path: root/signaling-server/node_modules/socket.io/node_modules/socket.io-client/test/parser.test.js
diff options
authorlookshe <github@lookshe.org>2015-03-14 20:45:20 +0100
committerlookshe <github@lookshe.org>2015-03-14 20:45:20 +0100
commitb60df56157ee1fd0bd4938799bac05a62fda91a1 (patch)
tree2bc906c45ff9ec940e07f9676f5ed34ddd4ae022 /signaling-server/node_modules/socket.io/node_modules/socket.io-client/test/parser.test.js
initial commit from working version
Diffstat (limited to 'signaling-server/node_modules/socket.io/node_modules/socket.io-client/test/parser.test.js')
1 files changed, 360 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/signaling-server/node_modules/socket.io/node_modules/socket.io-client/test/parser.test.js b/signaling-server/node_modules/socket.io/node_modules/socket.io-client/test/parser.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0022afb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/signaling-server/node_modules/socket.io/node_modules/socket.io-client/test/parser.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+ * socket.io-node
+ * Copyright(c) 2011 LearnBoost <dev@learnboost.com>
+ * MIT Licensed
+ */
+(function (module, io, should) {
+ var parser = io.parser;
+ module.exports = {
+ 'decoding error packet': function () {
+ parser.decodePacket('7:::').should().eql({
+ type: 'error'
+ , reason: ''
+ , advice: ''
+ , endpoint: ''
+ });
+ },
+ 'decoding error packet with reason': function () {
+ parser.decodePacket('7:::0').should().eql({
+ type: 'error'
+ , reason: 'transport not supported'
+ , advice: ''
+ , endpoint: ''
+ });
+ },
+ 'decoding error packet with reason and advice': function () {
+ parser.decodePacket('7:::2+0').should().eql({
+ type: 'error'
+ , reason: 'unauthorized'
+ , advice: 'reconnect'
+ , endpoint: ''
+ });
+ },
+ 'decoding error packet with endpoint': function () {
+ parser.decodePacket('7::/woot').should().eql({
+ type: 'error'
+ , reason: ''
+ , advice: ''
+ , endpoint: '/woot'
+ });
+ },
+ 'decoding ack packet': function () {
+ parser.decodePacket('6:::140').should().eql({
+ type: 'ack'
+ , ackId: '140'
+ , endpoint: ''
+ , args: []
+ });
+ },
+ 'decoding ack packet with args': function () {
+ parser.decodePacket('6:::12+["woot","wa"]').should().eql({
+ type: 'ack'
+ , ackId: '12'
+ , endpoint: ''
+ , args: ['woot', 'wa']
+ });
+ },
+ 'decoding ack packet with bad json': function () {
+ var thrown = false;
+ try {
+ parser.decodePacket('6:::1+{"++]').should().eql({
+ type: 'ack'
+ , ackId: '1'
+ , endpoint: ''
+ , args: []
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ thrown = true;
+ }
+ thrown.should().be_false;
+ },
+ 'decoding json packet': function () {
+ parser.decodePacket('4:::"2"').should().eql({
+ type: 'json'
+ , endpoint: ''
+ , data: '2'
+ });
+ },
+ 'decoding json packet with message id and ack data': function () {
+ parser.decodePacket('4:1+::{"a":"b"}').should().eql({
+ type: 'json'
+ , id: 1
+ , ack: 'data'
+ , endpoint: ''
+ , data: { a: 'b' }
+ });
+ },
+ 'decoding an event packet': function () {
+ parser.decodePacket('5:::{"name":"woot"}').should().eql({
+ type: 'event'
+ , name: 'woot'
+ , endpoint: ''
+ , args: []
+ });
+ },
+ 'decoding an event packet with message id and ack': function () {
+ parser.decodePacket('5:1+::{"name":"tobi"}').should().eql({
+ type: 'event'
+ , id: 1
+ , ack: 'data'
+ , endpoint: ''
+ , name: 'tobi'
+ , args: []
+ });
+ },
+ 'decoding an event packet with data': function () {
+ parser.decodePacket('5:::{"name":"edwald","args":[{"a": "b"},2,"3"]}')
+ .should().eql({
+ type: 'event'
+ , name: 'edwald'
+ , endpoint: ''
+ , args: [{a: 'b'}, 2, '3']
+ });
+ },
+ 'decoding a message packet': function () {
+ parser.decodePacket('3:::woot').should().eql({
+ type: 'message'
+ , endpoint: ''
+ , data: 'woot'
+ });
+ },
+ 'decoding a message packet with id and endpoint': function () {
+ parser.decodePacket('3:5:/tobi').should().eql({
+ type: 'message'
+ , id: 5
+ , ack: true
+ , endpoint: '/tobi'
+ , data: ''
+ });
+ },
+ 'decoding a heartbeat packet': function () {
+ parser.decodePacket('2:::').should().eql({
+ type: 'heartbeat'
+ , endpoint: ''
+ });
+ },
+ 'decoding a connection packet': function () {
+ parser.decodePacket('1::/tobi').should().eql({
+ type: 'connect'
+ , endpoint: '/tobi'
+ , qs: ''
+ });
+ },
+ 'decoding a connection packet with query string': function () {
