path: root/src/server/plugins-available
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/server/plugins-available')
1 files changed, 164 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/src/server/plugins-available/apache2_plugin.inc.php b/src/server/plugins-available/apache2_plugin.inc.php
index 7c1903a..75386ac 100755
--- a/src/server/plugins-available/apache2_plugin.inc.php
+++ b/src/server/plugins-available/apache2_plugin.inc.php
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ class apache2_plugin {
// private variables
var $action = '';
var $ssl_certificate_changed = false;
+ var $update_letsencrypt = false;
//* This function is called during ispconfig installation to determine
// if a symlink shall be created for this plugin.
@@ -331,6 +332,7 @@ class apache2_plugin {
$data['new'] = $tmp;
$data['old'] = $tmp;
$this->action = 'update';
+ $this->update_letsencrypt = true;
// load the server configuration options
@@ -936,19 +938,168 @@ class apache2_plugin {
// Check if a SSL cert exists
$ssl_dir = $data['new']['document_root'].'/ssl';
$domain = $data['new']['ssl_domain'];
+ if(!$domain) $domain = $data['new']['domain'];
$key_file = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'.key';
+ $key_file2 = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'.key.org';
+ $csr_file = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'.csr';
$crt_file = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'.crt';
$bundle_file = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'.bundle';
- /*
- if($domain!='' && $data['new']['ssl'] == 'y' && @is_file($crt_file) && @is_file($key_file) && (@filesize($crt_file)>0) && (@filesize($key_file)>0)) {
- $vhost_data['ssl_enabled'] = 1;
- $app->log('Enable SSL for: '.$domain,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
- } else {
- $vhost_data['ssl_enabled'] = 0;
- $app->log('SSL Disabled. '.$domain,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+ if($data['new']['ssl'] == 'y' && $data['new']['ssl_letsencrypt'] == 'y') {
+ $domain = $data['new']['domain'];
+ if(substr($domain, 0, 2) === '*.') {
+ // wildcard domain not yet supported by letsencrypt!
+ $app->log('Wildcard domains not yet supported by letsencrypt, so changing ' . $domain . ' to ' . substr($domain, 2), LOGLEVEL_WARN);
+ $domain = substr($domain, 2);
+ }
+ $data['new']['ssl_domain'] = $domain;
+ $vhost_data['ssl_domain'] = $domain;
+ $key_file = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'-le.key';
+ $key_file2 = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'-le.key.org';
+ $crt_file = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'-le.crt';
+ $bundle_file = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'-le.bundle';
+ }
+ $vhost_data['ssl_crt_file'] = $crt_file;
+ $vhost_data['ssl_key_file'] = $key_file;
+ $vhost_data['ssl_bundle_file'] = $bundle_file;
+ //* Generate Let's Encrypt SSL certificat
+ if($data['new']['ssl'] == 'y' && $data['new']['ssl_letsencrypt'] == 'y' && ( // ssl and let's encrypt is active
+ ($data['old']['ssl'] == 'n' OR $data['old']['ssl_letsencrypt'] == 'n') // we have new let's encrypt configuration
+ OR ($data['old']['domain'] != $data['new']['domain']) // we have domain update
+ OR ($data['old']['subdomain'] != $data['new']['subdomain']) // we have new or update on "auto" subdomain
+ OR ($data['new']['type'] == 'subdomain') // we have new or update on subdomain
+ OR ($data['old']['type'] == 'alias' OR $data['new']['type'] == 'alias') // we have new or update on alias domain
+ OR $this->update_letsencrypt == true
+ )) {
+ // default values
+ $temp_domains = array();
+ $lddomain = $domain;
+ $subdomains = null;
+ $aliasdomains = null;
+ $sub_prefixes = array();
+ //* be sure to have good domain
+ if(substr($domain,0,4) != 'www.' && ($data['new']['subdomain'] == "www" OR $data['new']['subdomain'] == "*")) {
+ $temp_domains[] = "www." . $domain;
+ }
+ //* then, add subdomain if we have
+ $subdomains = $app->db->queryAllRecords('SELECT domain FROM web_domain WHERE parent_domain_id = '.intval($data['new']['domain_id'])." AND active = 'y' AND type = 'subdomain'");
+ if(is_array($subdomains)) {
+ foreach($subdomains as $subdomain) {
+ $temp_domains[] = $subdomain['domain'];
+ $sub_prefixes[] = str_replace($domain, "", $subdomain['domain']);
+ }
+ }
+ //* then, add alias domain if we have
+ $aliasdomains = $app->db->queryAllRecords('SELECT domain,subdomain FROM web_domain WHERE parent_domain_id = '.intval($data['new']['domain_id'])." AND active = 'y' AND type = 'alias'");
+ if(is_array($aliasdomains)) {
+ foreach($aliasdomains as $aliasdomain) {
+ $temp_domains[] = $aliasdomain['domain'];
+ if(isset($aliasdomain['subdomain']) && ! empty($aliasdomain['subdomain'])) {
+ $temp_domains[] = $aliasdomain['subdomain'] . "." . $aliasdomain['domain'];
