Tuscany Tuscany Downloads






Welcome to the Apache Tuscany download page. The Apache Tuscany project is currently part of the Apache Incubator.

Apache License, version 2.0

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Apache Tuscany Java Downloads

Tuscany is distributed in several formats for your convenience.

Incubating-M1 (June 7, 2006)

Description Download link MD5 Check sum file of download PGP Signature file of download
Tuscany M1 binary (Linux) tuscany-incubating-M1.tar.gz tuscany-incubating-M1.tar.gz.md5 tuscany-incubating-M1.tar.gz.asc
Tuscany M1 source (Linux) tuscany-incubating-M1-src.tar.gz tuscany-incubating-M1-src.tar.gz.md5 tuscany-incubating-M1-src.tar.gz.asc
Tuscany M1 binary (Windows) tuscany-incubating-M1.zip tuscany-incubating-M1.zip.md5 tuscany-incubating-M1.zip.asc
Tuscany M1 source (Windows) tuscany-incubating-M1-src.zip tuscany-incubating-M1-src.zip.md5 tuscany-incubating-M1-src.zip.asc

Apache Tuscany C++ Downloads

Incubating-M1 (August 1, 2006)

The distributions are available as source and binary packages. There are 2 distributions; Tuscany SCA and Tuscany SDO (required by Tuscany SCA).

Linux binary distribution is built on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.
Win32 binary distribution is built on Windows XP with Microsoft VC6.


Please read the Getting Started document.

Description Download link MD5 Check sum file of download PGP Signature file of download
Tuscany SDO C++ M1 binary (Linux) tuscany_sdo_cpp-0.1.incubating-M1-bin.tar.gz tuscany_sdo_cpp-0.1.incubating-M1-bin.tar.gz.md5 tuscany_sdo_cpp-0.1.incubating-M1-bin.tar.gz.asc
Tuscany SDO C++ M1 source (Linux) tuscany_sdo_cpp-0.1.incubating-M1-src.tar.gz tuscany_sdo_cpp-0.1.incubating-M1-src.tar.gz.md5 tuscany_sdo_cpp-0.1.incubating-M1-src.tar.gz.asc
Tuscany SDO C++ M1 binary (Windows) tuscany_sdo_cpp-0.1.incubating-M1-bin.zip tuscany_sdo_cpp-0.1.incubating-M1-bin.zip.md5 ttuscany_sdo_cpp-0.1.incubating-M1-bin.zip.asc
Tuscany SDO C++ M1 source (Windows) tuscany_sdo_cpp-0.1.incubating-M1-src.zip tuscany_sdo_cpp-0.1.incubating-M1-src.zip.md5 tuscany_sdo_cpp-0.1.incubating-M1-src.zip.asc


Please read the Getting Started document.

Description Download link MD5 Check sum file of download PGP Signature file of download
Tuscany SCA C++ M1 binary (Linux) tuscany_sca_cpp-0.1.incubating-M1-bin.tar.gz tuscany_sca_cpp-0.1.incubating-M1-bin.tar.gz.md5 tuscany_sca_cpp-0.1.incubating-M1-bin.tar.gz.asc
Tuscany SCA C++ M1 source (Linux) tuscany_sca_cpp-0.1.incubating-M1-src.tar.gz tuscany_sca_cpp-0.1.incubating-M1-src.tar.gz.md5 tuscany_sca_cpp-0.1.incubating-M1-src.tar.gz.asc
Tuscany SCA C++ M1 binary (Windows) tuscany_sca_cpp-0.1.incubating-M1-bin.zip tuscany_sca_cpp-0.1.incubating-M1-bin.zip.md5 ttuscany_sca_cpp-0.1.incubating-M1-bin.zip.asc
Tuscany SCA C++ M1 source (Windows) tuscany_sca_cpp-0.1.incubating-M1-src.zip tuscany_sca_cpp-0.1.incubating-M1-src.zip.md5 tuscany_sca_cpp-0.1.incubating-M1-src.zip.asc

Apache Incubator Logo Copyright © 2006, The Apache Software Foundation
Apache Tuscany is an effort undergoing incubation at The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), sponsored by the Web Services PMC. Incubation is required of all newly accepted projects until a further review indicates that the infrastructure, communications, and decision making process have stabilized in a manner consistent with other successful ASF projects. While incubation status is not necessarily a reflection of the completeness or stability of the code, it does indicate that the project has yet to be fully endorsed by the ASF.