/** * @author Jason Roy for CompareNetworks Inc. * Thanks to mikejbond for suggested udaptes * * Version 1.1 * Copyright (c) 2009 CompareNetworks Inc. * * Licensed under the MIT license: * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * */ (function($) { // Private variables var _options = {}; var _container = {}; var _breadCrumbElements = {}; var _autoIntervalArray = []; var _easingEquation; // Public functions jQuery.fn.jBreadCrumb = function(options) { _options = $.extend({}, $.fn.jBreadCrumb.defaults, options); return this.each(function() { _container = $(this); setupBreadCrumb(); }); }; // Private functions function setupBreadCrumb() { //Check if easing plugin exists. If it doesn't, use "swing" if(typeof(jQuery.easing) == 'object') { _easingEquation = 'easeOutQuad' } else { _easingEquation = 'swing' } //The reference object containing all of the breadcrumb elements _breadCrumbElements = jQuery(_container).find('li'); //Keep it from overflowing in ie6 & 7 jQuery(_container).find('ul').wrap('
'); //Set an arbitrary width width to avoid float drop on the animation jQuery(_container).find('ul').width(5000); //If the breadcrumb contains nothing, don't do anything if (_breadCrumbElements.length > 0) { jQuery(_breadCrumbElements[_breadCrumbElements.length - 1]).addClass('last'); jQuery(_breadCrumbElements[0]).addClass('first'); //If the breadcrumb object length is long enough, compress. if (_breadCrumbElements.length > _options.minimumCompressionElements) { compressBreadCrumb(); }; }; }; function compressBreadCrumb() { // Factor to determine if we should compress the element at all var finalElement = jQuery(_breadCrumbElements[_breadCrumbElements.length - 1]); // If the final element is really long, compress more elements if (jQuery(finalElement).width() > _options.maxFinalElementLength) { if (_options.beginingElementsToLeaveOpen > 0) { _options.beginingElementsToLeaveOpen--; } if (_options.endElementsToLeaveOpen > 0) { _options.endElementsToLeaveOpen--; } } // If the final element is within the short and long range, compress to the default end elements and 1 less beginning elements if (jQuery(finalElement).width() < _options.maxFinalElementLength && jQuery(finalElement).width() > _options.minFinalElementLength) { if (_options.beginingElementsToLeaveOpen > 0) { _options.beginingElementsToLeaveOpen--; } } var itemsToRemove = _breadCrumbElements.length - 1 - _options.endElementsToLeaveOpen; // We compress only elements determined by the formula setting below //TODO : Make this smarter, it's only checking the final elements length. It could also check the amount of elements. jQuery(_breadCrumbElements[_breadCrumbElements.length - 1]).css( { background: 'none' }); $(_breadCrumbElements).each(function(i, listElement) { if (i > _options.beginingElementsToLeaveOpen && i < itemsToRemove) { jQuery(listElement).find('a').wrap('').width(jQuery(listElement).find('a').width() + 10); // Add the overlay png. // jQuery(listElement).append(jQuery('
').css( // { // display: 'block' // })).css( // { // background: 'none' // }); var options = { id: i, width: jQuery(listElement).width(), listElement: jQuery(listElement).find('span'), isAnimating: false, element: jQuery(listElement).find('span') }; jQuery(listElement).bind('mouseover', options, expandBreadCrumb).bind('mouseout', options, shrinkBreadCrumb); jQuery(listElement).find('a').unbind('mouseover', expandBreadCrumb).unbind('mouseout', shrinkBreadCrumb); listElement.autoInterval = setInterval(function() { clearInterval(listElement.autoInterval); jQuery(listElement).find('span').animate( { width: _options.previewWidth }, _options.timeInitialCollapse, _options.easing); }, (150 * (i - 2))); } }); }; function expandBreadCrumb(e) { var elementID = e.data.id; var originalWidth = e.data.width; jQuery(e.data.element).stop(); jQuery(e.data.element).animate( { width: originalWidth }, { duration: _options.timeExpansionAnimation, easing: _options.easing, queue: false }); return false; }; function shrinkBreadCrumb(e) { var elementID = e.data.id; jQuery(e.data.element).stop(); jQuery(e.data.element).animate( { width: _options.previewWidth }, { duration: _options.timeCompressionAnimation, easing: _options.easing, queue: false }); return false; }; // Public global variables jQuery.fn.jBreadCrumb.defaults = { maxFinalElementLength: 400, minFinalElementLength: 200, minimumCompressionElements: 4, endElementsToLeaveOpen: 1, beginingElementsToLeaveOpen: 1, timeExpansionAnimation: 800, timeCompressionAnimation: 500, timeInitialCollapse: 600, easing: _easingEquation, overlayClass: 'chevronOverlay', previewWidth: 40 }; })(jQuery);