/* Die eigentliche NEO-Belegung und der Hauptteil des AHK-Treibers. Ablauf bei toten Tasten: 1. Ebene Aktualisieren 2. Abhängig von der Variablen "Ebene" Zeichen ausgeben und die Variable "PriorDeadKey" setzen Ablauf bei "untoten" Tasten: 1. Ebene Aktualisieren 2. Abhängig von den Variablen "Ebene" und "PriorDeadKey" Zeichen ausgeben 3. "PriorDeadKey" mit leerem String überschreiben ------------------------------------------------------ Reihe 1 ------------------------------------------------------ */ neo_tot1: EbeneAktualisieren() if (Ebene = 1) { deadUni(0x02C6) ; circumflex, tot DeadKey := "c1" } else if (Ebene = 2) { deadUni(0x02C7) ; caron, tot DeadKey := "c2" } else if (Ebene = 3) { deadUni(0x02D8) ; brevis DeadKey := "c3" } else if (Ebene = 4) { deadUni(0x00B7) ; Mittenpunkt, tot DeadKey := "c4" } else if (Ebene = 5) { deadAsc("-") ; querstrich, tot DeadKey := "c5" } else if (Ebene = 6) { deadAsc(".") ; punkt darunter (colon) DeadKey := "c6" } CompKey := PriorCompKey return neo_1: EbeneAktualisieren() if (Ebene = 1) { if !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x00B9) or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2081) or CheckComp3Uni("r_1",0x217A) ; römisch xi or CheckComp3Uni("R_1",0x216A)) ; römisch XI if (GetKeyState("CapsLock","T")) send {blind}{Shift down}1{Shift up} else if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_ZahlenReihe) send {blind}1 if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "1" else if (PriorCompKey == "r") CompKey := "r_1" else if (PriorCompKey == "R") CompKey := "R_1" } else if (Ebene = 2) send ° else if (Ebene = 3) SendUnicodeChar(0x00B9) ; 2 Hochgestellte else if (Ebene = 4) SendUnicodeChar(0x2022) ; bullet else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x2640) ; Piktogramm weiblich else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x00AC) ; Nicht-Symbol return neo_2: EbeneAktualisieren() if (Ebene = 1) { if !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x00B2) or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2082) or CheckCompUni("r",0x2171) ; römisch ii or CheckCompUni("R",0x2161) ; römisch II or CheckComp3Uni("r_1",0x217B) ; römisch xii or CheckComp3Uni("R_1",0x216B)) ; römisch XII if (GetKeyState("CapsLock","T")) send {blind}{Shift down}2{Shift up} else if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_ZahlenReihe) send {blind}2 if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "2" } else if (Ebene = 2) SendUnicodeChar(0x2116) ; numero else if (Ebene = 3) SendUnicodeChar(0x00B2) ; 2 Hochgestellte else if (Ebene = 4) SendUnicodeChar(0x2023) ; aufzaehlungspfeil else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x26A5) ; Piktogramm Zwitter else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2228) ; Logisches Oder return neo_3: EbeneAktualisieren() if (Ebene = 1) { if !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x00B3) or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2083) or CheckCompUni("1",0x2153) ; 1/3 or CheckCompUni("2",0x2154) ; 2/3 or CheckCompUni("r",0x2172) ; römisch iii or CheckCompUni("R",0x2162)) ; römisch III if (GetKeyState("CapsLock","T")) send {blind}{Shift down}3{Shift up} else if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_ZahlenReihe) send {blind}3 if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "3" } else if (Ebene = 2) send § else if (Ebene = 3) SendUnicodeChar(0x00B3) ; 3 Hochgestellte else if (Ebene = 4) { CompKey := PriorCompKey DeadKey := PriorDeadKey } ; leer else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x2642) ; Piktogramm Mann else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2227) ; Logisches Und return neo_4: EbeneAktualisieren() if (Ebene = 1) { if !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x2074) or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2084) or CheckCompUni("r",0x2173) ; römisch iv or CheckCompUni("R",0x2163)) ; römisch IV if (GetKeyState("CapsLock","T")) send {blind}{Shift down}4{Shift up} else if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_ZahlenReihe) send {blind}4 if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "4" } else if (Ebene = 2) SendUnicodeChar(0x00BB) ; », Double guillemot right else if (Ebene = 3) Send {blind}› ; Single guillemot right else if (Ebene = 4) Send {blind}{PgUp} ; Prev else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x2113) ; Script small L else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x22A5) ; Senkrecht return neo_5: EbeneAktualisieren() if (Ebene = 1) { if !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x2075) or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2085) or CheckCompUni("1",0x2155) ; 1/5 or CheckCompUni("2",0x2156) ; 2/5 or CheckCompUni("3",0x2157) ; 3/5 or CheckCompUni("4",0x2158) ; 4/5 or CheckCompUni("r",0x2174) ; römisch v or CheckCompUni("R",0x2164)) ; römisch V if (GetKeyState("CapsLock","T")) send {blind}{Shift down}5{Shift up} else if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_ZahlenReihe) send {blind}5 if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "5" } else if (Ebene = 2) SendUnicodeChar(0x00AB) ; «, Double guillemot left else if (Ebene = 3) Send {blind}‹ ; Single guillemot left else if (Ebene = 4) { CompKey := PriorCompKey DeadKey := PriorDeadKey } ; leer else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x2020) ; Kreuz (Dagger) else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2221) ; Winkel return neo_6: EbeneAktualisieren() if (Ebene = 1) { if !