/* Titel: NEO 2.0 beta Autohotkey-Treiber $Revision$ $Date$ Autor: Stefan Mayer Basiert auf: neo20-all-in-one.ahk vom 29.06.2007 TODO: - ausgiebig testen... (besonders Vollständigkeit bei Deadkeys) - Bessere Lösung für das leeren von PriorDeadKey finden, damit die Sondertasten nicht mehr abgefangen werden müssen. - Ebene 6 über Mod3+Mod4 - Alt+Tab+Shift sollte Alt+Tab umkehrt - Anderen Weg für Capslock statt Shiftlock suchen. - Testen ob die Capslocklösung (siehe *1:: ebene 1) auch für Numpad gebraucht wird Ideen: - Symbol ändern (Neo-Logo abwarten) - bei Ebene 4 rechte Hand (Numpad) z.B. Numpad5 statt 5 senden CHANGEHISTORY: Revision 525 (von Matthias Berg): - Capslock bei Zahlen und Sonderzeichen berücksichtigt Revision 524 (von Matthias Berg): - umgekehrtes ^ für o, a, ü,i sowie für die grossen vokale ( 3. ton chinesisch) • damit wird jetzt PinYin vollständig unterstützt caron, macron, akut, grave auf uiaeoü - Sonderzeichen senden wieder blind -> Shortcuts funktionieren, Capslock ist leider Shiftlock Revision 523 (von Matthias Berg): - CapsLock geht jetzt auch bei allen Zeichen ('send Zeichen' statt 'send {blind} Zeichen') - vertikale Ellipse eingebaut - Umschalt+Umschalt für Capslock statt Mod3+Mod3 - bei Suspend wird jetzt wirklich togglesuspend aufgerufen (auch beim aktivieren per shift+pause) Revsion 490 (von Stefan Mayer): - SUBSCRIPT von 0 bis 9 sowie (auf Ziffernblock) + und - • auch bei Ziffernblock auf der 5. Ebene - Kein Parsen über die Zwischenablage mehr - Vista-kompatibel - Compose-Taste • Brüche (auf Zahlenreihe und Hardware-Ziffernblock) • römische Zahlen • Ligaturen und Copyright */ ; aus Noras script kopiert: #usehook on #singleinstance force #LTrim ; Quelltext kann eingerückt werden, ; msgbox ist trotzdem linksbündig SetTitleMatchMode 2 SendMode Input name = Neo 2.0 enable = Aktiviere %name% disable = Deaktiviere %name% ; Überprüfung auf deutsches Tastaturlayout ; ---------------------------------------- regread, inputlocale, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Keyboard Layout\Preload, 1 regread, inputlocalealias, HKEY_CURRENT_USER , Keyboard Layout\Substitutes, %inputlocale% if inputlocalealias <> inputlocale = %inputlocalealias% if inputlocale <> 00000407 { suspend regread, inputlocale, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE , SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layouts\%inputlocale% , Layout Text msgbox, 48, Warnung!, ( Nicht kompatibles Tastaturlayout: `t%inputlocale% `nDas deutsche QWERTZ muss als Standardlayout eingestellt sein, damit %name% wie erwartet funktioniert. `nÄndern Sie die Tastatureinstellung unter `tSystemsteuerung `t-> Regions- und Sprachoptionen `t-> Sprachen `t-> Details... `n ) exitapp } ; Menü des Systray-Icons ; ---------------------- menu, tray, nostandard menu, tray, add, Öffnen, open menu, helpmenu, add, About, about menu, helpmenu, add, Autohotkey-Hilfe, help menu, helpmenu, add menu, helpmenu, add, http://&autohotkey.com/, autohotkey menu, helpmenu, add, http://www.neo-layout.org/, neo menu, tray, add, Hilfe, :helpmenu menu, tray, add menu, tray, add, %disable%, togglesuspend menu, tray, default, %disable% menu, tray, add menu, tray, add, Edit, edit menu, tray, add, Reload, reload menu, tray, add menu, tray, add, Nicht im Systray anzeigen, hide menu, tray, add, %name% beenden, exitprogram menu, tray, tip, %name% /* Variablen initialisieren */ Ebene = 1 PriorDeadKey := "" /* ------------------------------------------------------ Modifier ------------------------------------------------------ */ ; CapsLock durch Umschalt+Umschalt *CapsLock::return ; Nichts machen beim Capslock release event (weil es Mod3 ist) *#::return ; Nichts machen beim # release event (weil es Mod3 ist) ;RShift wenn vorher LShift gedrückt wurde LShift & ~RShift:: if GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") { setcapslockstate, off } else { setcapslockstate, on } return ;LShift wenn vorher RShift gedrückt wurde RShift & ~LShift:: if GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") { setcapslockstate, off } else { setcapslockstate, on } return ; KP_Decimal durch Mod4+Mod4 *<:: *SC138:: if GetKeyState("<","P") and GetKeyState("SC138","P") { send {numpaddot} } return /* Ablauf bei toten Tasten: 1. Ebene Aktualisieren 2. Abhängig von der Variablen "Ebene" Zeichen ausgeben und die Variable "PriorDeadKey" setzen Ablauf bei "lebenden" (sagt man das?) Tasten: 1. Ebene Aktualisieren 2. Abhängig von den Variablen "Ebene" und "PriorDeadKey" Zeichen ausgeben 3. "PriorDeadKey" mit leerem String überschreiben ------------------------------------------------------ Reihe 1 ------------------------------------------------------ */ *^:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { SendUnicodeChar(0x02C6) ; circumflex, tot PriorDeadKey := "c1" } else if Ebene = 2 { SendUnicodeChar(0x02C7) ; caron, tot PriorDeadKey := "c2" } else if Ebene = 3 { SendUnicodeChar(0x02D8) ; brevis PriorDeadKey := "c3" } else if Ebene = 4 { send - ; querstrich, tot PriorDeadKey := "c4" } else if Ebene = 5 { SendUnicodeChar(0x00B7) ; Mittenpunkt, tot PriorDeadKey := "c5" } else if Ebene = 6 { Send . ; punkt darunter (colon) PriorDeadKey := "c6" } return *1:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex 1 BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00B9) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c4") ; toter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2081) Else If (CompKey = "r_small_1") Comp3UnicodeChar(0x217A) ; römisch xi Else If (CompKey = "r_capital_1") Comp3UnicodeChar(0x216A) ; römisch XI Else { If GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") { If (IsModifierPressed()) { send {blind}1 } Else { send 1 } } Else { send {blind}1 } } If (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "1" Else If (CompKey = "r_small") CompKey := "r_small_1" Else If (CompKey = "r_capital") CompKey := "r_capital_1" Else CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 2 { send ° CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 4 { SendUnicodeChar(0x2640) ; Piktogramm weiblich CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 5 { SendUnicodeChar(0x2022) ; bullet CompKey := "" } PriorDeadKey := "" return *2:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00B2) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c4") ; toter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2082) Else If (CompKey = "r_small") CompUnicodeChar(0x2171) ; römisch ii Else If (CompKey = "r_capital") CompUnicodeChar(0x2161) ; römisch II Else If (CompKey = "r_small_1") Comp3UnicodeChar(0x217B) ; römisch xii Else If (CompKey = "r_capital_1") Comp3UnicodeChar(0x216B) ; römisch XII Else { If GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") { If (IsModifierPressed()) { send {blind}2 } Else { send 2 } } Else { send {blind}2 } } If (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "2" Else CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 2 { SendUnicodeChar(0x2116) ; numero CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 4 { SendUnicodeChar(0x26A5) ; Piktogramm Zwitter CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 5 { SendUnicodeChar(0x2023) ; aufzaehlungspfeil CompKey := "" } PriorDeadKey := "" return *3:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00B3) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c4") ; toter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2083) Else If (CompKey = "1") CompUnicodeChar(0x2153) ; 1/3 Else If (CompKey = "2") CompUnicodeChar(0x2154) ; 2/3 Else If (CompKey = "r_small") CompUnicodeChar(0x2172) ; römisch iii Else If (CompKey = "r_capital") CompUnicodeChar(0x2162) ; römisch III Else { If GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") { If (IsModifierPressed()) { send {blind}3 } Else { send 3 } } Else { send {blind}3 } } If (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "3" Else CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 2 { send § CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 4 { SendUnicodeChar(0x2642) ; Piktogramm männlich CompKey := "" } PriorDeadKey := "" return *4:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2074) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c4") ; toter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2084) Else If (CompKey = "r_small") CompUnicodeChar(0x2173) ; römisch iv Else If (CompKey = "r_capital") CompUnicodeChar(0x2163) ; römisch IV Else { If GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") { If (IsModifierPressed()) { send {blind}4 } Else { send 4 } } Else { send {blind}4 } } If (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "4" Else CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 2 { send » CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 3 { send › CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 5 { Send {PgUp} ; Prev CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 6 { Send +{Prev} CompKey := "" } PriorDeadKey := "" return *5:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2075) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c4") ; toter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2085) Else If (CompKey = "1") CompUnicodeChar(0x2155) ; 1/5 Else If (CompKey = "2") CompUnicodeChar(0x2156) ; 2/5 Else If (CompKey = "3") CompUnicodeChar(0x2157) ; 3/5 Else If (CompKey = "4") CompUnicodeChar(0x2158) ; 4/5 Else If (CompKey = "r_small") CompUnicodeChar(0x2174) ; römisch