+ }
+ foreach($sub_prefixes as $s) {
+ $temp_domains[] = $s . $aliasdomain['domain'];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // prevent duplicate
+ $temp_domains = array_unique($temp_domains);
+ // generate cli format
+ foreach($temp_domains as $temp_domain) {
+ $lddomain .= (string) " --domain " . $temp_domain;
+ }
+ // useless data
+ unset($subdomains);
+ unset($temp_domains);
+ $crt_tmp_file = "/etc/letsencrypt/live/".$domain."/cert.pem";
+ $key_tmp_file = "/etc/letsencrypt/live/".$domain."/privkey.pem";
+ $bundle_tmp_file = "/etc/letsencrypt/live/".$domain."/chain.pem";
+ $webroot = $data['new']['document_root']."/".$web_folder;
+ //* check if we have already a Let's Encrypt cert
+ //if(!file_exists($crt_tmp_file) && !file_exists($key_tmp_file)) {
+ // we must not skip if cert exists, otherwise changed domains (alias or sub) won't make it to the cert
+ $app->log("Create Let's Encrypt SSL Cert for: $domain", LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+ $app->log("Let's Encrypt SSL Cert domains: $lddomain", LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+ $success = false;
+ $letsencrypt = explode("\n", shell_exec('which '));
+ $letsencrypt = reset($letsencrypt);
+ if(is_executable($letsencrypt)) {
+ $success = $this->_exec($letsencrypt . " --isue --domain $lddomain --webroot $webroot --log");
+ }
+ if(!$success) {
+ // error issuing cert
+ $app->log('Let\'s Encrypt SSL Cert for: ' . $domain . ' could not be issued.', LOGLEVEL_WARN);
+ $data['new']['ssl_letsencrypt'] = 'n';
+ if($data['old']['ssl'] == 'n') $data['new']['ssl'] = 'n';
+ /* Update the DB of the (local) Server */
+ $app->db->query("UPDATE web_domain SET `ssl` = '".$data['new']['ssl']."', `ssl_letsencrypt` = 'n' WHERE `domain` = '".$data['new']['domain']."'");
+ /* Update also the master-DB of the Server-Farm */
+ $app->dbmaster->query("UPDATE web_domain SET `ssl` = '".$data['new']['ssl']."', `ssl_letsencrypt` = 'n' WHERE `domain` = '".$data['new']['domain']."'");
+ }
+ //}
+ //* check is been correctly created
+ if(file_exists($crt_tmp_file)) {
+ $date = date("YmdHis");
+ if(is_file($key_file)) {
+ $app->system->copy($key_file, $key_file.'.old.'.$date);
+ $app->system->chmod($key_file.'.old.'.$date, 0400);
+ $app->system->unlink($key_file);
+ }
+ if ($web_config["website_symlinks_rel"] == 'y') {
+ $this->create_relative_link(escapeshellcmd($key_tmp_file), escapeshellcmd($key_file));
+ } else {
+ exec("ln -s ".escapeshellcmd($key_tmp_file)." ".escapeshellcmd($key_file));
+ }
+ if(is_file($crt_file)) {
+ $app->system->copy($crt_file, $crt_file.'.old.'.$date);
+ $app->system->chmod($crt_file.'.old.'.$date, 0400);
+ $app->system->unlink($crt_file);
+ }
+ if($web_config["website_symlinks_rel"] == 'y') {
+ $this->create_relative_link(escapeshellcmd($crt_tmp_file), escapeshellcmd($crt_file));
+ } else {
+ exec("ln -s ".escapeshellcmd($crt_tmp_file)." ".escapeshellcmd($crt_file));
+ }
+ if(is_file($bundle_file)) {
+ $app->system->copy($bundle_file, $bundle_file.'.old.'.$date);
+ $app->system->chmod($bundle_file.'.old.'.$date, 0400);
+ $app->system->unlink($bundle_file);
+ }
+ if($web_config["website_symlinks_rel"] == 'y') {
+ $this->create_relative_link(escapeshellcmd($bundle_tmp_file), escapeshellcmd($bundle_file));
+ } else {
+ exec("ln -s ".escapeshellcmd($bundle_tmp_file)." ".escapeshellcmd($bundle_file));
+ }
+ /* we don't need to store it.
+ /* Update the DB of the (local) Server */
+ $app->db->query("UPDATE web_domain SET ssl_request = '', ssl_cert = '', ssl_key = '' WHERE domain = '".$data['new']['domain']."'");
+ $app->db->query("UPDATE web_domain SET ssl_action = '' WHERE domain = '".$data['new']['domain']."'");
+ /* Update also the master-DB of the Server-Farm */
+ $app->dbmaster->query("UPDATE web_domain SET ssl_request = '', ssl_cert = '', ssl_key = '' WHERE domain = '".$data['new']['domain']."'");
+ $app->dbmaster->query("UPDATE web_domain SET ssl_action = '' WHERE domain = '".$data['new']['domain']."'");
+ }
- */
if(@is_file($bundle_file)) $vhost_data['has_bundle_cert'] = 1;
@@ -1754,6 +1905,7 @@ class apache2_plugin {
$data['new'] = $tmp;
$data['old'] = $tmp;
$this->action = 'update';
+ $this->update_letsencrypt = true;
// just run the update function
$this->update($event_name, $data);
@@ -2662,7 +2814,10 @@ class apache2_plugin {
$tpl->setVar('apache_version', $app->system->getapacheversion());
- if($data['new']['php_fpm_use_socket'] == 'y'){
+ $apache_modules = $app->system->getapachemodules();
+ // Use sockets, but not with apache 2.4 on centos (mod_proxy_fcgi) as socket support is buggy in that version
+ if($data['new']['php_fpm_use_socket'] == 'y' && in_array('fastcgi_module',$apache_modules)){
$use_tcp = 0;
$use_socket = 1;
if(!is_dir($socket_dir)) $app->system->mkdirpath($socket_dir);