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x2076) or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2086) or CheckCompUni("1",0x2159) ; 1/6 or CheckCompUni("5",0x215A) ; 5/6 or CheckCompUni("r",0x2175) ; römisch vi or CheckCompUni("R",0x2165)) ; römisch VI if (GetKeyState("CapsLock","T")) send {blind}{Shift down}6{Shift up} else if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_ZahlenReihe) send {blind}6 if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "6" } else if (Ebene = 2) send € else if (Ebene = 3) send {blind}¢ else if (Ebene = 4) send {blind}£ else if (Ebene = 5) { CompKey := PriorCompKey DeadKey := PriorDeadKey } ; leer else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2225) ; parallel return neo_7: EbeneAktualisieren() if (Ebene = 1) { if !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x2077) or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2087) or CheckCompUni("r",0x2176) ; römisch vii or CheckCompUni("R",0x2166)) ; römisch VII if (GetKeyState("CapsLock","T")) send {blind}{Shift down}7{Shift up} else if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_ZahlenReihe) send {blind}7 if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "7" } else if (Ebene = 2) send $ else if (Ebene = 3) send {blind}¥ else if (Ebene = 4) send {blind}¤ else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03BA) ; greek small letter kappa else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2209) ; nicht Element von return neo_8: EbeneAktualisieren() if (Ebene = 1) { if !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x2078) or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2088) or CheckCompUni("1",0x215B) ; 1/8 or CheckCompUni("3",0x215C) ; 3/8 or CheckCompUni("5",0x215D) ; 5/8 or CheckCompUni("7",0x215E) ; 7/8 or CheckCompUni("r",0x2177) ; römisch viii or CheckCompUni("R",0x2167)) ; römisch VIII if (GetKeyState("CapsLock","T")) send {blind}{Shift down}8{Shift up} else if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_ZahlenReihe) send {blind}8 if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "8" } else if (Ebene = 2) send „ else if (Ebene = 3) send {blind}‚ else if (Ebene = 4) Send {blind}{NumpadDiv} else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x27E8) ;bra (öffnende spitze klammer) else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2204) ; es existiert nicht return neo_9: EbeneAktualisieren() if (Ebene = 1) { if !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x2079) or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2089) or CheckCompUni("r",0x2178) ; römisch ix or CheckCompUni("R",0x2168)) ; römisch IX if (GetKeyState("CapsLock","T")) send {blind}{Shift down}9{Shift up} else if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_ZahlenReihe) send {blind}9 if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "9" } else if (Ebene = 2) send “ else if (Ebene = 3) send {blind}‘ else if (Ebene = 4) Send {blind}{NumpadMult} else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x27E9) ;ket (schließende spitze klammer) else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2226) ; nicht parallel return neo_0: EbeneAktualisieren() if (Ebene = 1) { if !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x2070) or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2080) or CheckComp3Uni("r_1",0x2179) ; römisch x or CheckComp3Uni("R_1",0x2169)) ; römisch X if (GetKeyState("CapsLock","T")) send {blind}{Shift down}0{Shift up} else if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_ZahlenReihe) send {blind}0 if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "0" } else if (Ebene = 2) send ” else if (Ebene = 3) send {blind}’ else if (Ebene = 4) Send {blind}{NumpadSub} else if (Ebene = 5) { CompKey := PriorCompKey DeadKey := PriorDeadKey } ; leer else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2205) ; leere Menge return neo_strich: EbeneAktualisieren() if (Ebene = 1) if (GetKeyState("CapsLock","T")) send {blind}{Shift down}-{Shift up} else send {blind}- ; Bindestrich-Minus else if (Ebene = 2) SendUnicodeChar(0x2013) ; Gedankenstrich else if (Ebene = 3) SendUnicodeChar(0x2014) ; Englischer Gedankenstrich (Geviertstrich) else if (Ebene = 4) { CompKey := PriorCompKey DeadKey := PriorDeadKey } ; leer else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x2011) ; geschützter Bindestrich (Bindestrich ohne Zeilenumbruch) else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x00AD) ; weicher Bindestrich return neo_tot2: EbeneAktualisieren() if (Ebene = 1) { deadAsc("{´}{space}") ; akut, tot DeadKey := "a1" } else if (Ebene = 2) { deadAsc("``{space}") DeadKey := "a2" } else if (Ebene = 3) { deadAsc("¸") ; cedilla DeadKey := "a3" } else if (Ebene = 4) { deadUni(0x02D9) ; punkt oben drüber DeadKey := "a4" } else if (Ebene = 5) { deadUni(0x02DB) ; ogonek DeadKey := "a5" } else if (Ebene = 6) { deadUni(0x02DA) ; ring obendrauf DeadKey := "a6" } CompKey := PriorCompKey return /* ------------------------------------------------------ Reihe 2 ------------------------------------------------------ */ neo_x: EbeneAktualisieren() if (Ebene12) OutputChar("x","X") else if (Ebene = 