v Else If (CompKey = "r_capital") CompUnicodeChar(0x2164) ; römisch V Else { If GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") { If (IsModifierPressed()) { send {blind}5 } Else { send 5 } } Else { send {blind}5 } } If (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "5" Else CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 2 { send « CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 3 { send ‹ CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 6 { SendUnicodeChar(0x21D2) ; Implikation CompKey := "" } PriorDeadKey := "" return *6:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2076) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c4") ; toter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2086) Else If (CompKey = "1") CompUnicodeChar(0x2159) ; 1/6 Else If (CompKey = "5") CompUnicodeChar(0x215A) ; 5/6 Else If (CompKey = "r_small") CompUnicodeChar(0x2175) ; römisch vi Else If (CompKey = "r_capital") CompUnicodeChar(0x2165) ; römisch VI Else { If GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") { If (IsModifierPressed()) { send {blind}6 } Else { send 6 } } Else { send {blind}6 } } If (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "6" Else CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 2 { send € CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 3 { send £ CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 4 { send ¤ CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 6 { SendUnicodeChar(0x21D4) ; Äquivalenz CompKey := "" } PriorDeadKey := "" return *7:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2077) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c4") ; toter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2087) Else If (CompKey = "r_small") CompUnicodeChar(0x2176) ; römisch vii Else If (CompKey = "r_capital") CompUnicodeChar(0x2166) ; römisch VII Else { If GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") { If (IsModifierPressed()) { send {blind}7 } Else { send 7 } } Else { send {blind}7 } } If (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "7" Else CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 2 { send $ CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 3 { send ¢ CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 4 { send ¥CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 6 { Send ¬ CompKey := "" } PriorDeadKey := "" return *8:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2078) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c4") ; toter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2088) Else If (CompKey = "1") CompUnicodeChar(0x215B) ; 1/8 Else If (CompKey = "3") CompUnicodeChar(0x215C) ; 3/8 Else If (CompKey = "5") CompUnicodeChar(0x215D) ; 5/8 Else If (CompKey = "7") CompUnicodeChar(0x215E) ; 7/8 Else If (CompKey = "r_small") CompUnicodeChar(0x2177) ; römisch viii Else If (CompKey = "r_capital") CompUnicodeChar(0x2167) ; römisch VIII Else { If GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") { If (IsModifierPressed()) { send {blind}8 } Else { send 8 } } Else { send {blind}8 } } If (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "8" Else CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 2 { send „ CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 3 { send ‚ CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 5 { Send / CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 6 { SendUnicodeChar(0x2203) ; Existenzquantor CompKey := "" } PriorDeadKey := "" return *9:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2079) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c4") ; toter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2089) Else If (CompKey = "r_small") CompUnicodeChar(0x2178) ; römisch ix Else If (CompKey = "r_capital") CompUnicodeChar(0x2168) ; römisch IX Else { If GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") { If (IsModifierPressed()) { send {blind}9 } Else { send 9 } } Else { send {blind}9 } } If (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "9" Else CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 2 { send “ CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 3 { send ‘ CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 5 { Send * CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 6 { SendUnicodeChar(0x2200) ; Allquantor CompKey := "" } PriorDeadKey := "" return *0:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2070) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c4") ; toter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2080) Else If (CompKey = "r_small_1") Comp3UnicodeChar(0x2179) ; römisch x Else If (CompKey = "r_capital_1") Comp3UnicodeChar(0x2169) ; römisch X Else { If GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") { If (IsModifierPressed()) { send {blind}0 } Else { send 0 } } Else { send {blind}0 } } If (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "0" Else CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 2 { send ” CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 3 { send ’ CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 5 { Send - CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 6 { SendUnicodeChar(0x2228) ; logisch oder CompKey := "" } PriorDeadKey := "" return *ß:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { If GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") { If (IsModifierPressed()) { send {blind}- } Else { send - } } Else { send {blind}- ;Bindestrich } } else if Ebene = 2 SendUnicodeChar(0x2013) ; Gedankenstrich else if Ebene = 3 SendUnicodeChar(0x2014) else if Ebene = 4 SendUnicodeChar(0x254C) else if Ebene = 5 SendUnicodeChar(0x2011) else if Ebene = 6 SendUnicodeChar(0x2227) ; logisch und PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return *´:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { send {´}{space} ; akut, tot PriorDeadKey := "a1" } else if Ebene = 2 { send ``{space} PriorDeadKey := "a2" } else if Ebene = 3 { send ¸ ; cedilla PriorDeadKey := "a3" } else if Ebene = 4 { SendUnicodeChar(0x02DB) ; ogonek PriorDeadKey := "a4" } else if Ebene = 5 { SendUnicodeChar(0x02D9) ; punkt oben drüber PriorDeadKey := "a5" } else if Ebene = 6 { SendUnicodeChar(0x02DA) ; ring obendrauf PriorDeadKey := "a6" } return /* ------------------------------------------------------ Reihe 2 ------------------------------------------------------ */ *q:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 sendinput {blind}x else if Ebene = 2 sendinput {blind}X else if Ebene = 4 SendUnicodeChar(0x03BE) ;xi else if Ebene = 6 SendUnicodeChar(0x039E) ; Xi PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return *w:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E7F) Else sendinput {blind}v } else if Ebene = 2 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E7E) Else sendinput {blind}V } else if Ebene = 3 send _ else if Ebene = 5 Send {Backspace} else if Ebene = 6 Send +{Backspace} PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return *e:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { If (PriorDeadKey = "t5") ; Schrägstrich BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0142) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut BSSendUnicodeChar(0x013A) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron BSSendUnicodeChar(0x013E) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a3") ; cedilla BSSendUnicodeChar(0x013C) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; Mittenpunkt BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0140) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E37) Else sendinput {blind}l If (PriorDeadKey = "comp") ; compose CompKey := "l_small" Else CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 2 { If (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0139) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron BSSendUnicodeChar(0x013D) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a3") ; cedilla BSSendUnicodeChar(0x013B) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "t5") ; Schrägstrich BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0141) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; Mittenpunkt BSSendUnicodeChar(0x013F) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E36) Else sendinput {blind}L If (PriorDeadKey = "comp") ; compose CompKey := "l_capital" Else CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 3 { send [ CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 4 { SendUnicodeChar(0x03BB) ;lambda CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 5 { Sendinput {Blind}{Up} CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 6 { Sendinput {Blind}+{Up} CompKey := "" } PriorDeadKey := "" return *r:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0109) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron BSSendUnicodeChar(0x010D) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0107) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a3") ; cedilla BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00E7) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a5") ; punkt darüber BSSendUnicodeChar(0x010B) Else If ( (CompKey = "o_small") or (CompKey = "o_capital") ) Send {bs}© Else sendinput {blind}c If (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "c_small" Else CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 2 