# active-x-obfuscator A module to (safely) obfuscate all occurrences of the string 'ActiveX' inside any JavaScript code. ## Why? Some corporate firewalls /proxies such as Blue Coat block JavaScript files to be downloaded if they contain the word `'ActiveX'`. That of course is very annoying for libraries such as [socket.io][] that need to use `ActiveXObject` for supporting IE8 and older. ## Install ``` npm install active-x-obfuscator ``` ## Usage ```js var activeXObfuscator = require('active-x-obfuscator'); var code = 'foo(new ActiveXObject());'; var obfuscated = activeXObfuscator(code); // -> foo(new window[(['Active'].concat('Object').join('X'))]) ``` ## License Licensed under the MIT license. [socket.io]: http://socket.io/