3) SendUnicodeChar(0x2026) ;Ellipse else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03BE) ;xi else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x039E) ; Xi return neo_v: EbeneAktualisieren() if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("c6",0x1E7F,0x1E7E))) OutputChar("v","V") else if (Ebene = 3) send {blind}_ else if (Ebene = 4) if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_neo_Backspace) Send {blind}{Backspace} else { CompKey := PriorCompKey DeadKey := PriorDeadKey } ; leer else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2259) ; estimates return neo_l: EbeneAktualisieren() if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a1",0x013A,0x0139) or CheckDeadUni12("a3",0x013C,0x013B) or CheckDeadUni12("c2",0x013E,0x013D) or CheckDeadUni12("c4",0x0140,0x013F) or CheckDeadUni12("c6",0x1E37,0x1E36) or CheckDeadUni12("t4",0x0142,0x0141))) OutputChar("l","L") else if (Ebene = 3) send {blind}[ else if (Ebene = 4) Send {Blind}{Up} else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03BB) ; lambda else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x039B) ; Lambda return neo_c: EbeneAktualisieren() if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a1",0x0107,0x0106) or CheckDeadUni12("a3",0x00E7,0x00E6) or CheckDeadUni12("a4",0x010B,0x010A) or CheckDeadUni12("c1",0x0109,0x0108) or CheckDeadUni12("c2",0x010D,0x010C) or CheckCompAsc12("o","©","©") or CheckCompAsc12("O","©","©"))) OutputChar("c","C") else if (Ebene = 3) send {blind}] else if (Ebene = 4) if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_neo_Entf) Send {blind}{Del} else { CompKey := PriorCompKey DeadKey := PriorDeadKey } ; leer else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03C7) ;chi else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2102) ; C (Komplexe Zahlen) return neo_w: EbeneAktualisieren() if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("c1",0x0175,0x0174))) OutputChar("w","W") else if (Ebene = 3) SendUnicodeChar(0x005E) ; untotes ^ - Unicode-Name: CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT ;send {^}{space} ; Funktioniert nicht unter Java-Programmen else if (Ebene = 4) Send {blind}{Insert} else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03C9) ; omega else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x03A9) ; Omega return neo_k: EbeneAktualisieren() if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a3",0x0137,0x0136) or CheckDeadUni12("c6",0x1E33,0x1E32))) OutputChar("k","K") else if (Ebene = 3) send {blind}{!} else if (Ebene = 4) Send ¡ else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03F0) ;kappa symbol (varkappa) else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x221A) ; Wurzel return neo_h: EbeneAktualisieren() if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a4",0x1E23,0x1E22) or CheckDeadUni12("c1",0x0125,0x0124) or CheckDeadUni12("c5",0x0127,0x0126) or CheckDeadUni12("c6",0x1E25,0x1E24))) OutputChar("h","H") else if ((Ebene = 3) and !(CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2264))) ; kleiner gleich send {blind}< else if ((Ebene = 4) and !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x2077) or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2087))) Send {blind}{NumPad7} else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03C8) ;psi else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x03A8) ; Psi return neo_g: EbeneAktualisieren() if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a3",0x0123,0x0122) or CheckDeadUni12("a4",0x0121,0x0120) or CheckDeadUni12("c1",0x011D,0x011C) or CheckDeadUni12("c3",0x011F,0x011E))) OutputChar("g","G") else if ((Ebene = 3) and !(CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2265))) ; größer gleich send {blind}> else if ((Ebene = 4) and !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x2078) or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2088))) Send {blind}{NumPad8} else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03B3) ;gamma else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x0393) ; Gamma return neo_f: EbeneAktualisieren() if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a4",0x1E1F,0x1E1E) or CheckDeadUni12("t4",0x0192,0x0191))) OutputChar("f","F") else if ((Ebene = 3) and !(CheckDeadUni("a6",0x2257) ; ring equal to or CheckDeadUni("c1",0x2259) ; entspricht or CheckDeadUni("c2",0x225A) ; EQUIANGULAR TO or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2261) ; identisch or CheckDeadUni("t1",0x2245) ; ungefähr gleich or CheckDeadUni("t4",0x2260))) ; ungleich send {blind}`= else if ((Ebene = 4) and !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x2079) or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2089))) Send {blind}{NumPad9} else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03C6) ; phi else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x03A6) ; Phi return neo_q: EbeneAktualisieren() if (Ebene12) OutputChar("q","Q") else if (Ebene = 3) send {blind}{&} else if ((Ebene = 4) and !