if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') { var window = {Unicode: require('./unicodecategories').Unicode}; exports.Tokenizer = Tokenizer; } /*! * Tokenizer for JavaScript / ECMAScript 5 * (c) Peter van der Zee, qfox.nl */ /** * @param {Object} inp */ function Tokenizer(inp){ this.inp = inp||''; // replace all other line terminators with \n (leave \r\n in tact though). we should probably remove the shadowInp when finished... // only replace \r if it is not followed by a \n else \r\n would become \n\n causing a double newline where it is just a single this.shadowInp = (inp||'').replace(Tokenizer.regexNormalizeNewlines, '\n'); this.pos = 0; this.line = 0; this.column = 0; this.cache = {}; this.errorStack = []; this.wtree = []; this.btree = []; // this.regexWhiteSpace = Tokenizer.regexWhiteSpace; this.regexLineTerminator = Tokenizer.regexLineTerminator; // used in fallback this.regexAsciiIdentifier = Tokenizer.regexAsciiIdentifier; this.hashAsciiIdentifier = Tokenizer.hashAsciiIdentifier; // this.regexHex = Tokenizer.regexHex; this.hashHex = Tokenizer.hashHex this.regexUnicodeEscape = Tokenizer.regexUnicodeEscape; this.regexIdentifierStop = Tokenizer.regexIdentifierStop; this.hashIdentifierStop = Tokenizer.hashIdentifierStop; // this.regexPunctuators = Tokenizer.regexPunctuators; this.regexNumber = Tokenizer.regexNumber; this.regexNewline = Tokenizer.regexNewline; this.regexBig = Tokenizer.regexBig; this.regexBigAlt = Tokenizer.regexBigAlt; this.tokenCount = 0; this.tokenCountNoWhite = 0; this.Unicode = window.Unicode; // if the Parser throws an error. it will set this property to the next match // at the time of the error (which was not what it was expecting at that point) // and pass on an "error" match. the error should be scooped on the stack and // this property should be returned, without looking at the input... this.errorEscape = null; }; Tokenizer.prototype = { inp:null, shadowInp:null, pos:null, line:null, column:null, cache:null, errorStack:null, wtree: null, // contains whitespace (spaces, comments, newlines) btree: null, // does not contain any whitespace tokens. regexLineTerminator:null, regexAsciiIdentifier:null, hashAsciiIdentifier:null, hashHex:null, regexUnicodeEscape:null, regexIdentifierStop:null, hashIdentifierStop:null, regexNumber:null, regexNewline:null, regexBig:null, regexBigAlt:null, tokenCount:null, tokenCountNoWhite:null, Unicode:null, // storeCurrentAndFetchNextToken(bool, false, false true) to get just one token storeCurrentAndFetchNextToken: function(noRegex, returnValue, stack, _dontStore){ var regex = !noRegex; // TOFIX :) var pos = this.pos; var inp = this.inp; var shadowInp = this.shadowInp; var matchedNewline = false; do { if (!_dontStore) { ++this.tokenCount; stack.push(returnValue); // did the parent Parser throw up? if (this.errorEscape) { returnValue = this.errorEscape; this.errorEscape = null; return returnValue; } } _dontStore = false; if (pos >= inp.length) { returnValue = {start:inp.length,stop:inp.length,name:12/*EOF*/}; break; } var returnValue = null; var start = pos; var chr = inp[pos]; // 1 ws 2 lt 3 scmt 4 mcmt 5/6 str 7 nr 8 rx 9 punc //if (true) { // substring method (I think this is faster..) var part2 = inp.substring(pos,pos+4); var part = this.regexBig.exec(part2); //} else { // // non-substring method (lastIndex) // // this method does not need a substring to apply it // this.regexBigAlt.lastIndex = pos; // var part = this.regexBigAlt.exec(inp); //} if (part[1]) { //this.regexWhiteSpace.test(chr)) { // SP, TAB, VT, FF, NBSP, BOM (, TOFIX: USP) ++pos; returnValue = {start:start,stop:pos,name:9/*WHITE_SPACE*/,line:this.line,col:this.column,isWhite:true}; ++this.column; } else if (part[2]) { //this.regexLineTerminator.test(chr)) { // LF, CR, LS, PS var end = pos+1; if (chr=='\r' && inp[pos+1] == '\n') ++end; // support crlf=>lf returnValue = {start:pos,stop:end,name:10/*LINETERMINATOR*/,line:this.line,col:this.column,isWhite:true}; pos = end; // mark newlines for ASI matchedNewline = true; ++this.line; this.column = 0; returnValue.hasNewline = 1; } else if (part[3]) { //chr == '/' && inp[pos+1] == '/') { pos = shadowInp.indexOf('\n',pos); if (pos == -1) pos = inp.length; returnValue = {start:start,stop:pos,name:7/*COMMENT_SINGLE*/,line:this.line,col:this.column,isComment:true,isWhite:true}; this.column = returnValue.stop; } else if (part[4]) { //chr == '/' && inp[pos+1] == '*') { var newpos = inp.indexOf('*/',pos); if (newpos == -1) { newpos = shadowInp.indexOf('\n', pos); if (newpos < 0) pos += 2; else pos = newpos; returnValue = {start:start,stop:pos,name:14/*error*/,value:inp.substring(start, pos),line:this.line,col:this.column,isComment:true,isWhite:true,tokenError:true,error:Tokenizer.Error.UnterminatedMultiLineComment}; this.errorStack.push(returnValue); } else { pos = newpos+2; returnValue = {start:start,stop:pos,name:8/*COMMENT_MULTI*/,value:inp.substring(start, pos),line:this.line,col:this.column,isComment:true,isWhite:true}; // multi line comments are also reason for asi, but only if they contain at least one newline (use shadow input, because all line terminators would be valid...) var shadowValue = shadowInp.substring(start, pos); var i = 0, hasNewline = 0; while (i < (i = shadowValue.indexOf('\n', i+1))) { ++hasNewline; } if (hasNewline) { matchedNewline = true; returnValue.hasNewline = hasNewline; this.line += hasNewline; this.column = 0; } else { this.column = returnValue.stop; } } } else if (part[5]) { //chr == "'") { // old method //console.log("old method"); var hasNewline = 0; do { // process escaped characters while (pos < inp.length && inp[++pos] == '\\') { if (shadowInp[pos+1] == '\n') ++hasNewline; ++pos; } if (this.regexLineTerminator.test(inp[pos])) { returnValue = {start:start,stop:pos,name:14/*error*/,value:inp.substring(start, pos),isString:true,tokenError:true,error:Tokenizer.Error.UnterminatedDoubleStringNewline}; this.errorStack.push(returnValue); break; } } while (pos < inp.length && inp[pos] != "'"); if (returnValue) {} // error else if (inp[pos] != "'") { returnValue = {start:start,stop:pos,name:14/*error*/,value:inp.substring(start, pos),isString:true,tokenError:true,error:Tokenizer.Error.UnterminatedDoubleStringOther}; this.errorStack.push(returnValue); } else { ++pos; returnValue = {start:start,stop:pos,name:5/*STRING_SINGLE*/,isPrimitive:true,isString:true}; if (hasNewline) { returnValue.hasNewline = hasNewline; this.line += hasNewline; this.column = 0; } else { this.column += (pos-start); } } } else if (part[6]) { //chr == '"') { var hasNewline = 0; // TODO: something like this: var regexmatch = /([^\']|$)+/.match(); do { // process escaped chars while (pos < inp.length && inp[++pos] == '\\') { if (shadowInp[pos+1] == '\n') ++hasNewline; ++pos; } if (this.regexLineTerminator.test(inp[pos])) { returnValue = {start:start,stop:pos,name:14/*error*/,value:inp.substring(start, pos),isString:true,tokenError:true,error:Tokenizer.Error.UnterminatedSingleStringNewline}; this.errorStack.push(returnValue); break; } } while (pos < inp.length && inp[pos] != '"'); if (returnValue) {} else if (inp[pos] != '"') { returnValue = {start:start,stop:pos,name:14/*error*/,value:inp.substring(start, pos),isString:true,tokenError:true,error:Tokenizer.Error.UnterminatedSingleStringOther}; this.errorStack.push(returnValue); } else { ++pos; returnValue = {start:start,stop:pos,name:6/*STRING_DOUBLE*/,isPrimitive:true,isString:true}; if (hasNewline) { returnValue.hasNewline = hasNewline; this.line += hasNewline; this.column = 0; } else { this.column += (pos-start); } } } else if (part[7]) { //(chr >= '0' && chr <= '9') || (chr == '.' && inp[pos+1] >= '0' && inp[pos+1] <= '9')) { var nextPart = inp.substring(pos, pos+30); var match = nextPart.match(this.regexNumber); if (match[2]) { // decimal var value = match[2]; var parsingOctal = value[0] == '0' && value[1] && value[1] != 'e' && value[1] != 'E' && value[1] != '.'; if (parsingOctal) { returnValue = {start:start,stop:pos,name:14/*error*/,isNumber:true,isOctal:true,tokenError:true,error:Tokenizer.Error.IllegalOctalEscape,value:value}; this.errorStack.push(returnValue); } else { returnValue = {start:start,stop:start+value.length,name:4/*NUMERIC_DEC*/,isPrimitive:true,isNumber:true,value:value}; } } else if (match[1]) { // hex var value = match[1]; returnValue = {start:start,stop:start+value.length,name:3/*NUMERIC_HEX*/,isPrimitive:true,isNumber:true,value:value}; } else { throw 'unexpected parser errror... regex fail :('; } if (value.length < 300) { pos += value.length; } else { // old method of parsing numbers. only used for extremely long number literals (300+ chars). // this method does not require substringing... just memory :) var tmpReturnValue = this.oldNumberParser(pos, chr, inp, returnValue, start, Tokenizer); pos = tmpReturnValue[0]; returnValue = tmpReturnValue[1]; } } else if (regex && part[8]) { //chr == '/') { // regex cannot start with /* (would be multiline comment, and not make sense anyways). but if it was /* then an earlier if would have eated it. so we only check for / var twinfo = []; // matching {[( info var found = false; var parens = []; var nonLethalError = null; while (++pos < inp.length) { chr = shadowInp[pos]; // parse RegularExpressionChar if (chr == '\n') { returnValue = {start:start,stop:pos,name:14/*error*/,tokenError:true,errorHasContent:true,error:Tokenizer.Error.UnterminatedRegularExpressionNewline}; this.errorStack.push(returnValue); break; // fail } else if (chr == '/') { found = true; break; } else if (chr == '?' || chr == '*' || chr == '+') { nonLethalError = Tokenizer.Error.NothingToRepeat; } else if (chr == '^') { if ( inp[pos-1] != '/' && inp[pos-1] != '|' && inp[pos-1] != '(' && !(inp[pos-3] == '(' && inp[pos-2] == '?' && (inp[pos-1] == ':' || inp[pos-1] == '!' || inp[pos-1] == '=')) ) { nonLethalError = Tokenizer.Error.StartOfMatchShouldBeAtStart; } } else if (chr == '$') { if (inp[pos+1] != '/' && inp[pos+1] != '|' && inp[pos+1] != ')') nonLethalError = Tokenizer.Error.DollarShouldBeEnd; } else if (chr == '}') { nonLethalError = Tokenizer.Error.MissingOpeningCurly; } else { // it's a "character" (can be group or class), something to match // match parenthesis if (chr == '(') { parens.push(pos-start); } else if (chr == ')') { if (parens.length == 0) { nonLethalError = {start:start,stop:pos,name:14/*error*/,tokenError:true,error:Tokenizer.Error.RegexNoOpenGroups}; } else { var twin = parens.pop(); var now = pos-start; twinfo[twin] = now; twinfo[now] = twin; } } // first process character class if (chr == '[') { var before = pos-start; while (++pos < inp.length && shadowInp[pos] != '\n' && inp[pos] != ']') { // only newline is not allowed in class range // anything else can be escaped, most of it does not have to be escaped... if (inp[pos] == '\\') { if (shadowInp[pos+1] == '\n') break; else ++pos; // skip next char. (mainly prohibits ] to be picked up as closing the group...) } } if (inp[pos] != ']') { returnValue = {start:start,stop:pos,name:14/*error*/,tokenError:true,error:Tokenizer.Error.ClosingClassRangeNotFound}; this.errorStack.push(returnValue); break; } else { var after = pos-start; twinfo[before] = after; twinfo[after] = before; } } else if (chr == '\\' && shadowInp[pos+1] != '\n') { // is ok anywhere in the regex (match next char literally, regardless of its otherwise special meaning) ++pos; } // now process repeaters (+, ? and *) // non-collecting group (?:...) and positive (?=...) or negative (?!...) lookahead if (chr == '(') { if (inp[pos+1] == '?' && (inp[pos+2] == ':' || inp[pos+2] == '=' || inp[pos+2] == '!')) { pos += 2; } } // matching "char" else if (inp[pos+1] == '?') ++pos; else if (inp[pos+1] == '*' || inp[pos+1] == '+') { ++pos; if (inp[pos+1] == '?') ++pos; // non-greedy match } else if (inp[pos+1] == '{') { pos += 1; var before = pos-start; // quantifier: // - {n} // - {n,} // - {n,m} if (!/[0-9]/.test(inp[pos+1])) { nonLethalError = Tokenizer.Error.QuantifierRequiresNumber; } while (++pos < inp.length && /[0-9]/.test(inp[pos+1])); if (inp[pos+1] == ',') { ++pos; while (pos < inp.length && /[0-9]/.test(inp[pos+1])) ++pos; } if (inp[pos+1] != '}') { nonLethalError = Tokenizer.Error.QuantifierRequiresClosingCurly; } else { ++pos; var after = pos-start; twinfo[before] = after; twinfo[after] = before; if (inp[pos+1] == '?') ++pos; // non-greedy match } } } } // if found=false, fail right now. otherwise try to parse an identifiername (that's all RegularExpressionFlags is..., but it's constructed in a stupid fashion) if (!found || returnValue) { if (!returnValue) { returnValue = {start:start,stop:pos,name:14/*error*/,tokenError:true,error:Tokenizer.Error.UnterminatedRegularExpressionOther}; this.errorStack.push(returnValue); } } else { // this is the identifier scanner, for now do ++pos; while (pos < inp.length && this.hashAsciiIdentifier[inp[pos]]); /*this.regexAsciiIdentifier.test(inp[pos])*/ if (parens.length) { // nope, this is still an error, there was at least one paren that did not have a matching twin if (parens.length > 0) returnValue = {start:start,stop:pos,name:14/*error*/,tokenError:true,error:Tokenizer.Error.RegexOpenGroup}; this.errorStack.push(returnValue); } else if (nonLethalError) { returnValue = {start:start,stop:pos,name:14/*error*/,errorHasContent:true,tokenError:true,error:nonLethalError}; this.errorStack.push(returnValue); } else { returnValue = {start:start,stop:pos,name:1/*REG_EX*/,isPrimitive:true}; } } returnValue.twinfo = twinfo; } else { // note: operators need to be ordered from longest to smallest. regex will take care of the rest. // no need to worry about div vs regex. if looking for regex, earlier if will have eaten it //var result = this.regexPunctuators.exec(inp.substring(pos,pos+4)); // note: due to the regex, the single forward slash might be caught by an earlier part of the regex. so check for that. var result = part[8] || part[9]; if (result) { //result = result[1]; returnValue = {start:pos,stop:pos+=result.length,name:11/*PUNCTUATOR*/,value:result}; } else { var found = false; // identifiers cannot start