Old Menu =========== Fixed Version Forked by Michael Träger from https://github.com/SansPseudoFix/Old_menu. This is without the tiny Icons and with a fix max-width of 100px for the Menu. Menu on the left side for [owncloud](http://owncloud.org/). When screen width is larger than 1100px, menu is placed to the left (like old oc menu). Smaller than 1100px, menu bring back to the top. ## How to * download zip * go to /apps folder * unzip * change name to `old_menu` * activate Old Menu Alternative * git clone this repo to /apps direcotry with `git clone https://github.com/mtraeger/own-nextcloud_old_menu.git old_menu` * activate in app menu ## Complications Problems could arise when using this app with the original old_menu app. ## Change Menu Color For use with NextCloud-Blue use ``` background-color: #0082c9; ``` instead of `#1d2d44` for Owncloud. You can remove this line also for dark grey.