path: root/src/main/java/de/pixart/messenger/utils/video/Track.java
diff options
authorChristian Schneppe <christian@pix-art.de>2016-08-26 23:48:48 +0200
committerChristian Schneppe <christian@pix-art.de>2016-08-28 21:33:19 +0200
commitb3b3475e93a9b08f9e35edbf74673728b560ad3b (patch)
treefc72bfce668b358310061c0a94736a0bd14e8b5d /src/main/java/de/pixart/messenger/utils/video/Track.java
parent1f7f535d37b844dbd87447e1872c270edbca1302 (diff)
compress videos bigger than 10 MB before sending
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 263 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/de/pixart/messenger/utils/video/Track.java b/src/main/java/de/pixart/messenger/utils/video/Track.java
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..347c65490
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/de/pixart/messenger/utils/video/Track.java
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+ * This is the source code of Telegram for Android v. 1.7.x.
+ * It is licensed under GNU GPL v. 2 or later.
+ * You should have received a copy of the license in this archive (see LICENSE).
+ *
+ * Copyright Nikolai Kudashov, 2013-2014.
+ */
+package de.pixart.messenger.utils.video;
+import android.annotation.TargetApi;
+import android.media.MediaCodec;
+import android.media.MediaFormat;
+import com.coremedia.iso.boxes.AbstractMediaHeaderBox;
+import com.coremedia.iso.boxes.SampleDescriptionBox;
+import com.coremedia.iso.boxes.SoundMediaHeaderBox;
+import com.coremedia.iso.boxes.VideoMediaHeaderBox;
+import com.coremedia.iso.boxes.sampleentry.AudioSampleEntry;
+import com.coremedia.iso.boxes.sampleentry.VisualSampleEntry;
+import com.googlecode.mp4parser.boxes.mp4.ESDescriptorBox;
+import com.googlecode.mp4parser.boxes.mp4.objectdescriptors.AudioSpecificConfig;
+import com.googlecode.mp4parser.boxes.mp4.objectdescriptors.DecoderConfigDescriptor;
+import com.googlecode.mp4parser.boxes.mp4.objectdescriptors.ESDescriptor;
+import com.googlecode.mp4parser.boxes.mp4.objectdescriptors.SLConfigDescriptor;
+import com.mp4parser.iso14496.part15.AvcConfigurationBox;
+import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Date;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.LinkedList;
+import java.util.Map;
+public class Track {
+ private long trackId = 0;
+ private ArrayList<Sample> samples = new ArrayList<Sample>();
+ private long duration = 0;
+ private String handler;
+ private AbstractMediaHeaderBox headerBox = null;
+ private SampleDescriptionBox sampleDescriptionBox = null;
+ private LinkedList<Integer> syncSamples = null;
+ private int timeScale;
+ private Date creationTime = new Date();
+ private int height;
+ private int width;
+ private float volume = 0;
+ private ArrayList<Long> sampleDurations = new ArrayList<Long>();
+ private boolean isAudio = false;
+ private static Map<Integer, Integer> samplingFrequencyIndexMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
+ private long lastPresentationTimeUs = 0;
+ private boolean first = true;
+ static {
+ samplingFrequencyIndexMap.put(96000, 0x0);
+ samplingFrequencyIndexMap.put(88200, 0x1);
+ samplingFrequencyIndexMap.put(64000, 0x2);
+ samplingFrequencyIndexMap.put(48000, 0x3);
+ samplingFrequencyIndexMap.put(44100, 0x4);
+ samplingFrequencyIndexMap.put(32000, 0x5);
+ samplingFrequencyIndexMap.put(24000, 0x6);
