#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to # the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it # and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want # To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See # http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING for more details. # Authors: Stefan Ritter # Adrian Vondendriesch # Pascal Turbing # # Description: A simple blogging software import os import sys import time import locale import re import configparser from cgi import FieldStorage from smtplib import SMTP from hashlib import md5 from glob import glob from random import randint # A wonderful place for doing some regexp ;) no_break = re.compile("^\s*(|||||||).*$") line_start_hyphen = re.compile("^-.*$") line_start_plus = re.compile("^\+.*$") tab = " " def generate_uuid(string): string_md5sum = md5(string).hexdigest() string = str.join("-", (string_md5sum[0:8], string_md5sum[8:12], string_md5sum[12:16], string_md5sum[16:20], string_md5sum[20:32])) return string def errorpage(string): document_header("html") print("") print(tab + "Error!") print(tab + "") print("") print("") print(tab + "
") print(tab*2 + "


") print(tab*2 + "

" + string + "

") print(tab + "
") print("") print("") sys.exit() def document_header(string): if string == "html": print("Content-type: text/html\n") print("") try: print("") except NameError: print("") if string == "atom": print("Content-type: application/atom+xml\n") print("") print("") if string == "rss": print("Content-type: application/rss+xml\n") print("") print("") # Parse configuration configuration = configparser.SafeConfigParser() for config in ["../blogthonrc", "../.blogthonrc", "configuration"]: if os.path.exists(config): configuration.read(config) config = True break else: config = False if not config: errorpage("No suitable configuration found!") try: blog_title = configuration.get("personal", "blog_title") blog_subtitle = configuration.get("personal", "blog_subtitle") blog_url = configuration.get("personal", "blog_url") keywords = configuration.get("personal", "keywords") entries_dir = configuration.get("personal", "entries_dir") entries_suffix = configuration.get("personal", "entries_suffix") staticpages_dir = configuration.get("personal", "staticpages_dir") plugins_dir = configuration.get("personal", "plugins_dir") style = configuration.get("look", "style") language = configuration.get("look", "language") entries_per_page = configuration.getint("look", "entries_per_page") monthlist = configuration.get("look", "monthlist") staticpages = configuration.get("look", "staticpages") linklist = configuration.get("look", "linklist") permalinks = configuration.get("look", "permalinks") comments = configuration.get("look", "comments") newest_first = configuration.get("look", "newest_first") new_comment_mail = configuration.get("smtp", "new_comment_mail") mail_to = configuration.get("smtp", "mail_to") smtp_host = configuration.get("smtp", "smtp_host") feed_preview = configuration.get("feed", "feed_preview") except configparser.Error as error: errorpage(str(error)) if not re.match("^http:\/\/.*$", blog_url): blog_url = "http://" + blog_url if not re.match("^.*\/$", blog_url): blog_url = blog_url + "/" if not os.path.exists(entries_dir): errorpage("Directory \"%s\" does not exist!" % entries_dir) if not os.access(entries_dir, os.W_OK): errorpage("Directory \"%s\" is not writable!" % entries_dir) if not os.path.exists(staticpages_dir): errorpage("Directory \"%s\" does not exist!" % staticpages_dir) if not os.path.exists(plugins_dir): errorpage("Directory \"%s\" does not exist!" % plugins_dir) if not os.path.exists("linklist"): errorpage("File \"linklist\" does not exist!") if language == "de": blog_locale = ("Seiten", "Monate", "Links", "Keine Kommentare", "Kommentare", "Alle Einträge anzeigen...", "Name", "Text", "Absenden") locales_de = ("de_DE.UTF-8", "de_DE.