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x207A) or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x208A))) Send {blind}{NumPadAdd} else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03D5) ; phi symbol (varphi) else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x211A) ; Q (rationale Zahlen) return neo_sz: EbeneAktualisieren() if (Ebene = 1) if (GetKeyState("CapsLock","T")) SendUnicodeChar(0x1E9E) ; verssal-ß else if (LangSTastatur = 1) send {blind}s else send ß else if (Ebene = 2) if (GetKeyState("CapsLock","T")) if (LangSTastatur = 1) send {blind}s else send ß else SendUnicodeChar(0x1E9E) ; versal-ß else if (Ebene = 3) if (LangSTastatur = 1) send ß else SendUnicodeChar(0x017F) ; langes s else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03C2) ; varsigma else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2218) ; Verknüpfungsoperator return neo_tot3: EbeneAktualisieren() if (Ebene = 1) { deadUni(0x02DC) ; tilde, tot DeadKey := "t1" } else if (Ebene = 2) { deadUni(0x00AF) ; macron, tot DeadKey := "t2" } else if (Ebene = 3) { deadUni(0x00A8) ; diaerese DeadKey := "t3" } else if (Ebene = 4) { deadUni(0x002F) ; Schrägstrich, tot DeadKey := "t4" } else if (Ebene = 5) { deadUni(0x02DD) ;doppelakut DeadKey := "t5" } else if (Ebene = 6) { deadUni(0x02CF) ; komma drunter, tot DeadKey := "t6" } return /* ------------------------------------------------------ Reihe 3 ------------------------------------------------------ */ neo_u: EbeneAktualisieren() if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a1",0x00FA,0x00DA) or CheckDeadUni12("a2",0x00F9,0x00D9) or CheckDeadUni12("a5",0x0173,0x0172) or CheckDeadUni12("a6",0x016F,0x016E) or CheckDeadUni12("c1",0x00FB,0x00DB) or CheckDeadUni12("c2",0x01D4,0x01D3) or CheckDeadUni12("c3",0x016D,0x016C) or CheckDeadUni12("t1",0x0169,0x0168) or CheckDeadUni12("t2",0x016B,0x016A) or CheckDeadAsc12("t3","ü","Ü") or CheckDeadUni12("t5",0x0171,0x0170))) OutputChar("u","U") else if (Ebene = 3) send {blind}\ else if (Ebene = 4) Send {blind}{Home} else if (Ebene = 5) { CompKey := PriorCompKey DeadKey := PriorDeadKey } ; leer else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x222E) ; contour integral return neo_i: EbeneAktualisieren() if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a1",0x00ED,0x00CD) or CheckDeadUni12("a2",0x00EC,0x00CC) or CheckDeadUni12("a4",0x012F,0x012E) or CheckDeadUni12("a5",0x0131,0x0130) or CheckDeadUni12("c1",0x00EE,0x00CE) or CheckDeadUni12("c2",0x01D0,0x01CF) or CheckDeadUni12("c3",0x012D,0x012C) or CheckDeadUni12("t1",0x0129,0x0128) or CheckDeadUni12("t2",0x012B,0x012A) or CheckDeadAsc12("t3","ï","Ï"))) OutputChar("i","I") else if (Ebene = 3) send {blind}`/ else if (Ebene = 4) Send {Blind}{Left} else if (Ebene = 5 ) SendUnicodeChar(0x03B9) ; iota else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x222B) ; integral return neo_a: EbeneAktualisieren() if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a1",0x00E1,0x00C1) or CheckDeadUni12("a2",0x00E0,0x00C0) or CheckDeadUni12("a5",0x0105,0x0104) or CheckDeadAsc12("a6","å","Å") or CheckDeadUni12("c1",0x00E2,0x00C2) or CheckDeadUni12("c2",0x01CE,0x01CD) or CheckDeadUni12("c3",0x0103,0x0102) or CheckDeadUni12("t1",0x00E3,0x00C3) or CheckDeadUni12("t2",0x0101,0x0100) or CheckDeadAsc12("t3","ä","Ä"))) OutputChar("a","A") else if (Ebene = 3) send {blind}{{} ; } else if (Ebene = 4) Send {Blind}{Down} else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03B1) ;alpha else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2200) ;fuer alle return neo_e: EbeneAktualisieren() if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a1",0x00E9,0x00C9) or CheckDeadUni12("a2",0x00E8,0x00C8) or CheckDeadUni12("a4",0x0117,0x0116) or CheckDeadUni12("a5",0x0119,0x0118) or CheckDeadUni12("c1",0x00EA,0x00CA) or CheckDeadUni12("c2",0x011B,0x011A) or CheckDeadUni12("c3",0x0115,0x0114) or CheckDeadUni12("t2",0x0113,0x0112) or CheckDeadAsc12("t3","ë","Ë") or CheckCompAsc12("a","æ","Æ") or CheckCompAsc12("A","Æ","Æ") or CheckCompAsc12("o","œ","Œ") or CheckCompAsc12("O","Œ","Œ"))) OutputChar("e","E") else if (Ebene = 3) ; { send {blind}{}} else if (Ebene = 4) Send {Blind}{Right} else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03B5) ;epsilon else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2203) ;es existiert return neo_o: EbeneAktualisieren() if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a1",0x00F3,0x00D3) or CheckDeadUni12("a2",0x00F2,0x00D2) or CheckDeadUni12("a5",0x01EB,0x01EA) or CheckDeadUni12("c1",0x00F4,0x00D4) or CheckDeadUni12("c2",0x01D2,0x01D1) or CheckDeadUni12("c3",0x014F,0x014E) or CheckDeadUni12("t1",0x00F5,0x00D5) or CheckDeadUni12("t2",0x014D,0x014C) or CheckDeadAsc12("t3","ö","Ö") or CheckDeadUni12("t4",0x00F8,0x00D8) or CheckDeadUni12("t5",0x0151,0x0150))) OutputChar("o","O") else if (Ebene = 3) send {blind}* else if (Ebene = 4) Send {blind}{End} else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03BF) ; omicron else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2208) ; element of return neo_s: EbeneAktualisieren() if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a1",0x015B,0x015A) or CheckDeadUni12("a3",0x015F,0x015E) or CheckDeadUni12("a4",0x1E61,0x1E60) or CheckDeadUni12("c1",0x015D,0x015C) or CheckDeadUni12("c2",0x0161,0x0160) or CheckDeadUni12("c6",0x1E63,0x1A62))) if (LangSTastatur = 1) if (GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") xor (Ebene = 1)) SendUnicodeChar(0x017F) ; langes s else OutputChar("s","S") else OutputChar("s","S") else if (Ebene = 3) send {blind}? else if (Ebene = 4) Send ¿ else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03C3) ;sigma else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x03A3) ; Sigma return neo_n: EbeneAktualisieren() if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a1",0x0144,0x0143) or CheckDeadUni12("a3",0x0146,0x0145) or CheckDeadUni12("a4",0x1E45,0x1E44) or CheckDeadUni12("c2",0x0148,0x0147) or CheckDeadUni12("t1",0x00F1,0x00D1))) OutputChar("n","N") else if (Ebene = 3) send {blind}( ; ) else if ((Ebene = 4) and !