + "(" + Message.FILE_DELETED + ")"; private static String CREATE_MESSAGE_RELATIVE_FILE_PATH_INDEX = "create INDEX message_file_path_index ON " + Message.TABLENAME + "(" + Message.RELATIVE_FILE_PATH + ")"; private static String CREATE_MESSAGE_TYPE_INDEX = "create INDEX message_type_index ON " + Message.TABLENAME + "(" + Message.TYPE + ")"; private static String CREATE_MESSAGE_INDEX_TABLE = "CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE messages_index USING FTS4(uuid TEXT PRIMARY KEY, body TEXT)"; private static String CREATE_MESSAGE_INSERT_TRIGGER = "CREATE TRIGGER after_message_insert AFTER INSERT ON " + Message.TABLENAME + " BEGIN INSERT INTO messages_index (uuid,body) VALUES (new.uuid,new.body); END;"; private static String CREATE_MESSAGE_UPDATE_TRIGGER = "CREATE TRIGGER after_message_update UPDATE of uuid,body ON " + Message.TABLENAME + " BEGIN update messages_index set body=new.body,uuid=new.uuid WHERE uuid=old.uuid; END;"; private static String COPY_PREEXISTING_ENTRIES = "INSERT into messages_index(uuid,body) select uuid,body FROM " + Message.TABLENAME + ";"; private DatabaseBackend(Context context) { super(context, DATABASE_NAME, null, DATABASE_VERSION); } private static ContentValues createFingerprintStatusContentValues(FingerprintStatus.Trust trust, boolean active) { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(SQLiteAxolotlStore.TRUST, trust.toString()); values.put(SQLiteAxolotlStore.ACTIVE, active ? 1 : 0); return values; } public static synchronized DatabaseBackend getInstance(Context context) { if (instance == null) { instance = new DatabaseBackend(context); } return instance; } @Override public void onConfigure(SQLiteDatabase db) { db.execSQL("PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON"); db.rawQuery("PRAGMA secure_delete=ON", null); } @Override public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) { db.execSQL("create table " + Account.TABLENAME + "(" + Account.UUID + " TEXT PRIMARY KEY," + Account.USERNAME + " TEXT," + Account.SERVER + " TEXT," + Account.PASSWORD + " TEXT," + Account.DISPLAY_NAME + " TEXT, " + Account.STATUS + " TEXT," + Account.STATUS_MESSAGE + " TEXT," + Account.ROSTERVERSION + " TEXT," + Account.OPTIONS + " NUMBER, " + Account.AVATAR + " TEXT, " + Account.KEYS + " TEXT, " + Account.HOSTNAME + " TEXT, " + Account.RESOURCE + " TEXT," + Account.PORT + " NUMBER DEFAULT 5222)"); db.execSQL("create table " + Conversation.TABLENAME + " (" + Conversation.UUID + " TEXT PRIMARY KEY, " + Conversation.NAME + " TEXT, " + Conversation.CONTACT + " TEXT, " + Conversation.ACCOUNT + " TEXT, " + Conversation.CONTACTJID + " TEXT, " + Conversation.CREATED + " NUMBER, " + Conversation.STATUS + " NUMBER, " + Conversation.MODE + " NUMBER, " + Conversation.ATTRIBUTES + " TEXT, FOREIGN KEY(" + Conversation.ACCOUNT + ") REFERENCES " + Account.TABLENAME + "(" + Account.UUID + ") ON DELETE CASCADE);"); db.execSQL("create table " + Message.TABLENAME + "( " + Message.UUID + " TEXT PRIMARY KEY, " + Message.CONVERSATION + " TEXT, " + Message.TIME_SENT + " NUMBER, " + Message.COUNTERPART + " TEXT, " + Message.TRUE_COUNTERPART + " TEXT," + Message.BODY + " TEXT, " + Message.ENCRYPTION + " NUMBER, " + Message.STATUS + " NUMBER," + Message.TYPE + " NUMBER, " + Message.RELATIVE_FILE_PATH + " TEXT, " + Message.SERVER_MSG_ID + " TEXT, " + Message.FINGERPRINT + " TEXT, " + Message.CARBON + " INTEGER, " + Message.EDITED + " TEXT, " + Message.READ + " NUMBER DEFAULT 1, " + Message.DELETED + " NUMBER DEFAULT 0, " + Message.OOB + " INTEGER, " + Message.ERROR_MESSAGE + " TEXT," + Message.READ_BY_MARKERS + " TEXT," + Message.MARKABLE + " NUMBER DEFAULT 0," + Message.FILE_DELETED + " NUMBER DEFAULT 0," + Message.REMOTE_MSG_ID + " TEXT, FOREIGN KEY(" + Message.CONVERSATION + ") REFERENCES " + Conversation.TABLENAME + "(" + Conversation.UUID + ") ON DELETE CASCADE);"); db.execSQL(CREATE_MESSAGE_TIME_INDEX); db.execSQL(CREATE_MESSAGE_CONVERSATION_INDEX); db.execSQL(CREATE_MESSAGE_DELETED_INDEX); db.execSQL(CREATE_MESSAGE_FILE_DELETED_INDEX); db.execSQL(CREATE_MESSAGE_RELATIVE_FILE_PATH_INDEX); db.execSQL(CREATE_MESSAGE_TYPE_INDEX); db.execSQL(CREATE_CONTATCS_STATEMENT); db.execSQL(CREATE_DISCOVERY_RESULTS_STATEMENT); db.execSQL(CREATE_SESSIONS_STATEMENT); db.execSQL(CREATE_PREKEYS_STATEMENT); db.execSQL(CREATE_SIGNED_PREKEYS_STATEMENT); db.execSQL(CREATE_IDENTITIES_STATEMENT); db.execSQL(CREATE_PRESENCE_TEMPLATES_STATEMENT); db.execSQL(CREATE_RESOLVER_RESULTS_TABLE); db.execSQL(CREATE_MESSAGE_INDEX_TABLE); db.execSQL(CREATE_MESSAGE_INSERT_TRIGGER); db.execSQL(CREATE_MESSAGE_UPDATE_TRIGGER); } @Override public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) { if (oldVersion < 2 && newVersion >= 2) { db.execSQL("update " + Account.TABLENAME + " set " + Account.OPTIONS + " = " + Account.OPTIONS + " | 8"); } if (oldVersion < 3 && newVersion >= 3) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + Message.TABLENAME + " ADD COLUMN " + Message.TYPE + " NUMBER"); } if (oldVersion < 5 && newVersion >= 5) { db.execSQL("DROP TABLE " + Contact.TABLENAME); db.execSQL(CREATE_CONTATCS_STATEMENT); db.execSQL("UPDATE " + Account.TABLENAME + " SET " + Account.ROSTERVERSION + " = NULL"); } if (oldVersion < 6 && newVersion >= 6) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + Message.TABLENAME + " ADD COLUMN " + Message.TRUE_COUNTERPART + " TEXT"); } if (oldVersion < 7 && newVersion >= 7) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + Message.TABLENAME + " ADD COLUMN " + Message.REMOTE_MSG_ID + " TEXT"); db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + Contact.TABLENAME + " ADD COLUMN " + Contact.AVATAR + " TEXT"); db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + Account.TABLENAME + " ADD COLUMN " + Account.AVATAR + " TEXT"); } if (oldVersion < 8 && newVersion >= 8) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + Conversation.TABLENAME + " ADD COLUMN " + Conversation.ATTRIBUTES + " TEXT"); } if (oldVersion < 9 && newVersion >= 9) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + Contact.TABLENAME + " ADD COLUMN " + Contact.LAST_TIME + " NUMBER"); db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + Contact.TABLENAME + " ADD COLUMN " + Contact.LAST_PRESENCE + " TEXT"); } if (oldVersion < 10 && newVersion >= 10) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + Message.TABLENAME + " ADD COLUMN " + Message.RELATIVE_FILE_PATH + " TEXT"); } if (oldVersion < 11 && newVersion >= 11) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + Contact.TABLENAME + " ADD COLUMN " + Contact.GROUPS + " TEXT"); db.execSQL("delete from " + Contact.TABLENAME); db.execSQL("update " + Account.TABLENAME + " set " + Account.ROSTERVERSION + " = NULL"); } if (oldVersion < 12 && newVersion >= 12) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + Message.TABLENAME + " ADD COLUMN " + Message.SERVER_MSG_ID + " TEXT"); } if (oldVersion < 13 && newVersion >= 13) { db.execSQL("delete from " + Contact.TABLENAME); db.execSQL("update " + Account.TABLENAME + " set " + Account.ROSTERVERSION + " = NULL"); } if (oldVersion < 14 && newVersion >= 14) { canonicalizeJids(db); } if (oldVersion < 15 && newVersion >= 15) { recreateAxolotlDb(db); db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + Message.TABLENAME + " ADD COLUMN " + Message.FINGERPRINT + " TEXT"); } if (oldVersion < 16 && newVersion >= 16) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + Message.TABLENAME + " ADD COLUMN " + Message.CARBON + " INTEGER"); } if (oldVersion < 19 && newVersion >= 19) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + Account.TABLENAME + " ADD COLUMN " + Account.DISPLAY_NAME + " TEXT"); } if (oldVersion < 20 && newVersion >= 20) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + Account.TABLENAME + " ADD COLUMN " + Account.HOSTNAME + " TEXT"); db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + Account.TABLENAME + " ADD COLUMN " + Account.PORT + " NUMBER DEFAULT 5222"); } if (oldVersion < 26 && newVersion >= 26) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + Account.TABLENAME + " ADD COLUMN " + Account.STATUS + " TEXT"); db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + Account.TABLENAME + " ADD COLUMN " + Account.STATUS_MESSAGE + " TEXT"); } if (oldVersion < 41 && newVersion >= 41) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + Account.TABLENAME + " ADD COLUMN " + Account.RESOURCE + " TEXT"); } /* Any migrations that alter the Account table need to happen BEFORE this migration, as it * depends on account de-serialization. */ if (oldVersion < 17 && newVersion >= 17 && newVersion < 31) { List accounts = getAccounts(db); for (Account account : accounts) { String ownDeviceIdString = account.getKey(SQLiteAxolotlStore.JSONKEY_REGISTRATION_ID); if (ownDeviceIdString == null) { continue; } int ownDeviceId = Integer.valueOf(ownDeviceIdString); SignalProtocolAddress ownAddress = new SignalProtocolAddress(account.getJid().asBareJid().toString(), ownDeviceId); deleteSession(db, account, ownAddress); IdentityKeyPair identityKeyPair = loadOwnIdentityKeyPair(db, account); if (identityKeyPair != null) { String[] selectionArgs = { account.getUuid(), CryptoHelper.bytesToHex(identityKeyPair.getPublicKey().serialize()) }; ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(SQLiteAxolotlStore.TRUSTED, 2); db.update(SQLiteAxolotlStore.IDENTITIES_TABLENAME, values, SQLiteAxolotlStore.ACCOUNT + " = ? AND " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.FINGERPRINT + " = ? ", selectionArgs); } else { Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, account.getJid().asBareJid() + ": could not load own identity key pair"); } } } if (oldVersion < 18 && newVersion >= 18) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + Message.TABLENAME + " ADD COLUMN " + Message.READ + " NUMBER DEFAULT 1"); } if (oldVersion < 21 && newVersion >= 21) { List accounts = getAccounts(db); for (Account account : accounts) { account.unsetPgpSignature(); db.update(Account.TABLENAME, account.getContentValues(), Account.UUID + "=?", new String[]{account.getUuid()}); } } if (oldVersion >= 15 && oldVersion < 22 && newVersion >= 22) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.IDENTITIES_TABLENAME + " ADD COLUMN " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.CERTIFICATE); } if (oldVersion < 23 && newVersion >= 23) { db.execSQL(CREATE_DISCOVERY_RESULTS_STATEMENT); } if (oldVersion < 24 && newVersion >= 24) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + Message.TABLENAME + " ADD COLUMN " + Message.EDITED + " TEXT"); } if (oldVersion < 25 && newVersion >= 25) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + Message.TABLENAME + " ADD COLUMN " + Message.OOB + " INTEGER"); } if (oldVersion < 26 && newVersion >= 26) { db.execSQL(CREATE_PRESENCE_TEMPLATES_STATEMENT); } if (oldVersion < 27 && newVersion >= 27) { db.execSQL("DELETE FROM " + ServiceDiscoveryResult.TABLENAME); } if (oldVersion < 28 && newVersion >= 28) { canonicalizeJids(db); } if (oldVersion < 29 && newVersion >= 29) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + Message.TABLENAME + " ADD COLUMN " + Message.ERROR_MESSAGE + " TEXT"); } if (oldVersion >= 15 && oldVersion < 31 && newVersion >= 31) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.IDENTITIES_TABLENAME + " ADD COLUMN " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.TRUST + " TEXT"); db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.IDENTITIES_TABLENAME + " ADD COLUMN " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.ACTIVE + " NUMBER"); HashMap migration = new HashMap<>(); migration.put(0, createFingerprintStatusContentValues(FingerprintStatus.Trust.TRUSTED, true)); migration.put(1, createFingerprintStatusContentValues(FingerprintStatus.Trust.TRUSTED, true)); migration.put(2, createFingerprintStatusContentValues(FingerprintStatus.Trust.UNTRUSTED, true)); migration.put(3, createFingerprintStatusContentValues(FingerprintStatus.Trust.COMPROMISED, false)); migration.put(4, createFingerprintStatusContentValues(FingerprintStatus.Trust.TRUSTED, false)); migration.put(5, createFingerprintStatusContentValues(FingerprintStatus.Trust.TRUSTED, false)); migration.put(6, createFingerprintStatusContentValues(FingerprintStatus.Trust.UNTRUSTED, false)); migration.put(7, createFingerprintStatusContentValues(FingerprintStatus.Trust.VERIFIED_X509, true)); migration.put(8, createFingerprintStatusContentValues(FingerprintStatus.Trust.VERIFIED_X509, false)); for (Map.Entry entry : migration.entrySet()) { String whereClause = SQLiteAxolotlStore.TRUSTED + "=?"; String[] where = {String.valueOf(entry.getKey())}; db.update(SQLiteAxolotlStore.IDENTITIES_TABLENAME, entry.getValue(), whereClause, where); } } if (oldVersion >= 15 && oldVersion < 32 && newVersion >= 32) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.IDENTITIES_TABLENAME + " ADD COLUMN " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.LAST_ACTIVATION + " NUMBER"); ContentValues defaults = new ContentValues(); defaults.put(SQLiteAxolotlStore.LAST_ACTIVATION, System.currentTimeMillis()); db.update(SQLiteAxolotlStore.IDENTITIES_TABLENAME, defaults, null, null); } if (oldVersion >= 15 && oldVersion < 33 && newVersion >= 33) { String whereClause = SQLiteAxolotlStore.OWN + "=1"; db.update(SQLiteAxolotlStore.IDENTITIES_TABLENAME, createFingerprintStatusContentValues(FingerprintStatus.Trust.VERIFIED, true), whereClause, null); } if (oldVersion < 34 && newVersion >= 34) { db.execSQL(CREATE_MESSAGE_TIME_INDEX); // do nothing else at this point because we have seperated videos, images, audios and other files in different directories } if (oldVersion < 35 && newVersion >= 35) { db.execSQL(CREATE_MESSAGE_CONVERSATION_INDEX); } if (oldVersion < 36 && newVersion >= 36) { // only rename videos, images, audios and other files directories final File oldPicturesDirectory = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath() + "/Pix-Art Messenger/Images/"); final File oldFilesDirectory = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath() + "/Pix-Art Messenger/Files/"); final File oldAudiosDirectory = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath() + "/Pix-Art Messenger/Audios/"); final File oldVideosDirectory = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath() + "/Pix-Art Messenger/Videos/"); if (oldPicturesDirectory.exists() && oldPicturesDirectory.isDirectory()) { final File newPicturesDirectory = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/Pix-Art Messenger/Media/Pix-Art Messenger Images/"); newPicturesDirectory.getParentFile().mkdirs(); final