$conf['slideshow_period'], 'repeat' => $conf['slideshow_repeat'], 'play' => true, ); } /* * check and correct slideshow params from array * * @param array of params * * @return slideshow corrected values into array */ function correct_slideshow_params($params = array()) { global $conf; if ($params['period'] < $conf['slideshow_period_min']) { $params['period'] = $conf['slideshow_period_min']; } else if ($params['period'] > $conf['slideshow_period_max']) { $params['period'] = $conf['slideshow_period_max']; } return $params; } /* * Decode slideshow string params into array * * @param string params like "" * * @return slideshow values into array */ function decode_slideshow_params($encode_params = null) { global $conf; $result = get_default_slideshow_params(); if (is_numeric($encode_params)) { $result['period'] = $encode_params; } else { $matches = array(); if (preg_match_all('/([a-z]+)-(\d+)/', $encode_params, $matches)) { $matchcount = count($matches[1]); for ($i = 0; $i < $matchcount; $i++) { $result[$matches[1][$i]] = $matches[2][$i]; } } if (preg_match_all('/([a-z]+)-(true|false)/', $encode_params, $matches)) { $matchcount = count($matches[1]); for ($i = 0; $i < $matchcount; $i++) { $result[$matches[1][$i]] = get_boolean($matches[2][$i]); } } } return correct_slideshow_params($result); } /* * Encode slideshow array params into array * * @param array params * * @return slideshow values into string */ function encode_slideshow_params($decode_params = array()) { global $conf; $params = array_diff_assoc(correct_slideshow_params($decode_params), get_default_slideshow_params()); $result = ''; foreach ($params as $name => $value) { // boolean_to_string return $value, if it's not a bool $result .= '+'.$name.'-'.boolean_to_string($value); } return $result; } ?>