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x2074) or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2084))) Send {blind}{NumPad4} else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03BD) ; nu else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2115) ; N (natürliche Zahlen) return neo_r: EbeneAktualisieren() if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a1",0x0155,0x0154) or CheckDeadUni12("a3",0x0157,0x0156) or CheckDeadUni12("a4",0x0E59,0x0E58) or CheckDeadUni12("c2",0x0159,0x0158) or CheckDeadUni12("c6",0x1E5B,0x1E5A) or CheckCompAsc12("o","®","®") or CheckCompAsc12("O","®","®"))) OutputChar("r","R") else if (Ebene = 3) ;( send {blind}) else if ((Ebene = 4) and !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x2075) or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2085))) Send {blind}{NumPad5} else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03F1) ; rho symbol (varrho) else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x211D) ; R (reelle Zahlen) return neo_t: EbeneAktualisieren() if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a3",0x0163,0x0162) or CheckDeadUni12("a4",0x1E6B,0x1E6A) or CheckDeadUni12("c2",0x0165,0x0164) or CheckDeadUni12("c5",0x0167,0x0166) or CheckDeadUni12("c6",0x1E6D,0x1E6C))) OutputChar("t","T") else if (Ebene = 3) send {blind}- ; Bis else if ((Ebene = 4) and !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x2076) or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2086))) Send {blind}{NumPad6} else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03C4) ; tau else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2202 ) ; partielle Ableitung return neo_d: EbeneAktualisieren() if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a4",0x1E0B,0x1E0A) or CheckDeadUni12("c2",0x010F,0x010E) or CheckDeadUni12("c5",0x0111,0x0110) or CheckDeadUni12("c6",0x1E0D,0x1E0C) or CheckDeadUni12("t4",0x00F0,0x00D0))) OutputChar("d","D") else if (Ebene = 3) send {blind}: else if (Ebene = 4) Send {blind}{NumPadKomma} else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03B4) ;delta else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x0394) ; Delta return neo_y: EbeneAktualisieren() if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a1",0x00FD,0x00DD) or CheckDeadUni12("c1",0x0177,0x0176) or CheckDeadAsc12("t3","ÿ",Ÿ))) OutputChar("y","Y") else if (Ebene = 3) send {blind}@ else if (Ebene = 4) Send {blind}. else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03C5) ; upsilon else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2207) ; nabla return /* ------------------------------------------------------ Reihe 4 ------------------------------------------------------ */ neo_ü: EbeneAktualisieren() if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a1",0x01D8,0x01D7) or CheckDeadUni12("a2",0x01DC,0x01DB) or CheckDeadUni12("c2",0x01DA,0x01D9) or CheckDeadUni12("t2",0x01D6,0x01D5))) OutputChar("ü","Ü") else if (Ebene = 3) send {blind}{#} else if (Ebene = 4) Send {blind}{Esc} else if (Ebene = 5) { DeadKey := PriorDeadKey CompKey := PriorCompKey } ; leer else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x221D) ; proportional return neo_ö: EbeneAktualisieren() if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("t2",0x022B,0x022A))) OutputChar("ö","Ö") else if (Ebene = 3) send {blind}$ else if (Ebene = 4) send {blind}{Tab} else if (Ebene = 5) { DeadKey := PriorDeadKey CompKey := PriorCompKey } ; leer else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2111) ; Fraktur I return neo_ä: EbeneAktualisieren() if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("t2",0x01DF,0x01DE))) OutputChar("ä","Ä") else if (Ebene = 3) send {blind}| else if (Ebene = 4) Send {blind}{PgDn} ; Next else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03B7) ; eta else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x211C) ; altes R return neo_p: EbeneAktualisieren() if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a4",0x1E57,0x1E56))) OutputChar("p","P") else if ((Ebene = 3) and !(CheckDeadUni("t1",0x2248))) send {blind}~ else if (Ebene = 4) Send {blind}{Enter} else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03C0) ;pi else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x03A0) ; Pi return neo_z: EbeneAktualisieren() if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a1",0x017A,0x0179) or CheckDeadUni12("a4",0x017C,0x017B) or CheckDeadUni12("c2",0x017E,0x017D) or CheckDeadUni12("c6",0x1E93,0x1E92))) OutputChar("z","Z") else if (Ebene = 3) send ``{space} ; untot else if (Ebene = 4) { DeadKey := PriorDeadKey CompKey := PriorCompKey } ; leer else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03B6) ;zeta else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2124) ; Z (ganze Zahlen) return neo_b: EbeneAktualisieren() if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a4",0x1E03,0x1E02))) OutputChar("b","B") else if (Ebene = 3) send {blind}{+} else if (Ebene = 4) send {blind}: else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03B2) ; beta else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x21D2) ; Doppel-Pfeil rechts return neo_m: EbeneAktualisieren() if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a4",0x1E41,0x1E40) or CheckDeadUni12("c6",0x1E43,0x1E42) or CheckCompUni12("t",0x2122,0x2122) ; TM or CheckCompUni12("T",0x2122,0x2122) ; TM or CheckCompUni12("s",0x2120,0x2120) ; SM or CheckCompUni12("S",0x2120,0x2120))) ; SM OutputChar("m","M") else if (Ebene = 3) send {blind}`% else if ((Ebene = 4) and !