From a683c94baba9d44ab3d406eb03d8b502da1f73c1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Stefan Ritter Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 15:30:14 +0200 Subject: Oops, forgot the colors --- vim/colors/wombat256.vim | 302 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 302 insertions(+) create mode 100644 vim/colors/wombat256.vim (limited to 'vim/colors/wombat256.vim') diff --git a/vim/colors/wombat256.vim b/vim/colors/wombat256.vim new file mode 100644 index 0000000..73be6db --- /dev/null +++ b/vim/colors/wombat256.vim @@ -0,0 +1,302 @@ +" Vim color file +" Maintainer: David Liang (bmdavll at gmail dot com) +" Last Change: November 28 2008 +" +" wombat256.vim - a modified version of Wombat by Lars Nielsen that also +" works on xterms with 88 or 256 colors. The algorithm for approximating the +" GUI colors with the xterm palette is from desert256.vim by Henry So Jr. + +set background=dark + +if version > 580 + hi clear + if exists("syntax_on") + syntax reset + endif +endif + +let g:colors_name = "wombat256" + +if !has("gui_running") && &t_Co != 88 && &t_Co != 256 + finish +endif + +" functions {{{ +" returns an approximate grey index for the given grey level +fun grey_number(x) + if &t_Co == 88 + if a:x < 23 + return 0 + elseif a:x < 69 + return 1 + elseif a:x < 103 + return 2 + elseif a:x < 127 + return 3 + elseif a:x < 150 + return 4 + elseif a:x < 173 + return 5 + elseif a:x < 196 + return 6 + elseif a:x < 219 + return 7 + elseif a:x < 243 + return 8 + else + return 9 + endif + else + if a:x < 14 + return 0 + else + let l:n = (a:x - 8) / 10 + let l:m = (a:x - 8) % 10 + if l:m < 5 + return l:n + else + return l:n + 1 + endif + endif + endif +endfun + +" returns the actual grey level represented by the grey index +fun grey_level(n) + if &t_Co == 88 + if a:n == 0 + return 0 + elseif a:n == 1 + return 46 + elseif a:n == 2 + return 92 + elseif a:n == 3 + return 115 + elseif a:n == 4 + return 139 + elseif a:n == 5 + return 162 + elseif a:n == 6 + return 185 + elseif a:n == 7 + return 208 + elseif a:n == 8 + return 231 + else + return 255 + endif + else + if a:n == 0 + return 0 + else + return 8 + (a:n * 10) + endif + endif +endfun + +" returns the palette index for the given grey index +fun grey_color(n) + if &t_Co == 88 + if a:n == 0 + return 16 + elseif a:n == 9 + return 79 + else + return 79 + a:n + endif + else + if a:n == 0 + return 16 + elseif a:n == 25 + return 231 + else + return 231 + a:n + endif + endif +endfun + +" returns an approximate color index for the given color level +fun rgb_number(x) + if &t_Co == 88 + if a:x < 69 + return 0 + elseif a:x < 172 + return 1 + elseif a:x < 230 + return 2 + else + return 3 + endif + else + if a:x < 75 + return 0 + else + let l:n = (a:x - 55) / 40 + let l:m = (a:x - 55) % 40 + if l:m < 20 + return l:n + else + return l:n + 1 + endif + endif + endif +endfun + +" returns the actual color level for the given color index +fun rgb_level(n) + if &t_Co == 88 + if a:n == 0 + return 0 + elseif a:n == 1 + return 139 + elseif a:n == 2 + return 205 + else + return 255 + endif + else + if a:n == 0 + return 0 + else + return 55 + (a:n * 40) + endif + endif +endfun + +" returns the palette index for the given R/G/B color indices +fun rgb_color(x, y, z) + if &t_Co == 88 + return 16 + (a:x * 16) + (a:y * 4) + a:z + else + return 16 + (a:x * 36) + (a:y * 6) + a:z + endif +endfun + +" returns the palette