package de.thedevstack.conversationsplus.entities; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.database.Cursor; import; import; import de.thedevstack.conversationsplus.crypto.axolotl.XmppAxolotlSession; import de.thedevstack.conversationsplus.dto.LoadAvatarFor; import de.thedevstack.conversationsplus.enums.FileStatus; import de.thedevstack.conversationsplus.enums.MessageConfirmation; import de.thedevstack.conversationsplus.enums.MessageDirection; import de.thedevstack.conversationsplus.enums.MessageStatus; import de.thedevstack.conversationsplus.utils.FileUtils; import de.thedevstack.conversationsplus.utils.MessageParserUtil; import de.thedevstack.conversationsplus.utils.MimeUtils; import de.thedevstack.conversationsplus.xmpp.jid.InvalidJidException; import de.thedevstack.conversationsplus.xmpp.jid.Jid; import de.thedevstack.conversationsplus.xmpp.jid.JidUtil; public class Message extends AbstractEntity implements LoadAvatarFor { public static final String TABLENAME = "messages"; public static final int ENCRYPTION_NONE = 0; public static final int ENCRYPTION_PGP = 1; public static final int ENCRYPTION_OTR = 2; public static final int ENCRYPTION_DECRYPTED = 3; public static final int ENCRYPTION_DECRYPTION_FAILED = 4; public static final int ENCRYPTION_AXOLOTL = 5; public static final int TYPE_TEXT = 0; public static final int TYPE_IMAGE = 1; public static final int TYPE_FILE = 2; public static final int TYPE_STATUS = 3; public static final int TYPE_PRIVATE = 4; public static final String CONVERSATION = "conversationUuid"; public static final String COUNTERPART = "counterpart"; public static final String TRUE_COUNTERPART = "trueCounterpart"; public static final String BODY = "body"; public static final String TIME_SENT = "timeSent"; public static final String ENCRYPTION = "encryption"; public static final String STATUS = "status"; public static final String TYPE = "type"; public static final String CARBON = "carbon"; public static final String OOB = "oob"; public static final String EDITED = "edited"; public static final String REMOTE_MSG_ID = "remoteMsgId"; public static final String SERVER_MSG_ID = "serverMsgId"; public static final String RELATIVE_FILE_PATH = "relativeFilePath"; public static final String FINGERPRINT = "axolotl_fingerprint"; public static final String READ = "read"; public static final String ME_COMMAND = "/me "; public boolean markable = false; protected String conversationUuid; protected Jid counterpart; protected Jid trueCounterpart; protected String body; protected String encryptedBody; protected long timeSent; protected int encryption; protected int type; /** * Indicates that a message was received via * Message Carbons (XEP-0280) */ protected boolean carbon = false; protected boolean oob = false; protected String relativeFilePath; protected boolean read = true; protected String remoteMsgId = null; protected String serverMsgId = null; protected Conversation conversation = null; protected Transferable transferable = null; private Message mNextMessage = null; private Message mPreviousMessage = null; private String axolotlFingerprint = null; private Decision mTreatAsDownloadAble = Decision.NOT_DECIDED; private boolean httpUploaded; private FileParams fileParams; /** * The direction of the message, * incoming is a msg received from a jid, * outgoing is a msg sent to a jid */ private MessageDirection direction; private MessageStatus messageStatus; /** * Indicates that a message was received via * Message Archive Management (XEP-0313) */ private boolean mamReceived; /** * Whether Delivery Receipts (XEP-0184) and/ or Chat Markers (XEP-0333) * need to be requested and processed (outgoing msgs) or sent (incoming msgs) */ private MessageConfirmation confirmation; public Message() { } public Message(Conversation conversation, String body, int encryption) { this(java.util.UUID.randomUUID().toString(), conversation.getUuid(), conversation.getJid() == null ? null : conversation.getJid().toBareJid(), null, body, System.currentTimeMillis(), encryption, TYPE_TEXT, false, null, null, null, null, true, false); this.conversation = conversation; } private Message(final String