{include file="include/install.inc.tpl"} {literal} {/literal} Piwigo {$RELEASE} - {'Installation'|@translate}
{* Dummy block for double background management *}

Piwigo {$RELEASE} - {'Installation'|@translate}

{if isset($errors)}
    {foreach from=$errors item=error}
  • {$error}
  • {/foreach}
{/if} {if isset($infos)}
    {foreach from=$infos item=info}
  • {$info}
  • {/foreach}
{/if} {if isset($install)}
{'Basic configuration'|@translate}
{'Default gallery language'|@translate}
{if count($F_DB_ENGINES)>1} {else} {/if}
{'Database configuration'|@translate}
{'Database type'|@translate} {'The type of database your piwigo data will be store in'|@translate}
{'Host'|@translate} {'localhost, sql.multimania.com, toto.freesurf.fr'|@translate}
{'User'|@translate} {'user login given by your host provider'|@translate}
{'Password'|@translate} {'user password given by your host provider'|@translate}
{'Database name'|@translate} {'also given by your host provider'|@translate}
{'Database table prefix'|@translate} {'database tables names will be prefixed with it (enables you to manage better your tables)'|@translate}
{'Admin configuration'|@translate}
{'Webmaster login'|@translate} {'It will be shown to the visitors. It is necessary for website administration'|@translate}
{'Webmaster password'|@translate} {'Keep it confidential, it enables you to access administration panel'|@translate}
{'Password [confirm]'|@translate} {'verification'|@translate}
{'Webmaster mail address'|@translate} {'Visitors will be able to contact site administrator with this mail'|@translate}

{if !isset($migration)}
  • {'Keep in touch with Piwigo project, subscribe to Piwigo Announcement Newsletter. You will receive emails when a new release is available (sometimes including a security bug fix, it\'s important to know and upgrade) and when major events happen to the project. Only a few emails a year.'|@translate}

{/if} {/if}
{* content *}
{* the_page *}