with a number. but if the leading string would be a number, another if would have eaten it already for numeric literal :) while (pos < inp.length) { var c = inp[pos]; if (this.hashAsciiIdentifier[c]) ++pos; //if (this.regexAsciiIdentifier.test(c)) ++pos; else if (c == '\\' && this.regexUnicodeEscape.test(inp.substring(pos,pos+6))) pos += 6; // this is like a \uxxxx // ok, now test unicode ranges... // basically this hardly ever happens so there's little risk of this hitting performance // however, if you do happen to have used them, it's not a problem. the parser will support it :) else if (this.Unicode) { // the unicode is optional. // these chars may not be part of identifier. i want to try to prevent running the unicode regexes here... if (this.hashIdentifierStop[c] /*this.regexIdentifierStop.test(c)*/) break; // for most scripts, the code wont reach here. which is good, because this is going to be relatively slow :) var Unicode = this.Unicode; // cache if (!( // these may all occur in an identifier... (pure a specification compliance thing :) Unicode.Lu.test(c) || Unicode.Ll.test(c) || Unicode.Lt.test(c) || Unicode.Lm.test(c) || Unicode.Lo.test(c) || Unicode.Nl.test(c) || Unicode.Mn.test(c) || Unicode.Mc.test(c) || Unicode.Nd.test(c) || Unicode.Pc.test(c) || Unicode.sp.test(c) )) break; // end of match. // passed, next char ++pos; } else break; // end of match. found = true; } if (found) { returnValue = {start:start,stop:pos,name:2/*IDENTIFIER*/,value:inp.substring(start,pos)}; if (returnValue.value == 'undefined' || returnValue.value == 'null' || returnValue.value == 'true' || returnValue.value == 'false') returnValue.isPrimitive = true; } else { if (inp[pos] == '`') { returnValue = {start:start,stop:pos+1,name:14/*error*/,tokenError:true,error:Tokenizer.Error.BacktickNotSupported}; this.errorStack.push(returnValue); } else if (inp[pos] == '\\') { if (inp[pos+1] == 'u') { returnValue = {start:start,stop:pos+1,name:14/*error*/,tokenError:true,error:Tokenizer.Error.InvalidUnicodeEscape}; this.errorStack.push(returnValue); } else { returnValue = {start:start,stop:pos+1,name:14/*error*/,tokenError:true,error:Tokenizer.Error.InvalidBackslash}; this.errorStack.push(returnValue); } } else { returnValue = {start:start,stop:pos+1,name:14/*error*/,tokenError:true,error:Tokenizer.Error.Unknown,value:c}; this.errorStack.push(returnValue); // try to skip this char. it's not going anywhere. } ++pos; } } } if (returnValue) { // note that ASI's are slipstreamed in here from the parser since the tokenizer cant determine that // if this part ever changes, make sure you change that too :) returnValue.tokposw = this.wtree.length; this.wtree.push(returnValue); if (!returnValue.isWhite) { returnValue.tokposb = this.btree.length; this.btree.push(returnValue); } } } while (stack && returnValue && returnValue.isWhite); // WHITE_SPACE LINETERMINATOR COMMENT_SINGLE COMMENT_MULTI ++this.tokenCountNoWhite; this.pos = pos; if (matchedNewline) returnValue.newline = true; return returnValue; }, addTokenToStreamBefore: function(token, match){ var wtree = this.wtree; var btree = this.btree; if (match.name == 12/*asi*/) { token.tokposw = wtree.length; wtree.push(token); token.tokposb = btree.length; btree.push(token); } else { token.tokposw = match.tokposw; wtree[token.tokposw] = token; match.tokposw += 1; wtree[match.tokposw] = match; if (match.tokposb) { token.tokposb = match.tokposb; btree[token.tokposb] = token; match.tokposb += 1; btree[match.tokposb] = match; } } }, oldNumberParser: function(pos, chr, inp, returnValue, start, Tokenizer){ ++pos; // either: 0x 0X 0 .3 if (chr == '0' && (inp[pos] == 'x' || inp[pos] == 'X')) { // parsing hex while (++pos < inp.length && this.hashHex[inp[pos]]); // this.regexHex.test(inp[pos])); returnValue = {start:start,stop:pos,name:3/*NUMERIC_HEX*/,isPrimitive:true,isNumber:true}; } else { var parsingOctal = chr == '0' && inp[pos] >= '0' && inp[pos] <= '9'; // parsing dec if (chr != '.') { // integer part while (pos < inp.length && inp[pos] >= '0' && inp[pos] <= '9') ++pos; if (inp[pos] == '.') ++pos; } // decimal part while (pos < inp.length && inp[pos] >= '0' && inp[pos] <= '9') ++pos; // exponent part if (inp[pos] == 'e' || inp[pos] == 'E') { if (inp[++pos] == '+' || inp[pos] == '-') ++pos; var expPosBak = pos; while (pos < inp.length && inp[pos] >= '0' && inp[pos] <= '9') ++pos; if (expPosBak == pos) { returnValue = {start:start,stop:pos,name:14/*error*/,tokenError:true,error:Tokenizer.Error.NumberExponentRequiresDigits}; this.errorStack.push(returnValue); } } if (returnValue.name != 14/*error*/) { if (parsingOctal) { returnValue = {start:start,stop:pos,name:14/*error*/,isNumber:true,isOctal:true,tokenError:true,error:Tokenizer.Error.IllegalOctalEscape}; this.errorStack.push(returnValue); console.log("foo") } else { returnValue = {start:start,stop:pos,name:4/*NUMERIC_DEC*/,isPrimitive:true,isNumber:true}; } } } return [pos, returnValue]; }, tokens: function(arrx){ arrx = arrx || []; var n = 0; var last; var stack = []; while ((last = this.storeCurrentAndFetchNextToken(!arrx[n++], false, false, true)) && last.name != 12/*EOF*/) stack.push(last); return stack; }, fixValues: function(){ this.wtree.forEach(function(t){ if (!t.value) t.value = this.inp.substring(t.start, t.stop); },this); } }; //#ifdef TEST_SUITE Tokenizer.escape = function(s){ return s.replace(/\n/g,'\\n').replace(/\t/g,'\\t').replace(/&/g,'&').replace(//g,'>').replace(/\uFFFF/g, '\\uFFFF').replace(/\s/g, function(s){ // replace whitespace as is... var ord = s.charCodeAt(0).toString(16); switch (ord.length) { case 1: ord = '000'+ord; break; case 2: ord = '00'+ord; break; case 3: ord = '0'+ord; break; } return '\\u'+ord; }); }; Tokenizer.testSuite = function(arr){ var out = document.createElement('pre'); document.body.appendChild(out); var debug = function(){ var f = document.createElement('div'); f.innerHTML = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).join(' '); out.appendChild(f); return arguments[0]; }; debug("Running test suite...",arr.length,"tests"); debug(' '); var start = +new Date; var ok = 0; var fail = 0; for (var i=0; iTest '+i+' ok:',desc); ++ok; } else { debug('Test failed:',desc,'(found',result.length,'expected',outputLen+')'),console.log(desc, result); ++fail; } debug(''+Tokenizer.escape(input)+''); debug('
'); } debug("Tokenizer test suite finished ("+(+new Date - start)+' ms). ok:'+ok+', fail:'+fail); }; //#endif Tokenizer.regexWhiteSpace = /[ \t\u000B\u000C\u00A0\uFFFF]/; Tokenizer.regexLineTerminator = /[\u000A\u000D\u2028\u2029]/; Tokenizer.regexAsciiIdentifier = /[a-zA-Z0-9\$_]/; Tokenizer.hashAsciiIdentifier = {_:1,$:1,a:1,b:1,c:1,d:1,e:1,f:1,g:1,h:1,i:1,j:1,k:1,l:1,m:1,n:1,o:1,p:1,q:1,r:1,s:1,t:1,u:1,v:1,w:1,x:1,y:1,z:1,A:1,B:1,C:1,D:1,E:1,F:1,G:1,H:1,I:1,J:1,K:1,L:1,M:1,N:1,O:1,P:1,Q:1,R:1,S:1,T:1,U:1,V:1,W:1,X:1,Y:1,Z:1,0:1,1:1,2:1,3:1,4:1,5:1,6:1,7:1,8:1,9:1}; Tokenizer.regexHex = /[0-9A-Fa-f]/; Tokenizer.hashHex = {0:1,1:1,2:1,3:1,4:1,5:1,6:1,7:1,8:1,9:1,a:1,b:1,c:1,d:1,e:1,f:1,A:1,B:1,C:1,D:1,E:1,F:1}; Tokenizer.regexUnicodeEscape = /u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}/; // the \ is already checked at usage... Tokenizer.regexIdentifierStop = /[\>\=\!