File[] files = oldPicturesDirectory.listFiles(); if (files == null) { return; } if (oldPicturesDirectory.renameTo(newPicturesDirectory)) { Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, "moved " + oldPicturesDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + " to " + newPicturesDirectory.getAbsolutePath()); } } if (oldFilesDirectory.exists() && oldFilesDirectory.isDirectory()) { final File newFilesDirectory = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/Pix-Art Messenger/Media/Pix-Art Messenger Files/"); newFilesDirectory.mkdirs(); final File[] files = oldFilesDirectory.listFiles(); if (files == null) { return; } if (oldFilesDirectory.renameTo(newFilesDirectory)) { Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, "moved " + oldFilesDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + " to " + newFilesDirectory.getAbsolutePath()); } } if (oldAudiosDirectory.exists() && oldAudiosDirectory.isDirectory()) { final File newAudiosDirectory = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/Pix-Art Messenger/Media/Pix-Art Messenger Audios/"); newAudiosDirectory.mkdirs(); final File[] files = oldAudiosDirectory.listFiles(); if (files == null) { return; } if (oldAudiosDirectory.renameTo(newAudiosDirectory)) { Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, "moved " + oldAudiosDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + " to " + newAudiosDirectory.getAbsolutePath()); } } if (oldVideosDirectory.exists() && oldVideosDirectory.isDirectory()) { final File newVideosDirectory = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/Pix-Art Messenger/Media/Pix-Art Messenger Videos/"); newVideosDirectory.mkdirs(); final File[] files = oldVideosDirectory.listFiles(); if (files == null) { return; } if (oldVideosDirectory.renameTo(newVideosDirectory)) { Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, "moved " + oldVideosDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + " to " + newVideosDirectory.getAbsolutePath()); } } } if (oldVersion < 37 && newVersion >= 37) { List accounts = getAccounts(db); for (Account account : accounts) { account.setOption(Account.OPTION_REQUIRES_ACCESS_MODE_CHANGE, true); account.setOption(Account.OPTION_LOGGED_IN_SUCCESSFULLY, false); db.update(Account.TABLENAME, account.getContentValues(), Account.UUID + "=?", new String[]{account.getUuid()}); } } if (oldVersion < 38 && newVersion >= 38) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + Message.TABLENAME + " ADD COLUMN " + Message.READ_BY_MARKERS + " TEXT"); } if (oldVersion < 39 && newVersion >= 39) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + Message.TABLENAME + " ADD COLUMN " + Message.MARKABLE + " NUMBER DEFAULT 0"); } if (oldVersion < 40 && newVersion >= 40) { db.execSQL(CREATE_RESOLVER_RESULTS_TABLE); } if (oldVersion < 42 && newVersion >= 42) { db.execSQL(CREATE_MESSAGE_INDEX_TABLE); db.execSQL(CREATE_MESSAGE_INSERT_TRIGGER); db.execSQL(CREATE_MESSAGE_UPDATE_TRIGGER); db.execSQL(COPY_PREEXISTING_ENTRIES); } if (oldVersion < 43 && newVersion >= 43) { db.execSQL("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS after_message_delete"); } if (oldVersion < 44 && newVersion >= 44) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + Message.TABLENAME + " ADD COLUMN " + Message.DELETED + " NUMBER DEFAULT 0"); } if (oldVersion < 45 && newVersion >= 45) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + Message.TABLENAME + " ADD COLUMN " + Message.FILE_DELETED + " NUMBER DEFAULT 0"); db.execSQL(CREATE_MESSAGE_DELETED_INDEX); db.execSQL(CREATE_MESSAGE_FILE_DELETED_INDEX); db.execSQL(CREATE_MESSAGE_RELATIVE_FILE_PATH_INDEX); db.execSQL(CREATE_MESSAGE_TYPE_INDEX); } if (oldVersion < 46 && newVersion == 46) { // only available for old database version 46 if (!isColumnExisting(db, SQLiteAxolotlStore.IDENTITIES_TABLENAME, SQLiteAxolotlStore.TRUSTED)) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.IDENTITIES_TABLENAME + " ADD COLUMN " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.TRUSTED); // TODO - just to make old databases importable, column isn't needed at all } } if (oldVersion < 48 && newVersion >= 48) { try { db.execSQL(CREATE_RESOLVER_RESULTS_TABLE); } catch (Exception e) { //ignore } } } private boolean isColumnExisting(SQLiteDatabase db, String TableName, String ColumnName) { boolean isExist = false; Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery("PRAGMA table_info(" + TableName + ")", null); cursor.moveToFirst(); do { String currentColumn = cursor.getString(1); if (currentColumn.equals(ColumnName)) { isExist = true; } } while (cursor.moveToNext()); cursor.close(); return isExist; } private void canonicalizeJids(SQLiteDatabase db) { // migrate db to new, canonicalized JID domainpart representation // Conversation table Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery("select * from " + Conversation.TABLENAME, new String[0]); while (cursor.moveToNext()) { String newJid; try { newJid = Jid.of(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(Conversation.CONTACTJID))).toString(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ignored) { Log.e(Config.LOGTAG, "Failed to migrate Conversation CONTACTJID " + cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(Conversation.CONTACTJID)) + ": " + ignored + ". Skipping..."); continue; } String[] updateArgs = { newJid, cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(Conversation.UUID)), }; db.execSQL("update " + Conversation.TABLENAME + " set " + Conversation.CONTACTJID + " = ? " + " where " + Conversation.UUID + " = ?", updateArgs); } cursor.close(); // Contact table cursor = db.rawQuery("select * from " + Contact.TABLENAME, new String[0]); while (cursor.moveToNext()) { String newJid; try { newJid = Jid.of(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(Contact.JID))).toString(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ignored) { Log.e(Config.LOGTAG, "Failed to migrate Contact JID " + cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(Contact.JID)) + ": " + ignored + ". Skipping..."); continue; } String[] updateArgs = { newJid, cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(Contact.ACCOUNT)), cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(Contact.JID)), }; db.execSQL("update " + Contact.TABLENAME + " set " + Contact.JID + " = ? " + " where " + Contact.ACCOUNT + " = ? " + " AND " + Contact.JID + " = ?", updateArgs); } cursor.close(); // Account table cursor = db.rawQuery("select * from " + Account.TABLENAME, new String[0]); while (cursor.moveToNext()) { String newServer; try { newServer = Jid.of( cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(Account.USERNAME)), cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(Account.SERVER)), null ).getDomain(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ignored) { Log.e(Config.LOGTAG, "Failed to migrate Account SERVER " + cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(Account.SERVER)) + ": " + ignored + ". Skipping..."); continue; } String[] updateArgs = { newServer, cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(Account.UUID)), }; db.execSQL("update " + Account.TABLENAME + " set " + Account.SERVER + " = ? " + " where " + Account.UUID + " = ?", updateArgs); } cursor.close(); } public void createConversation(Conversation