@euro", "de_DE") for i in locales_de: try: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, i) break except: continue else: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, None) else: blog_locale = ("pages", "months", "links", "no comments", "comments", "View all entries...", "name", "text", "commit") locales_en = ("en_US.UTF-8", "en_US.ISO-8859-15", "en_US") for i in locales_en: try: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, i) break except: continue else: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, None) # Read POST Variables action = FieldStorage() month_display = action.getvalue("m") static_display = action.getvalue("s") if static_display: static_display = static_display.replace("/", "") post_display = action.getvalue("p") if post_display: post_display = post_display.replace(" ", "-").replace("/", "") allentries_display = action.getvalue("a") feed_display = action.getvalue("feed") if not month_display: month_display = "" if not post_display: post_display = "" if not static_display: static_display = "" if not allentries_display: allentries_display = "" if not feed_display: feed_display = "" # Commentstuff ctitle = action.getvalue("ctitle") cname = action.getvalue("cname") ctext = action.getvalue("ctext") cquiz = action.getvalue("cquiz") cquizv = action.getvalue("cquizv") if not ctitle: ctitle = "" if not cname: cname = "" if not ctext: ctext = "" if not cquiz: cquiz = "" if not cquizv: cquizv = "" # Comment to commit? if cname and ctext and ctitle: # Prevent XSS hacks cname = cname.replace("<", "<").replace(">", ">").replace("\'", """) ctext = ctext.replace("<", "<").replace(">", ">").replace("\'", """) # Add comment if not cquiz == cquizv: errorpage("Brainmode") else: comments_file = os.path.join(entries_dir, ctitle + ".comments") if not os.path.exists(comments_file): content = open(comments_file, "w") content.close() content = open(comments_file, "a") content.write("-." + cname + "\n") content.write("+." + time.strftime("%c", time.localtime()) + "\n") ctext = ctext.split("\n") for line in ctext: content.write("." + line + "\n") content.close() # Send mail? if not new_comment_mail == "False": msg = "From: Blogthon\nTo: %s\nSubject: New comment on %s\n\nSomeone wrote a comment to this entry: %s?p=%s" % (mail_to, blog_title, blog_url, ctitle.replace(" ", "-")) smtp = SMTP(smtp_host) smtp.starttls() smtp.sendmail(blog_title, mail_to, msg) smtp.quit() # Read entries and store their title and timestamp entries = [] entries_list = glob(os.path.join(entries_dir, "*." + entries_suffix)) for entry in entries_list: title = entry.replace(entries_dir, "", 1) title = title.replace("." + entries_suffix, "") stampfile = os.path.join(entries_dir, title + ".stamp") if os.path.exists(stampfile): timestamp = os.stat(stampfile) else: timestamp = os.stat(entry) stampfile = os.path.join(entries_dir, title + ".stamp") stamp = open(stampfile, "w") stamp.close() utime = os.utime(stampfile, (os.stat(entry)[8], os.stat(entry)[8])) timestamp = time.localtime(timestamp[8]) entry = timestamp, entry entries.append(entry) if newest_first: entries.sort(reverse=True) else: entries.sort() # Generate atom feed if feed_display == "atom": date = entries[0][0] blog_title_md5sum = generate_uuid(blog_title) # Append 0 to the beginning if len of integer is 1 (value<10) month = "%(#)02d" % {"#": int(date[1])} day = "%(#)02d" % {"#": int(date[2])} hour = "%(#)02d" % {"#":int(date[3])} min = "%(#)02d" % {"#": int(date[4])} sec = "%(#)02d" % {"#": int(date[5])} document_header("atom") print("" % blog_url) print(tab + "") print(tab*2 + "%s" % blog_title) print(tab + "") print(tab + "%s" % blog_title) print(tab + "urn:uuid:%s" % blog_title_md5sum) print(tab + "%s-%s-%sT%s:%s:%sZ" % (str(date[0]), month, day, hour, min, sec)) print("") j = len(entries) if