$post_value) { if (!is_array($post_value)) { $_POST[$post_key] = pwg_db_real_escape_string($post_value); } } if (isset($_POST['search_allwords']) and !preg_match('/^\s*$/', $_POST['search_allwords'])) { check_input_parameter('mode', $_POST, false, '/^(OR|AND)$/'); $drop_char_match = array( '-','^','$',';','#','&','(',')','<','>','`','\'','"','|',',','@','_', '?','%','~','.','[',']','{','}',':','\\','/','=','\'','!','*'); $drop_char_replace = array( ' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','','',' ',' ',' ',' ','',' ', ' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','' ,' ',' ',' ',' ',' '); // Split words $search['fields']['allwords'] = array( 'words' => array_unique( preg_split( '/\s+/', str_replace( $drop_char_match, $drop_char_replace, $_POST['search_allwords'] ) ) ), 'mode' => $_POST['mode'], ); } if (isset($_POST['tags'])) { check_input_parameter('tags', $_POST, true, PATTERN_ID); check_input_parameter('tag_mode', $_POST, false, '/^(OR|AND)$/'); $search['fields']['tags'] = array( 'words' => $_POST['tags'], 'mode' => $_POST['tag_mode'], ); } if ($_POST['search_author']) { $search['fields']['author'] = array( 'words' => preg_split( '/\s+/', strip_tags($_POST['search_author']) ), 'mode' => 'OR', ); } if (isset($_POST['cat'])) { check_input_parameter('cat', $_POST, true, PATTERN_ID); $search['fields']['cat'] = array( 'words' => $_POST['cat'], 'sub_inc' => ($_POST['subcats-included'] == 1) ? true : false, ); } // dates $type_date = $_POST['date_type']; if (!empty($_POST['start_year'])) { $search['fields'][$type_date.'-after'] = array( 'date' => sprintf( '%d-%02d-%02d', $_POST['start_year'], $_POST['start_month'] != 0 ? $_POST['start_month'] : '01', $_POST['start_day'] != 0 ? $_POST['start_day'] : '01' ), 'inc' => true, ); } if (!empty($_POST['end_year'])) { $search['fields'][$type_date.'-before'] = array( 'date' => sprintf( '%d-%02d-%02d', $_POST['end_year'], $_POST['end_month'] != 0 ? $_POST['end_month'] : '12', $_POST['end_day'] != 0 ? $_POST['end_day'] : '31' ), 'inc' => true, ); } if (!empty($search)) { // default search mode : each clause must be respected $search['mode'] = 'AND'; // register search rules in database, then they will be available on // thumbnails page and picture page. $query =' INSERT INTO '.SEARCH_TABLE.' (rules, last_seen) VALUES (\''.serialize($search).'\', NOW()) ;'; pwg_query($query); $search_id = pwg_db_insert_id(SEARCH_TABLE); } else { $page['errors'][] = l10n('Empty query. No criteria has been entered.'); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------- redirection if (isset($_POST['submit']) and count($page['errors']) == 0) { redirect( make_index_url( array( 'section' => 'search', 'search' => $search_id, ) ) ); } //----------------------------------------------------- template initialization // // Start output of page // $title= l10n('Search'); $page['body_id'] = 'theSearchPage'; $template->set_filename('search' ,'search.tpl' ); $month_list = $lang['month']; $month_list[0]='------------'; ksort($month_list); $template->assign( array( 'F_SEARCH_ACTION' => 'search.php', 'U_HELP' => PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'popuphelp.php?page=search', 'month_list' => $month_list, 'START_DAY_SELECTED' => @$_POST['start_day'], 'START_MONTH_SELECTED' => @$_POST['start_month'], 'END_DAY_SELECTED' => @$_POST['end_day'], 'END_MONTH_SELECTED' => @$_POST['end_month'], ) ); $available_tags = get_available_tags(); if (count($available_tags) > 0) { usort( $available_tags, 'tag_alpha_compare'); $template->assign( 'TAG_SELECTION', get_html_tag_selection( $available_tags, 'tags', isset($_POST['tags']) ? $_POST['tags'] : array() ) ); } //------------------------------------------------------------- categories form $query = ' SELECT id,name,global_rank,uppercats FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' '.get_sql_condition_FandF ( array ( 'forbidden_categories' => 'id', 'visible_categories' => 'id' ), 'WHERE' ).' ;'; display_select_cat_wrapper($query, array(), 'category_options', false); // include menubar $themeconf = $template->get_template_vars('themeconf'); if (!isset($themeconf['hide_menu_on']) OR !in_array('theSearchPage', $themeconf['hide_menu_on'])) { include( PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'include/menubar.inc.php'); } //------------------------------------------------------------ html code display include(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'include/page_header.php'); trigger_notify('loc_end_search'); flush_page_messages(); $template->pparse('search'); include(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'include/page_tail.php'); ?>