uuid, final String conversationUUid, final Jid counterpart, final Jid trueCounterpart, final String body, final long timeSent, final int encryption, final int type, final boolean carbon, final String remoteMsgId, final String relativeFilePath, final String serverMsgId, final String fingerprint, final boolean read, final boolean oob) { this.uuid = uuid; this.conversationUuid = conversationUUid; this.counterpart = counterpart; this.trueCounterpart = trueCounterpart; this.body = body; this.timeSent = timeSent; this.encryption = encryption; this.type = type; this.carbon = carbon; this.remoteMsgId = remoteMsgId; this.relativeFilePath = relativeFilePath; this.serverMsgId = serverMsgId; this.axolotlFingerprint = fingerprint; = read; this.oob = oob; } public static Message fromCursor(Cursor cursor) { Jid jid; try { String value = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(COUNTERPART)); if (value != null) { jid = JidUtil.fromString(value, true); } else { jid = null; } } catch (InvalidJidException e) { jid = null; } Jid trueCounterpart; try { String value = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(TRUE_COUNTERPART)); if (value != null) { trueCounterpart = JidUtil.fromString(value, true); } else { trueCounterpart = null; } } catch (InvalidJidException e) { trueCounterpart = null; } return new Message(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(UUID)), cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(CONVERSATION)), jid, trueCounterpart, cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(BODY)), cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex(TIME_SENT)), cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(ENCRYPTION)), cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(TYPE)), cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(CARBON)) > 0, cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(REMOTE_MSG_ID)), cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(RELATIVE_FILE_PATH)), cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(SERVER_MSG_ID)), cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(FINGERPRINT)), cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(READ)) > 0, cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(OOB)) > 0); } @Override public ContentValues getContentValues() { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(UUID, uuid); values.put(CONVERSATION, conversationUuid); if (counterpart == null) { values.putNull(COUNTERPART); } else { values.put(COUNTERPART, counterpart.toString()); } if (trueCounterpart == null) { values.putNull(TRUE_COUNTERPART); } else { values.put(TRUE_COUNTERPART, trueCounterpart.toString()); } values.put(BODY, body); values.put(TIME_SENT, timeSent); values.put(ENCRYPTION, encryption); values.put(TYPE, type); values.put(CARBON, carbon ? 1 : 0); values.put(REMOTE_MSG_ID, remoteMsgId); values.put(RELATIVE_FILE_PATH, relativeFilePath); values.put(SERVER_MSG_ID, serverMsgId); values.put(FINGERPRINT, axolotlFingerprint); values.put(READ,read ? 1 : 0); values.put(OOB, oob ? 1 : 0); return values; } public String getConversationUuid() { return conversationUuid; } public Conversation getConversation() { return this.conversation; } public void setConversation(Conversation conv) { this.conversation = conv; } public Jid getCounterpart() { return counterpart; } public void setCounterpart(final Jid counterpart) { this.counterpart = counterpart; } public Contact getContact() { if (this.conversation.getMode() == Conversation.MODE_SINGLE) { return this.conversation.getContact(); } else { if (this.trueCounterpart == null) { return null; } else { return this.conversation.getAccount().getRoster() .getContactFromRoster(this.trueCounterpart); } } } public String getBody() { return body; } public void setBody(String body) { this.body = body; } public long getTimeSent() { return timeSent; } public int getEncryption() { return encryption; } public void setEncryption(int encryption) { this.encryption = encryption; } public String getRelativeFilePath() { return this.relativeFilePath; } public void setRelativeFilePath(String path) { this.relativeFilePath = path; } public String getRemoteMsgId() { return