j > 10: j = 10 for i in xrange(0, j): title = str(entries[i][1]).replace(entries_dir, "", 1).replace("." + entries_suffix, "") date = entries[i][0] title_md5sum = generate_uuid(title) print(tab*2 + "") print(tab*3 + "%s" % title) print(tab*3 + "" % (blog_url, title)) print(tab*3 + "urn:uuid:%s" % title_md5sum) print(tab*3 + "%s-%s-%sT%s:%s:%sZ" % (str(date[0]), month, day, hour, min, sec)) print(tab*3 + "") content = open(str(entries[i][1]), "r") for h in xrange(0, int(feed_preview)): rss_line = content.readline().strip() if rss_line != "": print(tab*4 + rss_line) content.close() print(tab*3 + "") print(tab*2 + "") print("") # Generate rss 2.0 feed elif feed_display == "rss": document_header("rss") print(tab + "") print(tab*2 + "%s" % blog_title) print(tab*2 + "%s" % blog_url) print(tab*2 + "%s" % blog_subtitle) date = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(time.mktime(entries[0][0]))) print(tab*2 + "%s" % date) print("") j = len(entries) if j > 10: j = 10 for i in xrange(0, j): title = str(entries[i][1]).replace(entries_dir, "", 1).replace("." + entries_suffix, "") date = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z", time.gmtime(time.mktime(entries[i][0]))) print(tab*2 + "") print(tab*3 + "%s" % title) print(tab*3 + "%s?p=%s" % (blog_url, title)) print(tab*3 + "%s?p=%s" % (blog_url, title)) print(tab*3 + "%s" % date) content = open(str(entries[i][1]), "r") rss_description= "" for h in xrange(0, int(feed_preview)): line = content.readline().strip() if line: rss_description = "%s%s
" % (rss_description, line) content.close() print(tab*3 + "" % rss_description) print(tab*2 + "
") print(tab + "
") print("") # Generate regular page else: document_header("html") print(tab + "") print(tab*2 + "%s" % blog_title) print(tab*2 + "") print(tab*2 + "") print(tab*2 + "" % keywords) print(tab*2 + "" % blog_title) print(tab*2 + "" % (style, style)) print(tab + "") print(tab + "") print # Plugins sys.path.append(plugins_dir) for plugin in glob(plugins_dir + "*.py"): __import__ (plugin.split("/")[1].replace(".py", "")) # Site header print(tab*2 + "
") print(tab*3 + "
") print(tab*4 + "%s" % blog_title) print(tab*3 + "
") print(tab*3 + "
") print(tab*4 + "%s" % blog_subtitle) print(tab*3 + "
") print(tab*2 + "
") print("") # RSS feed print(tab*2 + "
") print(tab*3 + "rss") print(tab*2 + "
") print("") # Atom feed print(tab*2 + "
") print(tab*3 + "atom") print(tab*2 + "
") print("") # Staticpages if staticpages == "True": staticpages = [] staticpages_list = glob(os.path.join(staticpages_dir, "*")) staticpages_list.sort() print(tab*2 + "
") print(tab*3 + "
" % blog_locale[0]) print(tab*3 + "
") print(tab*4 + "
    ") for staticpage in staticpages_list: file = open(staticpage, "r") header = file.readline() if header.split(":", 1)[0] == "extern_link": link = header.split(":", 1)[1].strip() else: link = re.sub("\w+?\/", "", staticpage) link = "?s=%s" % link file.close() title = re.sub("\w+?\/\d+?-", "", staticpage) print(tab*5 + "
  • %s
  • " % (link, title)) print(tab*4 + "
") print(tab*3 + "
") print(tab*3 + "
") print(tab*2 + "
") print("") # Monthlist if monthlist == "True": olddate = "" print(tab*2 + "
") print(tab*3 + "
" % blog_locale[1]) print(tab*3 + "
") print(tab*4 + "
    ") for entry in entries: date = time.strftime("%m%Y", entry[0]) date_display = time.strftime("%h %Y", entry[0]) if not olddate == date: print(tab*5 + "
  • %s
  • " % (date, date_display)) olddate = date print(tab*4 + "
") print(tab*3 + "
") print(tab*3 + "
") print(tab*2 + "
") print("") # Linklist if linklist == "True": print(tab*2 + "
") print(tab*3 + "" % blog_locale[2]) print(tab*3 + "") print(tab*3 + "") print(tab*2 + "
") print("") print(tab*2 + "
") print("") # Staticpage if static_display != "": content = open(os.path.join(staticpages_dir, static_display), "r") print(tab*3 + "
") print(tab*4 + "
