// A simple web server that generates dyanmic content based on responses from Redis var http = require("http"), server, redis_client = require("redis").createClient(); server = http.createServer(function (request, response) { response.writeHead(200, { "Content-Type": "text/plain" }); var redis_info, total_requests; redis_client.info(function (err, reply) { redis_info = reply; // stash response in outer scope }); redis_client.incr("requests", function (err, reply) { total_requests = reply; // stash response in outer scope }); redis_client.hincrby("ip", request.connection.remoteAddress, 1); redis_client.hgetall("ip", function (err, reply) { // This is the last reply, so all of the previous replies must have completed already response.write("This page was generated after talking to redis.\n\n" + "Redis info:\n" + redis_info + "\n" + "Total requests: " + total_requests + "\n\n" + "IP count: \n"); Object.keys(reply).forEach(function (ip) { response.write(" " + ip + ": " + reply[ip] + "\n"); }); response.end(); }); }).listen(80);