Alert Aggregator - PHP Display Component ======================================== This httpserver configuration includes a PHP implementation of the display component that replaces the python component in sample.display. The HTTPD configuration created by the startserver scrips relies on the PHP_HOME environment variable in order to install PHP in Apache as follows: LoadModule php5_module %PHP_HOME%\php5apache2.dll AddType application/x-httpd-php .php PHPIniDir %PHP_HOME% PHP must be configured to include the PHP SCA_SDO extension from PECL. This provides the SCA and SDO support that the display component relies on. Currently you must have the version from the AVOCET branch as changes have been made here that this application requires. To run the AlertAggregator sample with the PHP component you must start the original HTTP server, e.g., on windows > cd AlertAggregator\httpserver > startserver.bat and then start the HTTPD server that servers the PHP part of the application, e.g., > cd AlertAggregator\httpserver.php > startserver.bat then point your browser at http://localhost:9091/index.html