Big Bank PHP Client =================== Overview -------- This is a pair of very simple PHP scripts to demonstrate how the Accounts service that the C++ Big Bank sample exposes can be used from within the PHP scripting language. bigwelcome.php A bootstrap script that shows a form and allows the user to press a button in order to invoke the bigaccount.php script bigaccount.php Makes a call to a locally installed BigBank Accounts service. The script shows how to use PHP SDO and SOAP extensions to construct the call and interpret the result. As this is a very simple test client once you have reached bigaccount.php you are done. So there are no further buttons other than the browser back button. Installation ------------ This assumes that you have the BigBank sample runnig as a web service in your local Axis2C container at http://localhost:9090/axis2/services/AccountService To run the php scripts requires some configuration and setup of a php runtime with the SDO and SimpleXML extensions enabled. The bits you will need are: Apache web server - (I'm currently at 2.0.55) PHP 5.1.6 - (I'm currently at 5.1.6) PHP SDO - (I'm currently at 1.0.3) Windows ------- If you are on windows you can get binary builds from For SDO you need two dlls as followd php_sdo.dll php_sdo_das_xml.dll I copied these to my php5.1.6/ext dir ( php_soap.dll is already there) And added the following to my php.ini file (having already renamed php.ini-recommended to php.ini of course) extension=php_soap.dll extension=php_sdo.dll extension=php_sdo_das_xml.dll I also changed the extension_dir directive to point to my extensions directory: extension_dir="C:/simon/apps/php5.1.6/ext" When I ask PHP to list what modules are active in my version of PHP I get the following C:\simon\apps\php5.1.6>php -m [PHP Modules] bcmath calendar com_dotnet ctype date dom ftp hash iconv libxml odbc pcre Reflection sdo sdo_das_xml session SimpleXML soap SPL standard tokenizer wddx xml xmlreader xmlwriter zlib [Zend Modules] Of particular relevance to these scripts note that soap, sdo and sd_das_xml are active. Other Platforms --------------- If your on on another platform, such as Linux, then you will need to compile the SDO extension. The documentation at the SDO extension page ( is currently a bit missleading and needs updating. What you need to do is do a phpize build of the SDO PECL extension. This is discussed in the SDO documentation but is also discussed in many other places, for example, Here is not the time to go into the details of how to build PHP extensions using phpize but if you are familar with the process I use the following configure line on windows. cscript configure.js --with-extra-includes=c:\simon\projects\tuscany\php\win32build\include; c:\simon\apps\libxml2-2.6.23.win32\include; c:\simon\apps\iconv-1.9.1.win32\include --with-extra-libs=c:\simon\projects\tuscany\php\win32build\lib; c:\simon\apps\libxml2-2.6.23.win32\lib; c:\simon\apps\iconv-1.9.1.win32\lib --enable-sdo=shared --enable-soap There are no newlines in my command line by the way. I've just included them here so you can see the command. Running ------- You need to configure Apache to run PHP of course. This is well documented but this is what I put at the end of httpd.conf # PHP5 Support LoadModule php5_module "C:/simon/apps/php5.1.6/php5apache2.dll" AddType application/x-httpd-php .php # configure the path to php.ini PHPIniDir "C:/simon/apps/php5.1.6" Having set up Apache all that remains is to - put the bigbank.phpwsclient directory in your web server's root documents directory - start up the Axis2C runtime configured to run BigBank - point your browser at http://myserver:port/bigbank.phpwsclient/bigwelcome.php You should now be able to press the "GetAccount" button and see the values returned from the BigBank SCA application.