* * author : Pierrick LE GALL * * * * $Id$ * * ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; * * * ***************************************************************************/ include_once( './include/isadmin.inc.php' ); //--------------------------------------------------------------------- updates if ( isset( $_POST['submit'] ) ) { $query = 'SELECT id,cat_id,file,tn_ext'; $query.= ' FROM '.PREFIX_TABLE.'waiting'; $query.= " WHERE validated = 'false'"; $query.= ';'; $result = mysql_query( $query ); while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) ) { $key = 'validate-'.$row['id']; if ( isset( $_POST[$key] ) ) { if ( $_POST[$key] == 'true' ) { // The uploaded element was validated, we have to set the // "validated" field to "true" $query = 'UPDATE '.PREFIX_TABLE.'waiting'; $query.= " SET validated = 'true'"; $query.= ' WHERE id = '.$row['id']; $query.= ';'; mysql_query( $query ); } else { // The uploaded element was refused, we have to delete its reference // in the database and to delete the element as well. $query = 'DELETE FROM '.PREFIX_TABLE.'waiting'; $query.= ' WHERE id = '.$row['id']; $query.= ';'; mysql_query( $query ); // deletion of the associated files $cat = get_cat_info( $row['cat_id'] ); unlink( '.'.$cat['dir'].$row['file'] ); if ( $row['tn_ext'] != '' ) { $thumbnail = $conf['prefix_thumbnail']; $thumbnail.= get_filename_wo_extension( $row['file'] ); $thumbnail.= '.'.$row['tn_ext']; $url = '.'.$cat['dir'].'thumbnail/'.$thumbnail; unlink( $url ); } } } } } //----------------------------------------------------- template initialization $sub = $vtp->Open( '../template/'.$user['template'].'/admin/waiting.vtp' ); $tpl = array( 'category','date','author','thumbnail','file','delete', 'submit' ); templatize_array( $tpl, 'lang', $sub ); //---------------------------------------------------------------- form display $cat_names = array(); $query = 'SELECT id,cat_id,file,username,mail_address,date,tn_ext'; $query.= ' FROM '.PREFIX_TABLE.'waiting'; $query.= " WHERE validated = 'false'"; $query.= ' ORDER BY cat_id'; $query.= ';'; $result = mysql_query( $query ); $i = 0; while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) ) { $vtp->addSession( $sub, 'picture' ); $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'picture.id', $row['id'] ); if ( $i++ % 2 == 0 ) { $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'picture.class', 'row2' ); } if ( !isset( $cat_names[$row['cat_id']] ) ) { $cat = get_cat_info( $row['cat_id'] ); $cat_names[$row['cat_id']] = array(); $cat_names[$row['cat_id']]['dir'] = '.'.$cat['dir']; $cat_names[$row['cat_id']]['display_name'] = get_cat_display_name( $cat['name'], ' > ', 'font-weight:bold;' ); } // category name $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'picture.cat_name', $cat_names[$row['cat_id']]['display_name'] ); // date displayed like this (in English ) : // Sunday 15 June 2003 21:29 $date = $lang['day'][date( 'w', $row['date'] )]; // Sunday $date.= date( ' j ', $row['date'] ); // 15 $date.= $lang['month'][date( 'n', $row['date'] )]; // June $date.= date( ' Y G:i', $row['date'] ); // 2003 21:29 $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'picture.date', $date ); // file preview link $url = $cat_names[$row['cat_id']]['dir'].$row['file']; $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'picture.preview_url', $url ); // file name $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'picture.file', $row['file'] ); // is there an existing associated thumnail ? if ( $row['tn_ext'] != '' ) { $vtp->addSession( $sub, 'thumbnail' ); $thumbnail = $conf['prefix_thumbnail']; $thumbnail.= get_filename_wo_extension( $row['file'] ); $thumbnail.= '.'.$row['tn_ext']; $url = $cat_names[$row['cat_id']]['dir'].'thumbnail/'.$thumbnail; $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'thumbnail.preview_url', $url ); $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'thumbnail.file', $thumbnail ); $vtp->closeSession( $sub, 'thumbnail' ); } else { $vtp->addSession( $sub, 'no_thumbnail' ); $vtp->closeSession( $sub, 'no_thumbnail' ); } // username and associated mail address $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'picture.mail_address', $row['mail_address'] ); $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'picture.username', $row['username'] ); $vtp->closeSession( $sub, 'picture' ); } //----------------------------------------------------------- sending html code $vtp->Parse( $handle , 'sub', $sub ); ?>