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x00B9) or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2081))) Send {blind}{NumPad1} else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03BC) ; griechisch mu, micro wäre 0x00B5 else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x21D4) ; doppelter Doppelpfeil (genau dann wenn) return neo_komma: EbeneAktualisieren() if (Ebene = 1) if (GetKeyState("CapsLock","T")) send {blind}{Shift down},{Shift up} else send {blind}, else if (Ebene = 2) SendUnicodeChar(0x22EE) ; vertikale ellipse else if (Ebene = 3) send {blind}" else if ((Ebene = 4) and !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x00B2) or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2082))) Send {blind}{NumPad2} else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03C1) ; rho else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x21D0) ; Doppelpfeil links return neo_punkt: EbeneAktualisieren() if (Ebene = 1) if (GetKeyState("CapsLock","T")) send {blind}{Shift down}.{Shift up} else send {blind}. else if (Ebene = 2) SendUnicodeChar(0x2026) ; ellipse else if (Ebene = 3) send {blind}' else if ((Ebene = 4) and !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x00B3) or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2083))) Send {blind}{NumPad3} else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03D1) ; theta symbol (vartheta) else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x0398) ; Theta return neo_j: EbeneAktualisieren() if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("c1",0x0135,0x0134) or CheckDeadUni12("c2",0x01F0,"") or CheckCompUni12("i",0x0133,"") ; ij or CheckCompUni12("I","",0x0132) ; IJ or CheckCompUni12("l",0x01C9,"") ; lj or CheckCompUni12("L",0x01C8,0x01C7) ; Lj/LJ or CheckCompUni12("n",0x01CC,"") ; nj or CheckCompUni12("N",0x01CB,0x01CA))) ; Nj/NJ OutputChar("j","J") else if (Ebene = 3) send {blind}`; else if (Ebene = 4) Send {blind}`; else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03B8) ; theta else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2261) ; identisch return /* ------------------------------------------------------ Numpad ------------------------------------------------------ folgende Tasten verhalten sich bei ein- und ausgeschaltetem NumLock gleich: */ neo_NumpadDiv: EbeneAktualisieren() if ((Ebene = 1) or (Ebene = 2)) send {blind}{NumpadDiv} else if (Ebene = 3) send {blind}÷ else if ((Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5)) SendUnicodeChar(0x2215) ; slash return neo_NumpadMult: EbeneAktualisieren() if ((Ebene = 1) or (Ebene = 2)) send {blind}{NumpadMult} else if (Ebene = 3) send {blind}× else if ((Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5)) SendUnicodeChar(0x22C5) ; cdot return neo_NumpadSub: EbeneAktualisieren() if (((Ebene = 1) or (Ebene = 2)) and !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x207B) or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x208B))) send {blind}{NumpadSub} else if (Ebene = 3) SendUnicodeChar(0x2212) ; echtes minus return neo_NumpadAdd: EbeneAktualisieren() if (((Ebene = 1) or (Ebene = 2)) and !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x207A) or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x208A))) send {blind}{NumpadAdd} else if (Ebene = 3) send {blind}± else if ((Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5)) SendUnicodeChar(0x2213) ; -+ return neo_NumpadEnter: EbeneAktualisieren() if ((Ebene = 1) or (Ebene = 2)) send {blind}{NumpadEnter} else if (Ebene = 3) SendUnicodeChar(0x2260) ; neq else if ((Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5)) SendUnicodeChar(0x2248) ; approx return /* folgende Tasten verhalten sich bei ein- und ausgeschaltetem NumLock unterschiedlich */ neo_Numpad7: EbeneAktualisieren() if ((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 0)) send {blind}{NumpadHome} else if ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 1)) send {blind}{Shift up}{NumpadHome}{Shift down} else if (((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 1)) or ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 0))) { if (Ebene = 1) send {blind}{Numpad7} else send {blind){Shift up}{Numpad7}{Shift down} if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "Num_7" } else if (Ebene = 3) SendUnicodeChar(0x2195) ; Hoch-Runter-Pfeil else if ((Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5)) SendUnicodeChar(0x226A) ; ll return neo_Numpad8: EbeneAktualisieren() if ((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 0)) send {blind}{NumpadUp} else if ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 1)) send {blind}{Shift up}{NumpadUp}{Shift down} else if (((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 1)) or ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 0))) { if !