conversation) { SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase(); db.insert(Conversation.TABLENAME, null, conversation.getContentValues()); } public void createMessage(Message message) { SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase(); db.insert(Message.TABLENAME, null, message.getContentValues()); } public void createAccount(Account account) { SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase(); db.insert(Account.TABLENAME, null, account.getContentValues()); } public void insertDiscoveryResult(ServiceDiscoveryResult result) { SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase(); db.insert(ServiceDiscoveryResult.TABLENAME, null, result.getContentValues()); } public ServiceDiscoveryResult findDiscoveryResult(final String hash, final String ver) { SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase(); String[] selectionArgs = {hash, ver}; Cursor cursor = db.query(ServiceDiscoveryResult.TABLENAME, null, ServiceDiscoveryResult.HASH + "=? AND " + ServiceDiscoveryResult.VER + "=?", selectionArgs, null, null, null); if (cursor.getCount() == 0) { cursor.close(); return null; } cursor.moveToFirst(); ServiceDiscoveryResult result = null; try { result = new ServiceDiscoveryResult(cursor); } catch (JSONException e) { /* result is still null */ } cursor.close(); return result; } public void saveResolverResult(String domain, Resolver.Result result) { SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase(); ContentValues contentValues = result.toContentValues(); contentValues.put(Resolver.Result.DOMAIN, domain); db.insert(RESOLVER_RESULTS_TABLENAME, null, contentValues); } public synchronized Resolver.Result findResolverResult(String domain) { SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase(); String where = Resolver.Result.DOMAIN + "=?"; String[] whereArgs = {domain}; final Cursor cursor = db.query(RESOLVER_RESULTS_TABLENAME, null, where, whereArgs, null, null, null); Resolver.Result result = null; if (cursor != null) { try { if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { result = Resolver.Result.fromCursor(cursor); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, "unable to find cached resolver result in database " + e.getMessage()); return null; } finally { cursor.close(); } } return result; } public void insertPresenceTemplate(PresenceTemplate template) { SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase(); String whereToDelete = PresenceTemplate.MESSAGE + "=?"; String[] whereToDeleteArgs = {template.getStatusMessage()}; db.delete(PresenceTemplate.TABELNAME, whereToDelete, whereToDeleteArgs); db.delete(PresenceTemplate.TABELNAME, PresenceTemplate.UUID + " not in (select " + PresenceTemplate.UUID + " from " + PresenceTemplate.TABELNAME + " order by " + PresenceTemplate.LAST_USED + " desc limit 9)", null); db.insert(PresenceTemplate.TABELNAME, null, template.getContentValues()); } public List getPresenceTemplates() { ArrayList templates = new ArrayList<>(); SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase(); Cursor cursor = db.query(PresenceTemplate.TABELNAME, null, null, null, null, null, PresenceTemplate.LAST_USED + " desc"); while (cursor.moveToNext()) { templates.add(PresenceTemplate.fromCursor(cursor)); } cursor.close(); return templates; } public CopyOnWriteArrayList getConversations(int status) { CopyOnWriteArrayList list = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>(); SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase(); String[] selectionArgs = {Integer.toString(status)}; Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery("select * from " + Conversation.TABLENAME + " where " + Conversation.STATUS + " = ? and " + Conversation.CONTACTJID + " is not null order by " + Conversation.CREATED + " desc", selectionArgs); while (cursor.moveToNext()) { final Conversation conversation = Conversation.fromCursor(cursor); if (conversation.getJid() instanceof InvalidJid) { continue; } list.add(conversation); } cursor.close(); return list; } public ArrayList getMessages(Conversation conversations, int limit) { return getMessages(conversations, limit, -1); } public ArrayList getMessages(Conversation conversation, int limit, long timestamp) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList<>(); SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase(); Cursor cursor; if (timestamp == -1) { String[] selectionArgs = {conversation.getUuid(), "1"}; cursor = db.query(Message.TABLENAME, null, Message.CONVERSATION + "=? and " + Message.DELETED + " term) { SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase(); String SQL = "SELECT " + Message.TABLENAME + ".*," + Conversation.TABLENAME + '.' + Conversation.CONTACTJID + ',' + Conversation.TABLENAME + '.' + Conversation.ACCOUNT + ',' + Conversation.TABLENAME + '.' + Conversation.MODE + " FROM " + Message.TABLENAME + " join " + Conversation.TABLENAME + " on " + Message.TABLENAME + '.' + Message.CONVERSATION + '=' + Conversation.TABLENAME + '.' + Conversation.UUID + " join messages_index ON messages_index.uuid=messages.uuid where " + Message.ENCRYPTION + " NOT IN(" + Message.ENCRYPTION_AXOLOTL_NOT_FOR_THIS_DEVICE + ',' + Message.ENCRYPTION_PGP + ',' + Message.ENCRYPTION_DECRYPTION_FAILED + ',' + Message.ENCRYPTION_AXOLOTL_FAILED + ") AND " + Message.TYPE + " IN(" + Message.TYPE_TEXT + ',' + Message.TYPE_PRIVATE + ") AND messages_index.body MATCH ? ORDER BY " + Message.TIME_SENT + " DESC limit " + Config.MAX_SEARCH_RESULTS; Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, "search term: " + FtsUtils.toMatchString(term)); return db.rawQuery(SQL, new String[]{FtsUtils.toMatchString(term)}); } public Iterable getMessagesIterable(final Conversation conversation) { return () -> { class MessageIterator implements Iterator { SQLiteDatabase db = getReadableDatabase(); String[] selectionArgs = {conversation.getUuid(), "1"}; Cursor cursor = db.query(Message.TABLENAME, null, Message.CONVERSATION + "=? and " + Message.DELETED + " markFileAsDeleted(final File file, final boolean internal) { SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase(); String selection; String[] selectionArgs; if (internal) { final String name = file.getName(); if (name.endsWith(".pgp")) { selection = "(" + Message.RELATIVE_FILE_PATH + " IN(?,?) OR (" + Message.RELATIVE_FILE_PATH + "=? and encryption in(1,4))) and type in (1,2,5)"; selectionArgs = new String[]{file.getAbsolutePath(), name, name.substring(0, name.length() - 4)}; } else { selection = Message.RELATIVE_FILE_PATH + " IN(?,?) and type in (1,2,5)"; selectionArgs = new String[]{file.getAbsolutePath(), name}; } } else { selection = Message.RELATIVE_FILE_PATH + "=? and type in (1,2,5)"; selectionArgs = new String[]{file.getAbsolutePath()}; } final List uuids = new ArrayList<>(); Cursor cursor = db.query(Message.TABLENAME, new String[]{Message.UUID}, selection, selectionArgs, null, null, null); while (cursor != null && cursor.moveToNext()) { uuids.add(cursor.getString(0)); } if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } markFileAsDeleted(uuids); return uuids; } public void markFileAsDeleted(List uuids) { SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase(); final ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues(); final String where = Message.UUID + "=?"; contentValues.put(Message.FILE_DELETED, 1); db.beginTransaction(); for (String uuid : uuids) { db.update(Message.TABLENAME, contentValues, where, new String[]{uuid}); } db.setTransactionSuccessful(); db.endTransaction(); } public void markFilesAsChanged(List files) { SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase(); final String where = Message.UUID + "=?"; db.beginTransaction(); for (FilePathInfo info : files) { final ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues(); contentValues.put(Message.FILE_DELETED, info.FileDeleted ? 