\|\<\+\-\&\*\%\^\/\{\}\(\)\[\]\.\;\,\~\?\:\ \t\n\\\'\"]/; Tokenizer.hashIdentifierStop = {'>':1,'=':1,'!':1,'|':1,'<':1,'+':1,'-':1,'&':1,'*':1,'%':1,'^':1,'/':1,'{':1,'}':1,'(':1,')':1,'[':1,']':1,'.':1,';':1,',':1,'~':1,'?':1,':':1,'\\':1,'\'':1,'"':1,' ':1,'\t':1,'\n':1}; Tokenizer.regexNewline = /\n/g; //Tokenizer.regexPunctuators = /^(>>>=|===|!==|>>>|<<=|>>=|<=|>=|==|!=|\+\+|--|<<|>>|\&\&|\|\||\+=|-=|\*=|%=|\&=|\|=|\^=|\/=|\{|\}|\(|\)|\[|\]|\.|;|,|<|>|\+|-|\*|%|\||\&|\||\^|!|~|\?|:|=|\/)/; Tokenizer.Unidocde = window.Unicode; Tokenizer.regexNumber = /^(?:(0[xX][0-9A-Fa-f]+)|((?:(?:(?:(?:[0-9]+)(?:\.[0-9]*)?))|(?:\.[0-9]+))(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]{1,})?))/; Tokenizer.regexNormalizeNewlines = /(\u000D[^\u000A])|[\u2028\u2029]/; // 1 ws 2 lt 3 scmt 4 mcmt 5/6 str 7 nr 8 rx 9 punc Tokenizer.regexBig = /^([ \t\u000B\u000C\u00A0\uFFFF])?([\u000A\u000D\u2028\u2029])?(\/\/)?(\/\*)?(')?(")?(\.?[0-9])?(?:(\/)[^=])?(>>>=|===|!==|>>>|<<=|>>=|<=|>=|==|!=|\+\+|--|<<|>>|\&\&|\|\||\+=|-=|\*=|%=|\&=|\|=|\^=|\/=|\{|\}|\(|\)|\[|\]|\.|;|,|<|>|\+|-|\*|%|\||\&|\||\^|!|~|\?|:|=|\/)?/; Tokenizer.regexBigAlt = /([ \t\u000B\u000C\u00A0\uFFFF])?([\u000A\u000D\u2028\u2029])?(\/\/)?(\/\*)?(')?(")?(\.?[0-9])?(?:(\/)[^=])?(>>>=|===|!==|>>>|<<=|>>=|<=|>=|==|!=|\+\+|--|<<|>>|\&\&|\|\||\+=|-=|\*=|%=|\&=|\|=|\^=|\/=|\{|\}|\(|\)|\[|\]|\.|;|,|<|>|\+|-|\*|%|\||\&|\||\^|!|~|\?|:|=|\/)?/g; Tokenizer.Error = { UnterminatedSingleStringNewline: {msg:'Newlines are not allowed in string literals'}, UnterminatedSingleStringOther: {msg:'Unterminated single string'}, UnterminatedDoubleStringNewline: {msg:'Newlines are not allowed in string literals'}, UnterminatedDoubleStringOther: {msg:'Unterminated double string'}, UnterminatedRegularExpressionNewline: {msg:'Newlines are not allowed in regular expressions'}, NothingToRepeat: {msg:'Used a repeat character (*?+) in a regex without something prior to it to match'}, ClosingClassRangeNotFound: {msg: 'Unable to find ] for class range'}, RegexOpenGroup: {msg: 'Open group did not find closing parenthesis'}, RegexNoOpenGroups: {msg: 'Closing parenthesis found but no group open'}, UnterminatedRegularExpressionOther: {msg:'Unterminated regular expression'}, UnterminatedMultiLineComment: {msg:'Unterminated multi line comment'}, UnexpectedIdentifier: {msg:'Unexpected identifier'}, IllegalOctalEscape: {msg:'Octal escapes are not valid'}, Unknown: {msg:'Unknown input'}, // if this happens, my parser is bad :( NumberExponentRequiresDigits: {msg:'Numbers with exponents require at least one digit after the `e`'}, BacktickNotSupported: {msg:'The backtick is not used in js, maybe you copy/pasted from a fancy site/doc?'}, InvalidUnicodeEscape: {msg:'Encountered an invalid unicode escape, must be followed by exactly four hex numbers'}, InvalidBackslash: {msg:'Encountered a backslash where it not allowed'}, StartOfMatchShouldBeAtStart: {msg: 'The ^ signifies the start of match but was not found at a start'}, DollarShouldBeEnd: {msg: 'The $ signifies the stop of match but was not found at a stop'}, QuantifierRequiresNumber: {msg:'Quantifier curly requires at least one digit before the comma'}, QuantifierRequiresClosingCurly: {msg:'Quantifier curly requires to be closed'}, MissingOpeningCurly: {msg:'Encountered closing quantifier curly without seeing an opening curly'} };