Website for the Tuscany project being incubated at Apache. ========================================================== Website Howto ============= The website is generated by Anakia. The source documents are in the "site-author" directory. The documents to publish are in the "site-publish" directory. Editing the site ---------------- If you don't want to RTFM and just patch the website a little: -> edit/add files in the site-author/ directory (copy-pasting from existing files is often a good idea) -> install a java runtime environment or development kit -> type './' on linux/mac/solaris/unix or 'build.bat' on windows you can now browse the site locally from the site-publish directory. Once you are happy with your changes: -> manually 'svn add' any files generated in site-publish that weren't there before, or set the 'svn:ignore' property to ignore them. Eg something like svn status site-publish | egrep '^\?' | sed -e 's/^\? *//g' | xargs svn add may work for you. -> check the generated stuff looks like you want it to. Eg something like svn status site-publish | egrep '^(A|M)' | sed -e 's/^[AM] *//g' | xargs open may work for you. -> commit. Publishing the site ------------------- The published version of the site lives in the site-publish directory in SVN. To make this live, it must first be exported to a staging location on and from there it will be replicated to the live servers. This replication can take up to four hours so be patient. To update the site: -> log into $ cd /www/ $ svn update and wait ...