Changes With Apache Tuscany SCA 2.0-M1 February 2009 ==================================================== The first milestone release for the 2.0 codebase Features and/or Enhancements * SCA Specification support - The change over from OSOA SCA specification support to OASIS SCA specification support is now in progress. As such we don't claim to support either the OSOA or OASIS SCA specifications in the 2.0 codebase yet. * Core - Enable Tuscany to run inside an OSGi runtime - Updated SCA API package names. * Other Extensions - Binding RMI - RMI Binding - Binding WS - WebServices Binding * Samples/Tutorial/Demos - binding-ws-calculator/ - calculator/ - calculator-equinox/ - calculator-osgi/ - calculator-rmi-reference/ - calculator-rmi-service/ - implementation-java-calculator