#NoEnv AllStar(This_HotKey) { global PhysKey := This_HotKey if (SubStr(PhysKey,1,1) == "*") PhysKey := SubStr(PhysKey,2) if (SubStr(PhysKey,-2) == " up") { PhysKey := SubStr(PhysKey,1,StrLen(PhysKey)-3) IsDown := 0 } else IsDown := 1 if (TransformProc != "") ActKey := Transform%TransformProc%(PhysKey) else ActKey := PhysKey if ((striktesMod2Lock == 0) && (NOC%ActKey% == 1)) Ebene := EbeneNC else Ebene := EbeneC if (Ebene7 and (CP7%ActKey% != "")) Char := CP7%ActKey% else if (Ebene8 and (CP8%ActKey% != "")) Char := CP8%ActKey% else Char := CP%Ebene%%ActKey% if (PressHookProc != "") { if (IsDown == 1) PressHook%PressHookProc%(PhysKey, ActKey, Char) else CharStarUp(PhysKey) } else if (IsDown == 1) CharStarDown(PhysKey, ActKey, Char) else CharStarUp(PhysKey) } CharStarDown(PhysKey, ActKey, char) { global if (SubStr(char,1,1)=="P") { SubProc := SubStr(char,2,6) CharProc%SubProc%() return } rerun: wasNonShiftKeyPressed := 1 if (PP%PhysKey% != "") CompNew := PP%PhysKey% ; Von Tastaturwiederholung else CompNew := Comp . char ; H�ngen wir mal das neue Zeichen zum Compositum an if (CD%CompNew% != "") { ; Compose hat getroffen: wird geschickt, Compose gel�scht tosend := CD%CompNew% PP%PhysKey% := CompNew Comp := "" } else if (CM%CompNew% == 1) { ; Compose muss sich noch was merken: Jetzt noch nichts schicken. tosend := "" PP%PhysKey% := "" Comp := CompNew } else if (CF%Comp% != "") { tosend := CF%Comp% if (PR%PhysKey% != "") { ; Eventuell vergessenen Key-Release aufr�umen CharOutUp(PR%PhysKey%) PR%PhysKey% := "" } loop { if (SubStr(tosend,1,1)=="P") { SubProc := SubStr(tosend,2,6) CharProc%SubProc%() } else { CharOut(SubStr(tosend,1,7)) } tosend := SubStr(tosend,8) if (tosend == "") break ; erledigt } Comp := "" PP%PhysKey% := "" goto rerun } else if (Comp == "") { ; noch kein Zeichen in der Compose-Queue: Ein einzelnes Zeichen wird geschickt tosend := char PP%PhysKey% := char } else { ; Compose hat verfehlt: nichts schicken, auch aktuelles Zeichen nicht schicken tosend := "" PP%PhysKey% := "" Comp := "" } if (strlen(tosend) > 7) { ; Ausgabe mehrerer Zeichen if (PR%PhysKey% != "") { ; Eventuell vergessenen Key-Release aufr�umen CharOutUp(PR%PhysKey%) PR%PhysKey% := "" } loop { if (SubStr(tosend,1,1)=="P") { SubProc := SubStr(tosend,2,6) CharProc%SubProc%() } else { CharOut(SubStr(tosend,1,7)) } tosend := SubStr(tosend,8) if (tosend == "") break ; erledigt } } else if (tosend != "") { if (SubStr(tosend,1,1)=="P") { if (PR%PhysKey% != "") { CharOutUp(PR%PhysKey%) PR%PhysKey% := "" } SubProc := SubStr(tosend,2,6) CharProc%SubProc%() } else { if ((PR%PhysKey% != "") and (PR%PhysKey% != tosend)) CharOutUp(PR%PhysKey%) PR%PhysKey% := tosend CharOutDown(tosend) } } else if (PR%PhysKey% != "") { CharOutUp(PR%PhysKey%) PR%PhysKey% := "" } } CharStarUp(PhysKey) { global if (PR%PhysKey% != "") { tosend := PR%PhysKey% PR%PhysKey% := "" if (SubStr(tosend,1,1)=="P") { SubProc := SubStr(tosend,2,6) CharProc%SubProc%() } else CharOutUp(tosend) } PP%PhysKey% := "" } CharOut(char) { global if (CharOutFilterProc != "") { char := CharOutFilter%CharOutFilterProc%(char,1,1) if (char == "") return } if (DNCS%char% != "") SendBlindShiftFixed(char, DNCS%char% . UPCS%char%) else if (CS%char% != "") SendBlindShiftFixed(char, "{" . CS%char% . "}") else SendUnicodeChar("0x" . SubStr(char,2)) } CharOutDown(char) { global if (CharOutFilterProc != "") { char := CharOutFilter%CharOutFilterProc%(char,1,0) if (char == "") return } if (DNCS%char% != "") SendBlindShiftFixed(char, DNCS%char%) else if (CS%char% != "") SendBlindShiftFixed(char, "{" . CS%char% . " down}") else SendUnicodeCharDown("0x" . SubStr(char,2)) } CharOutUp(char) { global if (CharOutFilterProc != "") { char := CharOutFilter%CharOutFilterProc%(char,0,1) if (char == "") return } if (DNCS%char% != "") { if (UPCS%char% != "") SendBlindShiftFixed(char, UPCS%char%) } else if (CS%char% != "") SendBlindShiftFixed(char, "{" . CS%char% . " up}") else SendUnicodeCharUp("0x" . SubStr(char,2)) } SendBlindShiftFixed(char, theseq) { global if (UNSH%char%) if (IsShiftLPressed) if (IsShiftRPressed) send % "{blind}{RShift Up}{Shift Up}" . theseq . "{Shift Down}{RShift Down}" else send % "{blind}{Shift Up}" . theseq . "{Shift Down}" else if (IsShiftRPressed) send % "{blind}{RShift Up}" . theseq . "{RShift Down}" else send % "{blind}" . theseq else if (DOSH%char%) if (IsShiftLPressed) if (IsShiftRPressed) send % "{blind}" . theseq else send % "{blind}{RShift Down}" . theseq . "{RShift Up}" else if (IsShiftRPressed) send % "{blind}{Shift Down}" . theseq . "{Shift Up}" else send % "{blind}{Shift Down}" . theseq . "{Shift Up}" else send % "{blind}" . theseq } CharProc(name) { CharProc%name%() } CharProc__Rlod() { global ; Neustart des AHK-Skripts SetOldLockStates() reload } ; Modifier CharProc__M2LD() { global if (!isShiftLPressed) { if (isShiftRPressed and !wasNonShiftKeyPressed) ToggleMod2Lock() isShiftLPressed := 1 isShiftPressed := 1 wasNonShiftKeyPressed := 0 %EbeneAktualisieren%() PR%PhysKey% := "P__M2LU" } CharOutDown("S__L_M2") } CharProc__M2LU() { global isShiftLPressed := 0 isShiftPressed := isShiftRPressed %EbeneAktualisieren%() CharOutUp("S__L_M2") } CharProc__M2RD() { global if (!isShiftRPressed) { if (isShiftLPressed and !wasNonShiftKeyPressed) ToggleMod2Lock() isShiftRPressed := 1 isShiftPressed := 1 wasNonShiftKeyPressed := 0 %EbeneAktualisieren%() PR%PhysKey% := "P__M2RU" } CharOutDown("S__R_M2") } CharProc__M2RU() { global isShiftRPressed := 0 isShiftPressed := isShiftLPressed %EbeneAktualisieren%() CharOutUp("S__R_M2") } CharProc__M3LD() { global if (!isMod3LPressed) { if (isMod3RPressed and !wasNonShiftKeyPressed) CharStarDown("MOD3", "MOD3", "S__Comp") isMod3LPressed := 1 isMod3Pressed := 1 wasNonShiftKeyPressed := 0 %EbeneAktualisieren%() PR%PhysKey% := "P__M3LU" } } CharProc__M3LU() { global if (isMod3RPressed) CharStarUp("MOD3") isMod3LPressed := 0 isMod3Pressed := isMod3RPressed %EbeneAktualisieren%() } CharProc__M3RD() { global if (!Mod3RPressed) { if (isMod3LPressed and !wasNonShiftKeyPressed) CharStarDown("MOD3", "MOD3", "S__Comp") isMod3RPressed := 1 isMod3Pressed := 1 wasNonShiftKeyPressed := 0 %EbeneAktualisieren%() PR%PhysKey% := "P__M3RU" } } CharProc__M3RU() { global if (isMod3LPressed) CharStarUp("MOD3") isMod3RPressed := 0 isMod3Pressed := isMod3LPressed %EbeneAktualisieren%() } CharProc__M4LD() { global if (!isMod4LPressed) { isMod4LPressed := 1 isMod4Pressed := 1 %EbeneAktualisieren%() PR%PhysKey% := "P__M4LU" if (isMod4RPressed and !wasNonShiftKeyPressed) { wasNonShiftKeyPressed := 0 ToggleMod4Lock() } else wasNonShiftKeyPressed := 0 } } CharProc__M4LU() { global isMod4LPressed := 0 isMod4Pressed := isMod4RPressed %EbeneAktualisieren%() } CharProc__M4RD() { global if (!isMod4RPressed) { isMod4RPressed := 1 isMod4Pressed := 1 %EbeneAktualisieren%() PR%PhysKey% := "P__M4RU" if (isMod4LPressed and !wasNonShiftKeyPressed) { wasNonShiftKeyPressed := 0 ToggleMod4Lock() } else wasNonShiftKeyPressed := 0 } } CharProc__M4RU() { global isMod4RPressed := 0 isMod4Pressed := isMod4LPressed %EbeneAktualisieren%() } SendUnicodeChar(charCode){ IfWinActive,ahk_class gdkWindowToplevel { StringLower,charCode,charCode send % "^+u" . SubStr(charCode,3) . " " } else { static ki := "#" if (ki =="#") { VarSetCapacity(ki,28*4,0) DllCall("RtlFillMemory","uint",&ki+ 0,"uint",1,"uint",1) DllCall("RtlFillMemory","uint",&ki+ 28+0,"uint",1,"uint",1) DllCall("RtlFillMemory","uint",&ki+2*28+0,"uint",1,"uint",1) DllCall("RtlFillMemory","uint",&ki+3*28+0,"uint",1,"uint",1) } if (charCode < 0x10000) { DllCall("ntdll.dll\RtlFillMemoryUlong","uint",&ki+ 6,"uint",4,"uint",0x40000|charCode) ;KEYEVENTF_UNICODE DllCall("ntdll.dll\RtlFillMemoryUlong","uint",&ki+28+6,"uint",4,"uint",0x60000|charCode) ;KEYEVENTF_KEYUP|KEYEVENTF_UNICODE DllCall("SendInput","UInt",2,"UInt",&ki,"Int",28) } else { hi_surrogate := 0xD800|((charCode-0x10000)/1024) lo_surrogate := 0xDC00|((charCode-0x10000)&0x3FF) DllCall("ntdll.dll\RtlFillMemoryUlong","uint",&ki+ 6,"uint",4,"uint",0x40000|hi_surrogate) ;KEYEVENTF_UNICODE DllCall("ntdll.dll\RtlFillMemoryUlong","uint",&ki+ 28+6,"uint",4,"uint",0x40000|lo_surrogate) ;KEYEVENTF_UNICODE DllCall("ntdll.dll\RtlFillMemoryUlong","uint",&ki+2*28+6,"uint",4,"uint",0x60000|hi_surrogate) ;KEYEVENTF_KEYUP|KEYEVENTF_UNICODE DllCall("ntdll.dll\RtlFillMemoryUlong","uint",&ki+3*28+6,"uint",4,"uint",0x60000|lo_surrogate) ;KEYEVENTF_KEYUP|KEYEVENTF_UNICODE DllCall("SendInput","UInt",4,"UInt",&ki,"Int",28) } } } SendUnicodeCharDown(charCode){ IfWinActive,ahk_class gdkWindowToplevel { StringLower,charCode,charCode send % "^+u" . SubStr(charCode,3) . " " } else { static ki := "#" if (ki =="#") { VarSetCapacity(ki,28*2,0) DllCall("RtlFillMemory","uint",&ki+ 0,"uint",1,"uint",1) DllCall("RtlFillMemory","uint",&ki+ 28+0,"uint",1,"uint",1) } if (charCode < 0x10000) { DllCall("ntdll.dll\RtlFillMemoryUlong","uint",&ki+ 6,"uint",4,"uint",0x40000|charCode) ;KEYEVENTF_UNICODE DllCall("SendInput","UInt",1,"UInt",&ki,"Int",28) } else { hi_surrogate := 0xD800|((charCode-0x10000)/1024) lo_surrogate := 0xDC00|((charCode-0x10000) & 0x3FF) DllCall("ntdll.dll\RtlFillMemoryUlong","uint",&ki+ 6,"uint",4,"uint",0x40000|hi_surrogate) ;KEYEVENTF_UNICODE DllCall("ntdll.dll\RtlFillMemoryUlong","uint",&ki+ 28+6,"uint",4,"uint",0x40000|lo_surrogate) ;KEYEVENTF_UNICODE DllCall("SendInput","UInt",2,"UInt",&ki,"Int",28) } } } SendUnicodeCharUp(charCode){ IfWinActive,ahk_class gdkWindowToplevel { ; nothing } else { static ki := "#" if (ki =="#") { VarSetCapacity(ki,28*2,0) DllCall("RtlFillMemory","uint",&ki+ 0,"uint",1,"uint",1) DllCall("RtlFillMemory","uint",&ki+ 28+0,"uint",1,"uint",1) } if (charCode < 0x10000) { DllCall("ntdll.dll\RtlFillMemoryUlong","uint",&ki+ 6,"uint",4,"uint",0x60000|charCode) ;KEYEVENTF_KEYUP|KEYEVENTF_UNICODE DllCall("SendInput","UInt",1,"UInt",&ki,"Int",28) } else { hi_surrogate := 0xD800|((charCode-0x10000)/1024) lo_surrogate := 0xDC00|((charCode-0x10000)&0x3FF) DllCall("ntdll.dll\RtlFillMemoryUlong","uint",&ki+ 6,"uint",4,"uint",0x60000|hi_surrogate) ;KEYEVENTF_KEYUP|KEYEVENTF_UNICODE DllCall("ntdll.dll\RtlFillMemoryUlong","uint",&ki+ 28+6,"uint",4,"uint",0x60000|lo_surrogate) ;KEYEVENTF_KEYUP|KEYEVENTF_UNICODE DllCall("SendInput","UInt",2,"UInt",&ki,"Int",28) } } }