sheets = array(); $this->name = $name; $this->titlename = $titlename; $this->selected = ""; } /* add a tab */ function add($name, $caption, $url, $selected = false) { if (!isset($this->sheets[$name])) { $this->sheets[$name] = array('caption' => $caption, 'url' => $url); if($selected) { $this->selected=$name; } return true; } return false; } /* remove a tab */ function delete($name) { if (isset($this->sheets[$name])) { array_splice($this->sheets, $name, 1); if ($this->selected == $name) { $this->selected = ""; } return true; } return false; } /* select a tab to be active */ function select($name) { $this->selected = $name; } /* set $titlename value */ function set_titlename($titlename) { $this->titlename = $titlename; return $this->titlename; } /* returns $titlename value */ function get_titlename() { return $this->titlename; } /* returns properties of selected tab */ function get_selected() { if (!empty($this->selected)) { return $this->sheets[$this->selected]; } else { return null; } } /* * Build TabSheet and assign this content to current page * * Fill $this->$name {default value = TABSHEET} with HTML code for tabsheet * Fill $this->titlename {default value = TABSHEET_TITLE} with formated caption of the selected tab */ function assign() { global $template; $template->set_filename('tabsheet', 'admin/tabsheet.tpl'); $template->assign('tabsheet', $this->sheets); $template->assign('tabsheet_selected', $this->selected); $selected_tab = $this->get_selected(); if (isset($selected_tab)) { $template->assign( array($this->titlename => '['.$selected_tab['caption'].']')); } $template->assign_var_from_handle($this->name, 'tabsheet'); $template->clear_assign('tabsheet'); } } ?>