+ samplingFrequencyIndexMap.put(22050, 0x7);
+ samplingFrequencyIndexMap.put(16000, 0x8);
+ samplingFrequencyIndexMap.put(12000, 0x9);
+ samplingFrequencyIndexMap.put(11025, 0xa);
+ samplingFrequencyIndexMap.put(8000, 0xb);
+ }
+ public Track(int id, MediaFormat format, boolean isAudio) throws Exception {
+ trackId = id;
+ if (!isAudio) {
+ sampleDurations.add((long)3015);
+ duration = 3015;
+ width = format.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_WIDTH);
+ height = format.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_HEIGHT);
+ timeScale = 90000;
+ syncSamples = new LinkedList<Integer>();
+ handler = "vide";
+ headerBox = new VideoMediaHeaderBox();
+ sampleDescriptionBox = new SampleDescriptionBox();
+ String mime = format.getString(MediaFormat.KEY_MIME);
+ if (mime.equals("video/avc")) {
+ VisualSampleEntry visualSampleEntry = new VisualSampleEntry("avc1");
+ visualSampleEntry.setDataReferenceIndex(1);
+ visualSampleEntry.setDepth(24);
+ visualSampleEntry.setFrameCount(1);
+ visualSampleEntry.setHorizresolution(72);
+ visualSampleEntry.setVertresolution(72);
+ visualSampleEntry.setWidth(width);
+ visualSampleEntry.setHeight(height);
+ AvcConfigurationBox avcConfigurationBox = new AvcConfigurationBox();
+ if (format.getByteBuffer("csd-0") != null) {
+ ArrayList<byte[]> spsArray = new ArrayList<byte[]>();
+ ByteBuffer spsBuff = format.getByteBuffer("csd-0");
+ spsBuff.position(4);
+ byte[] spsBytes = new byte[spsBuff.remaining()];
+ spsBuff.get(spsBytes);
+ spsArray.add(spsBytes);
+ ArrayList<byte[]> ppsArray = new ArrayList<byte[]>();
+ ByteBuffer ppsBuff = format.getByteBuffer("csd-1");
+ ppsBuff.position(4);
+ byte[] ppsBytes = new byte[ppsBuff.remaining()];
+ ppsBuff.get(ppsBytes);
+ ppsArray.add(ppsBytes);
+ avcConfigurationBox.setSequenceParameterSets(spsArray);
+ avcConfigurationBox.setPictureParameterSets(ppsArray);
+ }
+ //ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(spsBytes);
+ //SeqParameterSet seqParameterSet = SeqParameterSet.read(byteArrayInputStream);
+ avcConfigurationBox.setAvcLevelIndication(13);
+ avcConfigurationBox.setAvcProfileIndication(100);
+ avcConfigurationBox.setBitDepthLumaMinus8(-1);
+ avcConfigurationBox.setBitDepthChromaMinus8(-1);
+ avcConfigurationBox.setChromaFormat(-1);
+ avcConfigurationBox.setConfigurationVersion(1);
+ avcConfigurationBox.setLengthSizeMinusOne(3);
+ avcConfigurationBox.setProfileCompatibility(0);
+ visualSampleEntry.addBox(avcConfigurationBox);
+ sampleDescriptionBox.addBox(visualSampleEntry);
+ } else if (mime.equals("video/mp4v")) {
+ VisualSampleEntry visualSampleEntry = new VisualSampleEntry("mp4v");
+ visualSampleEntry.setDataReferenceIndex(1);
+ visualSampleEntry.setDepth(24);
+ visualSampleEntry.setFrameCount(1);
+ visualSampleEntry.setHorizresolution(72);
+ visualSampleEntry.setVertresolution(72);
+ visualSampleEntry.setWidth(width);
+ visualSampleEntry.setHeight(height);
+ sampleDescriptionBox.addBox(visualSampleEntry);
+ }
+ } else {
+ sampleDurations.add((long)1024);
+ duration = 1024;
+ isAudio = true;
+ volume = 1;
+ timeScale = format.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_SAMPLE_RATE);
+ handler = "soun";
+ headerBox = new SoundMediaHeaderBox();
+ sampleDescriptionBox = new SampleDescriptionBox();