(CheckCompUni("Num_1",0x215B) ; 1/8 or CheckCompUni("1",0x215B) ; 1/8 or CheckCompUni("Num_3",0x215C) ; 3/8 or CheckCompUni("3",0x215C) ; 3/8 or CheckCompUni("Num_5",0x215D) ; 3/8 or CheckCompUni("5",0x215D) ; 5/8 or CheckCompUni("Num_7",0x215E) ; 7/8 or CheckCompUni("7",0x215E)) ; 7/8 if (Ebene = 1) send {blind}{Numpad8} else send {blind){Shift up}{Numpad8}{Shift down} if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "Num_8" } else if (Ebene = 3) SendUnicodeChar(0x2191) ; uparrow else if ((Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5)) SendUnicodeChar(0x2229) ; intersection return neo_Numpad9: EbeneAktualisieren() if ((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 0)) send {blind}{NumpadPgUp} else if ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 1)) send {blind}{Shift up}{NumpadPgUp}{Shift down} else if (((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 1)) or ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 0))) { if (Ebene = 1) send {blind}{Numpad9} else send {blind){Shift up}{Numpad9}{Shift down} if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "Num_9" } else if (Ebene = 3) SendUnicodeChar(0x2297) ; Tensorprodukt ; Vektor in die Ebene zeigend else if ((Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5)) SendUnicodeChar(0x226B) ; gg return neo_Numpad4: EbeneAktualisieren() if ((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 0)) send {blind}{NumpadLeft} else if ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 1)) send {blind}{Shift up}{NumpadLeft}{Shift down} else if (((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 1)) or ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 0))) { if !(CheckCompUni("Num_1",0x00BC) ; 1/4 or CheckCompUni("1",0x00BE) ; 1/4 or CheckCompUni("Num_3",0x00BE) ; 3/4 or CheckCompUni("3",0x00BE)) ; 3/4 if (Ebene = 1) send {blind}{Numpad4} else send {blind){Shift up}{Numpad4}{Shift down} if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "Num_4" } else if (Ebene = 3) SendUnicodeChar(0x2190) ; leftarrow else if ((Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5)) SendUnicodeChar(0x2282) ; subset of return neo_Numpad5: EbeneAktualisieren() if ((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 0)) send {blind}{NumpadClear} else if ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 1)) send {blind}{Shift up}{NumpadClear}{Shift down} else if (((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 1)) or ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 0))) { if !(CheckCompUni("Num_1",0x2155) ; 1/5 or CheckCompUni("1",0x2155) ; 1/5 or CheckCompUni("Num_2",0x2156) ; 2/5 or CheckCompUni("2",0x2156) ; 2/5 or CheckCompUni("Num_3",0x2157) ; 3/5 or CheckCompUni("3",0x2157) ; 3/5 or CheckCompUni("Num_4",0x2158) ; 4/5 or CheckCompUni("4",0x2158)) ; 4/5 if (Ebene = 1) send {blind}{Numpad5} else send {blind){Shift up}{Numpad5}{Shift down} if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "Num_5" } else if (Ebene = 3) SendUnicodeChar(0x221E) ; INFINITY else if ((Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5)) SendUnicodeChar(0x220B) ; enthält das Element return neo_Numpad6: EbeneAktualisieren() if ((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 0)) send {blind}{NumpadRight} else if ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 1)) send {blind}{Shift up}{NumpadRight}{Shift down} else if (((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 1)) or ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 0))) { if !(CheckCompUni("Num_1",0x2159) ; 1/6 or CheckCompUni("1",0x2159) ; 1/6 or CheckCompUni("Num_5",0x215A) ; 5/6 or CheckCompUni("5",0x215A)) ; 5/6 if (Ebene = 1) send {blind}{Numpad6} else send {blind){Shift up}{Numpad6}{Shift down} if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "Num_6" } else if (Ebene = 3) SendUnicodeChar(0x2192) ; rightarrow else if ((Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5)) SendUnicodeChar(0x2283) ; superset of return neo_Numpad1: EbeneAktualisieren() if ((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 0)) send {blind}{NumpadEnd} else if ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 1)) send {blind}{Shift up}{NumpadEnd}{Shift down} else if (((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 1)) or ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 0))) { if (Ebene = 1) send {blind}{Numpad1} else send {blind){Shift up}{Numpad1}{Shift down} if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "Num_1" } else if (Ebene = 3) SendUnicodeChar(0x2194) ; Links-Rechts-Pfeil else if ((Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5)) SendUnicodeChar(0x2264) ; leq return neo_Numpad2: EbeneAktualisieren() if ((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 0)) send {blind}{NumpadDown} else if ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 1)) send {blind}{Shift up}{NumpadDown}{Shift down} else if (((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 1)) or ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 0))) { if !