+ parser.decodePacket('1::/test:?test=1').should().eql({
+ type: 'connect'
+ , endpoint: '/test'
+ , qs: '?test=1'
+ });
+ },
+ 'decoding a disconnection packet': function () {
+ parser.decodePacket('0::/woot').should().eql({
+ type: 'disconnect'
+ , endpoint: '/woot'
+ });
+ },
+ 'encoding error packet': function () {
+ parser.encodePacket({
+ type: 'error'
+ , reason: ''
+ , advice: ''
+ , endpoint: ''
+ }).should().eql('7::');
+ },
+ 'encoding error packet with reason': function () {
+ parser.encodePacket({
+ type: 'error'
+ , reason: 'transport not supported'
+ , advice: ''
+ , endpoint: ''
+ }).should().eql('7:::0');
+ },
+ 'encoding error packet with reason and advice': function () {
+ parser.encodePacket({
+ type: 'error'
+ , reason: 'unauthorized'
+ , advice: 'reconnect'
+ , endpoint: ''
+ }).should().eql('7:::2+0');
+ },
+ 'encoding error packet with endpoint': function () {
+ parser.encodePacket({
+ type: 'error'
+ , reason: ''
+ , advice: ''
+ , endpoint: '/woot'
+ }).should().eql('7::/woot');
+ },
+ 'encoding ack packet': function () {
+ parser.encodePacket({
+ type: 'ack'
+ , ackId: '140'
+ , endpoint: ''
+ , args: []
+ }).should().eql('6:::140');
+ },
+ 'encoding ack packet with args': function () {
+ parser.encodePacket({
+ type: 'ack'
+ , ackId: '12'
+ , endpoint: ''
+ , args: ['woot', 'wa']
+ }).should().eql('6:::12+["woot","wa"]');
+ },
+ 'encoding json packet': function () {
+ parser.encodePacket({
+ type: 'json'
+ , endpoint: ''
+ , data: '2'
+ }).should().eql('4:::"2"');
+ },
+ 'encoding json packet with message id and ack data': function () {
+ parser.encodePacket({
+ type: 'json'
+ , id: 1
+ , ack: 'data'
+ , endpoint: ''
+ , data: { a: 'b' }
+ }).should().eql('4:1+::{"a":"b"}');
+ },
+ 'encoding an event packet': function () {
+ parser.encodePacket({
+ type: 'event'
+ , name: 'woot'
+ , endpoint: ''
+ , args: []
+ }).should().eql('5:::{"name":"woot"}');
+ },
+ 'encoding an event packet with message id and ack': function () {
+ parser.encodePacket({
+ type: 'event'
+ , id: 1
+ , ack: 'data'
+ , endpoint: ''
+ , name: 'tobi'
+ , args: []
+ }).should().eql('5:1+::{"name":"tobi"}');
+ },
+ 'encoding an event packet with data': function () {
+ parser.encodePacket({
+ type: 'event'
+ , name: 'edwald'
+ , endpoint: ''
+ , args: [{a: 'b'}, 2, '3']
+ }).should().eql('5:::{"name":"edwald","args":[{"a":"b"},2,"3"]}');
+ },
+ 'encoding a message packet': function () {
+ parser.encodePacket({
+ type: 'message'
+ , endpoint: ''
+ , data: 'woot'
+ }).should().eql('3:::woot');
+ },
+ 'encoding a message packet with id and endpoint': function () {
+ parser.encodePacket({
+ type: 'message'
+ , id: 5
+ , ack: true
+ , endpoint: '/tobi'
+ , data: ''
+ }).should().eql('3:5:/tobi');
+ },
+ 'encoding a heartbeat packet': function () {
+ parser.encodePacket({
+ type: 'heartbeat'
+ , endpoint: ''
+ }).should().eql('2::');
+ },
+ 'encoding a connection packet': function () {
+ parser.encodePacket({
+ type: 'connect'
+ , endpoint: '/tobi'
+ , qs: ''
+ }).should().eql('1::/tobi');
+ },
+ 'encoding a connection packet with query string': function () {
+ parser.encodePacket({
+ type: 'connect'
+ , endpoint: '/test'
+ , qs: '?test=1'
+ }).should().eql('1::/test:?test=1');
+ },
+ 'encoding a disconnection packet': function () {
+ parser.encodePacket({
+ type: 'disconnect'
+ , endpoint: '/woot'
+ }).should().eql('0::/woot');
+ },
+ 'test decoding a payload': function () {
+ parser.decodePayload('\ufffd5\ufffd3:::5\ufffd7\ufffd3:::53d'
+ + '\ufffd3\ufffd0::').should().eql([
+ { type: 'message', data: '5', endpoint: '' }
+ , { type: 'message', data: '53d', endpoint: '' }
+ , { type: 'disconnect', endpoint: '' }
+ ]);
+ },
+ 'test encoding a payload': function () {
+ parser.encodePayload([
+ parser.encodePacket({ type: 'message', data: '5', endpoint: '' })
+ , parser.encodePacket({ type: 'message', data: '53d', endpoint: '' })
+ ]).should().eql('\ufffd5\ufffd3:::5\ufffd7\ufffd3:::53d')
+ },
+ 'test decoding newline': function () {
+ parser.decodePacket('3:::\n').should().eql({
+ type: 'message'
+ , endpoint: ''
+ , data: '\n'
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ 'undefined' == typeof module ? module = {} : module
+ , 'undefined' == typeof io ? require('socket.io-client') : io
+ , 'undefined' == typeof should ? require('should') : should