this.remoteMsgId; } public void setRemoteMsgId(String id) { this.remoteMsgId = id; } public String getServerMsgId() { return this.serverMsgId; } public void setServerMsgId(String id) { this.serverMsgId = id; } public boolean isRead() { return; } public void markRead() { = true; } public void markUnread() { = false; } public void setTime(long time) { this.timeSent = time; } public String getEncryptedBody() { return this.encryptedBody; } public void setEncryptedBody(String body) { this.encryptedBody = body; } public int getType() { return this.type; } public void setType(int type) { this.type = type; if (null == this.fileParams && (type == Message.TYPE_FILE || type == Message.TYPE_IMAGE)) { this.setFileParams(new FileParams()); } } public boolean isCarbon() { return carbon; } public void setCarbon(boolean carbon) { this.carbon = carbon; } public void setTrueCounterpart(Jid trueCounterpart) { this.trueCounterpart = trueCounterpart; } public Transferable getTransferable() { return this.transferable; } public void setTransferable(Transferable transferable) { this.transferable = transferable; } public boolean isMamReceived() { return mamReceived; } public void setMamReceived(boolean mamReceived) { this.mamReceived = mamReceived; } public MessageConfirmation getConfirmation() { return confirmation; } public void setConfirmation(MessageConfirmation confirmation) { this.confirmation = confirmation; } @Override public int hashCode() { if (null != this.getServerMsgId()) { return this.getServerMsgId().hashCode(); } else if (null != this.getRemoteMsgId()) { return this.getRemoteMsgId().hashCode(); } else if (null != this.getUuid()) { return this.getUuid().hashCode(); } else if (null != this.getBody()){ return this.getBody().hashCode(); } return super.hashCode(); } public boolean equals(Message message) { if (this.getServerMsgId() != null && message.getServerMsgId() != null) { return this.getServerMsgId().equals(message.getServerMsgId()); } else if (this.getBody() == null || this.getCounterpart() == null || message.getBody() == null || message.getCounterpart() == null) { return false; } else { String body = this.getBody(); String otherBody = message.getBody(); if (message.getRemoteMsgId() != null && this.getRemoteMsgId() != null) { return (message.getRemoteMsgId().equals(this.getRemoteMsgId()) || message.getRemoteMsgId().equals(this.getUuid()) || message.getUuid().equals(this.getRemoteMsgId())) && this.getCounterpart().equals(message.getCounterpart()) && (body.equals(otherBody) ||(message.getEncryption() == Message.ENCRYPTION_PGP && message.getRemoteMsgId().matches("[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-4[0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}"))) ; } else { // existing (send) message with no remoteMsgId and MAM message with remoteMsgId return ((this.getRemoteMsgId() == null && message.getRemoteMsgId() != null) || (this.getRemoteMsgId() != null && message.getRemoteMsgId() == null) // both null is also acceptable || (this.getRemoteMsgId() == null && message.getRemoteMsgId() == null)) && this.getCounterpart().equals(message.getCounterpart()) && body.equals(otherBody); } } } public Message next() { synchronized (this.conversation.messages) { if (this.mNextMessage == null) { this.mNextMessage = this.conversation.messages.higher(this); } return this.mNextMessage; } } public Message prev() { synchronized (this.conversation.messages) { if (this.mPreviousMessage == null) { this.mPreviousMessage = this.conversation.messages.lower(this); } return this.mPreviousMessage; } } public boolean hasMeCommand() { return getBody().startsWith(ME_COMMAND); } public String getBodyReplacedMeCommand(String replaceString) { try { return getBody().replaceAll("^" + Message.ME_COMMAND, replaceString + " "); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { return getBody(); } } public boolean trusted() { Contact contact = this.getContact(); return contact != null && contact.trusted(); } public boolean fixCounterpart() { Presences presences = conversation.getContact().getPresences(); if (counterpart != null && presences.has(counterpart.getResourcepart())) { return true; } else if (presences.size() >= 1) { try { counterpart = JidUtil.fromParts(conversation.getJid().getLocalpart(), conversation.getJid().getDomainpart(), presences.asStringArray()[0]); return true; } catch (InvalidJidException e) { counterpart = null; return false; } } else { counterpart = null; return false; } } public void setUuid(String uuid) { this.uuid = uuid; } public void setOob(boolean isOob) { this.oob = isOob; } public enum Decision { MUST, SHOULD, NEVER, NOT_DECIDED, } public String getMimeType() { // TODO: Move to fileparams if (relativeFilePath != null) { int start = relativeFilePath.lastIndexOf('.') + 1; if (start < relativeFilePath.length()) { return MimeUtils.guessMimeTypeFromExtension(relativeFilePath.substring(start)); } else { return null; } } else { try { return MimeUtils.guessMimeTypeFromExtension(FileUtils.getRelevantExtension(new URL(this.getBody()))); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { return null; } } } /** * in case of later found error with decision, set it to a value which does not affect anything, hopefully */ public void setNoDownloadable() { mTreatAsDownloadAble = Decision.NEVER; } @Deprecated public void setTreatAsDownloadable(Decision downloadable) { this.mTreatAsDownloadAble = downloadable; } @Deprecated public Decision treatAsDownloadable() { // only test this ones, body will not change if (mTreatAsDownloadAble != Decision.NOT_DECIDED) { return mTreatAsDownloadAble; } MessageParserUtil.extractFileParamsFromBody(this); return this.mTreatAsDownloadAble; } public void untie() { this.mNextMessage = null; this.mPreviousMessage = null; } public boolean isFileOrImage() { return type == TYPE_FILE || type == TYPE_IMAGE; } public boolean hasFileAttached() { return isFileOrImage() || isHttpUploaded() || (null != fileParams && null != fileParams.getPath()); } /* @TODO better */ public boolean hasFileOnRemoteHost() { return hasFileAttached() && null != getFileParams() && getFileParams().isRemoteAvailable(); } /* @TODO better */ public boolean needsUploading() { return hasFileAttached() && getFileParams().getFileStatus() == FileStatus.NEEDS_UPLOAD; } public void setFingerprint(String fingerprint) { this.axolotlFingerprint = fingerprint; } public String getFingerprint() { return axolotlFingerprint; } public boolean isTrusted() { XmppAxolotlSession.Trust t = conversation.getAccount().getAxolotlService().getFingerprintTrust(axolotlFingerprint); return t != null && t.trusted(); } private int getPreviousEncryption() { for (Message iterator = this.prev(); iterator != null; iterator = iterator.prev()){ if( iterator.isCarbon() || MessageDirection.IN == iterator.getDirection()) { continue; } return iterator.getEncryption(); } return ENCRYPTION_NONE; } private int getNextEncryption() { for (Message iterator =; iterator != null; iterator ={ if( iterator.isCarbon() || MessageDirection.IN == iterator.getDirection()) { continue; } return iterator.getEncryption(); } return conversation.getNextEncryption(); } public boolean isValidInSession() { int pastEncryption = getCleanedEncryption(this.getPreviousEncryption()); int futureEncryption = getCleanedEncryption(this.getNextEncryption()); boolean inUnencryptedSession = pastEncryption == ENCRYPTION_NONE || futureEncryption == ENCRYPTION_NONE || pastEncryption != futureEncryption; return inUnencryptedSession || getCleanedEncryption(this.getEncryption()) == pastEncryption; } public boolean isHttpUploaded() { return httpUploaded; } public void setHttpUploaded(boolean httpUploaded) { this.httpUploaded = httpUploaded; } public FileParams getFileParams() { return this.fileParams; } public void setFileParams(FileParams params) { this.fileParams = params; } public MessageDirection getDirection() { return direction; } public void setDirection(MessageDirection direction) { this.direction = direction; } public MessageStatus getMessageStatus() { return messageStatus; } public void setMessageStatus(MessageStatus messageStatus) { this.messageStatus = messageStatus; } private static int getCleanedEncryption(int encryption) { if (encryption == ENCRYPTION_DECRYPTED || encryption == ENCRYPTION_DECRYPTION_FAILED) { return ENCRYPTION_PGP; } return encryption; } }