{get_combined_css} {foreach from=$themes item=theme} {if $theme.load_css} {combine_css path="admin/themes/`$theme.id`/theme.css" order=-10} {/if} {/foreach} {get_combined_scripts load='header'} {literal} {/literal} Piwigo {$RELEASE} - {'Upgrade'|@translate}
{if isset($introduction)}

{'Version'|@translate} {$RELEASE} - {'Upgrade'|@translate}

{if isset($errors)}
    {foreach from=$errors item=error}
  • {$error}
  • {/foreach}

{'This page proposes to upgrade your database corresponding to your old version of Piwigo to the current version. The upgrade assistant thinks you are currently running a release %s (or equivalent).'|@translate:$introduction.CURRENT_RELEASE}

{if isset($login)}

{'Only administrator can run upgrade: please sign in below.'|@translate}

{/if} {if isset($login)}

{/if} {if isset($upgrade)}

{'Upgrade from version %s to %s'|@translate:$upgrade.VERSION:$RELEASE}

  • {'total upgrade time'|@translate} : {$upgrade.TOTAL_TIME}
  • {'total SQL time'|@translate} : {$upgrade.SQL_TIME}
  • {'SQL queries'|@translate} : {$upgrade.NB_QUERIES}
{'Upgrade informations'|@translate}
    {foreach from=$infos item=info}
  • {$info}
  • {/foreach}


{* content *}
{* the_page *}