1 : 0); db.update(Message.TABLENAME, contentValues, where, new String[]{info.uuid.toString()}); } db.setTransactionSuccessful(); db.endTransaction(); } public List getFilePathInfo() { final SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase(); final Cursor cursor = db.query(Message.TABLENAME, new String[]{Message.UUID, Message.RELATIVE_FILE_PATH, Message.DELETED}, "type in (1,2,5) and " + Message.RELATIVE_FILE_PATH + " is not null", null, null, null, null); final List list = new ArrayList<>(); while (cursor != null && cursor.moveToNext()) { list.add(new FilePathInfo(cursor.getString(0), cursor.getString(1), cursor.getInt(2) > 0)); } if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } return list; } public List getRelativeFilePaths(String account, Jid jid, int limit) { SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase(); final String SQL = "select uuid,relativeFilePath from messages where type in (1,2,5) and deleted=0 and " + Message.RELATIVE_FILE_PATH + " is not null and conversationUuid=(select uuid from conversations where accountUuid=? and (contactJid=? or contactJid like ?)) order by timeSent desc"; final String[] args = {account, jid.toEscapedString(), jid.toEscapedString() + "/%"}; Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery(SQL + (limit > 0 ? " limit " + String.valueOf(limit) : ""), args); List filesPaths = new ArrayList<>(); while (cursor.moveToNext()) { filesPaths.add(new FilePath(cursor.getString(0), cursor.getString(1))); } cursor.close(); return filesPaths; } public static class FilePath { public final UUID uuid; public final String path; private FilePath(String uuid, String path) { this.uuid = UUID.fromString(uuid); this.path = path; } } public static class FilePathInfo extends FilePath { public boolean FileDeleted; private FilePathInfo(String uuid, String path, boolean deleted) { super(uuid, path); this.FileDeleted = deleted; } public boolean setFileDeleted(boolean deleted) { final boolean changed = deleted != this.FileDeleted; this.FileDeleted = deleted; return changed; } } public Conversation findConversation(final Account account, final Jid contactJid) { SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase(); String[] selectionArgs = {account.getUuid(), contactJid.asBareJid().toString() + "/%", contactJid.asBareJid().toString() }; Cursor cursor = db.query(Conversation.TABLENAME, null, Conversation.ACCOUNT + "=? AND (" + Conversation.CONTACTJID + " like ? OR " + Conversation.CONTACTJID + "=?)", selectionArgs, null, null, null); if (cursor.getCount() == 0) { cursor.close(); return null; } cursor.moveToFirst(); Conversation conversation = Conversation.fromCursor(cursor); cursor.close(); if (conversation.getJid() instanceof InvalidJid) { return null; } return conversation; } public void updateConversation(final Conversation conversation) { final SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase(); final String[] args = {conversation.getUuid()}; db.update(Conversation.TABLENAME, conversation.getContentValues(), Conversation.UUID + "=?", args); } public List getAccounts() { SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase(); return getAccounts(db); } public List getAccountJids(final boolean enabledOnly) { SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase(); final List jids = new ArrayList<>(); final String[] columns = new String[]{Account.USERNAME, Account.SERVER}; String where = enabledOnly ? "not options & (1 <<1)" : null; Cursor cursor = db.query(Account.TABLENAME, columns, where, null, null, null, null); try { while (cursor.moveToNext()) { jids.add(Jid.of(cursor.getString(0), cursor.getString(1), null)); } return jids; } catch (Exception e) { return jids; } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } } } private List getAccounts(SQLiteDatabase db) { List list = new ArrayList<>(); try (Cursor cursor = db.query(Account.TABLENAME, null, null, null, null, null, null)) { while (cursor.moveToNext()) { list.add(Account.fromCursor(cursor)); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return list; } public boolean updateAccount(Account account) { SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase(); String[] args = {account.getUuid()}; final int rows = db.update(Account.TABLENAME, account.getContentValues(), Account.UUID + "=?", args); return rows == 1; } public boolean deleteAccount(Account account) { SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase(); String[] args = {account.getUuid()}; final int rows = db.delete(Account.TABLENAME, Account.UUID + "=?", args); return rows == 1; } public boolean updateMessage(Message message, boolean includeBody) { SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase(); String[] args = {message.getUuid()}; ContentValues contentValues = message.getContentValues(); contentValues.remove(Message.UUID); if (!includeBody) { contentValues.remove(Message.BODY); } return db.update(Message.TABLENAME, message.getContentValues(), Message.UUID + "=?", args) == 1; } public boolean updateMessage(Message message, String uuid) { SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase(); String[] args = {uuid}; return db.update(Message.TABLENAME, message.getContentValues(), Message.UUID + "=?", args) == 1; } public void readRoster(Roster roster) { SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase(); Cursor cursor; String[] args = {roster.getAccount().getUuid()}; cursor = db.query(Contact.TABLENAME, null, Contact.ACCOUNT + "=?", args, null, null, null); while (cursor.moveToNext()) { roster.initContact(Contact.fromCursor(cursor)); } cursor.close(); } public void writeRoster(final Roster roster) { long start = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); final Account account = roster.getAccount(); final SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase(); db.beginTransaction(); for (Contact contact : roster.getContacts()) { if (contact.getOption(Contact.Options.IN_ROSTER) || contact.getAvatarFilename() != null || contact.getOption(Contact.Options.SYNCED_VIA_OTHER)) { db.insert(Contact.TABLENAME, null, contact.getContentValues()); } else { String where = Contact.ACCOUNT + "=? AND " + Contact.JID + "=?"; String[] whereArgs = {account.getUuid(), contact.getJid().toString()}; db.delete(Contact.TABLENAME, where, whereArgs); } } db.setTransactionSuccessful(); db.endTransaction(); account.setRosterVersion(roster.getVersion()); updateAccount(account); long duration = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - start; Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, account.getJid().asBareJid() + ": persisted roster in " + duration + "ms"); } public void deleteMessageInConversation(Message message) { long start = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); final SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase(); db.beginTransaction(); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(Message.DELETED, "1"); String[] args = {message.getUuid()}; int rows = db.update("messages", values, "uuid =?", args); db.setTransactionSuccessful(); db.endTransaction(); Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, "deleted " + rows + " message in " + (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - start) + "ms"); } public void deleteMessagesInConversation(Conversation conversation) { long start = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); final SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase(); db.beginTransaction(); String[] args = {conversation.getUuid()}; db.delete("messages_index", "uuid in (select uuid from messages where conversationUuid=?)", args); int num = db.delete(Message.TABLENAME, Message.CONVERSATION + "=?", args); db.setTransactionSuccessful(); db.endTransaction(); Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, "deleted " + num + " messages for " + conversation.getJid().asBareJid() + " in " + (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - start) + "ms"); } public long countExpireOldMessages(long timestamp) { long start = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); final String[] args = {String.valueOf(timestamp)}; SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase(); db.beginTransaction(); long num = DatabaseUtils.queryNumEntries(db, Message.TABLENAME, "timeSent= 1) { final String[] args = {String.valueOf(timestamp)}; SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase(); db.beginTransaction(); db.delete("messages_index", "uuid in (select uuid from messages where timeSent getSubDeviceSessions(Account account, SignalProtocolAddress contact) { final SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase(); return getSubDeviceSessions(db, account, contact); } private List getSubDeviceSessions(SQLiteDatabase db, Account account, SignalProtocolAddress contact) { List devices = new ArrayList<>(); String[] columns = {SQLiteAxolotlStore.DEVICE_ID}; String[] selectionArgs = {account.getUuid(), contact.getName()}; Cursor cursor = db.query(SQLiteAxolotlStore.SESSION_TABLENAME, columns, SQLiteAxolotlStore.ACCOUNT + " = ? AND " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.NAME + " = ?", selectionArgs, null, null, null); while (cursor.moveToNext()) { devices.add(cursor.getInt( cursor.getColumnIndex(SQLiteAxolotlStore.DEVICE_ID))); } cursor.close(); return devices; } public List getKnownSignalAddresses(Account account) { List addresses = new ArrayList<>(); String[] colums = {"DISTINCT " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.NAME}; String[] selectionArgs = {account.getUuid()}; Cursor cursor = getReadableDatabase().query(SQLiteAxolotlStore.SESSION_TABLENAME, colums, SQLiteAxolotlStore.ACCOUNT + " = ?", selectionArgs, null, null, null ); while (cursor.moveToNext()) { addresses.add(cursor.getString(0)); } cursor.close(); return addresses; } public boolean containsSession(Account account, SignalProtocolAddress contact) { Cursor cursor = getCursorForSession(account, contact); int count = cursor.getCount(); cursor.close(); return count != 0; } public void storeSession(Account account, SignalProtocolAddress contact, SessionRecord session) { SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase(); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(SQLiteAxolotlStore.NAME, contact.getName()); values.put(SQLiteAxolotlStore.DEVICE_ID, contact.getDeviceId()); values.put(SQLiteAxolotlStore.KEY, Base64.encodeToString(session.serialize(), Base64.DEFAULT)); values.put(SQLiteAxolotlStore.ACCOUNT, account.getUuid()); db.insert(SQLiteAxolotlStore.SESSION_TABLENAME, null, values); } public void deleteSession(Account account, SignalProtocolAddress contact) { SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase(); deleteSession(db, account, contact); } private void deleteSession(SQLiteDatabase db, Account account, SignalProtocolAddress contact) { String[] args = {account.getUuid(), contact.getName(), Integer.toString(contact.getDeviceId())}; db.delete(SQLiteAxolotlStore.SESSION_TABLENAME, SQLiteAxolotlStore.ACCOUNT + " = ? AND " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.NAME + " = ? AND " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.DEVICE_ID + " = ? ", args); } public void deleteAllSessions(Account account, SignalProtocolAddress contact) { SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase(); String[] args = {account.getUuid(), contact.getName()}; db.delete(SQLiteAxolotlStore.SESSION_TABLENAME, SQLiteAxolotlStore.ACCOUNT + "=? AND " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.NAME + " = ?", args); } private Cursor getCursorForPreKey(Account account, int preKeyId) { SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase(); String[] columns = {SQLiteAxolotlStore.KEY}; String[] selectionArgs = {account.getUuid(), Integer.toString(preKeyId)}; Cursor cursor = db.query(SQLiteAxolotlStore.PREKEY_TABLENAME, columns, SQLiteAxolotlStore.ACCOUNT + "=? AND " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.ID + "=?", selectionArgs, null, null, null); return cursor; } public PreKeyRecord loadPreKey(Account account, int preKeyId) { PreKeyRecord record = null; Cursor cursor = getCursorForPreKey(account, preKeyId); if (cursor.getCount() != 0) { cursor.moveToFirst(); try { record = new PreKeyRecord(Base64.decode(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(SQLiteAxolotlStore.KEY)), Base64.DEFAULT)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new AssertionError(e); } } cursor.close(); return record; } public boolean containsPreKey(Account account, int preKeyId) { Cursor cursor = getCursorForPreKey(account, preKeyId); int count = cursor.getCount(); cursor.close(); return count != 0; } public void storePreKey(Account account, PreKeyRecord record) { SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase(); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(SQLiteAxolotlStore.ID, record.getId()); values.put(SQLiteAxolotlStore.KEY, Base64.encodeToString(record.serialize(), Base64.DEFAULT)); values.put(SQLiteAxolotlStore.ACCOUNT, account.getUuid()); db.insert(SQLiteAxolotlStore.PREKEY_TABLENAME, null, values); } public int deletePreKey(Account account, int preKeyId) { SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase(); String[] args = {account.getUuid(), Integer.toString(preKeyId)}; return db.delete(SQLiteAxolotlStore.PREKEY_TABLENAME, SQLiteAxolotlStore.ACCOUNT + "=? AND " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.ID + "=?", args); } private Cursor getCursorForSignedPreKey(Account account, int signedPreKeyId) { SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase(); String[] columns = {SQLiteAxolotlStore.KEY}; String[] selectionArgs = {account.getUuid(), Integer.toString(signedPreKeyId)}; Cursor cursor = db.query(SQLiteAxolotlStore.SIGNED_PREKEY_TABLENAME, columns, SQLiteAxolotlStore.ACCOUNT + "=? AND " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.ID + "=?", selectionArgs, null, null, null); return cursor; } public SignedPreKeyRecord loadSignedPreKey(Account account, int signedPreKeyId) { SignedPreKeyRecord record = null; Cursor cursor = getCursorForSignedPreKey(account, signedPreKeyId); if (cursor.getCount() != 0) { cursor.moveToFirst(); try { record = new SignedPreKeyRecord(Base64.decode(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(SQLiteAxolotlStore.KEY)), Base64.DEFAULT)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new AssertionError(e); } } cursor.close(); return record; } public List loadSignedPreKeys(Account account) { List prekeys = new ArrayList<>(); SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase(); String[] columns = {SQLiteAxolotlStore.KEY}; String[] selectionArgs = {account.getUuid()}; Cursor cursor = db.query(SQLiteAxolotlStore.SIGNED_PREKEY_TABLENAME, columns, SQLiteAxolotlStore.ACCOUNT + "=?", selectionArgs, null, null, null); while (cursor.moveToNext()) { try { prekeys.add(new SignedPreKeyRecord(Base64.decode(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(SQLiteAxolotlStore.KEY)), Base64.DEFAULT))); } catch (IOException ignored) { } } cursor.close(); return prekeys; } public int getSignedPreKeysCount(Account account) { String[] columns = {"count(" + SQLiteAxolotlStore.KEY + ")"}; String[] selectionArgs = {account.getUuid()}; SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase(); Cursor cursor = db.query(SQLiteAxolotlStore.SIGNED_PREKEY_TABLENAME, columns, SQLiteAxolotlStore.ACCOUNT + "=?", selectionArgs, null, null, null); final int count; if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { count = cursor.getInt(0); } else { count = 0; } cursor.close(); return count; } public boolean containsSignedPreKey(Account account, int signedPreKeyId) { Cursor cursor = getCursorForPreKey(account, signedPreKeyId); int count = cursor.getCount(); cursor.close(); return count != 0; } public void storeSignedPreKey(Account account, SignedPreKeyRecord record) { SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase(); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(SQLiteAxolotlStore.ID, record.getId()); values.put(SQLiteAxolotlStore.KEY, Base64.encodeToString(record.serialize(), Base64.DEFAULT)); values.put(SQLiteAxolotlStore.ACCOUNT, account.getUuid()); db.insert(SQLiteAxolotlStore.SIGNED_PREKEY_TABLENAME, null, values); } public void deleteSignedPreKey(Account account, int signedPreKeyId) { SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase(); String[] args = {account.getUuid(), Integer.toString(signedPreKeyId)}; db.delete(SQLiteAxolotlStore.SIGNED_PREKEY_TABLENAME, SQLiteAxolotlStore.ACCOUNT + "=? AND " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.ID + "=?", args); } private Cursor getIdentityKeyCursor(Account account, String name, boolean own) { final SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase(); return getIdentityKeyCursor(db, account, name, own); } private Cursor getIdentityKeyCursor(SQLiteDatabase db, Account account, String name, boolean own) { return getIdentityKeyCursor(db, account, name, own, null); } private Cursor getIdentityKeyCursor(Account account, String fingerprint) { final SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase(); return getIdentityKeyCursor(db, account, fingerprint); } private Cursor getIdentityKeyCursor(SQLiteDatabase db, Account account, String fingerprint) { return getIdentityKeyCursor(db, account, null, null, fingerprint); } private Cursor getIdentityKeyCursor(SQLiteDatabase db, Account account, String name, Boolean own, String fingerprint) { String[] columns = {SQLiteAxolotlStore.TRUST, SQLiteAxolotlStore.ACTIVE, SQLiteAxolotlStore.LAST_ACTIVATION, SQLiteAxolotlStore.KEY}; ArrayList selectionArgs = new ArrayList<>(4); selectionArgs.add(account.getUuid()); String selectionString = SQLiteAxolotlStore.ACCOUNT + " = ?"; if (name != null) { selectionArgs.add(name); selectionString += " AND " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.NAME + " = ?"; } if (fingerprint != null) { selectionArgs.add(fingerprint); selectionString += " AND " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.FINGERPRINT + " = ?"; } if (own != null) { selectionArgs.add(own ? "1" : "0"); selectionString += " AND " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.OWN + " = ?"; } Cursor cursor = db.query(SQLiteAxolotlStore.IDENTITIES_TABLENAME, columns, selectionString, selectionArgs.toArray(new String[selectionArgs.size()]), null, null, null); return cursor; } public IdentityKeyPair loadOwnIdentityKeyPair(Account account) { SQLiteDatabase db = getReadableDatabase(); return loadOwnIdentityKeyPair(db, account); } private IdentityKeyPair loadOwnIdentityKeyPair(SQLiteDatabase db, Account account) { String name = account.getJid().asBareJid().toString(); IdentityKeyPair identityKeyPair = null; Cursor cursor = getIdentityKeyCursor(db, account, name, true); if (cursor.getCount() != 0) { cursor.moveToFirst(); try { identityKeyPair = new IdentityKeyPair(Base64.decode(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(SQLiteAxolotlStore.KEY)), Base64.DEFAULT)); } catch (InvalidKeyException e) { Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, AxolotlService.getLogprefix(account) + "Encountered invalid IdentityKey in database for account" + account.getJid().asBareJid() + ", address: " + name); } } cursor.close(); return identityKeyPair; } public Set loadIdentityKeys(Account account, String name) { return loadIdentityKeys(account, name, null); } public Set loadIdentityKeys(Account account, String name, FingerprintStatus status) { Set identityKeys = new HashSet<>(); Cursor cursor = getIdentityKeyCursor(account, name, false); while (cursor.moveToNext()) { if (status != null && !FingerprintStatus.fromCursor(cursor).equals(status)) { continue; } try { String key = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(SQLiteAxolotlStore.KEY)); if (key != null) { identityKeys.add(new IdentityKey(Base64.decode(key, Base64.DEFAULT), 0)); } else { Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, AxolotlService.getLogprefix(account) + "Missing key (possibly preverified) in database for account" + account.getJid().asBareJid() + ", address: " + name); } } catch (InvalidKeyException e) { Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, AxolotlService.getLogprefix(account) + "Encountered invalid IdentityKey in database for account" + account.getJid().asBareJid() + ", address: " + name); } } cursor.close(); return identityKeys; } public long numTrustedKeys(Account account, String name) { SQLiteDatabase db = getReadableDatabase(); String[] args = { account.getUuid(), name, FingerprintStatus.Trust.TRUSTED.toString(), FingerprintStatus.Trust.VERIFIED.toString(), FingerprintStatus.Trust.VERIFIED_X509.toString() }; return DatabaseUtils.queryNumEntries(db, SQLiteAxolotlStore.IDENTITIES_TABLENAME, SQLiteAxolotlStore.ACCOUNT + " = ?" + " AND " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.NAME + " = ?" + " AND (" + SQLiteAxolotlStore.TRUST + " = ? OR " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.TRUST + " = ? OR " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.TRUST + " = ?)" + " AND " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.ACTIVE + " > 0", args ); } private void storeIdentityKey(Account account, String name, boolean own, String fingerprint, String base64Serialized, FingerprintStatus status) { SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase(); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(SQLiteAxolotlStore.ACCOUNT, account.getUuid()); values.put(SQLiteAxolotlStore.NAME, name); values.put(SQLiteAxolotlStore.OWN, own ? 