{include file='include/autosize.inc.tpl'} {footer_script}{literal} jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery("#checkAllLink").click(function () { jQuery("#notification_by_mail input[type=checkbox]").prop('checked', true); return false; }); jQuery("#uncheckAllLink").click(function () { jQuery("#notification_by_mail input[type=checkbox]").prop('checked', false); return false; }); }); {/literal}{/footer_script}

{'Send mail to users'|@translate} {$TABSHEET_TITLE}

{/if} {if isset($param)}

{'With blank value, gallery title will be used'|@translate}

{'Available only with HTML format'|@translate}

{/if}{* isset $param*} {if isset($subscribe)}
{'Subscribe/unsubscribe users'|@translate}

{'Warning: subscribing or unsubscribing will send mails to users'|@translate}

{/if}{* isset $subscribe*} {if isset($send)} {if empty($send.users)}

{'There is no available subscribers to mail.'|@translate}

{'Subscribers could be listed (available) only if there is new elements to notify.'|@translate}
{'Anyway only webmasters can see this tab and never administrators.'|@translate}

{'Select recipients'|@translate} {foreach from=$send.users item=u name=user_loop} {/foreach}
{'User'|@translate} {'Email'|@translate} {'Last send'|@translate} {'To send ?'|@translate}

{'Check all'|@translate} / {'Uncheck all'|@translate}

{if isset($auth_key_duration)}

{'Each email sent will contain its own automatic authentication key on links, valid for %s.'|translate:$auth_key_duration}
{'For security reason, authentication keys do not work for administrators.'|translate}


{/if} {/if}{* isset $send*}