| // | branch : BSF (Best So Far) | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | file : $RCSfile$ // | last update : $Date$ // | last modifier : $Author$ // | revision : $Revision$ // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify | // | it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by | // | the Free Software Foundation | // | | // | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but | // | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | // | MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU | // | General Public License for more details. | // | | // | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License | // | along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software | // | Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, | // | USA. | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ $conf['prefix_thumbnail'] = 'TN-'; $conf['picture_ext'] = array ( 'jpg', 'gif', 'png', 'JPG', 'GIF', 'PNG' ); $listing = ''; $end = strrpos( $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], '/' ) + 1; $local_folder = substr( $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 0, $end ); $url = 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$local_folder; $listing.= ''.$url.''; /** * returns an array with all picture files according to $conf['picture_ext'] * * @param string $dir * @return array */ function get_picture_files( $dir ) { global $conf; $pictures = array(); if ( $opendir = opendir( $dir ) ) { while ( $file = readdir( $opendir ) ) { if ( in_array( get_extension( $file ), $conf['picture_ext'] ) ) { array_push( $pictures, $file ); } } } return $pictures; } /** * returns an array with all thumbnails according to $conf['picture_ext'] * and $conf['prefix_thumbnail'] * * @param string $dir * @return array */ function get_thumb_files( $dir ) { global $conf; $prefix_length = strlen( $conf['prefix_thumbnail'] ); $thumbnails = array(); if ( $opendir = @opendir( $dir ) ) { while ( $file = readdir( $opendir ) ) { if ( in_array( get_extension( $file ), $conf['picture_ext'] ) and substr($file,0,$prefix_length) == $conf['prefix_thumbnail'] ) { array_push( $thumbnails, $file ); } } } return $thumbnails; } // get_dirs retourne un tableau contenant tous les sous-répertoires d'un // répertoire function get_dirs( $basedir, $indent, $level ) { $fs_dirs = array(); $dirs = ""; if ( $opendir = opendir( $basedir ) ) { while ( $file = readdir( $opendir ) ) { if ( $file != '.' and $file != '..' and is_dir ( $basedir.'/'.$file ) and $file != 'thumbnail' ) { array_push( $fs_dirs, $file ); if ( !preg_match( '/^[a-zA-Z0-9-_.]+$/', $file ) ) { echo '"'.$file.'" : '; echo 'The name of the directory should be composed of '; echo 'letters, figures, "-", "_" or "." ONLY'; echo '
'; } } } } // write of the dirs foreach ( $fs_dirs as $fs_dir ) { $dirs.= "\n".$indent.''; $dirs.= get_pictures( $basedir.'/'.$fs_dir, $indent.' ' ); $dirs.= get_dirs( $basedir.'/'.$fs_dir, $indent.' ', $level + 1 ); $dirs.= "\n".$indent.''; } return $dirs; } // get_extension returns the part of the string after the last "." function get_extension( $filename ) { return substr( strrchr( $filename, '.' ), 1, strlen ( $filename ) ); } // get_filename_wo_extension returns the part of the string before the last // ".". // get_filename_wo_extension( 'test.tar.gz' ) -> 'test.tar' function get_filename_wo_extension( $filename ) { return substr( $filename, 0, strrpos( $filename, '.' ) ); } function get_pictures( $dir, $indent ) { global $conf; // fs means filesystem : $fs_pictures contains pictures in the filesystem // found in $dir, $fs_thumbnails contains thumbnails... $fs_pictures = get_picture_files( $dir ); $fs_thumbnails = get_thumb_files( $dir.'/thumbnail' ); $root = "\n".$indent.''; foreach ( $fs_pictures as $fs_picture ) { $file_wo_ext = get_filename_wo_extension( $fs_picture ); $tn_ext = ''; foreach ( $conf['picture_ext'] as $ext ) { $test = $conf['prefix_thumbnail'].$file_wo_ext.'.'.$ext; if ( !in_array( $test, $fs_thumbnails ) ) continue; else { $tn_ext = $ext; break; } } // if we found a thumnbnail corresponding to our picture... if ( $tn_ext != '' ) { list( $width,$height ) = @getimagesize( $dir.'/'.$fs_picture ); $root.= "\n".$indent.' '; $root.= '"'.$fs_picture.'" : '; echo 'The name of the picture should be composed of '; echo 'letters, figures, "-", "_" or "." ONLY'; echo '
'; } } else { echo 'The thumbnail is missing for '.$dir.'/'.$fs_picture; echo '-> '.$dir.'/thumbnail/'; echo $conf['prefix_thumbnail'].$file_wo_ext.'.xxx'; echo ' ("xxx" can be : '; echo implode( ', ', $conf['picture_ext'] ); echo ')
'; } } $root.= "\n".$indent.'
'; return $root; } $listing.= get_dirs( '.', '', 0 ); if ( $fp = @fopen("./listing.xml","w") ) { fwrite( $fp, $listing ); fclose( $fp ); echo "listing.xml created"; } else { echo "I can't write the file listing.xml"; } ?>