(CheckCompUni("Num_1",0x00BD) ; 1/2 or CheckCompUni("1",0x00BD)) ; 1/2 if (Ebene = 1) send {blind}{Numpad2} else send {blind){Shift up}{Numpad2}{Shift down} if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "Num_2" } else if (Ebene = 3) SendUnicodeChar(0x2193) ; downarrow else if ((Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5)) SendUnicodeChar(0x222A) ; vereinigt return neo_Numpad3: EbeneAktualisieren() if ((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 0)) send {blind}{NumpadPgDn} else if ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 1)) send {blind}{Shift up}{NumpadPgDn}{Shift down} else if (((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 1)) or ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 0))) { if !(CheckCompUni("Num_1",0x2153) ; 1/3 or CheckCompUni("1",0x2154) ; 1/3 or CheckCompUni("Num_2",0x2154) ; 2/3 or CheckCompUni("2",0x2154)) ; 2/3 if (Ebene = 1) send {blind}{Numpad3} else send {blind){Shift up}{Numpad3}{Shift down} if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "Num_3" } else if (Ebene = 3) SendUnicodeChar(0x21CC) ; RIGHTWARDS HARPOON OVER LEFTWARDS HARPOON else if ((Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5)) SendUnicodeChar(0x2265) ; geq return neo_Numpad0: EbeneAktualisieren() if ((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 0)) send {blind}{NumpadIns} else if ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 1)) send {blind}{Shift up}{NumpadIns}{Shift down} else if (((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 1)) or ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 0))) { if (Ebene = 1) send {blind}{Numpad0} else send {blind){Shift up}{Numpad0}{Shift down} if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "Num_0" } else if (Ebene = 3) send {blind}`% else if ((Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5)) send ‰ return neo_NumpadDot: EbeneAktualisieren() if ((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 0)) send {blind}{NumpadDel} else if ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 1)) send {blind}{Shift up}{NumpadDel}{Shift down} else if (((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 1)) or ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 0))) if (Ebene = 1) send {blind}{NumpadDot} else send {blind){Shift up}{NumpadDot}{Shift down} else if (Ebene = 3) send {blind}. else if ((Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5)) send `, return /* ------------------------------------------------------ Sondertasten ------------------------------------------------------ */ *space:: if ((einHandNeo)) spacepressed := 1 else goto neo_SpaceUp return *space up:: if ((einHandNeo)) { if ((keypressed)) { keypressed := 0 spacepressed := 0 } else { goto neo_SpaceUp } } else { } ;do nothing return neo_SpaceUp: EbeneAktualisieren() if ((Ebene = 1) and !(CheckComp3Uni("r_1",0x2170) ; römisch i or CheckComp3Uni("R_1",0x2160))) ; römisch I Send {blind}{Space} else if ((Ebene = 2) or (Ebene = 3)) Send {blind}{Space} else if (Ebene = 4) if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2070) else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; toter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2080) else Send {blind}{NumPad0} else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x00A0) ; geschütztes Leerzeichen else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x202F) ; schmales Leerzeichen DeadKey := "" CompKey := "" spacepressed := 0 keypressed := 0 return /* Folgende Tasten sind nur aufgeführt, um PriorDeadKey zu leeren. Irgendwie sieht das noch nicht schön aus. Vielleicht lässt sich dieses Problem irgendwie eleganter lösen... Nachtrag: Weil es mit Alt+Tab Probleme gab, wird hier jetzt erstmal rumgeflickschustert, bis eine allgemeinere Lösung gefunden wurde. */ *Enter:: if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_Return) { send {Blind}{Enter} DeadKey := "" CompKey := "" } return *Backspace:: if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_Backspace) { send {Blind}{Backspace} DeadKey := "" CompKey := "" } return *Del:: if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_Entf) send {Blind}{Del} return *Ins:: if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_Einf) send {Blind}{Ins} return /* Auf Mod3+Tab liegt Compose. */ neo_tab: if (IsMod3Pressed()) ;# { #Include *i %a_scriptdir%\ComposeLaunch.ahk #Include *i %a_scriptdir%\Source\ComposeLaunch.ahk DeadKey := "comp" CompKey := "" } else { send {blind}{Tab} DeadKey := "" CompKey := "" } return *Home:: if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_Pos1) { send {Blind}{Home} DeadKey := "" CompKey := "" } return *End:: if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_Ende) { send {Blind}{End} DeadKey := "" CompKey := "" } return *PgUp:: if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_PgUp) { send {Blind}{PgUp} DeadKey := "" CompKey := "" } return *PgDn:: if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_PgDn) { send {Blind}{PgDn} DeadKey := "" CompKey := "" } return *Up:: if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_Hoch) { send {Blind}{Up} DeadKey := "" CompKey := "" } return *Down:: if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_Runter) { send {Blind}{Down} DeadKey := "" CompKey := "" } return *Left:: if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_Links) { send {Blind}{Left} DeadKey := "" CompKey := "" } return *Right:: if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_Rechts) { send {Blind}{Right} DeadKey := "" CompKey := "" } return