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0108) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron BSSendUnicodeChar(0x010C) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0106) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a3") ; cedilla BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00E6) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a5") ; punkt darüber BSSendUnicodeChar(0x010A) Else If ( (CompKey = "o_small") or (CompKey = "o_capital") ) Send {bs}© Else sendinput {blind}C If (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey = "c_capital" Else CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 3 { send ] CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 4 { SendUnicodeChar(0x03C7) ;chi CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 5 { Send {Del} CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 6 { SendUnicodeChar(0x039B) ; Lambda CompKey := "" } PriorDeadKey := "" return *t:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0175) Else sendinput {blind}w } else if Ebene = 2 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0174) Else sendinput {blind}W } else if Ebene = 3 send {^}{space} ; untot else if Ebene = 5 Send {Insert} else if Ebene = 6 Send +{Insert} PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return *z:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { If (PriorDeadKey = "a3") ; cedilla BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0137) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E33) Else sendinput {blind}k } else if Ebene = 2 { If (PriorDeadKey = "a3") ; cedilla BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0136) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E32) Else sendinput {blind}K } else if Ebene = 3 sendraw ! else if Ebene = 4 SendUnicodeChar(0x03BA) ;kappa else if Ebene = 5 Send ¡ PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return *u:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0125) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c4") ; Querstrich BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0127) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a5") ; punkt darüber BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E23) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E25) Else sendinput {blind}h } else if Ebene = 2 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0124) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c4") ; Querstrich BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0126) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a5") ; punkt darüber BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E22) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E24) Else sendinput {blind}H } else if Ebene = 3 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c4") ; Querstrich BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2264) ; kleiner gleich Else send {blind}< } else if Ebene = 4 SendUnicodeChar(0x03C8) ;psi else if Ebene = 5 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2077) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c4") ; toter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2087) Else Send 7 } else if Ebene = 6 SendUnicodeChar(0x03A8) ; Psi PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return *i:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex BSSendUnicodeChar(0x011D) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c3") ; brevis BSSendUnicodeChar(0x011F) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a3") ; cedilla BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0123) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a5") ; punkt darüber BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0121) Else sendinput {blind}g } else if Ebene = 2 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex BSSendUnicodeChar(0x011C) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c3") ; brevis BSSendUnicodeChar(0x011E) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a3") ; cedilla BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0122) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a5") ; punkt darüber BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0120) Else sendinput {blind}G } else if Ebene = 3 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c4") ; Querstrich SendUnicodeChar(0x2265) ; größer gleich Else send > } else if Ebene = 4 SendUnicodeChar(0x03B3) ;gamma else if Ebene = 5 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2078) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c4") ; toter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2088) Else Send 8 } else if Ebene = 6 SendUnicodeChar(0x0393) ; Gamma PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return *o:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { If (PriorDeadKey = "t5") ; durchgestrichen BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0192) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a5") ; punkt darüber BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E1F) Else sendinput {blind}f } else if Ebene = 2 { If (PriorDeadKey = "t5") ; durchgestrichen BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0191) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a5") ; punkt darüber BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E1E) Else sendinput {blind}F } else if Ebene = 3 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2259) ; entspricht Else If (PriorDeadKey = "t1") ; tilde BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2245) ; ungefähr gleich Else If (PriorDeadKey = "t5") ; Schrägstrich BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2260) ; ungleich Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c4") ; Querstrich BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2261) ; identisch Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron BSSendUnicodeChar(0x225A) ; EQUIANGULAR TO Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a6") ; ring drüber BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2257) ; ring equal to Else send `= } else if Ebene = 4 SendUnicodeChar(0x03C6) ;phi else if Ebene = 5 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2079) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c4") ; toter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2089) Else Send 9 } else if Ebene = 6 SendUnicodeChar(0x03A6) ; Phi PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return *p:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 sendinput {blind}q else if Ebene = 2 sendinput {blind}Q else if Ebene = 3 send {&} else if Ebene = 4 SendUnicodeChar(0x0278) ; Varphi? (latin letter phi) else if Ebene = 5 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex BSSendUnicodeChar(0x207A) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c4") ; toter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x208A) Else Send {+} } else if Ebene = 6 SendUnicodeChar(0x2202) ; "geschweiftes d" (partielle Ableitung) PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return *ü:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 if GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") { SendUnicodeChar(0x1E9E) ; versal-ß } else { send ß } else if Ebene = 2 if GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") { send ß } else { SendUnicodeChar(0x1E9E) ; versal-ß } else if Ebene = 3 SendUnicodeChar(0x017F) ; langes s else if Ebene = 4 SendUnicodeChar(0x03C2) ; varsigma else if Ebene = 5 SendUnicodeChar(0x0259) ; schwa else if Ebene = 6 SendUnicodeChar(0x018F) ; Schwa PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return *+:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { SendUnicodeChar(0x02DC) ; tilde, tot PriorDeadKey := "t1" } else if Ebene = 2 { SendUnicodeChar(0x00AF) ; macron, tot PriorDeadKey := "t2" } else if Ebene = 3 { SendUnicodeChar(0x00A8) ; Diaerese PriorDeadKey := "t3" } else if Ebene = 4 { send " ;doppelakut PriorDeadKey := "t4" } else if Ebene = 5 { SendUnicodeChar(0x002F) ; Schrägstrich, tot PriorDeadKey := "t5" } else if Ebene = 6 { SendUnicodeChar(0x02CF) ; komma drunter, tot PriorDeadKey := "t6" } return /* ------------------------------------------------------ Reihe 3 ------------------------------------------------------ */ *a:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00FB) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00FA) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a2") ; grave BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00F9) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "t3") ; Diaerese Send, {bs}ü Else If (PriorDeadKey = "t4") ; doppelakut BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0171) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c3") ; brevis BSSendUnicodeChar(0x016D) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "t2") ; macron BSSendUnicodeChar(0x016B) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; ogonek BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0173) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a6") ; Ring BSSendUnicodeChar(0x016F) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "t1") ; tilde BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0169) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01D4) Else sendinput {blind}u } else if Ebene = 2 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00DB) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00DA) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a2") ; grave BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00D9) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "t3") ; Diaerese Send, {bs}Ü Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a6") ; Ring BSSendUnicodeChar(0x016E) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c3") ; brevis BSSendUnicodeChar(0x016C) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "t4") ; doppelakut BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0170) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01D3) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "t2") ; macron BSSendUnicodeChar(0x016A) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; ogonek BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0172) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "t1") ; tilde BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0168) Else sendinput {blind}U } else if Ebene = 3 send \ else if Ebene = 5 Send {blind}{Home} else if Ebene = 6 Send {blind}+{Home} PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return *s:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00EE) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00ED) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a2") ; grave BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00EC) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "t3") ; Diaerese Send, {bs}ï Else If (PriorDeadKey = "t2") ; macron BSSendUnicodeChar(0x012B) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c3") ; brevis BSSendUnicodeChar(0x012D) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; ogonek BSSendUnicodeChar(0x012F) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "t1") ; tilde BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0129) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a5") ; (ohne) punkt darüber BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0131) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01D0) Else sendinput {blind}i If (PriorDeadKey = "comp") ; compose CompKey := "i_small" Else CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 2 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00CE) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00CD) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a2") ; grave BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00CC) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "t3") ; Diaerese Send, {bs}Ï Else If (PriorDeadKey = "t2") ; macron BSSendUnicodeChar(0x012A) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c3") ; brevis BSSendUnicodeChar(0x012C) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; ogonek BSSendUnicodeChar(0x012E) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "t1") ; tilde BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0128) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a5") ; punkt darüber BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0130) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01CF) Else sendinput {blind}I If (PriorDeadKey = "comp") ; compose CompKey := "i_capital" Else CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 3 { send `/ CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 4 { SendUnicodeChar(0x03B9) ;iota CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 5 { Sendinput {Blind}{Left} CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 6 { Sendinput {Blind}+{Left} CompKey := "" } PriorDeadKey := "" return *d:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00E2) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00E1) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a2") ; grave BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00E0) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "t3") ; Diaerese send {bs}ä Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a6") ; Ring Send {bs}å Else If (PriorDeadKey = "t1") ; tilde BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00E3) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; ogonek BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0105) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "t2") ; macron BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0101) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c3") ; brevis BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0103) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01CE) Else sendinput {blind}a If (PriorDeadKey = "comp") ; compose CompKey := "a_small" Else CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 2 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00C2) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00C1) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a2") ; grave BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00C0) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "t3") ; Diaerese send {bs}Ä Else If (PriorDeadKey = "t1") ; tilde BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00C3) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a6") ; Ring Send {bs}Å Else If (PriorDeadKey = "t2") ; macron BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0100) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c3") ; brevis BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0102) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; ogonek BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0104) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01CD) Else sendinput {blind}A If (PriorDeadKey = "comp") ; compose CompKey := "a_capital" Else CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 3 { sendraw { CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 4 { SendUnicodeChar(0x03B1) ;alpha CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 5 { Sendinput {Blind}{Down} CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 6 { Sendinput {Blind}+{Down} CompKey := "" } PriorDeadKey := "" return *f:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00EA) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00E9) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a2") ; grave BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00E8) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "t3") ; Diaerese Send, {bs}ë Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; ogonek BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0119) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "t2") ; macron BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0113) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c3") ; brevis BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0115) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron BSSendUnicodeChar(0x011B) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a5") ; punkt darüber BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0117) Else If (CompKey = "a_small") ; compose { Send {bs}æ CompKey := "" } Else If (CompKey = "o_small") ; compose { Send {bs}œ CompKey := "" } Else sendinput {blind}e } else if Ebene = 2 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00CA) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00C9) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a2") ; grave BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00C8) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "t3") ; Diaerese Send, {bs}Ë Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron BSSendUnicodeChar(0x011A) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "t2") ; macron BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0112) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c3") ; brevis BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0114) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; ogonek BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0118) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a5") ; punkt darüber BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0116) Else If (CompKey = "a_capital") ; compose { Send {bs}Æ CompKey := "" } Else If (CompKey = "o_capital") ; compose { Send {bs}Œ CompKey := "" } Else sendinput {blind}E } else if Ebene = 3 sendraw } else if Ebene = 4 { SendUnicodeChar(0x03B5) ;epsilon } else if Ebene = 5 Sendinput {Blind}{Right} else if Ebene = 6 Sendinput {Blind}+{Right} PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return *g:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00F4) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00F3) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a2") ; grave BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00F2) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "t3") ; Diaerese Send, {bs}ö Else If (PriorDeadKey = "t1") ; tilde BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00F5) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "t4") ; doppelakut BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0151) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "t5") ; Schrägstrich BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00F8) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "t2") ; macron BSSendUnicodeChar(0x014D) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c3") ; brevis BSSendUnicodeChar(0x014F) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; ogonek BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01EB) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01D2) Else sendinput {blind}o If (PriorDeadKey = "comp") ; compose CompKey := "o_small" Else CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 