" % re.sub("^\.", "", re.sub("\d+?-", "", static_display))) print(tab*4 + "
") print(tab*5 + "

") for line in content: if no_break.match(line): print(tab*5 + line.strip()) else: print(tab*5 + line.strip() + "
") print(tab*5 + "

") print(tab*4 + "
") print(tab*4 + "
") print(tab*4 + "
") print(tab*4 + "
") print(tab*4 + "
") print(tab*4 + "
") print(tab*3 + "
") print("") content.close() # Entry else: entry_counter = 0 for entry in entries: date = time.strftime("%c", entry[0]) date_to_compare = time.strftime("%m%Y", entry[0]) # Needed for permalinks entry = entry[1] title = entry.replace(entries_dir, "", 1) title = title.replace("." + entries_suffix, "") stampfile = os.path.join(entries_dir, title + ".stamp") if os.path.exists(stampfile): date = time.localtime(os.stat(stampfile)[8]) date = time.strftime("%c", date) if month_display == date_to_compare or not month_display: if post_display == title.replace(" ", "-") or not post_display: if allentries_display == "1" or entry_counter < entries_per_page: content = open(entry, "r") print(tab*3 + "
") if permalinks: print(tab*4 + "" % (title.replace(" ", "-"), title)) else: print(tab*4 + "
" % title) print(tab*4 + "
" % date) print(tab*4 + "
") for line in content: if no_break.match(line): print(tab*5 + line.strip()) else: print(tab*5 + line.strip() + "
") print(tab*4 + "
") print(tab*4 + "
") print(tab*4 + "
") print(tab*4 + "
") print(tab*4 + "
") print(tab*4 + "
") # Comments... # ... are shown when post_display and comments_file isn't false comments_file = glob(os.path.join(entries_dir, title + ".comments")) if post_display: if comments_file: comments_content = open(comments_file[0], "r") print(tab*3 + "
") print(tab*2 + "
") print("") print(tab*2 + "
") notfirstline = 0 # Ugly fix for closing comment containers label_count = 0 for line in comments_content: if line_start_hyphen.match(line): if notfirstline == 1: print(tab*4 + "
") print(tab*3 + "") notfirstline = 0 print(tab*3 + "
") # Label for each comment label_count += 1 print(tab*4 + "" % str(label_count)) print(tab*4 + "
" % line.split(".", 1)[1].strip()) elif line_start_plus.match(line): print(tab*4 + "
" % line.split(".", 1)[1].strip()) print(tab*4 + "
") else: notfirstline = 1 line = line.split(".", 1)[1] print(tab*5 + line.strip() + "
") print("") print(tab*4 + "
") print(tab*3 + "
") comments_content.close() else: print(tab*3 + "") print(tab*2 + "") print(tab*2 + "
") # Form for adding comments if comments == "True": random_int_a = randint(1,9) random_int_b = randint(1,9) cquizv = random_int_a + random_int_b print(tab*3 + "
") print(tab*4 + "
") print(tab*5 + "" % title) print(tab*5 + "" % str(cquizv)) print(tab*5 + "" % blog_locale[6]) print(tab*5 + "
" % blog_locale[7]) print(tab*5 + "
" % (str(random_int_a), str(random_int_b))) print(tab*5 + "
" % blog_locale[8]) print(tab*4 + "
") print(tab*3 + "
") else: print(tab*3 + "
") print("") if comments == "True": comments_file = glob(os.path.join(entries_dir, title + ".comments")) if not comments_file and not post_display: print(tab*4 + "
") print(tab*5 + "%s" % (title.replace(" ", "-"), blog_locale[3])) print(tab*4 + "
") print(tab*3 + "
") print("") elif comments_file and not post_display: comments_content = open(comments_file[0], "r") comments_counter = 0 for line in comments_content: if line.split(".", 1)[0] == "-": comments_counter += 1 print(tab*4 + "
") print(tab*5 + "%s (%s)" % (title.replace(" ", "-"), blog_locale[4], str(comments_counter))) print(tab*4 + "
") print(tab*3 + "") print("") comments_content.close() else: print(tab*3 + "") print("") content.close() entry_counter += 1 if not month_display and not post_display and not allentries_display and entry_counter == entries_per_page: # Display pagelist print(tab*3 + "" % blog_locale[5]) print(tab*2 + "") print("") print(tab + "") print("") # vim: set sw=4 tw=0 ts=4 expandtab: