Tuscany SCA for C++ Samples - PHP Calculator Sample =================================================== This is a simple sample to show how an SCA composite can wire together a number of components to implement a Calculator service and expose that service as to a number of different tpyes of client. The sample components are implemented in various ways to demonstrate the different features of the PHP SCA extension. There are two sub projects in this workspace: - sample.calculator This contains the source code and SCDL artifacts for the SCA Calculator composite implementing the sample Calculator - sample.calculator.client A sample client which does a local call to the Calculator service A Python client is used because the work to enable PHP to host SCA is not done yet Windows ======= tba Linux ===== The make install will deploy this under $TUSCANY_SCACPP/extensions/php/samples To run the sample cd $TUSCANY_SCACPP/extensions/php/samples/PHPCalculator/deploy/sample.calculator.client ./runclient.sh