2 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00D4) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00D3) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a2") ; grave BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00D2) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "t5") ; Schrägstrich BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00D8) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "t1") ; tilde BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00D5) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "t4") ; doppelakut BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0150) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "t3") ; Diaerese send {bs}Ö Else If (PriorDeadKey = "t2") ; macron BSSendUnicodeChar(0x014C) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c3") ; brevis BSSendUnicodeChar(0x014E) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; ogonek BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01EA) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01D1) Else sendinput {blind}O If (PriorDeadKey = "comp") ; compose CompKey := "o_capital" Else CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 3 { send * CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 4 { SendUnicodeChar(0x03C9) ;omega CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 5 { Send {blind}{End} CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 6 { Send {blind}+{End} CompKey := "" } PriorDeadKey := "" return *h:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex BSSendUnicodeChar(0x015D) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut BSSendUnicodeChar(0x015B) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0161) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a3") ; cedilla BSSendUnicodeChar(0x015F) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a5") ; punkt darüber BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E61) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E63) Else sendinput {blind}s If (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "s_small" Else CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 2 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex BSSendUnicodeChar(0x015C) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0160) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut BSSendUnicodeChar(0x015A) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a3") ; cedilla BSSendUnicodeChar(0x015E) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a5") ; punkt darüber BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E60) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E62) Else sendinput {blind}S If (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "s_capital" Else CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 3 { send ? CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 4 { SendUnicodeChar(0x03C3) ;sigma CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 5 { Send ¿ CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 6 { SendUnicodeChar(0x03A3) ; Sigma CompKey := "" } PriorDeadKey := "" return *j:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { If (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0144) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "t1") ; tilde BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00F1) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0148) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a3") ; cedilla BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0146) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a5") ; punkt darüber BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E45) Else sendinput {blind}n } else if Ebene = 2 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0147) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "t1") ; tilde BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00D1) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0143) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a3") ; cedilla BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0145) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a5") ; punkt darüber BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E44) Else sendinput {blind}N } else if Ebene = 3 send ( else if Ebene = 4 SendUnicodeChar(0x03BD) ;nu else if Ebene = 5 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2074) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c4") ; toter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2084) Else Send 4 } PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return *k:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { If (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0155) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0159) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a3") ; cedilla BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0157) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a5") ; punkt darüber BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0E59) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E5B) Else sendinput {blind}r If (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "r_small" Else CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 2 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0158) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0154) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a3") ; cedilla BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0156) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a5") ; punkt darüber BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E58) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E5A) Else sendinput {blind}R If (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "r_capital" Else CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 3 { send ) CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 4 { SendUnicodeChar(0x03C1) ;rho CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 5 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2075) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c4") ; toter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2085) Else Send 5 CompKey := "" } PriorDeadKey := "" return *l:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0165) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a3") ; cedilla BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0163) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c4") ; Querstrich BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0167) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a5") ; punkt darüber BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E6B) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E6D) Else sendinput {blind}t If (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "t_small" Else CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 2 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0164) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a3") ; cedilla BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0162) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c4") ; Querstrich BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0166) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a5") ; punkt darüber BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E6A) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E6C) Else sendinput {blind}T If (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "t_capital" Else CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 3 { send {blind}- ; Bind CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 4 { SendUnicodeChar(0x03C4) ;tau CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 5 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2076) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c4") ; toter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2086) Else Send 6 CompKey := "" } PriorDeadKey := "" return *ö:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c4") ; Querstrich BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0111) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "t5") ; Schrägstrich BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00F0) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron BSSendUnicodeChar(0x010F) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a5") ; punkt darüber BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E0B) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E0D) Else sendinput {blind}d } else if Ebene = 2 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c4") ; Querstrich BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0110) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "t5") ; Schrägstrich BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00D0) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron BSSendUnicodeChar(0x010E) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a5") ; punkt darüber BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E0A) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E0D) Else sendinput {blind}D } else if Ebene = 3 send : else if Ebene = 4 SendUnicodeChar(0x03B4) ;delta else if Ebene = 5 Send `, else if Ebene = 6 SendUnicodeChar(0x0394) ; Delta PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return *ä:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { If (PriorDeadKey = "t3") ; Diaerese Send {bs}ÿ Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00FD) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0177) Else sendinput {blind}y } else if Ebene = 2 { If (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00DD) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "t3") ; Diaerese Send {bs}Ÿ Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0176) Else sendinput {blind}Y } else if Ebene = 3 send @ else if Ebene = 4 SendUnicodeChar(0x03C5) ;upsilon else if Ebene = 5 Send þ ; thorn else if Ebene = 6 Send Þ ; Thorn PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return ;SC02B (#) wird zu Mod3 /* ------------------------------------------------------ Reihe 4 ------------------------------------------------------ */ ;SC056 (<) wird zu Mod4 *y:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { If (PriorDeadKey = "t2") ; macron BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01D6) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01D8) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a2") ; grave BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01DC) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01DA) Else sendinput {blind}ü } else if Ebene = 2 { If (PriorDeadKey = "t2") ; macron BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01D5) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01D7) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a2") ; grave BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01DB) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01D9) Else sendinput {blind}Ü } else if Ebene = 3 send {blind}{#} else if Ebene = 5 Send {Esc} PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return *x:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { If (PriorDeadKey = "t2") ; macron BSSendUnicodeChar(0x022B) Else sendinput {blind}ö } else if Ebene = 2 { If (PriorDeadKey = "t2") ; macron BSSendUnicodeChar(0x022A) Else sendinput {blind}Ö } else if Ebene = 3 send $ else if Ebene = 5 Send {Tab} else if Ebene = 6 Send +{Tab} PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return *c:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { If (PriorDeadKey = "t2") ; macron BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01DF) Else sendinput {blind}ä } else if Ebene = 2 { If (PriorDeadKey = "t2") ; macron BSSendUnicodeChar(0x001DE) Else sendinput {blind}Ä } else if Ebene = 3 send | else if Ebene = 4 SendUnicodeChar(0x03B7) ;eta else if Ebene = 5 Send {PgDn} ; Next else if Ebene = 6 Send +{PgDn} PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return *v:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { If (PriorDeadKey = "a5") ; punkt darüber BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E57) Else sendinput {blind}p } else if Ebene = 2 { If (PriorDeadKey = "a5") ; punkt darüber BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E56) Else sendinput {blind}P } else if Ebene = 3 { If (PriorDeadKey = "t1") ; tilde BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2248) Else sendraw ~ } else if Ebene = 4 SendUnicodeChar(0x03C0) ;pi else if Ebene = 5 Send {Enter} else if Ebene = 6 SendUnicodeChar(0x03A0) ; Pi PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return *b:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron BSSendUnicodeChar(0x017E) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut BSSendUnicodeChar(0x017A) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a5") ; punkt drüber BSSendUnicodeChar(0x017C) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt drunter BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E93) Else sendinput {blind}z } else if Ebene = 2 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron BSSendUnicodeChar(0x017D) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0179) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "a5") ; punkt darüber BSSendUnicodeChar(0x017B) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt drunter BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E92) Else sendinput {blind}Z } else if Ebene = 3 send ``{space} ; untot else if Ebene = 4 SendUnicodeChar(0x03B6) ;zeta else if Ebene = 6 SendUnicodeChar(0x03A9) ; Omega PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return *n:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { If (PriorDeadKey = "a5") ; punkt darüber BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E03) Else sendinput {blind}b } else if Ebene = 2 { If (PriorDeadKey = "a5") ; punkt darüber BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E02) Else sendinput {blind}B } else if Ebene = 3 send {blind}{+} else if Ebene = 4 SendUnicodeChar(0x03B2) ;beta else if Ebene = 6 SendUnicodeChar(0x221E) ;infty PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return *m:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { If (PriorDeadKey = "a5") ; punkt darüber BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E41) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E43) Else If ( (CompKey = "t_small") or (CompKey = "t_capital") ) ; compose CompUnicodeChar(0x2122) ; TM Else If ( (CompKey = "s_small") or (CompKey = "s_capital") ) ; compose CompUnicodeChar(0x2120) ; SM Else sendinput {blind}m } else if Ebene = 2 { If (PriorDeadKey = "a5") ; punkt darüber BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E40) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E42) Else If ( (CompKey = "t_capital") or (CompKey = "t_small") ) ; compose CompUnicodeChar(0x2122) ; TM Else If ( (CompKey = "s_capital") or (CompKey = "s_small") ) ; compose CompUnicodeChar(0x2120) ; SM Else sendinput {blind}M } else if Ebene = 3 send `% else if Ebene = 4 SendUnicodeChar(0x03BC) ;micro, mu wäre 0x00B5 else if Ebene = 5 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00B9) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c4") ; toter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2081) Else Send 1 } else if Ebene = 6 SendUnicodeChar(0x222B) ; Int PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return *,:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { If GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") { If (IsModifierPressed()) { send {blind}, } Else { send `, } } Else { send {blind}, } } else if Ebene = 2 SendUnicodeChar(0x22EE) ; vertikale ellipse else if Ebene = 3 send " else if Ebene = 4 SendUnicodeChar(0x03F1) ; varrho else if Ebene = 5 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00B2) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c4") ; toter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2082) Else Send 2 } else if Ebene = 6 SendUnicodeChar(0x221A) ; sqrt PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return *.:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { If GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") { If (IsModifierPressed()) { send {blind}. } Else { send . } } Else { send {blind}. } } else if Ebene = 2 SendUnicodeChar(0x2026) ; ellipse else if Ebene = 3 send ' else if Ebene = 4 SendUnicodeChar(0x03B8) ;theta else if Ebene = 5 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00B3) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c4") ; toter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2083) Else Send 3 } else if Ebene = 6 SendUnicodeChar(0x0398) ; Theta PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return *-:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0135) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01F0) Else If (CompKey = "i_small") ; compose CompUnicodeChar(0x0133) ; ij Else If (CompKey = "l_small") ; compose CompUnicodeChar(0x01C9) ; lj Else If (CompKey = "l_capital") ; compose CompUnicodeChar(0x01C8) ; Lj Else sendinput {blind}j } else if Ebene = 2 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0134) Else If (CompKey = "i_capital") ; compose CompUnicodeChar(0x0132) ; IJ Else If (CompKey = "l_capital") ; compose CompUnicodeChar(0x01C7) ; LJ Else sendinput {blind}J } else if Ebene = 3 send `; else if Ebene = 4 SendUnicodeChar(0x03D1) ; vartheta else if Ebene = 5 Send . else if Ebene = 6 SendUnicodeChar(0x2207) ; Nabla PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return /* ------------------------------------------------------ Numpad ------------------------------------------------------ folgende Tasten verhalten sich bei ein- und ausgeschaltetem NumLock gleich: */ *NumpadDiv:: EbeneAktualisieren() if ( (Ebene = 1) or (Ebene = 2) ) send {NumpadDiv} else if Ebene = 3 send ÷ else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) SendUnicodeChar(0x2215) ; slash PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return *NumpadMult:: EbeneAktualisieren() if ( (Ebene = 1) or (Ebene = 2) ) send {NumpadMult} else if Ebene = 3 send × else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) SendUnicodeChar(0x22C5) ; cdot PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return *NumpadSub:: EbeneAktualisieren() if ( (Ebene = 1) or (Ebene = 2) ) { If (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex BSSendUnicodeChar(0x207B) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c4") ; toter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x208B) Else send {blind}{NumpadSub} } else if Ebene = 3 SendUnicodeChar(0x2212) ; echtes minus PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return *NumpadAdd:: EbeneAktualisieren() if ( (Ebene = 1) or (Ebene = 2) ) { If (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex BSSendUnicodeChar(0x207A) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c4") ; toter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x208A) Else send {blind}{NumpadAdd} } else if Ebene = 3 send ± else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) SendUnicodeChar(0x2213) ; -+ PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return *NumpadEnter:: EbeneAktualisieren() if ( (Ebene = 1) or (Ebene = 2) ) send {NumpadEnter} else if Ebene = 3 SendUnicodeChar(0x2260) ; neq else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) SendUnicodeChar(0x2248) ; approx PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return /* folgende Tasten verhalten sich bei ein- und ausgeschaltetem NumLock unterschiedlich: bei NumLock ein */ *Numpad7:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { send {blind}{Numpad7} If (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "Num_7" Else CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 2 { send {NumpadHome} CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 3 { SendUnicodeChar(0x2195) ; Hoch-Runter-Pfeil CompKey := "" } else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) { SendUnicodeChar(0x226A) ; ll CompKey := "" } PriorDeadKey := "" return *Numpad8:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { If (CompKey = "Num_1") CompUnicodeChar(0x215B) ; 1/8 Else If (CompKey = "Num_3") CompUnicodeChar(0x215C) ; 3/8 Else If (CompKey = "Num_5") CompUnicodeChar(0x215D) ; 5/8 Else If (CompKey = "Num_7") CompUnicodeChar(0x215E) ; 7/8 Else send {blind}{Numpad8} If (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "Num_8" Else CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 2 { send {NumpadUp} CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 3 { SendUnicodeChar(0x2191) ; uparrow CompKey := "" } else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) { SendUnicodeChar(0x2229) ; intersection CompKey := "" } PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return *Numpad9:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { send {blind}{Numpad9} If (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "Num_9" Else CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 2 { send {NumpadPgUp} CompKey := "" } else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) { SendUnicodeChar(0x226B) ; gg CompKey := "" } PriorDeadKey := "" return *Numpad4:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { If (CompKey = "Num_1") CompUnicodeChar(0x00BC) ; 1/4 Else If (CompKey = "Num_3") CompUnicodeChar(0x00BE) ; 3/4 Else send {blind}{Numpad4} If (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "Num_4" Else CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 2 { send {NumpadLeft} CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 3 { SendUnicodeChar(0x2190) ; leftarrow CompKey := "" } else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) { SendUnicodeChar(0x2282) ; subset of CompKey := "" } PriorDeadKey := "" return *Numpad5:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { If (CompKey = "Num_1") CompUnicodeChar(0x2155) ; 1/5 Else If (CompKey = "Num_2") CompUnicodeChar(0x2156) ; 2/5 Else If (CompKey = "Num_3") CompUnicodeChar(0x2157) ; 3/5 Else If (CompKey = "Num_4") CompUnicodeChar(0x2158) ; 4/5 Else send {blind}{Numpad5} If (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "Num_5" Else CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 2 { send {NumpadClear} CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 3 { send † CompKey := "" } else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) { SendUnicodeChar(0x220A) ; small element of CompKey := "" } PriorDeadKey := "" return *Numpad6:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { If (CompKey = "Num_1") CompUnicodeChar(0x2159) ; 1/6 Else If (CompKey = "Num_5") CompUnicodeChar(0x215A) ; 5/6 Else send {blind}{Numpad6} If (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "Num_6" Else CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 2 { send {NumpadRight} CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 3 { SendUnicodeChar(0x2192) ; rightarrow CompKey := "" } else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) { SendUnicodeChar(0x2283) ; superset of CompKey := "" } PriorDeadKey := "" return *Numpad1:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { send {blind}{Numpad1} If (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "Num_1" Else CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 2 { send {NumpadEnd} CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 3 { SendUnicodeChar(0x2194) ; Links-Rechts-Pfeil CompKey := "" } else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) { SendUnicodeChar(0x2264) ; leq CompKey := "" } PriorDeadKey := "" return *Numpad2:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { If (CompKey = "Num_1") CompUnicodeChar(0x00BD) ; 1/2 Else send {blind}{Numpad2} If (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "Num_2" Else CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 2 { send {NumpadDown} CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 3 { SendUnicodeChar(0x2193) ; downarrow CompKey := "" } else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) { SendUnicodeChar(0x222A) ; vereinigt CompKey := "" } PriorDeadKey := "" return *Numpad3:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { If (CompKey = "Num_1") CompUnicodeChar(0x2153) ; 1/3 Else If (CompKey = "Num_2") CompUnicodeChar(0x2154) ; 2/3 Else send {blind}{Numpad3} If (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "Num_3" Else CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 2 send {NumpadPgDn} else if Ebene = 3 SendUnicodeChar(0x21CC) ; RIGHTWARDS HARPOON OVER LEFTWARDS HARPOON else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) SendUnicodeChar(0x2265) ; geq PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return *Numpad0:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { send {blind}{Numpad0} If (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "Num_0" Else CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 2 { send {NumpadIns} CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 3 { send `% CompKey := "" } else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) { send ‰ CompKey := "" } PriorDeadKey := "" return *NumpadDot:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { send {NumpadDot} CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 2 { send {NumpadDel} CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 3 { send . CompKey := "" } else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) { send `, CompKey := "" } PriorDeadKey := "" return /* bei NumLock aus */ *NumpadHome:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { send {NumpadHome} CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 2 { send {Numpad7} If (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "Num_7" Else CompKey := "" } else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) { SendUnicodeChar(0x226A) ; ll CompKey := "" } PriorDeadKey := "" return *NumpadUp:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { send {NumpadUp} CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 2 { If (CompKey = "Num_1") CompUnicodeChar(0x215B) ; 1/8 Else If (CompKey = "Num_3") CompUnicodeChar(0x215C) ; 3/8 Else If (CompKey = "Num_5") CompUnicodeChar(0x215D) ; 5/8 Else If (CompKey = "Num_7") CompUnicodeChar(0x215E) ; 7/8 Else send {Numpad8} If (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "Num_8" Else CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 3 { SendUnicodeChar(0x2191) ; uparrow CompKey := "" } else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) { SendUnicodeChar(0x2229) ; intersection CompKey := "" } PriorDeadKey := "" return *NumpadPgUp:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { send {NumpadPgUp} CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 2 { send {Numpad9} If (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "Num_9" Else CompKey := "" } else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) { SendUnicodeChar(0x226B) ; gg CompKey := "" } PriorDeadKey := "" return *NumpadLeft:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { send {NumpadLeft} CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 2 { If (CompKey = "Num_1") CompUnicodeChar(0x00BC) ; 1/4 Else If (CompKey = "Num_3") CompUnicodeChar(0x00BE) ; 3/4 Else send {Numpad4} If (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "Num_4" Else CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 3 { SendUnicodeChar(0x2190) ; leftarrow CompKey := "" } else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) { SendUnicodeChar(0x2282) ; subset of CompKey := "" } PriorDeadKey := "" return *NumpadClear:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { send {NumpadClear} CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 2 { If (CompKey = "Num_1") CompUnicodeChar(0x2155) ; 1/5 Else If (CompKey = "Num_2") CompUnicodeChar(0x2156) ; 2/5 Else If (CompKey = "Num_3") CompUnicodeChar(0x2157) ; 3/5 Else If (CompKey = "Num_4") CompUnicodeChar(0x2158) ; 4/5 Else send {Numpad5} If (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "Num_5" Else CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 3 { send † CompKey := "" } else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) { SendUnicodeChar(0x220A) ; small element of CompKey := "" } PriorDeadKey := "" return *NumpadRight:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { send {NumpadRight} CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 2 { If (CompKey = "Num_1") CompUnicodeChar(0x2159) ; 1/6 Else If (CompKey = "Num_5") CompUnicodeChar(0x215A) ; 5/6 Else send {Numpad6} If (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "Num_6" Else CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 3 { SendUnicodeChar(0x2192) ; rightarrow CompKey := "" } else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) { SendUnicodeChar(0x2283) ; superset of CompKey := "" } PriorDeadKey := "" return *NumpadEnd:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { send {NumpadEnd} CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 2 { send {Numpad1} If (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "Num_1" Else CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 3 { SendUnicodeChar(0x21CB) ; LEFTWARDS HARPOON OVER RIGHTWARDS HARPOON CompKey := "" } else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) { SendUnicodeChar(0x2264) ; leq CompKey := "" } PriorDeadKey := "" return *NumpadDown:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { send {NumpadDown} CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 2 { If (CompKey = "Num_1") CompUnicodeChar(0x00BD) ; 1/2 Else send {Numpad2} If (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "Num_2" Else CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 3 { SendUnicodeChar(0x2193) ; downarrow CompKey := "" } else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) { SendUnicodeChar(0x222A) ; vereinigt CompKey := "" } PriorDeadKey := "" return *NumpadPgDn:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { send {NumpadPgDn} CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 2 { If (CompKey = "Num_1") CompUnicodeChar(0x2153) ; 1/3 Else If (CompKey = "Num_2") CompUnicodeChar(0x2154) ; 2/3 Else send {Numpad3} If (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "Num_3" Else CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 3 { SendUnicodeChar(0x21CC) ; RIGHTWARDS HARPOON OVER LEFTWARDS HARPOON CompKey := "" } else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) { SendUnicodeChar(0x2265) ; geq CompKey := "" } PriorDeadKey := "" return *NumpadIns:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { send {NumpadIns} CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 2 { send {Numpad0} If (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "Num_0" Else CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 3 { send `% CompKey := "" } else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) { send ‰ CompKey := "" } PriorDeadKey := "" return *NumpadDel:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { send {NumpadDel} CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 2 { send {NumpadDot} CompKey := "" } else if Ebene = 3 { send . CompKey := "" } else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) { send `, CompKey := "" } PriorDeadKey := "" return /* ------------------------------------------------------ Sondertasten ------------------------------------------------------ */ *Space:: EbeneAktualisieren() if Ebene = 1 { If (CompKey = "r_small_1") Comp3UnicodeChar(0x2170) ; römisch i Else If (CompKey = "r_capital_1") Comp3UnicodeChar(0x2160) ; römisch I Else Send {blind}{Space} } if Ebene = 2 Send {blind}{Space} if Ebene = 3 Send {blind}{Space} if Ebene = 4 SendUnicodeChar(0x00A0) ; geschütztes Leerzeichen else if Ebene = 5 { If (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2070) Else If (PriorDeadKey = "c4") ; toter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2080) Else Send 0 } else if Ebene = 6 SendUnicodeChar(0x202F) ; schmales Leerzeichen PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return /* Folgende Tasten sind nur aufgeführt, um PriorDeadKey zu leeren. Irgendwie sieht das noch nicht schön aus. Vielleicht lässt sich dieses Problem irgendwie eleganter lösen... Nachtrag: Weil es mit Alt+Tab Probleme gab, wird hier jetzt erstmal rumgeflickschustert, bis eine allgemeinere Lösung gefunden wurde. */ *Enter:: sendinput {Blind}{Enter} PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return *Backspace:: sendinput {Blind}{Backspace} PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return /* Auf Mod3+Tab liegt Compose. AltTab funktioniert, jedoch ShiftAltTab nicht. Wenigstens kommt es jetzt nicht mehr zu komischen Ergebnissen, wenn man Tab nach einem DeadKey drückt... */ *Tab:: if ( GetKeyState("SC038","P") ) { SC038 & Tab::AltTab ; http://de.autohotkey.com/docs/Hotkeys.htm#AltTabDetail } else if GetKeyState("#","P") { PriorDeadKey := "comp" CompKey := "" } else { send {blind}{Tab} PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" } return *SC038:: ; LAlt, damit AltTab funktioniert send {blind}{LAlt} PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return *Home:: sendinput {Blind}{Home} PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return *End:: sendinput {Blind}{End} PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return *PgUp:: sendinput {Blind}{PgUp} PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return *PgDn:: sendinput {Blind}{PgDn} PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return *Up:: sendinput {Blind}{Up} PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return *Down:: sendinput {Blind}{Down} PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return *Left:: sendinput {Blind}{Left} PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return *Right:: sendinput {Blind}{Right} PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return /* ------------------------------------------------------ Funktionen ------------------------------------------------------ */ /* Ebenen laut Referenz: 1. Ebene (kein Mod) 4. Ebene (Mod4) 2. Ebene (Umschalt) 5. Ebene (Mod3+Umschalt) 3. Ebene (Mod3) 6. Ebene (Mod3+Mod4) */ EbeneAktualisieren() { global If ( IsShiftPressed() ) { ; Umschalt If ( IsMod3Pressed() ) { ; Umschalt UND Mod3 If ( IsMod4Pressed() ) { ; Umschald UND Mod3 UND Mod4 Ebene = 6 } Else { ; Umschald UND Mod3 NICHT Mod4 Ebene = 5 } } Else { ; Umschalt NICHT Mod3 If ( IsMod4Pressed() ) { ; Umschald UND Mod4 NICHT Mod3 Ebene = 2 } Else { ; Umschald NICHT Mod3 NICHT Mod4 Ebene = 2 } } } Else { ; NICHT Umschalt If ( IsMod3Pressed() ) { ; Mod3 NICHT Umschalt If ( IsMod4Pressed() ) { ; Mod3 UND Mod4 NICHT Umschalt Ebene = 6 } Else { ; Mod3 NICHT Mod4 NICHT Umschalt Ebene = 3 } } Else { ; NICHT Umschalt NICHT Mod3 If ( IsMod4Pressed() ) { ; Mod4 NICHT Umschalt NICHT Mod3 Ebene = 4 } Else { ; NICHT Umschalt NICHT Mod3 NICHT Mod4 Ebene = 1 } } } } IsShiftPressed() { return GetKeyState("Shift","P") } IsMod3Pressed() { return ( GetKeyState("CapsLock","P") or GetKeyState("#","P") ) } IsMod4Pressed() { return ( GetKeyState("<","P") or GetKeyState("SC138","P") ) } /************************* Alte Methoden *************************/ /* Unicode(code) { saved_clipboard := ClipboardAll Transform, Clipboard, Unicode, %code% sendplay ^v Clipboard := saved_clipboard } BSUnicode(code) { saved_clipboard := ClipboardAll Transform, Clipboard, Unicode, %code% sendplay {bs}^v Clipboard := saved_clipboard } */ IsModifierPressed() { if (GetKeyState("LControl","P") or GetKeyState("RControl","P") or GetKeyState("LAlt","P") or GetKeyState("RAltl","P") or GetKeyState("LWin","P") or GetKeyState("RWin","P") or GetKeyState("LShift","P") or GetKeyState("RShift","P") or GetKeyState("AltGr","P") ) { return 1 } else { return 0 } } SendUnicodeChar(charCode) { VarSetCapacity(ki, 28 * 2, 0) EncodeInteger(&ki + 0, 1) EncodeInteger(&ki + 6, charCode) EncodeInteger(&ki + 8, 4) EncodeInteger(&ki +28, 1) EncodeInteger(&ki +34, charCode) EncodeInteger(&ki +36, 4|2) DllCall("SendInput", "UInt", 2, "UInt", &ki, "Int", 28) } BSSendUnicodeChar(charCode) { send {bs} SendUnicodeChar(charCode) } CompUnicodeChar(charCode) { send {bs} SendUnicodeChar(charCode) } Comp3UnicodeChar(charCode) { send {bs} send {bs} SendUnicodeChar(charCode) } EncodeInteger(ref, val) { DllCall("ntdll\RtlFillMemoryUlong", "Uint", ref, "Uint", 4, "Uint", val) } /* ------------------------------------------------------ Shift+Pause "pausiert" das Script. ------------------------------------------------------ */ +pause:: Suspend, Permit goto togglesuspend return ; ------------------------------------ togglesuspend: if A_IsSuspended { menu, tray, rename, %enable%, %disable% menu, tray, tip, %name% suspend , off ; Schaltet Suspend aus -> NEO } else { menu, tray, rename, %disable%, %enable% menu, tray, tip, %name% : Deaktiviert suspend , on ; Schaltet Suspend ein -> QWERTZ } return help: Run, %A_WinDir%\hh mk:@MSITStore:autohotkey.chm return about: msgbox, 64, %name% – Ergonomische Tastaturbelegung, ( %name% `nDas Neo-Layout ersetzt das übliche deutsche Tastaturlayout mit der Alternative Neo, beschrieben auf http://neo-layout.org/. `nDazu sind keine Administratorrechte nötig. `nWenn Autohotkey aktiviert ist, werden alle Tastendrucke abgefangen und statt dessen eine Übersetzung weitergeschickt. `nDies geschieht transparent für den Anwender, es muss nichts installiert werden. `nDie Zeichenübersetzung kann leicht über das Icon im Systemtray deaktiviert werden. `n ) return neo: run http://neo-layout.org/ return autohotkey: run http://autohotkey.com/ return open: ListLines ; shows the Autohotkey window return edit: edit return reload: Reload return hide: menu, tray, noicon return exitprogram: exitapp return