0) { $inserts = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { array_push($inserts, array('user_id' => $row['user_id'], 'check_key' => find_available_check_key(), 'enabled' => ($conf['default_value_user_mail_notification_enabled'] == true ? 'true' : 'false'))); array_push($page['infos'], sprintf(l10n('nbm_User %s [%s] added.'), $row['username'], $row['mail_address'])); } mass_inserts(USER_MAIL_NOTIFICATION_TABLE, array('user_id', 'check_key', 'enabled'), $inserts); } } /* * Updating News users */ function send_all_user_mail_notification() { global $conf, $conf_mail, $page, $user, $lang_info, $lang; list($dbnow) = mysql_fetch_row(pwg_query('SELECT NOW();')); $query = ' select N.user_id, U.username, U.mail_address, N.last_send from '.USER_MAIL_NOTIFICATION_TABLE.' as N, '.USERS_TABLE.' as U where N.user_id = U.id and N.enabled = \'true\' and U.mail_address is not null order by user_id;'; $result = pwg_query($query); if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { $error_on_mail_count = 0; $sended_mail_count = 0; $datas = array(); // Save $user, $lang_info and $lang arrays (include/user.inc.php has been executed) $sav_mailtousers_user = $user; $sav_mailtousers_lang_info = $lang_info; $sav_mailtousers_lang = $lang; // Save message info and error in the original language $msg_info = l10n('nbm_Mail sended to %s [%s].'); $msg_error = l10n('nbm_Error when sending email to %s [%s].'); // Last Language $last_mailtousers_language = $user['language']; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $user = array(); $user['id'] = $row['user_id']; $user = array_merge($user, getuserdata($user['id'], true)); if ($last_mailtousers_language != $user['language']) { $last_mailtousers_language = $user['language']; // Re-Init language arrays $lang_info = array(); $lang = array(); // language files include(get_language_filepath('common.lang.php')); // No test admin because script is checked admin (user selected no) // Translations are in admin file too include(get_language_filepath('admin.lang.php')); } $message = ''; $news = news($row['last_send'], $dbnow); if (count($news) > 0) { $subject = '['.$conf['gallery_title'].']: '.l10n('nbm_New elements added'); $message .= sprintf(l10n('nbm_Hello %s'), $row['username']).",\n\n"; if (!is_null($row['last_send'])) $message .= sprintf(l10n('nbm_New elements were added between %s and %s:'), $row['last_send'], $dbnow); else $message .= sprintf(l10n('nbm_New elements were added on %s:'), $dbnow); $message .= "\n"; foreach ($news as $line) { $message .= ' o '.$line."\n"; } $message .= "\n".sprintf(l10n('nbm_Go to %s %s.'), $conf['gallery_title'], $conf['gallery_url'])."\n\n"; $message .= "\n".sprintf(l10n('nbm_To unsubscribe send a message to %s.'), $conf_mail['email_webmaster'])."\n\n"; if (pwg_mail(format_email($row['username'], $row['mail_address']), '', $subject, $message)) { $sended_mail_count += 1; array_push($page['infos'], sprintf($msg_info, $row['username'], $row['mail_address'])); $data = array('user_id' => $row['user_id'], 'last_send' => $dbnow); array_push($datas, $data); } else { $error_on_mail_count += 1; array_push($page['errors'], sprintf($msg_error, $row['username'], $row['mail_address'])); } } } // Restore $user, $lang_info and $lang arrays (include/user.inc.php has been executed) $user = $sav_mailtousers_user; $lang_info = $sav_mailtousers_lang_info; $lang = $sav_mailtousers_lang; mass_updates( USER_MAIL_NOTIFICATION_TABLE, array( 'primary' => array('user_id'), 'update' => array('last_send') ), $datas ); if ($error_on_mail_count != 0) { array_push($page['errors'], sprintf(l10n('nbm_%d mails were not sended.'), $error_on_mail_count)); } else { if ($sended_mail_count == 0) array_push($page['infos'], l10n('nbm_No mail to send.')); else array_push($page['infos'], sprintf(l10n('nbm_%d mails were sended.'), $sended_mail_count)); } } else { array_push($page['errors'], l10n('nbm_No user to send notifications by mail.')); } } // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Main // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ update_data_user_mail_notification(); send_all_user_mail_notification(); // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | template initialization | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ $title = l10n('nbm_Send mail to users'); // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | infos & errors display | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ /*echo '

if (count($page['errors']) != 0)
  echo "\n\nErrors:\n";
  foreach ($page['errors'] as $error)
    echo $error."\n";

if (count($page['infos']) != 0)
  echo "\n\nInformations:\n";
  foreach ($page['infos'] as $info)
    echo $info."\n";

echo '
'; */ ?>