index to approximate the given R/G/B color levels +fun color(r, g, b) + " get the closest grey + let l:gx = grey_number(a:r) + let l:gy = grey_number(a:g) + let l:gz = grey_number(a:b) + + " get the closest color + let l:x = rgb_number(a:r) + let l:y = rgb_number(a:g) + let l:z = rgb_number(a:b) + + if l:gx == l:gy && l:gy == l:gz + " there are two possibilities + let l:dgr = grey_level(l:gx) - a:r + let l:dgg = grey_level(l:gy) - a:g + let l:dgb = grey_level(l:gz) - a:b + let l:dgrey = (l:dgr * l:dgr) + (l:dgg * l:dgg) + (l:dgb * l:dgb) + let l:dr = rgb_level(l:gx) - a:r + let l:dg = rgb_level(l:gy) - a:g + let l:db = rgb_level(l:gz) - a:b + let l:drgb = (l:dr * l:dr) + (l:dg * l:dg) + (l:db * l:db) + if l:dgrey < l:drgb + " use the grey + return grey_color(l:gx) + else + " use the color + return rgb_color(l:x, l:y, l:z) + endif + else + " only one possibility + return rgb_color(l:x, l:y, l:z) + endif +endfun + +" returns the palette index to approximate the 'rrggbb' hex string +fun rgb(rgb) + let l:r = ("0x" . strpart(a:rgb, 0, 2)) + 0 + let l:g = ("0x" . strpart(a:rgb, 2, 2)) + 0 + let l:b = ("0x" . strpart(a:rgb, 4, 2)) + 0 + return color(l:r, l:g, l:b) +endfun + +" sets the highlighting for the given group +fun X(group, fg, bg, attr) + if a:fg != "" + exec "hi ".a:group." guifg=#".a:fg." ctermfg=".rgb(a:fg) + endif + if a:bg != "" + exec "hi ".a:group." guibg=#".a:bg." ctermbg=".rgb(a:bg) + endif + if a:attr != "" + if a:attr == 'italic' + exec "hi ".a:group." gui=".a:attr." cterm=none" + else + exec "hi ".a:group." gui=".a:attr." cterm=".a:attr + endif + endif +endfun +" }}} + +call X("Normal", "cccccc", "242424", "none") +call X("Cursor", "222222", "ecee90", "none") +call X("CursorLine", "", "32322e", "none") +call X("CursorColumn", "", "2d2d2d", "") + "CursorIM + "Question + "IncSearch +call X("Search", "444444", "af87d7", "") +call X("MatchParen", "ecee90", "857b6f", "bold") +call X("SpecialKey", "6c6c6c", "2d2d2d", "none") +call X("Visual", "ecee90", "597418", "none") +call X("LineNr", "857b6f", "121212", "none") +call X("Folded", "a0a8b0", "404048", "none") +call X("Title", "f6f3e8", "", "bold") +call X("VertSplit", "444444", "444444", "none") +call X("StatusLine", "f6f3e8", "444444", "italic") +call X("StatusLineNC", "857b6f", "444444", "none") + "Scrollbar + "Tooltip + "Menu + "WildMenu +call X("Pmenu", "f6f3e8", "444444", "") +call X("PmenuSel", "121212", "caeb82", "") +call X("WarningMsg", "ff0000", "", "") + "ErrorMsg + "ModeMsg + "MoreMsg + "Directory + "DiffAdd + "DiffChange + "DiffDelete + "DiffText + +" syntax highlighting +call X("Number", "e5786d", "", "none") +call X("Constant", "e5786d", "", "none") +call X("String", "95e454", "", "italic") +call X("Comment", "c0bc6c", "", "italic") +call X("Identifier", "caeb82", "", "none") +call X("Keyword", "87afff", "", "none") +call X("Statement", "87afff", "", "none") +call X("Function", "caeb82", "", "none") +call X("PreProc", "e5786d", "", "none") +call X("Type", "caeb82", "", "none") +call X("Special", "ffdead", "", "none") +call X("Todo", "857b6f", "", "italic") + "Underlined + "Error + "Ignore + +hi! link VisualNOS Visual +hi! link NonText LineNr +hi! link FoldColumn Folded + +" delete functions {{{ +delf X +delf rgb +delf color +delf rgb_color +delf rgb_level +delf rgb_number +delf grey_color +delf grey_level +delf grey_number +" }}} + +" vim:set ts=4 sw=4 noet fdm=marker: -- cgit v1.2.3