1 : 0); values.put(SQLiteAxolotlStore.FINGERPRINT, fingerprint); values.put(SQLiteAxolotlStore.KEY, base64Serialized); values.putAll(status.toContentValues()); String where = SQLiteAxolotlStore.ACCOUNT + "=? AND " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.NAME + "=? AND " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.FINGERPRINT + " =?"; String[] whereArgs = {account.getUuid(), name, fingerprint}; int rows = db.update(SQLiteAxolotlStore.IDENTITIES_TABLENAME, values, where, whereArgs); if (rows == 0) { db.insert(SQLiteAxolotlStore.IDENTITIES_TABLENAME, null, values); } } public void storePreVerification(Account account, String name, String fingerprint, FingerprintStatus status) { SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase(); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(SQLiteAxolotlStore.ACCOUNT, account.getUuid()); values.put(SQLiteAxolotlStore.NAME, name); values.put(SQLiteAxolotlStore.OWN, 0); values.put(SQLiteAxolotlStore.FINGERPRINT, fingerprint); values.putAll(status.toContentValues()); db.insert(SQLiteAxolotlStore.IDENTITIES_TABLENAME, null, values); } public FingerprintStatus getFingerprintStatus(Account account, String fingerprint) { Cursor cursor = getIdentityKeyCursor(account, fingerprint); final FingerprintStatus status; if (cursor.getCount() > 0) { cursor.moveToFirst(); status = FingerprintStatus.fromCursor(cursor); } else { status = null; } cursor.close(); return status; } public boolean setIdentityKeyTrust(Account account, String fingerprint, FingerprintStatus fingerprintStatus) { SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase(); return setIdentityKeyTrust(db, account, fingerprint, fingerprintStatus); } private boolean setIdentityKeyTrust(SQLiteDatabase db, Account account, String fingerprint, FingerprintStatus status) { String[] selectionArgs = { account.getUuid(), fingerprint }; int rows = db.update(SQLiteAxolotlStore.IDENTITIES_TABLENAME, status.toContentValues(), SQLiteAxolotlStore.ACCOUNT + " = ? AND " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.FINGERPRINT + " = ? ", selectionArgs); return rows == 1; } public boolean setIdentityKeyCertificate(Account account, String fingerprint, X509Certificate x509Certificate) { SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase(); String[] selectionArgs = { account.getUuid(), fingerprint }; try { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(SQLiteAxolotlStore.CERTIFICATE, x509Certificate.getEncoded()); return db.update(SQLiteAxolotlStore.IDENTITIES_TABLENAME, values, SQLiteAxolotlStore.ACCOUNT + " = ? AND " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.FINGERPRINT + " = ? ", selectionArgs) == 1; } catch (CertificateEncodingException e) { Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, "could not encode certificate"); return false; } } public X509Certificate getIdentityKeyCertifcate(Account account, String fingerprint) { SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase(); String[] selectionArgs = { account.getUuid(), fingerprint }; String[] colums = {SQLiteAxolotlStore.CERTIFICATE}; String selection = SQLiteAxolotlStore.ACCOUNT + " = ? AND " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.FINGERPRINT + " = ? "; Cursor cursor = db.query(SQLiteAxolotlStore.IDENTITIES_TABLENAME, colums, selection, selectionArgs, null, null, null); if (cursor.getCount() < 1) { return null; } else { cursor.moveToFirst(); byte[] certificate = cursor.getBlob(cursor.getColumnIndex(SQLiteAxolotlStore.CERTIFICATE)); cursor.close(); if (certificate == null || certificate.length == 0) { return null; } try { CertificateFactory certificateFactory = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509"); return (X509Certificate) certificateFactory.generateCertificate(new ByteArrayInputStream(certificate)); } catch (CertificateException e) { Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, "certificate exception " + e.getMessage()); return null; } } } public void storeIdentityKey(Account account, String name, IdentityKey identityKey, FingerprintStatus status) { storeIdentityKey(account, name, false, CryptoHelper.bytesToHex(identityKey.getPublicKey().serialize()), Base64.encodeToString(identityKey.serialize(), Base64.DEFAULT), status); } public void storeOwnIdentityKeyPair(Account account, IdentityKeyPair identityKeyPair) { storeIdentityKey(account, account.getJid().asBareJid().toString(), true, CryptoHelper.bytesToHex(identityKeyPair.getPublicKey().serialize()), Base64.encodeToString(identityKeyPair.serialize(), Base64.DEFAULT), FingerprintStatus.createActiveVerified(false)); } private void recreateAxolotlDb(SQLiteDatabase db) { Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, AxolotlService.LOGPREFIX + " : " + ">>> (RE)CREATING AXOLOTL DATABASE <<<"); db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.SESSION_TABLENAME); db.execSQL(CREATE_SESSIONS_STATEMENT); db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.PREKEY_TABLENAME); db.execSQL(CREATE_PREKEYS_STATEMENT); db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.SIGNED_PREKEY_TABLENAME); db.execSQL(CREATE_SIGNED_PREKEYS_STATEMENT); db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + SQLiteAxolotlStore.IDENTITIES_TABLENAME); db.execSQL(CREATE_IDENTITIES_STATEMENT); } public void wipeAxolotlDb(Account account) { String accountName = account.getUuid(); Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, AxolotlService.getLogprefix(account) + ">>> WIPING AXOLOTL DATABASE FOR ACCOUNT " + accountName + " <<<"); SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase(); String[] deleteArgs = { accountName }; db.delete(SQLiteAxolotlStore.SESSION_TABLENAME, SQLiteAxolotlStore.ACCOUNT + " = ?", deleteArgs); db.delete(SQLiteAxolotlStore.PREKEY_TABLENAME, SQLiteAxolotlStore.ACCOUNT + " = ?", deleteArgs); db.delete(SQLiteAxolotlStore.SIGNED_PREKEY_TABLENAME, SQLiteAxolotlStore.ACCOUNT + " = ?", deleteArgs); db.delete(SQLiteAxolotlStore.IDENTITIES_TABLENAME, SQLiteAxolotlStore.ACCOUNT + " = ?", deleteArgs); } public List getFrequentContacts(int days) { SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase(); final String SQL = "select " + Conversation.TABLENAME + "." + Conversation.ACCOUNT + "," + Conversation.TABLENAME + "." + Conversation.CONTACTJID + " from " + Conversation.TABLENAME + " join " + Message.TABLENAME + " on conversations.uuid=messages.conversationUuid where messages.status!=0 and carbon==0 and conversations.mode=0 and messages.timeSent>=? group by conversations.uuid order by count(body) desc limit 4;"; String[] whereArgs = new String[]{String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() - (Config.MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY * days))}; Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery(SQL, whereArgs); ArrayList contacts = new ArrayList<>(); while (cursor.moveToNext()) { try { contacts.add(new ShortcutService.FrequentContact(cursor.getString(0), Jid.of(cursor.getString(1)))); } catch (Exception e) { Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, e.getMessage()); } } cursor.close(); return contacts; } }