+ AudioSampleEntry audioSampleEntry = new AudioSampleEntry("mp4a");
+ audioSampleEntry.setChannelCount(format.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_CHANNEL_COUNT));
+ audioSampleEntry.setSampleRate(format.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_SAMPLE_RATE));
+ audioSampleEntry.setDataReferenceIndex(1);
+ audioSampleEntry.setSampleSize(16);
+ ESDescriptorBox esds = new ESDescriptorBox();
+ ESDescriptor descriptor = new ESDescriptor();
+ descriptor.setEsId(0);
+ SLConfigDescriptor slConfigDescriptor = new SLConfigDescriptor();
+ slConfigDescriptor.setPredefined(2);
+ descriptor.setSlConfigDescriptor(slConfigDescriptor);
+ DecoderConfigDescriptor decoderConfigDescriptor = new DecoderConfigDescriptor();
+ decoderConfigDescriptor.setObjectTypeIndication(0x40);
+ decoderConfigDescriptor.setStreamType(5);
+ decoderConfigDescriptor.setBufferSizeDB(1536);
+ decoderConfigDescriptor.setMaxBitRate(96000);
+ decoderConfigDescriptor.setAvgBitRate(96000);
+ AudioSpecificConfig audioSpecificConfig = new AudioSpecificConfig();
+ audioSpecificConfig.setAudioObjectType(2);
+ audioSpecificConfig.setSamplingFrequencyIndex(samplingFrequencyIndexMap.get((int)audioSampleEntry.getSampleRate()));
+ audioSpecificConfig.setChannelConfiguration(audioSampleEntry.getChannelCount());
+ decoderConfigDescriptor.setAudioSpecificInfo(audioSpecificConfig);
+ descriptor.setDecoderConfigDescriptor(decoderConfigDescriptor);
+ ByteBuffer data = descriptor.serialize();
+ esds.setEsDescriptor(descriptor);
+ esds.setData(data);
+ audioSampleEntry.addBox(esds);
+ sampleDescriptionBox.addBox(audioSampleEntry);
+ }
+ }
+ public long getTrackId() {
+ return trackId;
+ }
+ public void addSample(long offset, MediaCodec.BufferInfo bufferInfo) {
+ boolean isSyncFrame = !isAudio && (bufferInfo.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_SYNC_FRAME) != 0;
+ samples.add(new Sample(offset, bufferInfo.size));
+ if (syncSamples != null && isSyncFrame) {
+ syncSamples.add(samples.size());
+ }
+ long delta = bufferInfo.presentationTimeUs - lastPresentationTimeUs;
+ lastPresentationTimeUs = bufferInfo.presentationTimeUs;
+ delta = (delta * timeScale + 500000L) / 1000000L;
+ if (!first) {
+ sampleDurations.add(sampleDurations.size() - 1, delta);
+ duration += delta;
+ }
+ first = false;
+ }
+ public ArrayList<Sample> getSamples() {
+ return samples;
+ }
+ public long getDuration() {
+ return duration;
+ }
+ public String getHandler() {
+ return handler;
+ }
+ public AbstractMediaHeaderBox getMediaHeaderBox() {
+ return headerBox;
+ }
+ public SampleDescriptionBox getSampleDescriptionBox() {
+ return sampleDescriptionBox;
+ }
+ public long[] getSyncSamples() {
+ if (syncSamples == null || syncSamples.isEmpty()) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ long[] returns = new long[syncSamples.size()];
+ for (int i = 0; i < syncSamples.size(); i++) {
+ returns[i] = syncSamples.get(i);
+ }
+ return returns;
+ }
+ public int getTimeScale() {
+ return timeScale;
+ }
+ public Date getCreationTime() {
+ return creationTime;
+ }
+ public int getWidth() {
+ return width;
+ }
+ public int getHeight() {
+ return height;
+ }
+ public float getVolume() {
+ return volume;
+ }
+ public ArrayList<Long> getSampleDurations() {
+ return sampleDurations;
+ }
+ public boolean isAudio() {
+ return isAudio;
+ }